- Basic (and eighty) reporters now displays issue numbers.
- Dates now display in humanized "X time ago" form.
- Update for new GitHub api.
- Better error handling.
- Removing package dep.
- Removing useless commands.
- The configured reporter can now be overridden with --reporter param.
- Finish refactor of issues to use flatiron.
- Adding ini as dep.
- Adding "git issues" command when in git repo with origin or upstream.
- Adding private repos support.
- Refactoring the error handling in the github client.
- Adding private issues section to readme.
- Adding data to gitignore.
- Adding config storage.
- Refactoring the github client. Adding basic auth.
- Adding nconf as dep.
- Renaming user.login to user (GitHub api v2).
- Adding set and claer to params.
- Dispatcher now passes argv to commands.
- Adding set & clear commands.
- Updating help
- Adding number reporter
- Adding eighty reporter
- The dispatcher test causes make test to exit with 1. Now it is fixed.
- Specifying the slow test threshold.
- Readme updates
- Initial version