svg is a python module and CLI application that will generate SVG based on yaml configuration file.
Also there is todo list.
Once I found nice image for wallpaper with graph. In fact two graphs or even four. Because one is pink and one is blue.
I would like to have different graph each time operating system is loaded.
That is why I started this project that became much more flexible that I expected.
Python version 3.8 or higher
Developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install the package globally
pip3 install .
- Call installed package via a generated standalone "shim" script
or run Python module
svg config.yaml
python3 svg config.yaml
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
pip install -r reqirements/dev.txt
svg needs yaml configuration file as a single argument.
Read the documentation to know how to generate wallpaper on system load.
To install service and timer
bash automation/
To remove it all
bash automation/
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r reqirements/docs.txt
mkdocs serve
mkdocs build
TDD is cool and I use it here!
Module for testing is unittest
python3 -m unittest discover -t=. -s=tests/ -p=test_*.py
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r reqirements/docs.txt
Generate coverage results
coverage run -m unittest
To get total coverage percent
coverage report --format=total
To make text report
coverage report --format=text
To make HTML coverage report run following commands
coverage html