- HashiCorp Nomad
or newer - HashiCorp Nomad Pack
or newer - Nomad Task Driver(s) for
The rcon_web
Pack can be run with a local fileset (commonly used when developing the Pack), or via the @workloads Nomad Pack Registry.
A Pack available locally may be run like so:
nomad-pack run ./packs/rcon_web
A Pack available via the @workloads Nomad Pack Registry may be run like so:
# add the Pack Registry
nomad-pack registry add workloads github.com/workloads/nomad-pack-registry
# run the Pack
nomad-pack run rcon_web --registry=workloads
This section describes Application-specific configuration.
Name | Description | Default |
app_rwa_admin | Toggle to set Initial User as Admin. | true |
app_rwa_env | Toggle to allow configuration through Environment Variables. | true |
app_rwa_game | Initial Game-Type. | "minecraft" |
app_rwa_password | Initial User Password. | "AW96B6" |
app_rwa_rcon_host | RCON Target Server Host. | "" |
app_rwa_rcon_password | RCON Target Server Password. | "AW96B6" |
app_rwa_rcon_port | RCON Target Server Port. | 25575 |
app_rwa_read_only_widget_options | Toggle to prevent Initial User from changing Widget Options. | false |
app_rwa_restrict_commands | Restricted Commands for Initial User. | "ban,deop,stop" |
app_rwa_restrict_widgets | Hidden Widgets for Initial User. | n/a |
app_rwa_server_name | Name of Target Server. | "minecraft" |
app_rwa_username | Initial User Username. | "admin" |
app_rwa_web_rcon | Toggle to enable Web RCON on Target Server. | false |
This section describes Nomad-specific configuration.
Name | Description | Default |
nomad_group_count | Count of Deployments for the Group. | 1 |
nomad_group_ephemeral_disk | Ephemeral Disk Configuration for the Group. | {"migrate":true,"size":128,"sticky":false} |
nomad_group_name | Name for the Group. | "rcon" |
nomad_group_network_mode | Network Mode for the Group. | "host" |
nomad_group_ports | Port and Healthcheck Configuration for the Group. | {"main":{"check_interval":"30s","check_timeout":"15s","host_network":null,"name":"main","path":"/","port":4326,"type":"http"},"websocket":{"check_interval":"30s","check_timeout":"15s","host_network":null,"name":"websocket","path":null,"port":4327,"type":"tcp"}} |
nomad_group_restart_logic | Restart Logic for the Group. | {"attempts":3,"delay":"30s","interval":"120s","mode":"fail"} |
nomad_group_service_name_prefix | Name of the Service for the Group. | "rcon_web" |
nomad_group_service_provider | Provider of the Service for the Group. | "nomad" |
nomad_group_tags | List of Tags for the Group. | ["rcon"] |
nomad_group_volumes | Volumes for the Group. | {} |
nomad_job_datacenters | Eligible Datacenters for the Job. | ["*"] |
nomad_job_name | Name for the Job. | "rcon_web" |
nomad_job_namespace | Namespace for the Job. | "default" |
nomad_job_priority | Priority for the Job. | 50 |
nomad_job_region | Region for the Job. | "global" |
nomad_pack_verbose_output | Toggle to enable verbose output. | true |
nomad_task_driver | Driver to use for the Task. | "docker" |
nomad_task_image | Content Address to use for the Container Image for the Task. | {"digest":"sha256:a9fc0b4116a7034c4849a4160d139a589bbf9211df64b48cc404e74c3e7bb730","image":"rcon","namespace":"itzg","registry":"index.docker.io","tag":"latest"} |
nomad_task_name | Name for the Task. | "rcon_web" |
nomad_task_resources | Resource Limits for the Task. | {"cores":null,"cpu":500,"memory":512,"memory_max":1024} |
For outputs, see ./outputs.tpl.
The outputs are only rendered if
is set totrue
For a list of current (and past) contributors to this repository, see GitHub.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
You may download a copy of the License at apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.