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This is an osgi plugin that provides an example of single sign-on using OAuth2. This intended to be a drop in replacement for the standard dotcms login, both for front end users and for backend users and effectively disables the out of the box authentication. This plugin is provided as a code example and should not be used in a production environment without careful understanding of what the code does.

It provides examples for Google, Facebook, Okta and ping identity implementations.

For reference:

Plugin Components



Interceptor class that "intercepts" urls that require authentication, by default:

  • For backend
/html/portal/login,/dotAdmin/, /c/
  • For Frontend

Those URLs can be changed directly in the interceptor class modifying the getFilters method.

When one of those URLs are intercepted the code based on the selected authentication provider will redirect the user in order to authenticate himself with the provider.


Interceptor class that "intercepts" the configured call back url after the user is authenticated with the authentication provider.

The callback url is /api/v1/oauth2/callback

When the call back url is intercepted the provider returns an authorization code that is use to request an authentication token in order to query the user data and authenticate him in dotCMS.


Interceptor class that "intercepts" logout urls, by default /api/v1/logout, /dotCMS/logout

Those URLs can be changed directly in the interceptor class modifying the getFilters method.

In order to use this interceptor a revoke url must be configured in the Provider class (Not required).



Google oAuth2 provider.

  • Configuration


Facebook oAuth2 provider.

  • Configuration
    Facebook20Api_SCOPE=email user_about_me


Okta oAuth2 provider.

  • Configuration
    #Client id
    #Client secret
    #For groups
    #/admin/access/api/tokens -> Dashboard -> API -> Tokens
    # Don't forget to add the groups scope to your server, Authorization servers -> Scopes
    Okta20Api_SCOPE=openid email profile groups
    #For groups


Ping identity oAuth2 provider.

  • Configuration
Ping20Api_SCOPE=openid email profile cms

How to build this example

To install all you need to do is build the JAR. to do this run ./gradlew jar

This will build two jars in the build/libs directory: a bundle fragment (in order to expose needed 3rd party libraries from dotCMS) and the plugin jar

  • To install this bundle:

    Upload the bundle jars files using the dotCMS UI (CMS Admin->Dynamic Plugins->Upload Plugin).

  • To uninstall this bundle:

    Undeploy the bundle jars using the dotCMS UI (CMS Admin->Dynamic Plugins->Undeploy).

Using the plugin

To use this plugin, you will need to have a developer account with the authentication providers and an application registered with those providers. In each application, make sure you:

  • Authorize the application scopes required by the plugin
  • Authorize the Callback host to receive the callback.
  • Copy the application API key and API secret and set them in the file.

This plugin intercepts the urls dotCMS uses to login (both front and backend) and points them to the OAuth provider specified. You can see and or add/delete/modify the intercepted urls in the following classes modifying the getFilters methods on each of them:

If you want to avoid using oauth and authenticate via the standard dotCMS authentication, you can pass the url parameter native=true like this:




It is possible to use the oAuth2 providers in two ways:

  1. Setting a DEFAULT_OAUTH_PROVIDER in order to use it automatically when authentication is required.
  2. Specifying directly the provider to use, for example:
<a href="/dotCMS/login?referrer=/intranet/&OAUTH_PROVIDER=com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.Facebook20Api" class="btn btn-lg btn-facebook"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i> Login with Facebook</a>  
<a href="/dotCMS/login?referrer=/intranet/&OAUTH_PROVIDER=com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.Google20Api" class="btn btn-lg btn-google"><i class="fa fa-google-plus-square"></i> Login with Google+</a>

See the examples/account-login.vtl as reference.


In order to use this plugin you need to have a provider oAuth2 class (we provide 4 in this plugin, Google, Facebook, Okta and Ping identity) but it is possible to create custom oAuth2 providers if necessary but the scribe library already provides multiple providers that are ready to be use, for a list of those providers please refer to their documentation and examples:

Custom oAuth2 Provider

Any oAuth2 provider must extend from org.scribe.builder.api.DefaultApi20 and implement the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.DotProvider interface, the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.DotProvider interface is only required if you want to provide a revoke token url to be use on the dotCMS logout in order to revoke the generate authentication token.

The org.scribe.builder.api.DefaultApi20 allows the developer to override methods required for the authentication process like String getAccessTokenEndpoint() in order to get the provider url to request the authentication access token or String getAuthorizationUrl to get the provider url for the initial authentication window.

Also allows to define a custom org.scribe.oauth.OAuthService in case of special handling is required, a good example is the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.Ping20Api class.

Custom oAuth2 Service

Any oAuth2 service must extend from org.scribe.oauth.OAuth20ServiceImpl and implement the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.service.DotService interface, the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.service.DotService interface is only required if the user want to handle the revoke of an authentication token and in case that is required and/or apply to execute extra calls in order to get the user groups/roles in the authentication service.

A good example is the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.Ping20Api class.

In this file we are going to define most of the properties required to use this plugin and each of the oAuth2 providers, each property is explained in the properties file but it is important to notice that exist specific properties for each provider where the prefix of each property will be the name of the oAuth2 provider class, for example, is we have a custom provider com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.MyCustom20ApiProvider the properties for that provider should use the MyCustom20ApiProvider_ prefix:

MyCustom20ApiProvider_SCOPE=email user_about_me

Plugin authentication flow

Simple explanation of the authentication flow handle by this plugin:

  1. The com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.interceptor.LoginRequiredOAuthInterceptor identifies a resource requires authentication.
  2. The user is redirected to the selected provider authentication page, that authentication page url is defined in the provider class.
  3. The user is authenticated with the oAuth2 service.
  4. The oAuth2 service generates an authentication code and the user is redirected back to dotCMS, to the defined CALLBACK_URL in the
  5. The com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.interceptor.OAuthCallbackInterceptor intercepts the call back request, reads the authorization code and starts with the authentication process in dotCMS:
    1. Request the access token with the authentication code, the access token is the one that allow us to call restricted end points in order to request the user information and it is defined in the provider class.
    2. With the token we call the restricted end point configured in the example: MyCustom20ApiProvider_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL=
    3. We read the user information returned by that restricted end point: email, first and last name.
    4. With the email we validate if the user already exist in dotCMS, if not we create it.
    5. Some oAuth2 providers allow the configuration of groups/roles for the user and it is possible to map those groups to existing dotCMS roles in order to associate them to the user, to do that it is required to implement the getGroups method in the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.service.DotService interface. The com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.Okta20Api and com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.provider.Ping20Api are excellent examples of it.
    6. Also by default we associate to the user the dotCMS role defined in the ROLES_TO_ADD property of the
    7. Finally the user is authenticated to dotCMS.
  6. If the user logout from dotCMS the com.dotcms.osgi.oauth.interceptor.LogoutOAuthInterceptor intercepts that request and tries to revoke the authentication token generated by the oAuth2 service (if a revoke url exist, not mandatory) before to execute the regular dotCMS logout process.