All notable changes for the Core platform will be documented in this file.
Note that there is no changelog available for the initial release of the platform (2.0.0), you can find the release notes here.
The changelog format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Action
allowing to store a key/value pair in a collection at the global bot scope. Values stored with this action can be accessed from any bot installation, session, or context. - Action
allowing to store a value in the List associated to the given key, in a collection at the global bot scope. Values stored with this action can be accessed from any bot installation, session, or context. - Action
allowing to store a value in the Set associated to the given key, in a collection at the global bot scope. Values stored with this action can be accessed from any bot installation, session, or context. - Action
allowing to retrieve a value stored in a collection at the global bot scope withStoreValue
. This action does not rely on the session to retrieve the value. - Action
allowing to retrieve an entire collection at the global bot scope. This action does not rely on the session to retrieve the value. The returned collection is an unmodifiableMap
containing all the key/value pairs of the requested collection. - Action
allowing to clear all the entries from a given collection at the global bot scope. CronEventProvider
, a provider that generates periodicCronTick
events that can be used to schedule actions in a bot (fix #1). The start date/time as well as the period can be specified in the Xatkit properties file using the keysxatkit.core.cron.start_on
, respectively.
- Action parameters and return are now statically typed. This change breaks the public API: execution models relying on the generic
type for parameter and return now need to cast values to the expected type. (e.g.ChatPlatform.Reply(message)
now requires thatmessage
is aString
, this can be fixed with the following syntaxChatPlatform.Reply(message as String)
- Removed
action, this action is not needed anymore with the Xbase integration, and can be replaced byMath.random
in the execution model. This change breaks the public API: existing execution models relying onCorePlatform.Random
should update to the new java-based syntax.
- Updated internal dependencies to the latest versions.
See the release notes here.