- Navigate to
directory and deploy the Vault Service
cd /root/container_training/Kubernetes/Vault
kubectl create -f vault.yaml
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get svc
- Set IP of Vault Service as an environment variable.
VaultIP=http://$(kubectl get svc vault -o yaml | grep "clusterIP" |awk '{print $2}'):8200
echo $VaultIP
* Note: Vault is available on http://vault:8200 for other kube pods.
- Login to
vault login -address $VaultIP vault-root-token
- Create a Root CA that expires in a year and generate the root cert.
vault secrets enable -address $VaultIP -path=root-ca -max-lease-ttl=8760h pki
vault write -address $VaultIP root-ca/root/generate/internal common_name="Root CA" ttl=8760h exclude_cn_from_sans=true
- Setup URLs on Vault
vault write -address $VaultIP root-ca/config/urls issuing_certificates="http://vault:8200/v1/root-ca/ca" crl_distribution_points="http://vault:8200/v1/root-ca/crl"
- Create the Intermediate CA that expires in 180 days
vault secrets enable -address $VaultIP -path=intermediate-ca -max-lease-ttl=4320h pki
- Generate a Certificate Signing Request and ask the Root to sign it
vault write -address $VaultIP -format=json intermediate-ca/intermediate/generate/internal common_name="Intermediate CA" ttl=4320h exclude_cn_from_sans=true | jq -r .data.csr > intermediate.csr
vault write -address $VaultIP -format=json root-ca/root/sign-intermediate [email protected] use_csr_values=true exclude_cn_from_sans=true format=pem_bundle | jq -r .data.certificate | sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' > signed.crt
- Send the Signed certificate back to Vault and Setup the URLs
vault write -address $VaultIP intermediate-ca/intermediate/set-signed [email protected]
vault write -address $VaultIP intermediate-ca/config/urls issuing_certificates="http://vault:8200/v1/intermediate-ca/ca" crl_distribution_points="http://vault:8200/v1/intermediate-ca/crl"
- Enable the AppRole backend on Vault
vault auth enable -address $VaultIP approle
- Create a role to allow Kubernetes-Vault to generate certificates and send the policy to Vault
vault write -address $VaultIP intermediate-ca/roles/kubernetes-vault allow_any_name=true max_ttl="24h"
vault policy write -address $VaultIP kubernetes-vault policy-kubernetes-vault.hcl
- Create a token role for Kubernetes-Vault that generates a 6 hour periodic token and generate token for Kubernetes-Vault and AppID
vault write -address $VaultIP auth/token/roles/kubernetes-vault allowed_policies=kubernetes-vault period=6h
CLIENTTOKEN=$(vault token-create -address $VaultIP -format=json -role=kubernetes-vault | jq -r .auth.client_token)
- In
online 54
, replace the value of the token with that of$CLIENTTOKEN
fetched in the last step and create a deployment.
sed -i -e 's/Replace_with_$CLIENTTOKEN_Here/<CLIENTTOKEN>/g' kubernetes-vault.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes-vault.yaml
kubernetes-vault.yml: |-
addr: http://vault:8200
token: s.5mEiuuaZoSUyfpZ6WC16mrCX
- Set up an app-role for sample-app that generates a periodic 6 hour token and add new rules to kubernetes-vault policy
vault write -address $VaultIP auth/approle/role/sample-app secret_id_ttl=90s period=6h secret_id_num_uses=1 policies=kubernetes-vault,default
vault policy write -address $VaultIP kubernetes-vault policy-sample-app.hcl
- Get the Apps role-id
VAULT_ROLE_ID=$(vault read -address $VaultIP -format=json auth/approle/role/sample-app/role-id | jq -r .data.role_id)
- In
online 27
, replace the value ofVAULT_ROLE_ID
with the value of$VAULT_ROLE_ID
fetched in the previous step and create the deployment
sed -i -e 's/Replace_with_$VAULT_ROLE_ID_Value_Here/<VAULT_ROLE_ID>/g' sample-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f sample-app.yaml
imagePullPolicy: Always
value: 23c14dda-11d7-054d-bc7a-5e4fc044c946
- Observe the logs of each
pod once it'sRunning
. It can be seen that each pod receives a unique token from vault.
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs sample-app-xxxxxxxx
- Stop all the deployments and services created
kubectl delete -f vault.yaml -f kubernetes-vault.yaml -f sample-app.yaml