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Releases: vgrem/phpSPO

Version 2.5.1

22 Aug 15:48
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Example: Create a modern (communication) site

$credentials = new ClientCredential($ClientId, $ClientSecret);
$ctx = (new ClientContext($Url))->withCredentials($credentials);

$siteManager = new SPSiteManager($ctx);

$result = $siteManager->create("MyCommSite", $ownerEmail, "Low Business Impact");
print("Site has been created: {$result->getValue()->SiteUrl} \n");

Version 2.5.0

15 May 19:52
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  • introduced a support for Teams API
  • performance improvements and better support for Fluent API syntax
  • introduced ClientRuntimeContext.executeQueryRetry method to submit queries which supports transparently retrying a failed operation (retry pattern)

Working with Teams API

Example: create a Team

The following is an example of a minimal request to create a Team (via delegated permissions)

use Office365\GraphServiceClient;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\AADTokenProvider;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\UserCredentials;

function acquireToken()
    $tenant = "{tenant}";
    $resource = "";
    $provider = new AADTokenProvider($tenant);
    return $provider->acquireTokenForPassword($resource, "{clientId}",
        new UserCredentials("{UserName}", "{Password}"));

$client = new GraphServiceClient("acquireToken");
$teamName = "My Sample Team";
$newTeam = $client->getTeams()->add($teamName)->executeQuery();

Example: list all Teams

use Office365\GraphServiceClient;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\AADTokenProvider;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\UserCredentials;

function acquireToken()
    $tenant = "{tenant}";
    $resource = "";
    $provider = new AADTokenProvider($tenant);
    return $provider->acquireTokenForPassword($resource, "{clientId}",
        new UserCredentials("{UserName}", "{Password}"));

$client = new GraphServiceClient("acquireToken");
$teams = $client->getTeams()->getAll(array("displayName"))->executeQuery();

ClientRuntimeContext.executeQueryRetry method usage

Once Team is created, it might not be immediately available due to replication delay and calling getting team endpoint could fail with a 404 error, the recommended pattern is to retry the get team call three times, with a 10 second delay between calls:

$team = $graphClient->getTeams()->getById($Id)->get()->executeQueryRetry();

Version 2.4.5

06 May 09:08
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  • #231: introduced support for IPResolve and ForbidReuse options for RequestOptions class by @tommy2d

  • various bug fixes, including #230

  • SharePoint API support for Taxonomy namespace, refer example 1 below

  • SharePoint API model has been updated to 16.0.21221.12006

  • fluent API improvements, a simplified way to initialize GraphServiceClient and OutlookClient clients by passing acquire token function, AADTokenProvider class which contains built-in support for Client credentials, Username/password flows, refer example 2 below


Example 1: export taxonomy data via SharePoint API

use Office365\Runtime\Auth\ClientCredential;
use Office365\SharePoint\ClientContext;
use Office365\SharePoint\Taxonomy\TaxonomyService;
use Office365\SharePoint\Taxonomy\TermGroup;

$appPrincipal = new ClientCredential($clientId,$clientSecret);
$ctx = (new ClientContext($settings['Url']))->withCredentials($appPrincipal);
$taxSvc = new TaxonomyService($ctx);
$groups = $taxSvc->getTermStore()->getTermGroups()->get()->executeQuery();

$fp = fopen('./SiteTaxonomy.csv', 'w');

/** @var TermGroup $group */
foreach ($groups as $group){
    fputcsv($fp, $group->toJson());


Example 2: Initialize Graph client

use Office365\Graph\GraphServiceClient;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\AADTokenProvider;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\UserCredentials;

function acquireToken()
    $tenant = "{tenant}";
    $resource = "";
    $provider = new AADTokenProvider($tenant);
    return $provider->acquireTokenForPassword($resource, "{clientId}",
        new UserCredentials("{UserName}", "{Password}"));

$client = new GraphServiceClient("acquireToken");

Version 2.4.4

12 Mar 17:47
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  • OData request headers adjustments (for compatibility with SharePoint 2013 REST Service implementation) #222 by @blizzz

  • #212: GroupCollection.getByName fix to safely address group by name by @mahmudz

  • #213: File.finishUpload method fix by @ChangingTerry

  • SharePoint API model has been updated to 16.0.21103.12002 version

Version 2.4.3

14 Nov 10:00
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  • Exclude non-essential files from dist #210 Credit goes to @rvitaliy

