Please familiarize yourself with the SPDX License List and its supporting documentation, so that you understand the pertinent context around the list itself:
SPDX License List Matching Guidelines provides guidelines to be used for the purposes of matching licenses and license exceptions against those included on the SPDX License List.
SPDX Specification: It is helpful to be familiar with certain sections of the SPDX Specification thatuse or deal with the SPDX License List. In particular: sub-sections related to license information in Section 3, 4, and 6; Appendices II, IV, and V.
The SPDX License List is maintained by the SPDX Legal Team. Work and discussion is primarily done via:
- join the mailing list: Please introduce yourself and let us know a bit about your interest in SPDX! The mailing list is our traditional form of communication. Join the mailing list, see archive, and manage your subscription at
- join the bi-weekly calls: Bi-weekly conference call info is sent prior to the calls via the mailing list. If you join the mailing list, you should get a recurring invite at the beginning of each calendar year. Meeting minutes for the calls are in the SPDX meetings repo; historical meeting minutes can be found at
Below are some ways you can get started participating and contributing!
Commenting on new license requests: Once you have familiarized yourself with the License inclusion principles, comment on new license requests as to whether you think the license should be included on the SPDX License List in any issue labeled "new license/exception request"
Make suggestions to improvement for documentation: Newcomers have a great perspective as to the effectiveness of documentation! You can make suggestions via an issue, if you want to discuss the changes or if there is something specific that could be updated, then create a PR
Help prepare files for licenses approved to be added to the SPDX License List by following the new license workflow
Review PRs
Request a new license be added to the SPDX License List by following the request new license instructions
Email the mailing list about how you are using or questions about the SPDX License List
Recommend additional markup for matching purposes