All the notable changes to the |addon| for the |NCS| are listed here. See also the `Release notes for the nRF Connect SDK`_ and the :ref:`zboss_changelog`
The |addon| v|addon_version| is compatible with |NCS| v|ncs_version| and uses the ZBOSS stack version |zboss_version|. For a full list of |addon|, related |NCS| and ZBOSS stack and NCP host package versions, view the following table:
.. toggle:: +-------------------+------------------+-----------------------+---------------------+ | |addon| version | |NCS| version | ZBOSS stack version | NCP host version | +===================+==================+=======================+=====================+ | 0.2.0 | 2.8.0 | | 3.0.0 | +-------------------+ + +---------------------+ | 0.1.0 | | | N/A | +-------------------+------------------+-----------------------+---------------------+
|addon| v0.2.0 - 28/11/2024
This is an experimental release.
- Added:
- The :ref:`NCP <zigbee_ncp_sample>` sample.
- The `ZBOSS NCP Host`_ package v|zigbee_ncp_package_version|.
- Updated the documentation with small improvements.
|addon| v0.1.0 - 15/11/2024
Initial release.
- Added:
- Experimental support for the ZBOSS R23 stack for the nRF54L15 SoC. Released Zigbee library is not certified.
- Basic samples: