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+# RFC 2221 - 2020-04-04 - Kubernetes Integration
+This RFC outlines how the Vector will integration with Kubernetes (k8s).
+**Note: This RFC is retroactive and meant to serve as an audit to complete our
+Kubernetes integration. At the time of writing this RFC, Vector has already made
+considerable progress on it's Kubernetes integration. It has a `kubernetes`
+source, `kubernetes_pod_metadata` transform, an example `DaemonSet` file, and the
+ability automatically reload configuration when it changes. The fundamental
+pieces are mostly in place to complete this integration, but as we approach
+the finish line we're being faced with deeper questions that heavily affect the
+UX. Such as how to properly deploy Vector and exclude it's own logs ([pr#2188]).
+We had planned to perform a 3rd party audit on the integration before
+announcement and we've decided to align this RFC with that process.**
+## Table of contents
+- [RFC 2221 - 2020-04-04 - Kubernetes Integration](#rfc-2221---2020-04-04---kubernetes-integration)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Motivation](#motivation)
+ - [Guide-level Proposal](#guide-level-proposal)
+ - [Strategy](#strategy)
+ - [How This Guide Works](#how-this-guide-works)
+ - [What We'll Accomplish](#what-well-accomplish)
+ - [Tutorial](#tutorial)
+ - [Deploy using `kubectl`](#deploy-using-kubectl)
+ - [Deploy using Helm](#deploy-using-helm)
+ - [Deploy using Kustomize](#deploy-using-kustomize)
+ - [Design considerations](#design-considerations)
+ - [Minimal supported Kubernetes version](#minimal-supported-kubernetes-version)
+ - [Initial Minimal Supported Kubernetes Version](#initial-minimal-supported-kubernetes-version)
+ - [Reading container logs](#reading-container-logs)
+ - [Kubernetes logging architecture](#kubernetes-logging-architecture)
+ - [File locations](#file-locations)
+ - [Log file format](#log-file-format)
+ - [Automatic partial events merging](#automatic-partial-events-merging)
+ - [Helm vs raw YAML files](#helm-vs-raw-yaml-files)
+ - [Helm Chart Repository](#helm-chart-repository)
+ - [Deployment Variants](#deployment-variants)
+ - [Deployment configuration](#deployment-configuration)
+ - [Managing Object](#managing-object)
+ - [Data directory](#data-directory)
+ - [Vector config files](#vector-config-files)
+ - [Vector config file reloads](#vector-config-file-reloads)
+ - [Strategy on YAML file grouping](#strategy-on-yaml-file-grouping)
+ - [Considered Alternatives](#considered-alternatives)
+ - [Resource Limits](#resource-limits)
+ - [Vector Runtime Properties Bulletin](#vector-runtime-properties-bulletin)
+ - [Security considerations on deployment configuration](#security-considerations-on-deployment-configuration)
+ - [Other notable [`PodSpec`][k8sapipodspec] properties](#other-notable-podspeck8sapipodspec-properties)
+ - [Container probes](#container-probes)
+ - [Annotating events with metadata from Kubernetes](#annotating-events-with-metadata-from-kubernetes)
+ - [Origin filtering](#origin-filtering)
+ - [Filtering based on the log file path](#filtering-based-on-the-log-file-path)
+ - [Filtering based on Kubernetes API metadata](#filtering-based-on-kubernetes-api-metadata)
+ - [A note on k8s API server availability and `Pod` objects cache](#a-note-on-k8s-api-server-availability-and-pod-objects-cache)
+ - [Practical example of filtering by annotation](#practical-example-of-filtering-by-annotation)
+ - [Filtering by namespaces annotations](#filtering-by-namespaces-annotations)
+ - [Filtering based on event fields after annotation](#filtering-based-on-event-fields-after-annotation)
+ - [Configuring Vector via Kubernetes API](#configuring-vector-via-kubernetes-api)
+ - [Annotations and labels on vector pod via downward API](#annotations-and-labels-on-vector-pod-via-downward-api)
+ - [Custom CRDs](#custom-crds)
+ - [Changes to Vector release process](#changes-to-vector-release-process)
+ - [Testing](#testing)
+ - [Unit tests](#unit-tests)
+ - [Integration tests](#integration-tests)
+ - [Test targets](#test-targets)
+ - [Where to keep and how to manage integration infrastructure config](#where-to-keep-and-how-to-manage-integration-infrastructure-config)
+ - [What to assert/verify in integration tests](#what-to-assertverify-in-integration-tests)
+ - [Existing k8s tests](#existing-k8s-tests)
+ - [Other data gathering](#other-data-gathering)
+ - [Exposing Kubernetes [`Event`s][k8sapievent] as Vector events](#exposing-kubernetes-eventsk8sapievent-as-vector-events)
+ - [Discover and gather Prometheus metrics for Kubernetes API resources](#discover-and-gather-prometheus-metrics-for-kubernetes-api-resources)
+ - [Gather data from the host OS](#gather-data-from-the-host-os)
+ - [Automatic discovery of things to monitor on the host OS](#automatic-discovery-of-things-to-monitor-on-the-host-os)
+ - [Kubernetes audit logs](#kubernetes-audit-logs)
+ - [Windows support](#windows-support)
+ - [Potential Windows-specific Issues](#potential-windows-specific-issues)
+ - [Security](#security)
+ - [Vector Code Audit](#vector-code-audit)
+ - [Vector Docker Images Audit](#vector-docker-images-audit)
+ - [Deployment Hardening](#deployment-hardening)
+ - [Securing secrets](#securing-secrets)
+ - [Recommend users additional steps to secure the cluster](#recommend-users-additional-steps-to-secure-the-cluster)
+ - [Automatic container rebuilds](#automatic-container-rebuilds)
+ - [Prior Art](#prior-art)
+ - [Sales Pitch](#sales-pitch)
+ - [Drawbacks](#drawbacks)
+ - [Alternatives](#alternatives)
+ - [Outstanding Questions](#outstanding-questions)
+ - [From Ben](#from-ben)
+ - [From Mike](#from-mike)
+ - [Plan Of Attack](#plan-of-attack)
+## Motivation
+Kubernetes is arguably the most popular container orchestration framework at
+the time of writing this RFC; many large companies, with large production
+deployments, depend heavily on Kubernetes. Kubernetes handles log collection
+but does not facilitate shipping. Shipping is meant to be delegated to tools
+like Vector. This is precisely the use case that Vector was built for. So,
+motivation is three-fold:
+1. A Kubernetes integration is essential to achieving Vector's vision of being
+ the dominant, single collector for observability data.
+2. This will inherently attract large, valuable users to Vector since Kubernetes
+ is generally used with large deployments.
+3. It is currently the #1 requested feature of Vector.
