diff --git a/source b/source
index 04a54da0e0c..312a3937f9d 100644
--- a/source
+++ b/source
@@ -92275,11 +92275,6 @@ interface BeforeUnloadEvent : Event {
fetched modules found in the principal realm's module map, so this map never contains entries
which are null or "fetching
A Performance
A Performance
Synthetic realms are created with
Set settings's module
map to a new module map, initially empty. Set settings's Set realm.[[HostDefined]] to settings. Define the global property references on realm.[[GlobalObject]],
@@ -96628,31 +96619,6 @@ import "https://example.com/foo/../module2.mjs";
Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(realm.[[GlobalObject]], "self",
selfDescriptor). Let performanceSteps be the following series of steps: Let thisValue be the result of getting the ShadowRealm global object with realm and the this
- value. Return thisValue's realm's
- environment settings object's Let performanceGetter be
- CreateBuiltinFunction(performanceSteps, 0, "get performance", « »,
- realm). Let performanceDescriptor be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Get]]:
- performanceGetter, [[Set]]: undefined, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]:
- true}. Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(realm.[[GlobalObject]],
- "performance", performanceDescriptor).Performance
object to a
- new Performance
object in realm.
- Performance
- object.