CI/CD is a set of practices in software development and DevOps that aim to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably.
Version Control:
- Developers use tools like Git to manage and track changes in the codebase.
Automated Build:
- Changes trigger an automated build process.
- This process compiles code, checks for dependencies, and creates executable files or artifacts.
Automated Testing:
- Automated tests are run to ensure new changes don't introduce bugs or break existing features.
- If tests fail, developers are notified.
Artifact Repository:
- Successfully built and tested code is stored in an artifact repository.
- Think of it as a library of all versions of your application.
Continuous Deployment:
- If all tests pass, the code can automatically be deployed to production.
- This ensures a continuous flow from development to production.
- Imagine a team of developers working on a project. They use Git to track who made changes, what changes were made, and when.
- Picture a scenario where every time a developer pushes code changes, an automated system compiles the code, ensuring it's ready for the next steps.
- Think of automated tests as a team of diligent testers that check if your application still works as expected every time you make a change.
- Consider an artifact repository as a well-organized library. Each book (artifact) is a version of your application, easily accessible and traceable.
- Envision a seamless process where approved changes automatically move from development to testing and, if successful, straight to production—like a well-choreographed dance.
- Faster Development
- Reliability
- Collaboration
CI/CD is a vital part of DevOps, fostering collaboration and speeding up the development process.
Keep up the great work on your #DevOps Journey! 🚀