+## Guide-level Proposal
+**Note: This guide largely follows the format of our existing guides
+([example][guide_example]). There are two perspectives to our guides: 1) A new
+user coming from Google 2) A user that is familiar with Vector. This guide is
+from perspective 2.**
+This guide covers integrating Vector with Kubernetes. We'll touch on the basic
+concepts of deploying Vector into Kubernetes and walk through our recommended
+[strategy](#strategy). By the end of this guide you'll have a single,
+lightweight, ultra-fast, and reliable data collector ready to ship your
+Kubernetes logs and metrics to any destination you please.
+### Strategy
+#### How This Guide Works
+Our recommended strategy deploys Vector as a Kubernetes
+[`DaemonSet`][k8s_docs_daemon_set]. Vector is reading the logs files directly
+from the file system, so to collect the logs from all the [`Pod`s][k8s_docs_pod]
+it has to be deployed on every [`Node`][k8s_docs_node] in your cluster.
+The following diagram demonstrates how this works:
+### What We'll Accomplish
+- Collect data from each of your Kubernetes Pods
+ - Ability to filter by container names, Pod IDs, and namespaces.
+ - Automatically merge logs that Kubernetes splits.
+ - Enrich your logs with useful Kubernetes context.
+- Send your logs to one or more destinations.
+### Tutorial
+#### Deploy using `kubectl`
+1. Configure Vector:
+ Before we can deploy Vector we must configure. This is done by creating
+ a Kubernetes `ConfigMap`:
+ ...insert selector to select any of Vector's sinks...
+ ```shell
+ cat <<-CONFIG > vector.toml
+ # Docs: https://vector.dev/docs/
+ # Container logs are available from "kubernetes" input.
+ # Send data to one or more sinks!
+ [sinks.aws_s3]
+ type = "aws_s3"
+ inputs = ["kubernetes"]
+ bucket = "my-bucket"
+ compression = "gzip"
+ region = "us-east-1"
+ key_prefix = "date=%F/"
+ kubectl create secret generic vector-config --from-file=vector.toml=vector.toml
+ ```
+2. Deploy Vector!
+ Now that you have your custom `ConfigMap` ready it's time to deploy Vector.
+ Create a `Namespace` and apply your `ConfigMap` and our recommended
+ deployment configuration into it:
+ ```shell
+ kubectl create namespace vector
+ kubectl apply --namespace vector -f vector-configmap.yaml
+ kubectl apply -f https://packages.timber.io/vector/latest/kubernetes/vector-global.yaml
+ kubectl apply --namespace vector -f https://packages.timber.io/vector/latest/kubernetes/vector-namespaced.yaml
+ ```
+ That's it!
+#### Deploy using Helm
+1. Install [`helm`][helm_install].
+2. Add our Helm Chart repo.
+ ```shell
+ helm repo add vector https://charts.vector.dev
+ helm repo update
+ ```
+3. Configure Vector.
+ TODO: address this when we decide on the helm chart internals.
+4. Deploy Vector!
+ ```shell
+ kubectl create namespace vector
+ # Helm v3
+ helm upgrade \
+ --install \
+ --namespace vector \
+ --values vector-values.yaml \
+ vector \
+ vector/vector
+ # Helm v2
+ helm upgrade
+ --install \
+ --namespace vector \
+ --values vector-values.yaml \
+ --name vector \
+ vector/vector
+ ```
+#### Deploy using Kustomize
+1. Install [`kustomize`][kustomize].
+1. Prepare `kustomization.yaml`.
+ Use the same config as in [`kubectl` guide][anchor_tutorial_kubectl].
+ ```yaml
+ # kustomization.yaml
+ namespace: vector
+ resources:
+ - https://packages.timber.io/vector/latest/kubernetes/vector-global.yaml
+ - https://packages.timber.io/vector/latest/kubernetes/vector-namespaced.yaml
+ - vector-configmap.yaml
+ ```
+1. Deploy Vector!
+ ```shell
+ kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
+ ```
+## Design considerations
+### Minimal supported Kubernetes version
+The minimal supported Kubernetes version is the earliest released version of
+Kubernetes that we intend to support at full capacity.
+We use minimal supported Kubernetes version (or MSKV for short), in the
+following ways:
+- to communicate to our users what versions of Kubernetes Vector will work on;
+- to run our Kubernetes test suite against Kubernetes clusters starting from
+ this version;
+- to track what Kubernetes API feature level we can use when developing Vector
+ code.
+We can change MSKV over time, but we have to notify our users accordingly.
+There has to be one "root" location where current MSKV for the whole Vector
+project is specified, and it should be a single source of truth for all the
+decisions that involve MSKV, as well as documentation. A good candidate for
+such location is a file at `.meta` dir of the Vector repo. `.meta/mskv` for
+#### Initial Minimal Supported Kubernetes Version
+Kubernetes 1.14 introduced some significant improvements to how logs files are
+organized, putting more useful metadata into the log file path. This allows us
+to implement more high-efficient flexible ways to filter what log files we
+consume, which is important for preventing Vector from consuming logs that
+it itself produces - which is bad since it can potentially result in an
+flood-kind DoS.
+We can still offer support for Kubernetes 1.13 and earlier, but it will be
+limiting our high-efficient filtering capabilities significantly. It will
+also increase maintenance costs and code complexity.
+On the other hand, Kubernetes pre-1.14 versions are quite rare these days.
+At the time of writing, the latest Kubernetes version is 1.18, and, according
+to the [Kubernetes version and version skew support policy], only versions
+1.18, 1.17 and 1.16 are currently maintained.
+Considering all of the above, we assign **1.14** as the initial MSKV.
+### Reading container logs
+#### Kubernetes logging architecture
+Kubernetes does not directly control the logging, as the actual implementation
+of the logging mechanisms is a domain of the container runtime.
+That said, Kubernetes requires container runtime to fulfill a certain contract,
+and allowing it to enforce desired behavior.
+Kubernetes tries to store logs at consistent filesystem paths for any container
+runtime. In particular, `kubelet` is responsible of configuring the container
+runtime it controls to put the log at the right place.
+Log file format can vary per container runtime, and we have to support all the
+formats that Kubernetes itself supports.
+Generally, most Kubernetes setups will put the logs at the `kubelet`-configured
+locations in a `/var/log` directory on the host.
+There is [official documentation][k8s_log_path_location_docs] at Kubernetes
+project regarding logging. I had a misconception that it specifies reading these
+log files as an explicitly supported way of consuming the logs, however, I
+couldn't find a confirmation of that when I checked.
+Nonetheless, Kubernetes log files is a de-facto well-settled interface, that we
+should be able to use reliably.
+#### File locations
+We can read container logs directly from the host filesystem. Kubernetes stores
+logs such that they're accessible from the following locations:
+- [`/var/log/pods`][k8s_src_var_log_pods];
+- `/var/log/containers` - legacy location, kept for backward compatibility
+ with pre `1.14` clusters.
+To make our lives easier, here's a [link][k8s_src_build_container_logs_directory]
+to the part of the k8s source that's responsible for building the path to the
+log file. If we encounter issues, this would be a good starting point to unwrap
+the k8s code.
+#### Log file format
+As already been mentioned above, log formats can vary, but there are certain
+invariants that are imposed on the container runtimes by the implementation of
+Kubernetes itself.
+A particularity interesting piece of code is the [`ReadLogs`][k8s_src_read_logs]
+function - it is responsible for reading container logs. We should carefully
+inspect it to gain knowledge on the edge cases. To achieve the best
+compatibility, we can base our log files consumption procedure on the logic
+implemented by that function.
+Based on the [`parseFuncs`][k8s_src_parse_funcs] (that
+[`ReadLogs`][k8s_src_read_logs] uses), it's evident that k8s supports the
+following formats:
+- Docker [JSON File logging driver] format - which is essentially a simple
+ [`JSONLines`][jsonlines] (aka `ndjson`) format;
+- [CRI format][cri_log_format].
+We have to support both formats.
+#### Automatic partial events merging
+Kubernetes uses two log file formats, and both split log messages that are too
+long into multiple log records.
+It makes sense to automatically merge the log records that were split back
+together, similarly to how we do in the `docker` source.
+We will implement automatic partial event merging and enable it by default,
+while allowing users to opt-out of it if they need to.
+### Helm vs raw YAML files
+We consider both raw YAML files and Helm Chart officially supported installation
+With Helm, people usually use the Chart we provide, and tweak it to their needs
+via variables we expose as the chart configuration. This means we can offer a
+lot of customization, however, in the end, we're in charge of generating the
+YAML configuration that will k8s will run from our templates.
+This means that, while it is very straightforward for users, we have to keep in
+mind the compatibility concerns when we update our Helm Chart.
+We should provide a lot of flexibility in our Helm Charts, but also have sane
+defaults that would be work for the majority of users.
+With raw YAML files, they have to be usable out of the box, but we shouldn't
+expect users to use them as-is. People would often maintain their own "forks" of
+those, tailored to their use case. We shouldn't overcomplicate our recommended
+configuration, but we shouldn't oversimplify it either. It has to be
+production-ready. But it also has to be portable, in the sense that it should
+work without tweaking with as much cluster setups as possible.
+We should support both `kubectl create` and `kubectl apply` flows.
+`kubectl apply` is generally more limiting than `kubectl create`.
+We can derive our YAML files from the Helm Charts to fold to a single source of
+truth for the configuration. To do that we'd need a `values.yaml`, suitable
+for rendering the Helm Chart template into a set of YAML files, and a script
+combine/regroup/reformat the rendered templates for better usability.
+Alternatively, we can hand-write the YAML files. This has the benefit of making
+them more user-friendly. It's unclear if this is provides a real value compared
+to deriving them from Helm Charts - since the ultimate user-friendly way is to
+use Helm Charts.
+### Helm Chart Repository
+We should not just maintain a Helm Chart, we also should offer Helm repo to make
+installations easily upgradable.
+Everything we need to do to achieve this is outlined at the
+[The Chart Repository Guide].
+We can use a tool like [ChartMuseum] to manage our repo. Alternatively, we can
+use a bare HTTP server, like AWS S3 or Github Pages.
+[ChartMuseum] has the benefit of doing some things for us. It can use S3 for
+storage, and offers a convenient [helm plugin][helm_push] to release charts, so
+the release process should be very simple.
+From the user experience perspective, it would be cool if we expose our chart
+repo at `https://charts.vector.dev` - short and easy to remember or even guess.
+### Deployment Variants
+We have two ways to deploy vector:
+- as a [`DaemonSet`][k8s_docs_daemon_set];
+- as a [sidecar `Container`][sidecar_container].
+Deployment as a [`DaemonSet`][k8s_docs_daemon_set] is trivial, applies
+cluster-wide and makes sense to as default scenario for the most use cases.
+Sidecar container deployments make sense when cluster-wide deployment is not
+available. This can generally occur when users are not in control of the whole
+cluster (for instance in shared clusters, or in highly isolated clusters).
+We should provide recommendations for this deployment variant, however, since
+people generally know what they're doing in such use cases, and because those
+cases are often very custom, we probably don't have to go deeper than explaining
+the generic concerns. We should provide enough flexibility at the Vector code
+level for those use cases to be possible.
+It is possible to implement a sidecar deployment via implementing an
+[operator][k8s_docs_operator] to automatically inject Vector
+[`Container`][k8s_api_container] into [`Pod`s][k8s_api_pod], via a custom
+[admission controller][k8s_docs_admission_controllers], but that doesn't make
+a lot of sense for us to work on, since [`DaemonSet`][k8s_api_daemon_set]
+works for most of the use cases already.
+Note that [`DaemonSet`][k8s_docs_daemon_set] deployment does require special
+support at Vector code (a dedicated `kubernetes` source), while a perfectly
+valid sidecar configuration can be implemented with just a simple `file` source.
+This is another reason why we don't pay as much attention to sidecar model.
+### Deployment configuration
+It is important that provide a well-thought deployment configuration for the
+Vector as part of our Kubernetes integration. We want to ensure good user
+experience, and it includes installation, configuration, and upgrading.
+We have to make sure that Vector, being itself an app, runs well in Kubernetes,
+and sanely makes use of all the control and monitoring interfaces that
+Kubernetes exposes to manage Vector itself.
+We will provide YAML and Helm as deployment options. While Helm configuration is
+templated and more generic, and YAML is intended for manual configuration, a lot
+of design considerations apply to both of them.
+#### Managing Object
+For the reasons discussed above, we'll be using
+#### Data directory
+Vector needs a location to keep the disk buffers and other data it requires for
+operation at runtime. This directory has to persist across restarts, since it's
+essential for some features to function (i.e. not losing buffered data if/while
+the sink is gone).
+We'll be using [`DaemonSet`][k8s_api_daemon_set], so, naturally, we can
+leverage [`hostPath`][k8s_api_host_path_volume_source] volumes.
+We'll be using `hostPath` volumes at our YAML config, and at the Helm Chart
+we'll be using this by default, but we'll also allow configuring this to provide
+the flexibility users will expect.
+An alternative to `hostPath` volumes would be a user-provided
+[persistent volume][k8s_docs_persistent_volumes] of some kind. The only
+requirement is that it has to have a `ReadWriteMany` access mode.
+#### Vector config files
+> This section is about Vector `.toml` config files.
+Vector configuration in the Kubernetes environment can generally be split into
+two logical parts: a common Kubernetes-related configuration, and a custom
+user-supplied configuration.
+A common Kubernetes-related configuration is a part that is generally expected
+to be the same (or very similar) across all of the Kubernetes environments.
+Things like `kubernetes` source and `kubernetes_pod_metadata` transform belong
+A custom user-supplied configuration specifies a part of the configuration that
+contains parameters like what sink to use or what additional filtering or
+transformation to apply. This part is expected to be a unique custom thing for
+every user.
+Vector supports multiple configuration files, and we can rely on that to ship
+a config file with the common configuration part in of our YAML / Helm suite,
+and let users keep their custom config part in a separate file.
+We will then [mount][k8s_api_config_map_volume_source] two `ConfigMap`s into a
+container, and start Vector in multiple configuration files mode
+(`vector --config .../common.toml --config .../custom.toml`).
+#### Vector config file reloads
+It is best to explicitly disable reloads in our default deployment
+configuration, because this provides more reliability that [eventually consistent
+`ConfigMap` updates][configmap_updates].
+Users can recreate the `Pod`s (thus restarting Vector, and making it aware of
+the new config) via
+[`kubectl rollout restart -n vector daemonset/vector`][kubectl_rollout_restart].
+#### Strategy on YAML file grouping
+> This section is about Kubernetes `.yaml` files.
+YAML files storing Kubernetes API objects configuration can be grouped
+The layout proposed in [guide above][anchor_tutorial_kubectl] is what we're
+planing to use. It is in line with the sections above on Vector configuration
+splitting into the common and custom parts.
+The idea is to have a single file with a namespaced configuration (`DaemonSet`,
+`ServiceAccount`, `ClusterRoleBinding`, common `ConfigMap`, etc), a single file
+with a global (non-namespaced) configuration (mainly just `ClusterRole`) and a
+user-supplied file containing just a `ConfigMap` with the custom part of the
+Vector configuration. Three `.yaml` files in total, two of which are supplied by
+us, and one is created by the user.
+Ideally we'd want to make the presence of the user-supplied optional, but it
+just doesn't make sense, because sink has to be configured somewhere.
+We can offer some simple "typical custom configurations" at our documentation as
+an example:
+- with a sink to push data to our Alloy;
+- with a cluster-agnostic `elasticsearch` sink;
+- for AWS clusters, with a `cloudwatch` sink;
+- etc...
+We must be careful with our `.yaml` files to make them play well with not just
+`kubectl create -f`, but also with `kubectl apply -f`. There are often issues
+with idempotency when labels and selectors aren't configured properly and we
+should be wary of that.
+##### Considered Alternatives
+We can use a separate `.yaml` file per object.
+That's more inconvenient since we'll need users to execute more commands, yet it
+doesn't seems like it provides any benefit.
+We expect users to "fork" and adjust our config files as they see fit, so
+they'll be able to split the files if required. They then maintain their
+configuration on their own, and we assume they're capable and know what they're
+#### Resource Limits
+> This section is on [`Container`][k8s_api_container] [`resources`][k8s_api_resource_requirements] clause.
+Setting resource requirements for Vector container is very important to enable
+Kubernetes to properly manage node resources.
+Optimal configuration is very case-specific, and while we have some
+understanding of Vector performance characteristics, we can't account for the
+environment Vector will run at. This means it's nearly impossible for us to come
+up with sane defaults, and we have to rely on users properly configuring the
+resources for their use case.
+However, it doesn't mean we should ignore this concern. Instead, we must share
+our understanding of Vector runtime properties and data, and provide as much
+assistance to the users trying to determine the resource requirements as
+We should provide the documentation explaining the inner architecture of Vector
+and our considerations on how to estimate memory / CPU usage.
+At to our configuration, we'll omit the `resources` from the YAML files, and
+make them configurable at Helm Charts.
+##### Vector Runtime Properties Bulletin
+It would be great to publish a regularly updated bulletin on Vector runtime
+properties (i.e. how much memory and CPU Vector can utilize and under what
+conditions). That would be a real killer feature for everyone that wants to
+deploy Vector under load, not just in the context of Kubernetes integration.
+Though it's a lot of hard work to determine these properties, people with large
+deployments tend to do this anyway to gain confidence in their setup. We could
+exchange this data with our partners and derive an even more realistic profile
+for Vector's runtime properties, based on real data from the multiple data sets.
+This worth a separate dedicated RFC though.
+#### Security considerations on deployment configuration
+Security considerations on deployment configuration are grouped together with
+other security-related measures. See [here](#deployment-hardening).
+#### Other notable [`PodSpec`][k8s_api_pod_spec] properties
+- `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` - we should set this to a value slightly
+ bigger than Vector topology grace termination period;
+- `hostNetwork` - we shouldn't use host network since we need access to
+ `kube-apiserver`, and the easiest way to get that is to use cluster network;
+- `preemptionPolicy` - our default deployment mode - aggregating logs from
+ pods - is not considered critical for cluster itself, so we should _not_
+ disable preemption;
+- `priorityClassName` - see [`PriorityClass` docs][k8s_docs_priority_class]; we
+ could ship a [`PriorityClass`][k8s_api_priority_class] and set this value, but
+ the priority value is not normalized, so it's probably not a good idea to
+ provide a default our of the box, and leave it for cluster operator to
+ configure;
+- `runtimeClassName` - we'll be using this value in tests to validate that
+ Vector works with non-standard runtime; we shouldn't set it in our default
+ YAMLs, nor set it at Helm by default;
+#### Container probes
+Kubernetes allows configuring a number of [`Probe`s][k8s_api_probe] on
+[`Container`][k8s_api_container], and taking action based on those probes.
+See the [documentation](k8s_docs_pod_lifecycle_container_probes) to learn more.
+- `readinessProbe`
+ Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from
+ service endpoints if the probe fails.
+- `livenessProbe`
+ Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe
+ fails.
+- `startupProbe`
+ Startup probe indicates that the container has successfully initialized. If
+ specified, no other probes are executed until this completes successfully. If
+ this probe fails, the container will be restarted, just as if the
+ `livenessProbe` failed.
+Vector should implement proper support for all of those one way or another at
+the code level.
+- `startupProbe` can be tight to the initial topology healthcheck - i.e. we
+ consider it failed until the initial topology health check is complete, and
+ consider it ok at any moment after that;
+- `livenessProbe` should probably be tied to the async executor threadpool
+ responsiveness - i.e. if we can handle an HTTP request in a special liveness
+ server we expose in Vector - consider the probe ok, else something's very
+ wrong, and we should consider the probe failed;
+- `readinessProbe` is the most tricky one; it is unclear what the semantics
+ makes sense there.
+### Annotating events with metadata from Kubernetes
+Kubernetes has a lot of metadata that can be associated with the logs, and most
+of the users expect us to add some parts of that metadata as fields to the
+We already have an implementation that does this in the form of
+`kubernetes_pod_metadata` transform.
+It works great, however, as can be seen from the next section, we might need
+to implement a very similar functionality at the `kubernetes` source as well to
+perform log filtering. So, if we'll be obtaining pod metadata at the
+`kubernetes` source, we might as well enhance the event right there. This would
+render `kubernetes_pod_metadata` useless, as there would be no use case for
+it that wouldn't be covered by `kubernetes` source.
+Of course, `kubernetes_pod_metadata` would still make sense if used not in
+conjunction with `kubernetes` source - which is the case, for instance, in a
+sidecar deployment - where `file` source is used directly with in-pod logs file.
