The list of folks who showed interest on Twitter thread or in PWA slack or in person to speaking and/or organizing the event (in random order). Please note: this list we have at the moment (May 15th) is purely based on individual "I'm interested" messages received via different channels and does reflect neither planned nor final speaker/crew list. Despite any momentarily condition of this list, we aim to have Diverse & Inclusive event as the result.
- Maxim Salnikov (me) ForgeRock
- Jonathan Davis, Apple
- Charlie Croom, Twitter
- Aaron Gustafson, Microsoft
- Paul Kinlan, Google
- Kyle Pflug, Microsoft
- Jeff Posnick, Google (Workbox)
- Kenneth Christiansen, Intel, W3C
- Kyle Pflug, Microsoft
- Alex Russell, Google
- Andreas Bovens, Mozilla
- Jonathan Fielding
- Jason Grigsby, Cloud Four
- Thomas Steiner, Google
- Daniel Appelquist, Samsung Internet
- Diego (diekus) González-Zúñiga, Samsung Internet
- Peter O'Shaughnessy, Samsung Internet
- Simona Cotin, Microsoft
- Jad Joubran, Self-employed
- AMahdy Abdelaziz, Vaadin
- Andrzej Mazur, Enclave Games
- Marta Wiśniewska, PWA Fire
- Jenny Gove, Google
- Christian Liebel, Thinktecture
- Majid Hajian, Telia
Everyone is invited to volunteer! Please, send a PR if you want to add/update/delete yourself from this list.