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Numbers: (function) ()

Jaume Olivé Petrus edited this page Oct 29, 2017 · 5 revisions

This block is a Number block, an Operator block, and a Reporter block that reports the value of the expression resulting to applying the specified function to the specified number operand.

This block can take the following functions:

  • square root: calculates the square root for the operand.
  • absolute: calculates the absolute value for the operand.
  • -: inverts the sign for the operand.
  • ln: calculates the napierian (or natural) logarithm for the operand.
  • log10: calculates the common logarithm (logarithm with base 10) for the operand.
  • e^: raises the e number to the operand'th power.
  • 10^: raises 10 to the operand'th power.


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