+What parts of metadata we inject into events should be configurable, but we can
+and want to offer sane defaults here.
+Technically, the approach implemented at `kubernetes_pod_metadata` already is
+pretty good.
+One small detail is that we probably want to allow adding arbitrary fields from
+the `Pod` object record to the event, instead of a predefined set of fields.
+The rationale is we can never imagine all the use cases people could have
+in the k8s environment, so we probably should be as flexible as possible.
+There doesn't seem to be any technical barriers preventing us from offering
+### Origin filtering
+We can do highly efficient filtering based on the log file path, and a more
+comprehensive filtering via metadata from the k8s API, that is, unfortunately,
+has a bit move overhead.
+The best user experience is via k8s API, because then we can support filtering
+by labels/annotations, which is a standard way of doing things with k8s.
+#### Filtering based on the log file path
+We already do that in our current implementation.
+The idea we can derive some useful parameters from the logs file paths.
+For more info on the logs file paths, see the
+[File locations][anchor_file_locations] section of this RFC.
+So, Kubernetes 1.14+ [exposes][k8s_src_build_container_logs_directory] the
+following information via the file path:
+- `pod namespace`
+- `pod name`
+- `pod uuid`
+- `container name`
+This is enough information for the basic filtering, and the best part is it's
+available to us without and extra work - we're reading the files anyways.
+#### Filtering based on Kubernetes API metadata
+Filtering by Kubernetes metadata is way more advanced and flexible from the user
+The idea of doing filtering like that is when Vector picks up a new log file to
+process at `kubernetes` source, it has to be able to somehow decide on whether
+to consume the logs from that file, or to ignore it, based on the state at the
+k8s API and the Vector configuration.
+This means that there has to be a way to make the data from the k8s API related
+to the log file available to Vector.
+Based on the k8s API structure, it looks like we should aim for obtaining the
+[`Pod`][k8s_api_pod] object, since it contains essential information about the
+containers that produced the log file. Also, it is the [`Pod`][k8s_api_pod]
+objects that control the desired workload state that `kubelet` strives to
+achieve on the node, which this makes [`Pod`][k8s_api_pod] objects the best
+option for our case. In particular - better than
+[`Deployment`][k8s_api_deployment] objects. Technically, everything that needs
+to run containers will produce a [`Pod`][k8s_api_pod] object, and live
+[`Container`s][k8s_api_container] can only exist inside of the
+There in a number of approaches to get the required [`Pod`][k8s_api_pod]
+1. Per-file requests.
+ The file paths provide enough data for us to make a query to the k8s API. In
+ fact, we only need a `pod namespace` and a `pod uuid` to successfully
+ [obtain][k8s_api_pod_read] the [`Pod`][k8s_api_pod] object.
+2. Per-node requests.
+ This approach is to [list][k8s_api_pod_list_all_namespaces] all the pods that
+ are running at the same node as Vector runs. This effectively lists all the
+ [`Pod`][k8s_api_pod] objects we could possibly care about.
+One important thing to note is metadata for the given pod can change over time,
+and the implementation has to take that into account, and update the filtering
+state accordingly.
+We also can't overload the k8s API with requests. The general rule of thumb is
+we shouldn't do requests much more often that k8s itself generates events.
+Each approach has very different properties. It is hard to estimate which set is
+is a better fit.
+A single watch call for a list of pods running per node (2) should generate
+less overhead and would probably be easier to implement.
+Issuing a watch per individual pod (1) is more straightforward, but will
+definitely use more sockets. We could speculate that we'll get a smaller latency
+than with doing per-node filtering, however it's very unclear if that's the
+Either way, we probably want to keep some form of cache + a circuit breaker to
+avoid hitting the k8s API too often.
+##### A note on k8s API server availability and `Pod` objects cache
+One downside is we'll probably have to stall the events originated from a
+particular log file until we obtain the data from k8s API and decide whether
+to allow that file or filter it. During disasters, if the API server becomes
+unavailable, we'll end up stalling the events for which we don't have `Pod`
+object data cached. It is a good idea to handle this elegantly, for instance
+if we detect that k8s API is gone, we should pause cache-busting until it comes
+up again - because no changes can ever arrive while k8s API server is down, and
+it makes sense to keep the cache while it's happening.
+We're in a good position here, because we have a good understanding of the
+system properties, and can intelligently handle k8s API server being down.
+Since we'll be stalling the events while we don't have the `Pod` object, there's
+an edge case where we won't be able to ship the events for a prolonged time.
+This scenario occurs when a new pod is added to the node and then kubernetes API
+server goes down. If `kubelet` picks up the update and starts the containers,
+and they start producing logs, but Vector at the same node doesn't get the
+update - we're going to stall the logs indefinitely. Ideally, we'd want to talk
+to the `kubelet` instead of the API server to get the `Pod` object data - since
+it's local (hence has a much higher chance to be present) and has even more
+authoritative information, in a sense, than the API server on what pods are
+actually running on the node. However there's currently no interface to the
+`kubelet` we could utilize for that.
+##### Practical example of filtering by annotation
+Here's an example of an `nginx` deployment.
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: nginx-deployment
+ labels:
+ app: nginx
+ replicas: 3
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: nginx
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: nginx
+ annotations:
+ vector.dev/exclude: "true"
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: nginx
+ image: nginx:1.14.2
+ ports:
+ - containerPort: 80
+The `vector.dev/exclude: "true"`
+`annotation` at the `PodTemplateSpec` is intended to let Vector know that it
+shouldn't collect logs from the relevant `Pod`s.
+Upon picking up a new log file for processing, Vector is intended to read the
+`Pod` object, see the `vector.dev/exclude: "true"` annotation and ignore the
+log file altogether. This should save take much less resources compared to
+reading logs files into events and then filtering them out.
+This is also a perfectly valid way of filtering out logs of Vector itself.
+##### Filtering by namespaces annotations
+There is a [demand](https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/issues/1140) for
+filtering by namespace via namespace annotations. This is an additional concern
+to filtering by just the `Pod` object data that was already described above.
+The idea is that all `Pod`s belong to [`Namespace`s][k8s_api_namespace] ([docs][k8s_docs_namespaces]), and users want to be able
+to annotate the `Namespace` itself for exclusion, effectively excluding all the
+`Pod` belonging to it from collection.
+To support this, we'll have to maintain the list of excluded `Namespace`s, and
+filter `Pod`s against that list.
+Listing the `Namespace`s can be done via the
+[corresponding API][k8s_api_namespace_list] in a similar manner to how we do it
+for `Pod`s. Came concerns regarding caching and load limiting apply.
+#### Filtering based on event fields after annotation
+This is an alternative approach to the previous implementation.
+The current implementation allows doing this, but is has certain downsides -
+the main problem is we're paying the price of reading the log files that are
+filtered out completely.
+In most scenarios it'd be a significant overhead, and can lead to cycles.