  • SharePoint API model has been updated to 16.0.20628.12006 version

  • Error handling: validate() method for class Response introduced which throws an exception if the HTTP response was unsuccessful, usage:

        $response = Requests::execute($request);

Version 2.4.2

19 Aug 19:44
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  • API support for Fluent interface which offers a more compact way of calling operations, for example, file could be downloaded like this:
$file = (new ClientContext($settings['Url']))->withCredentials($credentials)
    ->getWeb()->getFileByServerRelativePath(new SPResourcePath($fileUrl))->get()->executeQuery();
  • SharePoint API model has been updated to 16.0.20405.12008 version and introduced a new types and methods:

    • Web.getFileByServerRelativePath($resourcePath)
    • Web.getFolderByServerRelativePath($resourcePath)
  • Support for addressing Web and File resources by absolute Url

    $fileAbsUrl = " Documents/sample.docx"
    $credentials = UserCredential(username, password)
    $fh = fopen($fileName, 'w+');
  • Support for simplified ways of authenticating against SharePoint

    $credentials = new ClientCredential($clientId, $clientSecret);
    $ctx = (new ClientContext($url))->withCredentials($credentials);

Version 2.4.1

21 May 21:59
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List of changes

  • SharePoint (for version 16.0.20106.12008) and OutlookServices models have been updated

  • built-in support to retrieve large collections (or paged data) via lazy loading approach

  • support for upload "large" file (chunked upload)

Working with SharePoint large lists and libraries (which contains more than 5000 items)

Due to built-in support, nothing has changed in terms how list items are retrieved to preserve API simplicity, no matter how many items list contains (unless $top query option is provided to restrict the amount of items to load)
Behind the scene, lazy loading approach is utilized to retrieve paged data, which offers optimal performance since the data is getting load only when requested.

$list = $ctx->getWeb()->getLists()->getByTitle("--Large List Title--");
$items = $list->getItems();

print $items->getCount() . PHP_EOL;  //prints the actual amount of items in list/library

//iterate across all list items 
foreach ($items as $index => $item){
    print($index . ":" . $item->getProperty('Title') . PHP_EOL);

Upload large files

Note: Use this solution if you want to upload files that are larger than 2 MB to SharePoint.

$ctx = ClientContext::connectWithClientCredentials($Url, $ClientId, $ClientSecret);
$localPath = "../data/big_buck_bunny.mp4";
$targetLibraryTitle = "Documents";
$targetList = $ctx->getWeb()->getLists()->getByTitle($targetLibraryTitle);

$session = $targetList->getRootFolder()->getFiles()->createUploadSession($localPath, "big_buck_bunny.mp4",
  function ($uploadedBytes) {
        echo "Progress: $uploadedBytes bytes uploaded .." . PHP_EOL;

$targetFileName = $session->getFile()->getName();
echo "File $targetFileName has been uploaded.";

Version 2.4.0

24 Apr 15:50
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  • model has been updated from 16.0.20008.12009 API version
  • refactorings and root namespace changed from Office365\PHP\Client\SharePoint into Office365\SharePoint
  • introduced a simplified way to initialize SharePoint client

a simplified way to initialize SharePoint client

from now on instead of

$authCtx = new AuthenticationContext($url); $authCtx->acquireTokenForUser($username,$password); $ctx = new ClientContext($url,$authCtx);

an authenticated client could be instantiated like this:

$ctx = ClientContext::connectWithUserCredentials($url, $username,$password);


$authCtx = new AuthenticationContext($url); $authCtx->acquireAppOnlyAccessToken($clientId,$clientSecret); $ctx = new ClientContext($url,$authCtx);

like this:

$ctx = ClientContext::connectWithClientCredentials($url, $clientId,$clientSecret);

Model has been generated from 16.0.19506.12022 version

16 Nov 21:10
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introduced a support to generate SharePoint model (complex & entity types) from EDMX metadata

Introduced support for generating model from EDMX metadata and an option to set chunked transfer encoding

20 Oct 19:26
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  • introduced a partial support (complex types at the moment) for generating SharePoint model from EDMX metadata
  • ability to specify chunked transfer encoding (by @Deuchnord)