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Update (2020-12-22). This tutorial has now been integrated with the Falcon codebase.

See the latest version at:

Falcon ASGI Tutorial

In this tutorial we'll try implementing an application for a simple image sharing service, in the spirit of the (WSGI) Falcon "Look" Tutorial. Along the way, we'll be alpha-testing the upcoming Falcon ASGI support.


Needless to say, the recipes showcased below are not production ready (yet) as this tutorial builds upon the Falcon master branch which is still undergoing heavy development for the upcoming alpha release.

First Steps

Firstly, let's create a fresh environment and the corresponding project directory structure, along the lines of First Steps from the WSGI tutorial:

├── .venv
└── asgilook


Installing virtualenv is not needed for recent Python 3.x versions. We can simply create a virtualenv using the venv module from the standard library, for instance:

python3.7 -m venv .venv

However, the way above may be unavailable depending how Python is packaged and installed in your OS. FWIW, the author of this document finds it convenient to manage virtualenvs with virtualenvwrapper.

Next, we'll need to install the Falcon master branch:

pip install git+

An ASGI app skeleton ( could look like:

import falcon.asgi

app = falcon.asgi.App()

Hosting Our App

For running our application, we'll need an ASGI server. Some of the popular choices include:

For a simple tutorial application like ours, any of the above should do. Let's pick the popular uvicorn for now:

pip install uvicorn

While at it, it might be handy to also install HTTPie HTTP client:

pip install httpie

Now let's try loading our application:

INFO:     Started server process [2019]
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.

Let's verify it works by trying to access the URL provided above by uvicorn:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-length: 0
content-type: application/json
date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 13:37:01 GMT
server: uvicorn

Woohoo, it works!!!

Well, sort of. Onwards to adding some real functionality!


As in the WSGI "Look" tutorial, we are going to configure at least the storage location. There are many approaches to handling application configuration; here we'll just pass around a Config instance to resource initializers for easier testing (coming later in this tutorial):

import os
import uuid

class Config:
    DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = '/tmp/asgilook'

    def __init__(self):
        self.storage_path = (os.environ.get('ASGI_LOOK_STORAGE_PATH')
                             or self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH)
        if not os.path.exists(self.storage_path):

        self.uuid_generator = Config.DEFAULT_UUID_GENERATOR

Image Store

Since we are going to read and write image files, care needs to be taken of making file I/O non-blocking. We'll give aiofiles a try:

pip install aiofiles

In addition, let's twist the original WSGI "Look" design a bit, and convert all uploaded images to JPEG. Let's try the popular Pillow library for that:

pip install Pillow

We can now implement a basic async image store as:

import asyncio
import datetime
import io
import os.path

import aiofiles
import falcon
import PIL.Image

class Image:

    def __init__(self, config, image_id, size):
        self.config = config
        self.image_id = image_id
        self.size = size
        self.modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    def path(self):
        return os.path.join(self.config.storage_path, self.image_id)

    def uri(self):
        return f'/images/{self.image_id}.jpeg'

    def serialize(self):
        return {
            'id': self.image_id,
            'image': self.uri,
            'modified': falcon.dt_to_http(self.modified),
            'size': self.size,

class Store:

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self._images = {}

    def _load_from_bytes(self, data):

    def _convert(self, image):
        rgb_image = image.convert('RGB')

        converted = io.BytesIO(), 'JPEG')
        return converted.getvalue()

    def get(self, image_id):
        return self._images.get(image_id)

    def list_images(self):
        return sorted(self._images.values(), key=lambda item: item.modified)

    async def save(self, image_id, data):
        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
        image = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._load_from_bytes, data)
        converted = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._convert, image)

        path = os.path.join(self.config.storage_path, image_id)
        async with, 'wb') as output:
            await output.write(converted)

        stored = Image(self.config, image_id, image.size)
        self._images[image_id] = stored
        return stored

Here we store data using aiofiles, and run Pillow image transformation functions in a threadpool executor, hoping that at least some of them release the GIL during processing.

Images Resource(s)

In the ASGI flavour of Falcon, all responder methods, hooks and middleware methods must be awaitable coroutines. With that in mind, let's go on to implement the image collection, and the individual image resources:

import aiofiles
import falcon

class Images:

    def __init__(self, config, store):
        self.config = config = store

    async def on_get(self, req, resp): = [image.serialize() for image in]

    async def on_get_image(self, req, resp, image_id):
        image = = await, 'rb')
        resp.content_type = falcon.MEDIA_JPEG

    async def on_post(self, req, resp):
        data = await
        image_id = str(self.config.uuid_generator())
        image = await, data)

        resp.location = image.uri = image.serialize()
        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201

Here, note that we can directly assign an open aiofiles files to

Running Our Application

Let's refactor our to allow create_app()ing whenever we need it, be it tests or the ASGI application module:

import falcon.asgi

from .config import Config
from .images import Images
from .store import Store

def create_app(config=None):
    config = config or Config()
    store = Store(config)
    images = Images(config, store)

    app = falcon.asgi.App()
    app.add_route('/images', images)
    app.add_route('/images/{image_id:uuid}.jpeg', images, suffix='image')

    return app

The ASGI application now resides in

from .app import create_app

app = create_app()

Running the application is not too dissimilar from the previous command line:

uvicorn asgilook.asgi:app

Provided uvicorn is started as per the above command line, let's try uploading some images:

http POST localhost:8000/images @/home/user/Pictures/test.png

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-length: 173
content-type: application/json
date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 17:32:18 GMT
location: /images/5cfd9fb6-259a-4c72-b8b0-5f4c35edcd3c.jpeg
server: uvicorn

    "id": "5cfd9fb6-259a-4c72-b8b0-5f4c35edcd3c",
    "image": "/images/5cfd9fb6-259a-4c72-b8b0-5f4c35edcd3c.jpeg",
    "modified": "Tue, 24 Dec 2019 17:32:19 GMT",
    "size": [

Accessing the newly uploaded image:

http localhost:8000/images/5cfd9fb6-259a-4c72-b8b0-5f4c35edcd3c.jpeg

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: image/jpeg
date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 17:34:53 GMT
server: uvicorn
transfer-encoding: chunked

| NOTE: binary data not shown in terminal |

We could also open the link in the web browser to verify the converted JPEG image looks as intended.

Let's check the image collection now:

http localhost:8000/images

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 175
content-type: application/json
date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 17:36:31 GMT
server: uvicorn

        "id": "5cfd9fb6-259a-4c72-b8b0-5f4c35edcd3c",
        "image": "/images/5cfd9fb6-259a-4c72-b8b0-5f4c35edcd3c.jpeg",
        "modified": "Tue, 24 Dec 2019 17:32:19 GMT",
        "size": [

The application file layout should now look like:

├── .venv
└── asgilook

In case you have any issues getting the things up and running, or just prefer editing files to copy-pasting them, the file tree at this point of tutorial is available in this repository as asgilook_v0.0.1.

Dynamic Thumbnails

Let's pretend our image service customers want to render images in multiple resolutions, for instance, for srcset for responsive HTML images or other purposes.

Let's add a new method Store.make_thumbnail() to perform scaling on the fly:

async def make_thumbnail(self, image, size):
    async with, 'rb') as img_file:
        data = await

    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    return await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._resize, data, size)

As well as an internal helper to run the Pillow thumbnail operation that is offloaded to a threadpool executor, again, in hoping that Pillow can release the GIL for some operations:

def _resize(self, data, size):
    image =

    resized = io.BytesIO(), 'JPEG')
    return resized.getvalue()

The store.Image class can be extended to also return URIs to thumbnails:

def thumbnails(self):
    def reductions(size, min_size):
        width, height = size
        factor = 2
        while width // factor >= min_size and height // factor >= min_size:
            yield (width // factor, height // factor)
            factor *= 2

    return [
        for width, height in reductions(
            self.size, self.config.min_thumb_size)]

Gluing everything together, such as adding a new route inside create_app, is left as an exercise for the reader.

The new thumbnails end-point should now render thumbnails on-the-fly:

http POST localhost:8000/images @/home/user/Pictures/test.png
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
content-length: 319
content-type: application/json
date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 18:58:20 GMT
location: /images/f2375273-8049-4b10-b17e-8851db9ac7af.jpeg
server: uvicorn

    "id": "f2375273-8049-4b10-b17e-8851db9ac7af",
    "image": "/images/f2375273-8049-4b10-b17e-8851db9ac7af.jpeg",
    "modified": "Tue, 24 Dec 2019 18:58:21 GMT",
    "size": [
    "thumbnails": [

http localhost:8000/thumbnails/f2375273-8049-4b10-b17e-8851db9ac7af/115x115.jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 2985
content-type: image/jpeg
date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 19:00:14 GMT
server: uvicorn

| NOTE: binary data not shown in terminal |

Again, we could also verify thumbnail URIs in the browser or image viewer that supports HTTP input.

Caching Responses

Although scaling thumbnails on-the-fly sounds cool and we also avoid many pesky small files littering our storage, it also consumes CPU resources, and we would soon find our application crumbling under load.