+### Configuring Vector via Kubernetes API
+#### Annotations and labels on vector pod via downward API
+We might want to implement support for configuring Vector via annotations
+and/or labels in addition to the configuration files at the `ConfigMap`s.
+This actually should be a pretty easy thing to do with a [downward API]. It
+exposes pod data as files, so all we need is a slightly altered configuration
+loading procedure.
+This is how is would look like (very simplified):
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+ name: kubernetes-downwardapi-volume-example
+ annotations:
+ vector.dev/config: |
+ [sinks.aws_s3]
+ type = "aws_s3"
+ inputs = ["kubernetes"]
+ bucket = "my-bucket"
+ compression = "gzip"
+ region = "us-east-1"
+ key_prefix = "date=%F/"
+ containers:
+ - name: vector
+ image: vector-image
+ command:
+ ["vector", "--k8s-downward-api-config", "/etc/podinfo/annotations"]
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: podinfo
+ mountPath: /etc/podinfo
+ volumes:
+ - name: podinfo
+ downwardAPI:
+ items:
+ - path: "annotations"
+ fieldRef:
+ fieldPath: metadata.annotations
+The `/etc/podinfo/annotations` file will look something like this:
+vector.dev/config="[sinks.aws_s3]\ntype = \"aws_s3\"\ninputs = [\"kubernetes\"]\nbucket = \"my-bucket\"\ncompression = \"gzip\"\nregion = \"us-east-1\"\nkey_prefix = \"date=%F/\"\n"
+It's quite trivial to extract the configuration.
+While possible, this is outside of the scope of the initial integration.
+#### Custom CRDs
+A much more involved feature than the one above would be making `Vector`
+configurable via [`Custom Resource Definition`][k8s_docs_crds].
+This feature is not considered for the initial integration with Kubernetes, and
+is not even explored, since it is a way more advanced level of integration that
+we can achieve in the short term in the near future.
+This section is here for completeness, and we would probably like to explore
+this in the future.
+This includes both adding the support for CRDs to Vector itself, and
+implementing an orchestrating component (such things are usually called
+[operators][k8s_docs_operator] in the k8s context, i.e. `vector-operator`).
+### Changes to Vector release process
+We need to ship a particular Vector version along with a particular set of k8s
+configuration YAML files and a Helm chart. This is so that we can be sure
+all our configurations actually tested and known to work for a particular Vector
+release. This is very important for maintaining the legacy releases, and for
+people to be able to downgrade if needed, which is one of the major properties
+for a system-level component like Vector is.
+This means we need to orchestrate the releases of the YAML configs and Helm
+Charts together with the Vector releases.
+Naturally, it's easiest to implement if we keep the code for both the YAML
+configs and the Helm Chart in our Vector repo.
+The alternative - having either just the Helm Chart or it together with YAML
+files in a separate repo - has a benefit of being a smaller footprint to grasp -
+i.e. a dedicated repo with just the k8s deployment config would obviously have
+smaller code and history - but it would make it significantly more difficult to
+correlate histories with Vector mainline, and it's a major downside. For this
+reason, using the Vector repo for keeping everything is preferable.
+During the release process, together with shipping the Vector version, we'd
+have to also bump the Vector versions at the YAML and Helm Chart configs, and
+also bump the version of the Helm Chart as well. We then copy the YAML configs
+to the same location where we keep release artifacts (i.e. `.deb`s, `.rpm`s,
+etc) for that particular Vector version. We also publish a new Helm Chart
+release into our Helm Chart repo.
+While bumping the versions is human work, and is hard to automate - copying the
+YAML files and publishing a Helm Chart release is easy, and we should take care
+of that. We can also add CI lints to ensure the version of Vector at YAML
+file and Helm Chart and the one the Rust code has baked in match at all times.
+Ideally, they should be bumped together atomically and never diverge.
+If we need to ship an update to just YAML configs or a new Helm Chart without
+changes to the Vector code, as our default strategy we can consider cutting a
+patch release of Vector - simply as a way to go through the whole process.
+What is bumping Vector version as well, even though there's no practical reason
+for that since the code didn't change. This strategy will not only simplify the
+process on our end, but will also be very simple to understand for our users.
+### Testing
+We want to implement a comprehensive test system to maintain our k8s
+As usual, we need a way to do unit tests to validate isolated individual
+components during development. We also need integration tests, whose purpose is
+to validate that, as a whole, Vector properly functions when deployed into a
+real Kubernetes cluster.
+#### Unit tests
+To be able to utilize unit tests, we have to build the code from the modular,
+composable, and loosely-coupled components. These requirements often allow unit
+testing individual components easily, thus significantly improving the
+confidence in the overall implementation.
+If we have to, we can rely on mocks to test all the edge cases of the individual
+#### Integration tests
+Integration tests are performed against the real k8s clusters.
+##### Test targets
+We have a matrix of concerns, we'd like to ensure Vectors works properly with.
+- Kubernetes Versions
+ - Minimal Supported Kubernetes Version
+ - Latest version
+ - All versions in between the latest and MSKV
+- Managed Kubernetes offers (see also [CNCF Certified Kubernetes][cncf_software_conformance])
+ - [Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service](https://aws.amazon.com/ru/eks/)
+ - [Google Kubernetes Engine](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/)
+ - [Azure Kubernetes Service](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/kubernetes-service/)
+ - [DigitalOcean Kubernetes](https://www.digitalocean.com/products/kubernetes/)
+ - [Platform9 Managed Kubernetes](https://platform9.com/managed-kubernetes/)
+ - [Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform](https://www.openshift.com/products/container-platform)
+ - [IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service](https://www.ibm.com/cloud/container-service/)
+ - [Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes](https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/kubernetes)
+ - [Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes](https://www.oracle.com/cloud/compute/container-engine-kubernetes.html)
+ - [OVH Managed Kubernetes Service](https://www.ovhcloud.com/en-gb/public-cloud/kubernetes/)
+ - [Rackspace Kubernetes-as-a-Service](https://www.rackspace.com/managed-kubernetes)
+ - [Linode Kubernetes Engine](https://www.linode.com/products/kubernetes/)
+ - [Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes](https://cloud.yandex.com/services/managed-kubernetes)
+ - [Tencent Kubernetes Engine](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/product/tke)
+- Kubernetes Distributions (for on-premise deployment)
+ - Production-grade
+ - bare `kubeadm`
+ - [OKD](https://www.okd.io/) (deploys OpenShift Origin)
+ - [Rancher Kubernetes Engine](https://rancher.com/products/rke/)
+ - [Metal3](http://metal3.io/)
+ - [Project Atomic Kubernetes](https://www.projectatomic.io/docs/kubernetes/)
+ - [Canonical Charmed Kubernetes](https://ubuntu.com/kubernetes/install#multi-node)
+ - [Kubernetes on DC/OS](https://github.com/mesosphere/dcos-kubernetes-quickstart)
+ - For small/dev deployments
+ - [Minikube](https://kubernetes.io/ru/docs/setup/learning-environment/minikube/)
+ - [MicroK8s](https://microk8s.io/)
+ - [Docker Desktop Kubernetes](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)
+ - [kind](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/learning-environment/kind/)
+ - [minishift](https://www.okd.io/minishift/)
+- [Container Runtimes (CRI impls)](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/container-runtimes/)
+ - [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) (Kubernetes still has some "special"
+ integration with Docker; these days, "using Docker" technically means using
+ `runc` via `containerd` via `docker-engine`)
+ - OCI (via [CRI-O](https://cri-o.io/) or [containerd](https://containerd.io/))
+ - [runc](https://github.com/opencontainers/runc)
+ - [runhcs](https://github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/tree/master/cmd/runhcs) -
+ see more [here][windows_in_kubernetes]
+ - [Kata Containers](https://github.com/kata-containers/runtime)
+ - [gVisor](https://github.com/google/gvisor)
+ - [Firecracker](https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker-containerd)
+We can't possibly expand this matrix densely due to the enormous amount of
+effort required to maintain the infrastructure and the costs. It may also be
+inefficient to test everything everywhere, because a lot of configurations
+don't have any significant or meaningful differences among each other.
