- search-filter: theme and placeholder
- selects: floating label style
- select: missing model to ngModel rename
- User must switch light and dark theme.
- dialog: add onclose method
- list: add clickable row
- dialog: transcluded content share parent scope
- Root element need classes (dialog dialog—l).
- Remove sub-directives and come back to classic div.
- toolbar: add margin left to toolbar label
- tabs: remove useless indicator checking
- Use lx-dialog directive as an element.
- Use lx-dialog-header, lx-dialog-content, lx-dialog-actions directives
- as elements.
- dialog: remove stopPropagation
- icons: better sizes for icon buttons
- dialog: remove useless log
- fix css: bourbon path is updated according to v4
- dialog: check dialog height with interval
- progress: add document global for linter
- progress: use svg instead of animating divs
- LxProgressService.circular.show takes only to args: color and container
No major changes.
- list: apply style only to direct children
- notification: alert and confirm dialog DOM
- notification: alert and confirm box style
- select: Empty multiple selects now updates the model
- select: set newSelection to false when user unselect an item
- select: set newSelection to false when user select an item
- dialog: watch dialog height at init
- Toolbar label font style is not set anymore. User needs to specify
- typographic style (eg. fs-title).
- select: model-to-selection/selection-to-model
- dialog: add scrollable behavior
- dialog__title class is removed in favor of dialog__header.
- dialog__header should prepend dialog instead of being inside
- dialog__content.
- select: use only $modelView from ng-model
- dropdown: remove scope.$destroy
- tooltip: remove scope.$destroy
- tabs: manage dynamic add/remove & ng-repeat
- date-picker: improve security by removing scope binding
- date-picker: move isDefined checking to controller
- date-picker: watch the scope to handle async binding
- selects: add default scope values
- dropdown: remove element on scope destroy
- tooltip: remove element on scope destroy
- selects: use child scope inside the directive
- selects now use "ng-model" instead of "model"
- select: better default value management
- scrollbar: Observe id to handle dynamics variables
- scrollbar: Create getter & setter to watch scroll percentage
- notification: show alert and confirm boxes
- date picker: add label attribute
- date picker: add date picker component
- date picker: use moment local locale
- file-input: add a display block to filename
- transclude: add array injection
- text fields: watch input $modelValue
- search filter: cancel button line height
- buttons: disabled style
- tabs: better scope management in transclude
- tabs: update heading when scope changes
- dialog: emergence animation is now stable
- select: move scope init data
- select: null pointer for non-multiple
- typography: line height and letter spacing
- tabs: add responsive behavior
- tabs: add layout attribute
- tabs: set indicator position on window resize
- fs-display and fs-body variants now have a ‘-‘ to separate
- number. For example, fs-display4 is now fs-display-4.
- dropdown: increment z-index for use in dialog
- tabs: add timeout on tab links
- text-fields: $apply only for jquery events
- select: scope management after dropdown fix
- dropdown: trasnclude to select toggle's scope
- text-fields: workaround HTML5 validation model
- text-fields: use ng-transclude again
- text-fields must now have their own input or textarea with ng-model
- transclude: add iterative parent option
- dropdown: "grand-parent" scope for transclude
- text-fields: fixing padding
- text-fields: add textarea in text fields components
- dropdown: stop click propagation
- dialog: stop click propagation
- selects: converter model=>items & vice versa
- selects: selected items init in the dropdown
- selects: indexof between objects
- selects: pointers between model & selected
- selects "selected" is replaced by "model"
- text-fields: replace "name" by "field-name"
- text-fields: manage the html name parameter
- data-table: cell padding
- scrollbar: use angular $window selector
- search filter: reset model on clear
- select: fix filter width
- the text-field directive is totally changed
- search filter: add width and position attrs
- search filter: use filter-width parameter
- tabs: tabs can have a shadow
- tabs: remove padding on .tabs__panes
- dialogs: add responsive behaviour for dialogs
- text-field: move the label when init with a value
- search-field: display the cleaning cross when reopening the field
- data-table: fix cells paddings and add responsive behaviour
- ripple: disable animation once finished
- tabs: use ng-if for hiding/showing tabs
- data table: rounded style for primary image
- scrollbar: use angular selecter instead of jQuery $
- scrollbar: Add Scrollbar Service
- tabs: add links background color
- tabs: custom colors for tabs
- tabs: icons in tabs links
- typography: replace headings by typography
- data-table: add component
- z-depth: add z-depth classes
- headings: add sass vars and classes
- search filter: pointer cursor on search icon
- colors: rename black and white classes
- search-filter: add model management
- select: remove delete button from multiple tag
- select: deselection on non-multiple selects
- select: add hover delete for selected items in multiple
- select: update demo
- select: add loader and helpers
- select: link filter to callback
- fab: left and right direction for fab
- dropdown: add focus on search filter
- tabs: panes padding
- toolbar: floating elements in left/right areas
- fab: wrong animation with left direction
- select: null pointer on filter if none selected
- select: disable text selection on tag
- notification: missing method from injector object
- tabs: change default theme and parameter name
- tabs: add scope variables and dark/light theme
- tabs: add color themes
- colors: add theme global colors and colors classes
- text-fields: add default values for parameters
- text-fields: dynamic value management for fixed label and valid state
- text-fields: fixed label and valid input state
- select: change width attribute
- notification: remove circular dependency between $compile & ui-router
- file-input: remove "change" in directive binding
- file-input: fix jshint error
- file-input: fix "change" parameter binding
- file-input: long filenames displayed on one line
- search-filter: stop propagation with multiple search in the same page
- search-filter: better click handlers
- search-filter: ergonomic improvements
- search-filter: create search filter component
- file-input: Fix indentation to the Allman style
- file-input: remove transclude
- toolbars: label margin and clearfix
- fab: action buttons position
- toolbars: fix toolbar label line height
- toolbars: padding according to buttons size
- toolbars: add toolbar component
- buttons: change default sizes
- buttons: increase font size for icon buttons
- colors: add new colors to default settings
- colors: Material design color palette with Sass
No major changes.
No major changes.
- progress: create service to manage progress
- progress: enhance existing circular progress
- select: remove unselect method on elements
- ripple: disable pointer events
No major changes.
- switch: Manage fast rate for click
- checkbox: Manage fast rate for click
- ripple: set z-index to put ripple under link