date updated |
2021-10-27 11:43 |
Topic: #oop #java_programming Tags: #review #pn_2_1 Links: [[Java]] [[Object-Oriented Programming]] Date Created: 17-10-21
A good architecture allows major decisions to be deferred (Robert C. Martin, Clean Code)
In Java, stuff like [[Interfaces in Java]] are very good at providing a higher level of [[Abstraction]].
A good example of the usefulness of [[Abstraction]] in [[Object-Oriented Programming]] is the [[Collections in Java]] and [[Generics]] List
List<Integer> is = new ArrayList<>();
// List is an interface
// ArrayList is a class
In the [[Class]] hierarchy it sits ![[Pasted image 20211017122503.png]]
So this means we can create a [[Method]] that expects an [[Object]] List
of a certain [[Type]] and we could give it both ArrayList
and LinkedList
without problems !
Prefer [[Inheritance]] of [[Interfaces in Java]] over [[Class]].