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Aug 26, 2021
e9aba53 · Aug 26, 2021


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Golang soap encoder

include Saban is a naive soap encoder using golang. Saban supports nested fields like structs,pointers,slices etc.

Define Payload
//define payload in golang
type SampleSoapPayload struct{
    RecordOne int `saban: "recordOne"`
    RecordTwo string `saban: "recordTwo"`
    RecordThree struct{
        SubRecordOne Float64 `saban:"subRecordOne"`
    } `saban: "recordThree"'`
    RecordFour *string `saban: "recordFour"`
    RecordFive  []int  `saban: "recordFive"`

"saban" tag can be used similar to json tags to instruct the encoder to use a given tag as key. if not provided the Name of the structField will be used as the key.


use the MarshallerConfig type to provide additional information like headers, XML Namespaces etc. The following fields are supported at the moment.

Option Description Default Value Mandatory
conf.Envelope.EncodingStyle envelope encoding style yes
conf.Header.Actor actor endpoint "" no
conf.Header.MustUnderstand instruct receiver to understand headers false no
conf.Header.NameSpace XML Namespace for header "" no
conf.Header.Type Header type (supported shown below) "Trans" no
conf.Body.NameSpace XML Namespace for body none yes
conf.Log tryfixlog a noop logger is implemented no

for detailed description of parameters please refer here

//configuration parameters
conf := saban.MarshallerConfig{}
conf.Envelope.EncodingStyle = ""
conf.Header.Actor = ""
conf.Header.MustUnderstand = true
conf.Header.NameSpace = ""
conf.Header.Type = saban.HeaderTypeTransaction
conf.Body.NameSpace = ""

// default log level for the encoder is "DEBUG" 
// to change use following syntax
// tryfix log : ""

lg := log.NewLog(log.WithColors(true), log.WithFilePath(true), log.WithLevel("INFO"))
conf.Log = lg.Log(log.Prefixed("name-for-prefix"))
marsh := saban.NewEncoder(conf)
var sb = "random_string"
data := SampleSoapPayload{}
data.RecordOne =  1000
data.RecordTwo = "string_two"
data.RecordThree.SubRecordOne = 10.04
data.RecordFour = &sb
data.RecordFive = []int{1,2,3,4,5}

byt,err := marsh.Encode(data)
if err != nil{
    log.Error("error marshalling:",err)

log.Info("success marshalling:",string(byt))
complete Example
package main

import (

func main() {

	type SampleSoapPayload struct{
    		RecordOne int `saban: "recordOne"`
    		RecordTwo string `saban: "recordTwo"`
    		RecordThree struct{
        		SubRecordOne Float64 `saban:"subRecordOne"`
    		} `saban: "recordThree"'`
    		RecordFour *string `saban: "recordFour"`
    		RecordFive  []int  `saban: "recordFive"`

	conf := saban.MarshallerConfig{}
	conf.Envelope.EncodingStyle = ""
	conf.Header.Actor = ""
	conf.Header.MustUnderstand = true
	conf.Header.NameSpace = ""
	conf.Header.Type = saban.HeaderTypeTransaction
	conf.Body.NameSpace = "

	marsh := saban.NewEncoder(conf)
	var sb = "random_string"
	data := SampleSoapPayload{}
	data.RecordOne =  1000
	data.RecordTwo = "string_two"
	data.RecordThree.SubRecordOne = 10.04
	data.RecordFour = &sb
	data.RecordFive = []int{1,2,3,4,5}

	enc := saban.NewEncoder(conf)
	byt, err := enc.Encode(data)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("error marshalling:",err)


	log.Info("success marshalling:",string(byt))

try on playground click-here