func Create(sk ic.PrivKey, val []byte, seq uint64, eol time.Time) (*pb.IpnsEntry, error) 用私钥创建IPNS对象,映射具体的ipfsPath sk 私钥, val:真实的ipfs路径, seq 序号,eol 有效期
func EmbedPublicKey(pk ic.PubKey, entry *pb.IpnsEntry) error 建立内容hash与ipns的映射,第一个参数是真实的内容哈希地址,第二个是IPNS对象
- 提供ipns对象创建方法
func selectRecord(recs []*pb.IpnsEntry, vals [][]byte) (int, error) 有超过1条以上ipns记录,则返回最新的记录
- 接口
// Namesys represents a cohesive name publishing and resolving system.
// Publishing a name is the process of establishing a mapping, a key-value
// pair, according to naming rules and databases.
// Resolving a name is the process of looking up the value associated with the
// key (name).
type NameSystem interface {
// Resolver is an object capable of resolving names.
type Resolver interface {
// Resolve performs a recursive lookup, returning the dereferenced
// path. For example, if has a DNS TXT record pointing to
// /ipns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
// and there is a DHT IPNS entry for
// QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
// -> /ipfs/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj
// then
// Resolve(ctx, "/ipns/")
// will resolve both names, returning
// /ipfs/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj
// There is a default depth-limit to avoid infinite recursion. Most
// users will be fine with this default limit, but if you need to
// adjust the limit you can specify it as an option.
Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (value path.Path, err error)
// Publisher is an object capable of publishing particular names.
type Publisher interface {
// Publish establishes a name-value mapping.
// TODO make this not PrivKey specific.
Publish(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path) error
// TODO: to be replaced by a more generic 'PublishWithValidity' type
// call once the records spec is implemented
PublishWithEOL(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, eol time.Time) error
- publish
Publish动作->更新本地的ipns记录-> 调用route层(go-libp2p-routing)的PutValue方法发布ipns记录
IpnsPublisher实现了Publish接口 func (p *IpnsPublisher) Publish(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path) error
func PutRecordToRouting(ctx context.Context, r routing.ValueStore, k ci.PubKey, entry *pb.IpnsEntry) error ipns.EmbedPublicKey(k, entry)
func PublishEntry(ctx context.Context, r routing.ValueStore, ipnskey string, rec *pb.IpnsEntry) r.PutValue(timectx, ipnskey, data)
- Resolver
Resolver动作->查询本地记录->缓存OK,结束 不OK,调用路由层GetValue方法
- ipns包ipns.go
package ipns
import (
pb "gx/ipfs/QmNqBhXpBKa5jcjoUZHfxDgAFxtqK3rDA5jtW811GBvVob/go-ipns/pb"
u "gx/ipfs/QmPdKqUcHGFdeSpvjVoaTRPPstGif9GBZb5Q56RVw9o69A/go-ipfs-util"
ic "gx/ipfs/QmPvyPwuCgJ7pDmrKDxRtsScJgBaM5h4EpRL2qQJsmXf4n/go-libp2p-crypto"
peer "gx/ipfs/QmQsErDt8Qgw1XrsXf2BpEzDgGWtB1YLsTAARBup5b6B9W/go-libp2p-peer"
// Create creates a new IPNS entry and signs it with the given private key.
// This function does not embed the public key. If you want to do that, use
// `EmbedPublicKey`.
// 用私钥创建IPNS对象,映射具体的ipfsPath
// sk 私钥, val:真实的ipfs路径,seq 序号,eol 有效期
func Create(sk ic.PrivKey, val []byte, seq uint64, eol time.Time) (*pb.IpnsEntry, error) {
entry := new(pb.IpnsEntry)
entry.Value = val
typ := pb.IpnsEntry_EOL
entry.ValidityType = &typ
entry.Sequence = &seq
entry.Validity = []byte(u.FormatRFC3339(eol))
sig, err := sk.Sign(ipnsEntryDataForSig(entry))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entry.Signature = sig
return entry, nil
// 校验IPNS对象,签名、过期时间等
// Validates validates the given IPNS entry against the given public key.
func Validate(pk ic.PubKey, entry *pb.IpnsEntry) error {
// Check the ipns record signature with the public key
// 用公钥验证ipns对象合法性,验证签名
if ok, err := pk.Verify(ipnsEntryDataForSig(entry), entry.GetSignature()); err != nil || !ok {
return ErrSignature
eol, err := GetEOL(entry)
if err != nil {
return err
if time.Now().After(eol) {
return ErrExpiredRecord
return nil
// GetEOL returns the EOL of this IPNS entry
// This function returns ErrUnrecognizedValidity if the validity type of the
// record isn't EOL. Otherwise, it returns an error if it can't parse the EOL.
func GetEOL(entry *pb.IpnsEntry) (time.Time, error) {
if entry.GetValidityType() != pb.IpnsEntry_EOL {
return time.Time{}, ErrUnrecognizedValidity
return u.ParseRFC3339(string(entry.GetValidity()))
// 建立内容与ipns的映射,第一个参数是真实的地址,第二个是IPNS对象
// EmbedPublicKey embeds the given public key in the given ipns entry. While not
// strictly required, some nodes (e.g., DHT servers) may reject IPNS entries
// that don't embed their public keys as they may not be able to validate them
// efficiently.
func EmbedPublicKey(pk ic.PubKey, entry *pb.IpnsEntry) error {
// Try extracting the public key from the ID. If we can, *don't* embed
// it.
id, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pk)
if err != nil {
return err
extracted, err := id.ExtractPublicKey()
if err != nil {
return err
if extracted != nil {
return nil
// We failed to extract the public key from the peer ID, embed it in the
// record.
pkBytes, err := pk.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
entry.PubKey = pkBytes
return nil
// ExtractPublicKey extracts a public key matching `pid` from the IPNS record,
// if possible.
