A Simple IntelliJ-based Sequence And Json And Agent ReflectInvoke Plugin
基于IntelliJ的时序图 Json操作 Agent反射调用 插件 / IDEA 时序图和Json操作插件
1. Json Operation doc
- Expand Json
- Minify Json
- Sort Json
- Valid Json
- Diff Json
- JsonPath
- JsonPathValue
- Support date format
- Agent reflectInvoke
- mybatis hotswap
2. Sequence Outline doc
- scan code generate call tree
- generate plantUml base on call tree
- operation tree node add/delete/moveUp/moveDown/expand/collapse
- double click tree node jump to source code
- scan code and show tree node standalone configuration
- multi attribute configuration for scan and show, such as get/set/className/impClass/parentClass
3. Agent ReflectInvoke doc
- bean invoke
- Indirect bean
- mybatis hotswap
Json Operation
Sort Json
Diff Json