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OXID Checkout

Olivia Felsberger edited this page Jun 3, 2020 · 12 revisions

Configuring the OXID Checkout Page

By default, the OXID checkout page displays the following information:

  1. Billing address
  2. Shipping address
  3. Selected payment method
  4. Terms and Conditions section
  5. Cart overview

Checkout Page

Billing Address

Available fields:

  • Email Address (*)
  • Salutation
  • First Name (*)
  • Last Name (*)
  • Company
  • Additional Information
  • Street (*)
  • Street Nr (*)
  • ZIP (*)
  • City (*)
  • Ust-Id
  • Country (*)
  • Telephone
  • Telefax
  • Mobile Phone
  • Telephone (Private)
  • Birthdate

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory for a 3D Secure 2 payment process.

You can change the cardinality (i.e. mandatory/optional) of the billing address fields in the admin panel of your shop:

  1. Select Master Settings/Core Settings.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Open the Other Settings section.
  4. Mandatory fields in User Registration Form (scrollable) list: Press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the field name codes starting with oxuser to mark (the respective billing address) fields as mandatory (or to deselect them).
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Email Address is mandatory by default and cannot be changed to optional. / Email Address is a mandatory field by default and cannot be changed to optional.

Billing Address Fields

Shipping Address

Available fields:

  • Salutation
  • First Name (/*)
  • Last Name (*)
  • Company
  • Additional Information
  • Street (*)
  • Street Nr (*)
  • ZIP (*)
  • City (*)
  • Ust-Id
  • Country (*)
  • Telephone
  • Telefax

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory for a 3D Secure 2 payment process.

You can change the cardinality (i.e. mandatory/optional) of the shipping address fields in the admin panel of your shop:

  1. Select Master Settings/Core Settings.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Open the Other Settings section.
  4. Mandatory fields in User Registration Form (scrollable) list: Press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the field name codes starting with oxaddress to mark (the respective shipping address) fields as mandatory (or to deselect them).
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Image description

General Terms and Conditions

There are two AGB fields that can be required in the checkout:

1.General Terms and Conditions
2.General Terms and Conditions for digital products

Enable/Disable the fields in the backend:

  1. Login to shop backend
  2. Click the "Master Settings" tab
  3. Click the "Core Settings" sub tab
  4. Click the "Settings" menu
  5. Collapse the "Order" element
  6. Enable/Disable by clicking one of the following checkboxes or both:
    • 'Users have to confirm terms and conditions for downloadable and intangible products during the check-out'
    • 'Users have to Confirm General Terms and Conditions during Check-Out'
  7. Click on "Save" button to save changes

Image description

Guest Checkout

Guest checkout can be enabled/disabled in the backend:

  1. Login to shop backend
  2. Click the "Master Settings" tab
  3. Click the "Core Settings" sub tab
  4. Click the "System" menu
  5. Collapse the "Order" element
  6. Enable/Disable by clicking checkbox 'Disable Ordering without Registration.'
  7. Click on "Save" button to save changes

Image description