Allows the user to view the contents of .pak files. Currently supports the following features:
- Tree view and list view to view files in the pak/ucas
- Open multiple pak/ucas files at the same time
- Search, filter, sort in list view
- View the specific content and composition information of the UAsset file
- Display the size of each folder, file, and file type as a percentage
- Multi-threaded decompression of Pak files
- Loading the AssetRegistry.bin resource registry
Directly drag the Pak file to the UnrealPakViewer window to open it, if the Pak file is encrypted, a password input box will pop up
After entering the Base64 format of the corresponding AES key, you can open the Pak file
After cooking completes, it will dump resource registry information in Saved/Cooked/[Platform]/[Project]/Metadata/DevelopmentAssetRegistry.bin, which contains resource type, reference relationship and other information.
It can be loaded through Load Asset Registry to analyze the size ratio information of each resource type
Lists the directories and files contained in the Pak in a tree structure, as well as the ratio of the directory size to the total size
And the proportion information of each file type in the directory (you will need to load the AssetRegistry.bin registry)
Compared to the contents, there is more information
If you select a .uasset or .umap file, you can also view the serialization information inside the file
The file list view displays the file information in the Pak in a table format, and supports sorting by clicking on the column headings
Filter files in the list by type
Filter the files in the list by file name
Clone the code to the Engine\Source\Programs directory, open the solution and compile it
- The versions of the engine that have been compiled
- 4.24
- 4.25
- 4.26
- 4.27
- 4.28
- commandline application
- Pak compare visiualize
- resource preview
- resource load heat map