+Testing various managed offers and distributions is not as important as testing
+different Kubernetes versions and container runtimes.
+It's probably a good idea to also test against the most famous managed
+Kubernetes provides: AWS, GCP and Azure. Just because our users are most likely
+to be on one of those.
+So, the goal for integration tests is to somehow test Vector with Kubernetes
+versions from MSKV to latest, all the container runtimes listed above and,
+additionally, on AWS, GCP and Azure.
+We can combine our requirements with offers from cloud providers. For instance,
+`runhcs` (and Windows containers in general) are supported at Azure. Although,
+whether we want to address Windows containers support is a different topic, we
+still should plan ahead.
+We'll need to come up with an optimal configuration.
+##### Where to keep and how to manage integration infrastructure config
+This is a very controversial question.
+Currently we have:
+- the Vector repo (with the Github Actions based CI flow)
+- the test harness (also integrated with CI, but this is it's own thing)
+We don't necessarily have to choose one of those places: we can add a new
+location if it's justified enough.
+Let's outline the requirements on the properties of the solution:
+- We want to have the ability to run the checks from the Vector repo CI, i.e.
+ per commit, per PR, per tag etc. This might not be immediately utilized, but
+ we just want to have that option.
+- We want to consolidate the management of the _cloud_ resources we allocate and
+ pay for Kubernetes test infrastructure in a single place. This is to avoid
+ spreading the responsibility, duplicating the logic, reusing allocated
+ resources for all our testing needs, and simplify accounting and make the
+ configuration management more flexible.
+ We can, for example, have a shared dependency for Vector CI flow, Test Harness
+ invocations, locally run tests - and whatever else we have - to rely on.
+- We want our test infrastructure easily available for the trusted developers
+ (Vector core team) to run experiments and tests against locally. This doesn't
+ mean we want to automate this and include running tests locally against our
+ whole k8s test infrastructure - but the ability to do it with little effort is
+ very important: even if we employ super-reliable CI automation, the turnaround
+ time of going through it is way higher than conducting an experiment locally.
+ Locally means using local code tree and binaries - the infrastructure itself
+ is still in the cloud.
+- Ideally, we want the test system to be available not just to the Vector core
+ team, but to the whole open-source community. Of course, we don't want to give
+ unrestricted access to _our_ cloud testing infrastructure - but the solution
+ we employ should allow third-parties to bring their own resources. Things that
+ are local in essence (like `minikube`) should just work. There shouldn't be a
+ situation where one can't run tests in `minikube` because cloud parts aren't
+ available. We already have similar constraints at the Vector Test Harness.
+- We need the required efforts to managements the solution to be low, and the
+ price to be relatively small. This means that the solution has to be simple.
+- We want to expose the same kind of interface to each of the clusters, so the
+ cluster we run the tests is easily interchangeable.
+ A kubectl config file is a good option, since it encapsulates all the
+ necessary information tp connect to a cluster.
+Based on all of the above, it makes sense to split the infrastructure into two
+- Cloud infrastructure that we manage and pay for.
+ We will create a dedicated public repo with [Terraform] configs to setup a
+ long-running Kubernetes test infrastructure.
+ The goal here is to make the real, live cloud environments available for
+ people and automation to work with.
+- Self-hosted infrastructure that we maintain configs for.
+ This is what keep so that it's easy to run the a self-hosted cluster. Most
+ likely locally - for things like `minikube`, but not limited to. The focus
+ here is lock particular _versions_ and _configuration_ of the tooling, so it's
+ easy to run tests against. Potentially even having multiple versions of the
+ same tool, for instance, when you need to compare `minikube` `1.9.2` and
+ `1.8.2`.
+ The goal here is to address the problem of configuring the self hosted cluster
+ management tools once and for all, and share those configurations. For people
+ it has the benefit of enabling them to spend time on soling the problem (or
+ doing whatever they need to do with k8s) rather than spending time on
+ configuration. For automation flows - it'll make it really simple to reference
+ a particular self-hosted configuration - and offload the complexity of
+ preparing it.
+ This one we'll have to figure out, but most likely we'll create a dedicated
+ repo per tool, each with different rules - but with a single interface.
+The interface (and the goal) those repos is to provide kubectl-compatible config
+files, enabling access to clusters where we can deploy Vector to and conduct
+some tests (and, in general, _other arbitrary activity_).
+##### What to assert/verify in integration tests
+We can recognize three typical categories of integration tests that are relevant
+to the Kubernetes integration: correctness, performance and reliability.
+In fact, this is actually how we split things at the Vector Test Harness
+It is important that with Kubernetes we don't only have to test that Vector
+itself perform correctly, but also that our YAML configs and Helm Chart
+templates are sane and work properly. So in a sense, we still have the same
+test categories, but the scope is broader than just testing Vector binary. We
+want to test the whole integration.
+Ideally we want to test everything: the correctness, performance and
+reliability. Correctness tests are relatively easy, however, it's not yet clear
+how to orchestrate the performance and reliability tests. Measuring performance
+in clusters is quite difficult and requires insight thought to make it right.
+For example, we have to consider and control a lot more variables of the
+environment - like CNI driver, underlying network topology and so on - to
+understand the conditions we're testing. Reliability tests also require
+more careful designing the test environment.
+For this reason, the initial Kubernetes integration only focuses on correctness
+tests. Once we get som experience with correctness test we can expand our test
+suite with tests from other categories.
+It is important that we do actually test correctness on all the configurations -
+see this [comment][why_so_much_configurations] as an example. Kubernetes is has
+a lot of LOC, is very complex and properly supporting it is quite a challenge.
+The exact design of the tests is an implementation detail, so it's not specified
+in this RFC, but the suggested approach, as a starting point, could be to deploy
+Vector using our documented installation methods, then run some log-generating
+workload and then run assertions on the collected logs.
