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the java sdk for operating dolphinscheduler,which supports multi versions

1 Why do this?

In our company,dolphin scheduler becomes base system for our job.Then we want to operate dolphin scheduler by RPC instead of the web view. however,dolphin scheduler has not support java sdk yet,only python I do this

2 Features

2.1 easy to operate

just use this sdk like using web ui

2.2 support multiple versions

with dolphinscheduler's develop,the rest api maybe change,so there are two versions supported:

  • 2.0.5-release in branch 2.0.5-release
  • 3.1.4-release in branch 3.1.4-release
  • 3.2.0-release in branch 3.2.0-release

2.3 support multiple operations


  • create project
  • update project
  • list project
  • delete project

Process Definition:

  • create process definition

  • update process definition

  • delete process definition

  • release(online/offline) process definition

Process Instance

  • start process instance
  • rerun process instance
  • delete process instance
  • list process instance
  • stop process instance
  • pause process instance


  • create schedule
  • update schedule
  • online schedule
  • offline schedule
  • delete schedule
  • get schedule by workflow code


  • create datasource
  • update datasource
  • list datasource
  • delete datasource


  • online create file
  • update file content
  • page file
  • delete file


  • create alert plugin
  • list alert plugin


  • create tenant
  • update tenant
  • delete tenant
  • list tenant

3 Getting Started

3.1 install

git clone
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true 

3.2 maven import

in your project,import dolphinscheduler-sdk-java


3.3 create dolphin client

necessary parameters from dolphin scheduler:

parameters comment
token dolphin scheduler token, created by web ui
dolphinAddress dolphin scheduler endpoint, for example:http://localhost:12345/dolphinscheduler

springboot project:

public class BeanConfig {
    public DolphinClient dolphinClient() {
        String token = "xxxx";	// dolphin scheduler token
        String dolphinAddress = "http://localhost:12345/dolphinscheduler";  // dolphin scheduler address
        DolphinsRestTemplate restTemplate =
              new DolphinsRestTemplate(
                  new DefaultHttpClientRequest(
                          .addInterceptorLast(new RequestContent(true))
        return new DolphinClient(token,dolphinAddress,restTemplate);

// then you can use by  @Autowired private DolphinClient dolphinClient;

java project:

String token = "xxxx";	// dolphin scheduler token
String dolphinAddress = "http://localhost:12345/dolphinscheduler";  // dolphin scheduler address
DolphinsRestTemplate restTemplate =
      new DolphinsRestTemplate(
          new DefaultHttpClientRequest(
                  .addInterceptorLast(new RequestContent(true))

DolphinClient dolphinClient = new DolphinClient(token,dolphinAddress,restTemplate);

3.4 examples

There are many examples for operating dolphin scheduler in test directory!

3.4.1 single node as a dag

The below code shows how to create a shell task as a workflow.For details, reference:com.github.weaksloth.dolphins.task.TaskTest

  public void testShellTask() {
    Long taskCode = getClient().opsForProcess().generateTaskCode(projectCode, 1).get(0);
    ShellTask shellTask = new ShellTask();
    shellTask.setRawScript("echo 'hello dolphin scheduler java sdk'");

    // use utils to create task definition with default config
    TaskDefinition taskDefinition =
        TaskDefinitionUtils.createDefaultTaskDefinition(taskCode, shellTask);

    submit(taskCode, taskDefinition, "test-shell-task-dag", "test-shell-task");

3.4.2 simple dag

  public static final String WORKFLOW_NAME = "test-dag";

   * create simple workflow like: shellTask -> httpTask
   * <p>1.generate task code
   * <p>2.create tasks
   * <p>3.create task definitions
   * <p>4.create task relations
   * <p>5.create process create parm
   * <p>
  public void testCreateProcessDefinition() {

    List<Long> taskCodes = getClient().opsForProcess().generateTaskCode(projectCode, 2);

    // build shell task
    ShellTask shellTask = new ShellTask();
    shellTask.setRawScript("echo 'hello dolphin scheduler java sdk'");
    TaskDefinition shellTaskDefinition =
        TaskDefinitionUtils.createDefaultTaskDefinition(taskCodes.get(0), shellTask);

    // build http task
    HttpTask httpTask = new HttpTask();
    TaskDefinition httpTaskDefinition =
        TaskDefinitionUtils.createDefaultTaskDefinition(taskCodes.get(1), httpTask);

    ProcessDefineParam pcr = new ProcessDefineParam();
        .setLocations(TaskLocationUtils.horizontalLocation(taskCodes.toArray(new Long[0])))
        .setTaskDefinitionJson(Arrays.asList(shellTaskDefinition, httpTaskDefinition))
        .setTaskRelationJson(TaskRelationUtils.oneLineRelation(taskCodes.toArray(new Long[0])))

    System.out.println(getClient().opsForProcess().create(projectCode, pcr));

3.4.3 condition dag

  public void testConditionTask() {
    List<Long> taskCodes = getClient().opsForProcess().generateTaskCode(projectCode, 4);

    // -------------building task------------------
    // shell task
    Long shellTaskCode = taskCodes.get(0);
    ShellTask shellTask = new ShellTask();
    shellTask.setRawScript("echo 'hello dolphin scheduler java sdk'");
    TaskDefinition shellTaskDefinition =
        TaskDefinitionUtils.createDefaultTaskDefinition("shell-1", shellTaskCode, shellTask);

    // success task
    Long successTaskCode = taskCodes.get(1);
    ShellTask successTask = new ShellTask();
    successTask.setRawScript("echo 'success'");
    TaskDefinition successTaskDefinition =
            "shell-success", successTaskCode, successTask);

    // fail task
    Long failTaskCode = taskCodes.get(2);
    ShellTask failTask = new ShellTask();
    failTask.setRawScript("echo 'fail'");
    TaskDefinition failTaskDefinition =
        TaskDefinitionUtils.createDefaultTaskDefinition("shell-fail", failTaskCode, failTask);

    // condition task
    Long conditionTaskCode = taskCodes.get(3);
    ConditionTask conditionTask =
    TaskDefinition conditionTaskDefinition =
            "condition", conditionTaskCode, conditionTask);
    // ----------------end of building task--------------------

    // -----------building relation---------------
    TaskRelation r1 = new TaskRelation().setPostTaskCode(shellTaskCode);
    TaskRelation r2 = new TaskRelation().setPreTaskCode(shellTaskCode).setPostTaskCode(conditionTaskCode);
    TaskRelation r3 = new TaskRelation().setPreTaskCode(conditionTaskCode).setPostTaskCode(successTaskCode);
    TaskRelation r4 = new TaskRelation().setPreTaskCode(conditionTaskCode).setPostTaskCode(failTaskCode);
    // ------------end of building relation----------

    // set locations
    TaskLocation tl1 = new TaskLocation(shellTaskCode, 200, 340);
    TaskLocation tl2 = new TaskLocation(conditionTaskCode, 500, 340);
    TaskLocation tl3 = new TaskLocation(successTaskCode, 800, 240);
    TaskLocation tl4 = new TaskLocation(failTaskCode, 800, 440);  

    ProcessDefineParam pcr = new ProcessDefineParam();
            .setLocations(Arrays.asList(tl1, tl2, tl3, tl4))
            .setDescription("test for use condition dag")
            .setTaskDefinitionJson(Arrays.asList(shellTaskDefinition, successTaskDefinition, failTaskDefinition, conditionTaskDefinition))

    ProcessDefineResp resp = getClient().opsForProcess().create(projectCode, pcr);
    Assert.assertEquals("condition-dag", resp.getName());
