A Julia wrapper for CoolProp (http://www.coolprop.org)
This is not my work, and all the credit goes to the cool CoolProp contributors. I only put this together to make things easier for a friend of mine.
Pkg.build("CoolProp") # to download the latest binaries
Pkg.checkout("CoolProp", "nightly")
Pkg.build("CoolProp") # to download the nightly binaries
The installer downloads related libraries respect to machine OS & wordsize. Please let me know if it does not work for you. As an alternative, you can download the binaries for your OS from here
For development, it is possible to include a custom wrapper from ENV["TestingPath"]
, then:
using CoolProp;
if !haskey(ENV, "TestingPath")
the default \test\CoolProp.jl
will be used.