Let's thus implement response caching in Redis, utilizing aioredis for async support:

pip install aioredis

We will also need to serialize response data (the Content-Type header and the body in the first version); msgpack should do:

pip install msgpack

Our application will also need to access a Redis server. Apart from just installing Redis server on your machine, one could also:

  • Spin up Redis in Docker, eg:

    docker run -p 6379:6379 redis
  • Considering Redis is installed on the machine, one could also try pifpaf for spinning up Redis just temporarily for uvicorn:

    pifpaf run redis -- uvicorn asgilook.asgi:app

We are going to perform caching in Falcon Middleware. Again, note that all middleware methods must be asynchronous. A simple cache ( could look like:

import msgpack

class RedisCache:
    PREFIX = 'asgilook:'
    INVALIDATE_ON = frozenset({'DELETE', 'POST', 'PUT'})
    CACHE_HEADER = 'X-ASGILook-Cache'
    TTL = 3600

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config

        # TODO(vytas): create_redis_pool() is a coroutine, how to run that
        # inside __init__()?
        self.redis = None

    async def serialize_response(self, resp):
        data = await resp.render_body()
        return msgpack.packb([resp.content_type, data], use_bin_type=True)

    def deserialize_response(self, resp, data):
        resp.content_type, = msgpack.unpackb(data, raw=False)
        resp.complete = True
        resp.context.cached = True

    async def create_pool(self):
        self.redis = await self.config.create_redis_pool(

    async def process_request(self, req, resp):
        resp.context.cached = False

        if req.method in self.INVALIDATE_ON:

        if self.redis is None:
            await self.create_pool()

        key = f'{self.PREFIX}/{req.path}'
        data = await self.redis.get(key)
        if data is not None:
            self.deserialize_response(resp, data)
            resp.set_header(self.CACHE_HEADER, 'Hit')
            resp.set_header(self.CACHE_HEADER, 'Miss')

    async def process_response(self, req, resp, resource, req_succeeded):
        if not req_succeeded:

        key = f'{self.PREFIX}/{req.path}'

        if req.method in self.INVALIDATE_ON:
            await self.redis.delete(key)
        elif not resp.context.cached:
            data = await self.serialize_response(resp)
            await self.redis.set(key, data, expire=self.TTL)

Now, subsequent access to /thumbnails should be cached, as indicated by the x-asgilook-cache header:

http localhost:8000/thumbnails/167308e4-e444-4ad9-88b2-c8751a4e37d4/115x115.jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 2985
content-type: image/jpeg
date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 19:46:51 GMT
server: uvicorn
x-asgilook-cache: Hit

| NOTE: binary data not shown in terminal |


Left as another exercise for the reader: individual images are streamed directly from aiofiles instances, and caching therefore does not work for them at the moment.

If you wanted to catch up with the tutorial, the file tree at this point is available in this repository as asgilook_v0.0.2.

The project's structure should now look like this:

├── .venv
└── asgilook

Testing Our Application

So far, so good? We have only tested our application by sending a handful of requests manually. Have we tested all code paths? Have we covered typical user inputs to the application?

Having a comprehensive test suite is vital not only for verifying that application is correctly behaving at the moment, but also limiting the amount of future regressions introduced into the codebase.

In order to ease testing automation, it would be good to gather our dependencies that we installed as we went through the tutorial. Furthermore, many Python testing automation tools such as the popular Tox are best suited to test a Python package. Let's kill two birds with one stone and define a (inside the first asgilook) for our project:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

description = 'ASGI version of the Falcon "Look" tutorial.'

requirements = [
    'falcon @ git+',

extras_require = {
    'dev': [
    'test': [

    author='Vytautas Liuolia',
    author_email='[email protected]',
    license='Apache v2',
        'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
        'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
    keywords='falcon asgi async cache redis uvicorn',
    packages=find_packages(exclude=['contrib', 'docs', 'test*']),

We will also introduce a simplistic tox.ini, invoking flake8 checks as well as running pytest against our test suite:

envlist = flake8, py37

basepython = python3.7
skip_install = true
deps =
commands =
    flake8 asgilook/ tests/

deps =
commands =
    pytest tests/

Wait... what test suite? Let's create a dummy test in tests/ just to verify our test and packaging setup is working:

def test_setup():

If you don't already have tox around, install it in the current environment:

pip install tox

And, let's run our tests:



tests/ .                                             [100%]

=========================== 1 passed in 0.00s ============================
________________________________ summary _________________________________
  flake8: commands succeeded
  py37: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

Woohoo, success!

In order to implement actual tests, we'll need to revise our dependencies and decide which abstraction level we are after:

  • Will we run a real Redis server?
  • Will we store "real" files or just provide a fixture for aiofiles?
  • Will we use mocks and monkey patching, or would we inject dependencies?

There is no right and wrong here, as different testing strategies (or a combination thereof) have their own advantages in terms of test running time, how easy it is to implement new tests, how close tests are to the "real" service, and so on.

