All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added IN_PROGRESS support to PhaseLabel
- Added IconStarHalfFilled
- Added IconCalendar and IconCalendarTime
- Added IconOriginConnection and IconEmptyCircle
- Changed UserIcon because it was poorly added
- Added IconShrinkScreen
- Fixed propTypes and forwardRef errors for AmountInput
- Fixed breaking bug for semantics for tab items
- Fixed semantics for tab items
- Added an option to disable the ordering functionalities to the OrderTable
- Made sure that only digits and text length lower or equal to the max length gets pasted in date input fields.
- Added new illustration for funeral guarantees
- Added new illustration for money
- Fixed sizing for funeral icon
- Fix viewbox again for icons
- Fix viewbox for icons
- Added new icons for user
- Added new icons for funeral insurance and updated Louise V2 design
- Added chevron with rounded corners
- Fixed an issue with the immothekers status colors
- Issue where scrollbar was showing when openening Modal
- Pencil edit icon
- Expand screen icon
- Star icons
- Search Icon
- Icon select component
- Added global style when a modal is open to disable a scroll on the body
- Reverted back-porting the new styling of the new TS SearchSelectInput as it broke in Broker platform
- Added Fullscreen icon
- Disabled pointer events for active breadcrumb in Breadcrumbs
- Added small icons that have to do with building type
- Added missing error state border
- Fixed bug with tsx file
- Added more illustrations
- Added large info icon
- Styling issues in ModalWithSteps StepArrow fixed
- Added large icons
- Prefixed icons with their respective name (LargeIcon or Illustration)
- Renamed the old large icons to illustrations
- Added large icons
- Added IconMeasurePlus, IconHousePlus, IconDistance, IconRooms
- console errors in breadcrumbs
- Added ProspectPreferenceBox that displays the prospect's preference with the option of true/false or not known
- Added thumbs up icon
- Added thumbs down icon
- Fixed NumberInputWithSymbol line going out of bounds
- Implementation of new Circular font
- Fixed styling of inputs and font-weight issues
- Fixed font weight problems
- Added new icons for vehicle risk object
- Added anti aliasing for font
- Fixed styling of inputs and font-weight issues
- Fixed font weight problems
- Implemented new Circluar font
- New arrow icon
- New BreadCrumb design
- Added ability to pass extra props to some components
- Fixed width being too small for date input
- Tooltips were not working anymore and could cause the browser to slow down
- Styled-components support for DataBlock
- Fixed onClose error in Modals
- Added clock icon
- Wrapped SubNavigation in forwardRef
- Fixed responsiveness for RiskObjectBar
- Wrapped SubNavigation in forwardRef
- Fixed responsiveness for RiskObjectBar
- Added title support for the copy to clipboard button in CodeBox
- Removed default SVG titles for all icons
- Fixed the modal title being set in the DOM
- Added data-test-id prop for components used in Product Factory
- Tooltip now has ability to get manually triggered via passing the state as props
- Added missing color prop in IconNotificationFilled
- Phone input
- Added default icons on input
- TextInput background color
- DateInput line-height
- Uploader files setter error
- Section v2
- CheckBox v2
- Body Typography
- Mobile menu
- Breadcrumbs
- Icons [pencil, Car, Download, Six wheeler, bikes, porch, closeFamily, HeavyWork]
- Pagination
- Edit & delete handlers to CommentBox
- AddEntityButton fixes
- Fixed some icons props errors
- Extra props to typography
- Miss-spelled prop
- SearchInput button added
- Added classname to modal
- Added otherprops to modal
- Minor UI fixes
- Paths
- Removed stale useState
- Cell font sizing
- Pagination bug
- RiskObjectLabel icon rendering
- OrderTable DOM rendering error
- General warnings
- CommentBox icon rendering
- TimeInput rendering bugs
- stylelint warnings on ${StyledComponent} selector
- url generation