Altering this file causes the npm workflow to run
To create package.json use the npm-update github action.
run: npm init -y
Install/update/uninstall packages
run: npm install -D @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss postcss postcss-cli autoprefixer cssnano
run: npm update # update minor version
run: npm uninstall
Installed dev:
- postcss
- postcss-cli
- autoprefixer
- cssnano
- purgecss (@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss)
- purgecss-from-html
- purgecss-from-js
Jekyll-deploy GitHub action
run: npm ci
For production builds the NODE_ENV needs changing from "development" to "production". This will minify the css using cssnano and purgecss. The configuration is in the postcss.config.js file.
NODE_ENV: "production"