In order to deliver something working faster, let's allow our tests to access the real filesystem. We'll leverage the ASGI_LOOK_STORAGE_PATH envvar in to override the storage location to Tox's envtmpdir.

We'll try to avoid running a real Redis server for now by trying out Bruce Merry's birdisle. It builds upon the Redis codebase, so we should hopefully stay as close to the real Redis as possible without needing to spin up any servers. We'll include birdisle in our test dependencies:

extras_require = {
    'dev': [
    'test': [

Let's write fixtures to replace uuid and aioredis, and inject them into our tests via

import uuid

import birdisle.aioredis
import falcon.asgi
import falcon.testing
import pytest

from import create_app
from asgilook.config import Config

def predictable_uuid():
    fixtures = (

    def uuid_func():
            return next(fixtures_it)
        except StopIteration:
            return uuid.uuid4()

    fixtures_it = iter(fixtures)
    return uuid_func

def client(predictable_uuid):
    config = Config()
    config.create_redis_pool = birdisle.aioredis.create_redis_pool
    config.uuid_generator = predictable_uuid

    app = create_app(config)
    return falcon.testing.TestClient(app)

tests/ will now attempt to access our /images end-point:

def test_list_images(client):
    resp = client.simulate_get('/images')

    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.json == []

The moment of truth:


Ouch, that did not work. Looking closer at the birdisle.aioredis source code, it seems that it requires exactly aioredis==1.2.0 (not the latest version). Let's try pinning to this version in our tox.ini in order aid Pip with dependency resolution, and try again in a fresh test environment:

tox --recreate

Woohoo! Looking better now.

An exercise for the reader: expand our first test to make sure subsequent access to /images is cached by checking the X-ASGILook-Cache header. To verify, run tox again!

We need to more tests now!

Feel free to try writing some yourself. Otherwise, check out asgilook/tests in this repository.

Writing tests may also help to find erroneous application behaviour that was missed by manual testing. For instance, we noticed that routes accepting an image_id:uuid parameter were exploding with a 500 if the provided image_id was not found in the store. That is now fixed.

Furthermore, we have realized that thumbnail resolutions are not validated against what we are exposing in the API. That is now also fixed.

Code Coverage

How much of our asgilook code is covered by these tests?

And easy way to get the coverage report is using the pytest-cov plugin. Adding it to our test requirements and tox.ini should do the trick. The end of tox.ini should now read:

commands =
    pytest --cov=asgilook --cov-report=term-missing tests/

omit =

Oh, wow! We do happen to have full line coverage.

We could turn this fact into a future requirement by specifying --cov-fail-under=100 in our Tox command.


The pytest-cov plugin is quite simplistic; more advanced testing strategies such as combining different type of tests and/or running the same tests in multiple environments would most probably involve running coverage directly, and combining results.

ASGI Application Lifespan

Remember the issue with the create_redis_pool() coroutine being unsuitable for the resource

An ASGI application server emits lifespan events such as application startup and shutdown. Could we instead initialize the Redis pool upon startup?

Let's implement the process_startup handler in our Redis cache middleware:

async def process_startup(self, scope, event):
    self.redis = await self.config.create_redis_pool(

We can now also remove the related machinery to check for its value in the process_request and process_response handlers.

We just need to check that the tests still work:


Ouch. Two tests asserting cache hits now report "Miss" instead... This seems to happen because every simulated request is apparently run inside a separate application lifecycle. Let's tweak our cache initialization not to create a new Redis pool if we've already got one:

async def process_startup(self, scope, event):
    if self.redis is None:
        self.redis = await self.config.create_redis_pool(

Phew, that gets the job done! The tests pass again.

You can find the current status of our asgilook in this repository. The current file tree should look like:

├── .venv
├── asgilook
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── tests
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── tox.ini

What Now?

We have now hopefully got a better feeling of the upcoming Falcon ASGI interface, as well as tested a fair bit along the way.

A few things still left to try:

  • Asynchronous error handlers.
  • Iterating request stream messages directly (as opposed to the synthesized read() we have used to get the uploaded image data in this tutorial).
  • Decorating responders with async hooks.
  • Define and use custom async media handlers (tested separately by the author, but not presented in this tutorial yet).
  • SSE events.

Our first Falcon+ASGI application could be improved in numerous ways:

  • Make image store persistent and reusable across worker processes. Maybe by using a database?
  • Improve error handling for malformed images.
  • Check how and when Pillow releases the GIL, and tune what is offloaded to a threadpool executor.
  • Test Pillow-SIMD to boost performance.
  • In addition to line coverage, check branch coverage.
  • ...And much more (patches welcome as they say)!

Also, stay tuned to our progress towards Falcon 3.0!