Python can generate random values. In reality, the values are not completely random as no computer can cope with that; instead it uses an incredibly complex algorithm that makes it virtually impossible to accurately predict its outcome so, in effect, it acts like a random function.
- Random numbers within a specified range
- A random choice from a range of items that are input
# ex6.0.1 Random float between 0.0 and 1.0
import random
num = random.random()
# ex6.0.2 Random integer
import random
num = random.randint(0,100)
# ex6.0.3 Random float
import random
num = random.uniform(1.1, 10.1)
# ex6.0.4 Integer range
import random
num = random.randrange(10)
# ex6.0.5 Integer range (Even integer from 0 to 100)
import random
num = random.randrange(0, 101, 2)
import random
# ex6.0.6 Random letter selection
x = 'zander'
y = random.choice(x)
print("random letter chosen is: ", y)
import random
# ex6.0.7 Random list selection
item_list = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
selection = random.choice(item_list)
import random
# ex6.0.8 Random sample
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
y = random.sample(x, 2)
# space
# comma
print(*y, sep = ", ")
# new line
print(*y, sep = "\n")
# integers to string
print (str(y)[1:-1])
- Create a random number game. Ask the user to input a number between 1 and 10. Generate a random number between 1 and 10 and check to see if the users and random number matches. If the do notify the user they have won, else ask the user to try again.
- Create a rock, scissors, paper game.
- Create a Lottery Picker which picks and prints 6 numbers from the list provided.
# Challenge 1 Solution
import random
num = input("Select a number between 1 and 10: ")
rand = random.randint(1,10)
print("Your number: " + str(num))
print("CPU number: " + str(rand))
if int(num) == rand:
print("You Win!")
print("Try again")
# Challenge 2 Solution
import random
item_list = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
choice = input("Type your selection (rock, paper, scissors): ")
randomchoice = random.choice(item_list)
print("CPU Choice:" + randomchoice)
if choice == "rock":
if randomchoice == "rock":
elif randomchoice == "paper":
print("You lose")
elif randomchoice == "scissors":
print("You win")
elif choice == "paper":
if randomchoice == "rock":
print("You win")
elif randomchoice == "paper":
elif randomchoice == "scissors":
print("You lose")
elif choice == "scissors":
if randomchoice == "rock":
print("You lose")
elif randomchoice == "paper":
print("You win")
elif randomchoice == "scissors":
print("You did not enter a valid option")
# Challenge 3 Solution
import random
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
y = random.sample(x, 6)