diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4579108f..9fe756f6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -205,14 +205,14 @@ Use the "Table of Contents" menu on the top-right corner to explore the list. - [vite-express-ssr-ts](https://github.com/gihanrangana/vite-express-ssr-ts) - React + Typescript + ExpressJS + Vite SSR template with inbuild api feature. - [vite-react-flow-template](https://github.com/xyflow/vite-react-flow-template) - React Flow starter template. - [react-vite-template](https://github.com/Mirazex/react-vite-template) - Frontend template for building web apps (React, TypeScript, Vite, Mantine, Million, Husky, Prettier, Import Sorter, Lint-staged and others features). - + #### Svelte - [SvelteKit](https://github.com/sveltejs/kit) - The fastest way to build Svelte apps. - [sttv](https://github.com/srmullen/sttv) - Svelte, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript. - [svelte-vite-ssr](https://github.com/jiangfengming/svelte-vite-ssr) - Svelte with SSR support. - [template-vite-svelte-ts-tailwind](https://github.com/RoyRao2333/template-vite-svelte-ts-tailwind) - Svelte + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS + Prettier. -- [vite-svelte-flow-template](https://github.com/xyflow/vite-svelte-flow-template) - Svelte Flow starter template. +- [vite-svelte-flow-template](https://github.com/xyflow/vite-svelte-flow-template) - Svelte Flow starter template. #### Solid @@ -490,6 +490,7 @@ Use the "Table of Contents" menu on the top-right corner to explore the list. - [vite-font-extractor-plugin](https://github.com/a3mitskevich/vite-font-extractor-plugin) - Utility that minification bundle fonts by glyphs. - [vite-plugin-i18n-detector](https://github.com/hemengke1997/vite-plugin-i18n-detector) - Lazyload i18n locale resources. - [vite-plugin-ngrok](https://github.com/aphex/vite-plugin-ngrok) - Integration with Ngrok, allowing you to easily share your local development server. +- [vite-plugin-docker](https://github.com/yracnet/vite-plugin-docker) - Docker utility based on Dockerode. #### Testing