This custom grant type can be used to authenticate users using there bio metric data. Please note that you need a way to collect users biometric data and send them with the token request and an external service that can validate those bio data. This is only a sample that provides the required infrastructure.
Tested with IS-5.3.0
- Stop the server if it is already running.
- Build the project using following command,
mvn clean install
- Copy the jar file biometric-grant-1.0.0.jar from the target directory to <IS_HOME>/repository/components/dropins folder.
- Configure the following in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml file under the SupportedGrantTypes element and start the server.
<SupportedGrantType> <GrantTypeName>biometric</GrantTypeName> <GrantTypeHandlerImplClass>org.wso2.sample.identity.oauth2.grant.biometric.BiometricGrant</GrantTypeHandlerImplClass> <GrantTypeValidatorImplClass>org.wso2.sample.identity.oauth2.grant.biometric.BiometricGrantValidator</GrantTypeValidatorImplClass> </SupportedGrantType>
- Create a new service provider by clicking Add under Service Providers section.
- Then click on Inbound Authentication Configuration > OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration and click on Configure.
- You should see biometric grant is listed with Allowed Grant Types. Provide a call back URI and save the configuration.
- Then you can use the generated client ID and the client secret to invoke a token request using this new custom grant, as follows.
curl --user <CLIENT_ID>:<CLIENT_SECRET> -k -d "grant_type=biometric&biodata=<BIO_DATA>" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
- Below is a sample response.
- You can use the method isValidBioData method to call the external web service to validate the users bio metric data.