This page outlines the requirements that you need to meet before you start working with the experimental support release of |addon| and Zigbee R23 protocol.
Currently the nRF54L15 SoC is supported for use with |addon|.
To work with the |addon| for the |NCS| and test the available samples, you need at least two `nRF54L15 development kits (DK) <Developing with nRF54L Series_>`_.
For the :ref:`zigbee_quickstart`, you need three devices.
To work with the |addon|, you need to install the |NCS|, including all its prerequisites and the |NCS| toolchain. Follow the `Installing the nRF Connect SDK`_ instructions, with the following exception:
.. tabs:: .. group-tab:: |nRFVSC| In the **Get the nRF Connect SDK code** part of the install instructions: In Step 4, select :guilabel:`Browse nRF Connect SDK Add-on Index` instead of selecting the SDK version, then select :guilabel:`Zigbee`, and select v\ |addon_version| of the |addon|, which also installs |NCS| v\ |ncs_version|. .. group-tab:: command line In the **Get the nRF Connect SDK code** part of the install instructions: In Step 4, use the following command to initialize west with |addon| v\ |addon_version|, which also initializes |NCS| v\ |ncs_version|: .. code-block:: console west init -m "" --mr main
To create an application, use :ref:`zigbee_template_sample` sample as a starting point.