- Challenge time: until the end of the day
- Feel free to use google, your notes, books etc but please work on your own
- Please raise a pull request when you start this challenge, and keep pushing updates as and when you make commits throughout the day
- There is no expectation to finish all or any of the user stories, please use this time to reflect on where you feel you are with the skill and what may support your learning.
- If you get blocked, please reflect on what blocked you and any strategies you adopted that helped you make progress.
We are going to write a small Twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream.
To setup the database:
- Connect to psql
- Create the database using the psql command
- Connect to the database using the psql command
\c chitter
; - Run the queries saved in the files 01_create_chitter_table.sql and 02_add_date_to_peeps.sql
- Populate your table with a row by running
INSERT INTO peeps (message) values ('This is a peep!');
To check you have everything set up ok, please take a look at the peeps table inside the chitter database. You should see one row in there.
To setup the test database:
Connect to psql
Create the database using the psql command
CREATE DATABASE chitter_test;
; -
Connect to the database using the psql command
\c chitter_test
Run the queries saved in the files 01_create_chitter_table.sql and 02_add_date_to_peeps.sql
bundle install
You should see 1 passing test.
To run the app:
ruby app.rb
To run tests:
As a Maker
So that I can see what people are doing
I want to see all the messages (peeps)
in a browser
As a Maker
So that I can let people know what I am doing
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter
As a Maker
So that I can see when people are doing things
I want to see the date the message was posted
(Hint the database table will need to change to store the date too)
As a Maker
So that I can easily see the latest peeps
I want to see a list of peeps in reverse chronological order
As a Maker
So that I can find relevant peeps
I want to filter on a specific keyword