OSQuery for Docker Security Monitoring
Install OSQuery on your VM
wget https://pkg.osquery.io/deb/osquery_3.3.2_1.linux.amd64.deb
dpkg -i osquery_3.3.2_1.linux.amd64.deb
Examples of what we'll look for
Containers running with --privileged
Containers running dangerous volume mounts
Containers with dangerous environment variables
Containers consuming excessive resources
Containers running without security_opts
Run tmux
Run ctrl + b + "
to split horizontally
goto top pane with ctrl + b + (upper arrow key)
, opposite to access lower pane
In the upper pane, type
Run Container in privileged mode: docker run -d --privileged nginx:latest
goto lower pane
Start OSquery Interactive Interface: osqueryi
In the osqueryi interface, enter:
SELECT name, image, status from docker_containers where privileged= 1 ;
Containers with Sensitive Env-Vars
In the upper pane, type: docker run -it -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=helloworld -v /etc:/hostFS alpine sh
In the lower pane with the osqueryi
still running, type:
select name,env_variables FROM docker_containers where env_variables LIKE " %PASSWORD%" ;
Containers with Dangerous Volume Mounts
select id, source, destination from docker_container_mounts where source LIKE " %etc%" ;
Containers running without security_opts
SELECT name, image, state
FROM docker_containers
WHERE security_options NOT LIKE " %apparmor%" ;
Examine users with access to Docker Daemon
SELECT u .username
FROM user_groups ug
LEFT JOIN users u ON u .uid = ug .uid
WHERE ug .gid IN (SELECT gid FROM groups WHERE groupname= " docker" );
Get Memory limits and usage per container
select ds .name , ds .memory_usage , ds .memory_limit from docker_container_stats ds, docker_containers dc where dc .id = ds .id ;