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Basic Video Driver

This app shows how to use both a custom video capturer and redender together (custom video driver). While most applications will work fine with the default capturer (and therefore won't require an understanding of how the custom video driver work), if you need to add custom effects, then this is where you should start.

Using a custom video capturer

After instantiating a Publisher object, the code sets a custom video capturer by calling the setCapturer(BaseVideoCapturer capturer) method of the Publisher:

MirrorVideoCapturer mirrorVideoCapturer = new MirrorVideoCapturer(MainActivity.this);

publisher = new Publisher.Builder(MainActivity.this)

To learn more about MirrorVideoCapturer check Basic-Video-Capturer-Camera-2 project.

Using a custom video renderer

You can use a custom video renderer for publisher and subscriber videos. In this sample we will use a custom video renderer which inverts colors in the video stream.

After instantiating a Publisher object, the code sets a custom video renderer by calling the renderer method of the Publisher:

InvertedColorsVideoRenderer invertedColorsVideoRenderer = new InvertedColorsVideoRenderer(MainActivity.this);
publisher = new Publisher.Builder(MainActivity.this)

To learn more about InvertedColorsVideoRenderer check Basic-Video-Renderer project.

Further Reading