// This function returns (nil, nil) when no public key can be extracted and
// nothing is malformed.
func ExtractPublicKey(pid peer.ID, entry *pb.IpnsEntry) (ic.PubKey, error) {
if entry.PubKey != nil {
pk, err := ic.UnmarshalPublicKey(entry.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling pubkey in record: %s", err)
expPid, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pk)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not regenerate peerID from pubkey: %s", err)
if pid != expPid {
return nil, ErrPublicKeyMismatch
return pk, nil
return pid.ExtractPublicKey()
// Compare compares two IPNS entries. It returns:
// * -1 if a is older than b
// * 0 if a and b cannot be ordered (this doesn't mean that they are equal)
// * +1 if a is newer than b
// It returns an error when either a or b are malformed.
// NOTE: It *does not* validate the records, the caller is responsible for calling
// `Validate` first.
// NOTE: If a and b cannot be ordered by this function, you can determine their
// order by comparing their serialized byte representations (using
// `bytes.Compare`). You must do this if you are implementing a libp2p record
// validator (or you can just use the one provided for you by this package).
func Compare(a, b *pb.IpnsEntry) (int, error) {
as := a.GetSequence()
bs := b.GetSequence()
if as > bs {
return 1, nil
} else if as < bs {
return -1, nil
at, err := u.ParseRFC3339(string(a.GetValidity()))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
bt, err := u.ParseRFC3339(string(b.GetValidity()))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if at.After(bt) {
return 1, nil
} else if bt.After(at) {
return -1, nil
return 0, nil
func ipnsEntryDataForSig(e *pb.IpnsEntry) []byte {
return bytes.Join([][]byte{
- ipns包record.go
package ipns
import (
pb "gx/ipfs/QmNqBhXpBKa5jcjoUZHfxDgAFxtqK3rDA5jtW811GBvVob/go-ipns/pb"
ic "gx/ipfs/QmPvyPwuCgJ7pDmrKDxRtsScJgBaM5h4EpRL2qQJsmXf4n/go-libp2p-crypto"
peer "gx/ipfs/QmQsErDt8Qgw1XrsXf2BpEzDgGWtB1YLsTAARBup5b6B9W/go-libp2p-peer"
logging "gx/ipfs/QmRREK2CAZ5Re2Bd9zZFG6FeYDppUWt5cMgsoUEp3ktgSr/go-log"
record "gx/ipfs/QmdHb9aBELnQKTVhvvA3hsQbRgUAwsWUzBP2vZ6Y5FBYvE/go-libp2p-record"
proto "gx/ipfs/QmdxUuburamoF6zF9qjeQC4WYcWGbWuRmdLacMEsW8ioD8/gogo-protobuf/proto"
pstore "gx/ipfs/QmeKD8YT7887Xu6Z86iZmpYNxrLogJexqxEugSmaf14k64/go-libp2p-peerstore"
var log = logging.Logger("ipns")
var _ record.Validator = Validator{}
// 返回ipns路径
// RecordKey returns the libp2p record key for a given peer ID.
func RecordKey(pid peer.ID) string {
return "/ipns/" + string(pid)
// Validator is an IPNS record validator that satisfies the libp2p record
// validator interface.
type Validator struct {
// KeyBook, if non-nil, will be used to lookup keys for validating IPNS
// records.
KeyBook pstore.KeyBook
// 验证一个IPNS记录的合法性
// Validate validates an IPNS record.
func (v Validator) Validate(key string, value []byte) error {
ns, pidString, err := record.SplitKey(key)
if err != nil || ns != "ipns" {
return ErrInvalidPath
// Parse the value into an IpnsEntry
entry := new(pb.IpnsEntry)
err = proto.Unmarshal(value, entry)
if err != nil {
return ErrBadRecord
// Get the public key defined by the ipns path
pid, err := peer.IDFromString(pidString)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("failed to parse ipns record key %s into peer ID", pidString)
return ErrKeyFormat
pubk, err := v.getPublicKey(pid, entry)
if err != nil {
return err
return Validate(pubk, entry)
// 提取公钥
func (v Validator) getPublicKey(pid peer.ID, entry *pb.IpnsEntry) (ic.PubKey, error) {
pk, err := ExtractPublicKey(pid, entry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if pk != nil {
return pk, nil
if v.KeyBook == nil {
log.Debugf("public key with hash %s not found in IPNS record and no peer store provided", pid)
return nil, ErrPublicKeyNotFound
pubk := v.KeyBook.PubKey(pid)
if pubk == nil {
log.Debugf("public key with hash %s not found in peer store", pid)
return nil, ErrPublicKeyNotFound
return pubk, nil
// 查找选出最新的序号、过期时间的ipns记录
// Select selects the best record by checking which has the highest sequence
// number and latest EOL.
// This function returns an error if any of the records fail to parse. Validate
// your records first!
func (v Validator) Select(k string, vals [][]byte) (int, error) {
var recs []*pb.IpnsEntry
for _, v := range vals {
e := new(pb.IpnsEntry)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(v, e); err != nil {
return -1, err
recs = append(recs, e)
return selectRecord(recs, vals)
// 有超过1条以上ipns记录,则返回最新的记录
func selectRecord(recs []*pb.IpnsEntry, vals [][]byte) (int, error) {
switch len(recs) {
case 0:
return -1, errors.New("no usable records in given set")
case 1:
return 0, nil
var i int
for j := 1; j < len(recs); j++ {
cmp, err := Compare(recs[i], recs[j])
if err != nil {
return -1, err
if cmp == 0 {
cmp = bytes.Compare(vals[i], vals[j])
if cmp < 0 {
i = j
return i, nil