+The things we'd generally want to ensure work properly include (but are not
+limited to):
+- basic log collection and parsing
+- log message filtering (both by file paths and by metadata)
+- log events enhancement with metadata
+- partial log events merging
+We want the assertions and tests to be cluster-agnostic, so that they work with
+any supplied kubectl config.
+#### Existing k8s tests
+We already have k8s integration tests implemented in Rust in the Vector repo.
+Currently, they're being run as part of the `cd tests; make tests`. They
+assert that Vector code works properly by deploying Vector plus some test
+log producers and asserting that Vector produced the expected output. This is
+very elegant solution.
+However, these tests are really more like unit tests - in a sense that they
+completely ignore the YAMLs and Helm Charts and
+use their own test configs. While they do a good job in what they're built for -
+we probably shouldn't really consider them integration tests in a broad sense.
+It was discussed that we'd want to reuse them as our integration tests, however,
+for the reasons above I don't think it's a good idea. At least as they're now.
+We can decouple the deployment of Vector from the deployment of test containers
+and assertions - then we use just the second half with Vector deployed via YAMLs
+and/or Helm Charts. For now, we should probably leave them as is, maintain them,
+but hold the adoption as integration tests.
+### Other data gathering
+> This section is on gathering data other than container logs.
+While our main focus for the integration is collecting log data from the `Pod`s,
+there are other possibilities to gain observability in the Kubernetes
+#### Exposing Kubernetes [`Event`s][k8s_api_event] as Vector events
+It is possible to subscribe to Kubernetes [`Event`s][k8s_api_event], similarly
+to how this command works:
+kubectl get events --all-namespaces --watch
+Implementing this in Vector would allow capturing the Kubernetes
+[`Event`s][k8s_api_event] and processing them as Vector events.
+This feature might be very useful for anyone that wants to see what's going on
+in their cluster.
+Note that this feature would require deploying Vector in a differently: instead
+of running Vector on every node, here we need only once Vector instance running
+per cluster. If run on every node, it'd be unnecessarily capturing each event
+multiple times.
+So, to implement this, we'd need to add a special source that captures events
+from Kubernetes API, and provide a new workload configuration based on
+See also a section on collecting
+[Kubernetes audit logs][anchor_kubernetes_audit_logs].
+#### Discover and gather Prometheus metrics for Kubernetes API resources
+Prometheus already has a built-in
+[Kubernetes Service Discovery][prometheus_kubernetes_sd_config] support, so one
+could just deploy a Prometheus server, make it discover and gather the metrics,
+and the configure Vector to read metrics from it.
+However, to pursue our goal of making Vector the only agent one would need to
+deploy - we can consider reimplementing what prometheus
+[does][prometheus_kubernetes_sd_config] in Vector code, eliminate the need for
+the intermediary.
+We don't aim to implement this in the initial Kubernetes integration.
+#### Gather data from the host OS
+This is very useful for Kubernetes Cluster Operators willing to deploy Vector
+for the purposes of gaining observability on what's going on with their cluster
+Example use cases are:
+- reading `kubelet`/`docker` logs from `journald`;
+- capturing `kubelet`/`docker` prometheus metrics;
+- gathering system metrics from the node, things like `iostat -x`, `df -h`,
+ `uptime`, `free`, etc;
+- gathering system logs, like `sshd`, `dmesg` and etc.
+There are countless use cases here, and good news Vector already well fit to
+perform those kinds of tasks! Even without any Kubernetes integration
+whatsoever, it's possible to just deploy Vector as a
+[`DaemonSet`][k8s_api_daemon_set], expose the system data to it via
+[`hostPath` volume][k8s_api_host_path_volume_source] mounts and/or enabling
+`hostNetwork` at the [`PodSpec`][k8s_api_pod_spec].
+##### Automatic discovery of things to monitor on the host OS
+While nothing prevents users from manually configuring Vector for gathering data
+from the host OS, it's very hard for us to offer sane defaults that would work
+out-of-the-box for all clusters, since there's a miriad of configurations.
+We can consider offering some kind of user-selectable presets for well known
+popular setups - like AWS and CGP.
+We can also solve this a general problem of automatic discovery of what we can
+monitor on a given system - something similar to what [`netdata`][netdata] has.
+In the context of the current integration efforts, it doesn't make a lot of
+sense to try to address this issue in Vector code or deployment configs:
+- gathering data from the host OS works with manual configuration;
+- cluster operators mostly know what they're doing, and are capable to configure
+ Vector as they require;
+- there's a myriad of configurations we'd have to support, and it'd be very hard
+ (if even possible) to come up with sane defaults.
+- related to the point above, even with sane defaults, in 95% on cases, cluster
+ operators would want to tailor the configuration for their use case.
+What we can do, though, is provide guides, blog posts and explainers with
+concrete examples for Vector usage for Kubernetes Cluster Operators.
+#### Kubernetes audit logs
+We can also collect [Kubernetes audit logs][k8s_docs_audit].
+This is very similar to
+[collecting Kubernetes Events][anchor_collecting_kubernetes_events], but
+provides a more fine-grained control over what events are audited.
+It's important to understand that events, unfiltered, should be considered very
+sensitive and privileged data.
+Kubernetes audit [`Policy`][k8s_api_policy] allows cluster operator to configure
+`kubelet`s to manage the audit data with a high degree of flexibility.
+The best part is this is something that should already work great with Vector -
+we can already support operation via both log and webhook backends.
+### Windows support
+We don't aim to support Windows Kubernetes clusters initially. The reason for
+that is Windows support in general (i.e. outside of Kubernetes context) is a bit
+lacking - we don't measure performance on Windows, don't run unit tests on
+Windows, don't build Windows docker images, etc.
+This is a blocker for a proper integration with Kubernetes clusters running on
+To sum up: if it works - it works, if it doesn't - we'll take care of it later.
+> If you're reading this and want to use Vector with Windows - please let us
+> know.
+#### Potential Windows-specific Issues
+Windows has it's own specifics. We can learn from the past experience of other
+implementations to avoid the problems they encounter.
+- https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/issues/2027
+ This issue is on what seems to be a resource management problem with files on
+ Windows - their implementation doesn't let go of the log file in time when the
+ container (along with it's log files) is about to be removed.
+ This is a non-issue in a typical linux deployment because it's not the path at
+ the filesystem, but the inode that FD bind to. On Windows it's the other way.
+ There's actually a workaround for that: it's possible request Windows to allow
+ deletion of the opened file - by specifying the `FILE_SHARE_DELETE` flag at
+ [`CreateFileA`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-createfilea)
+ call.
+ See more details:
+ - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3202329/will-we-ever-be-able-to-delete-an-open-file-in-windows
+ - https://boostgsoc13.github.io/boost.afio/doc/html/afio/FAQ/deleting_open_files.html
+### Security
+There are different aspects of security. In this RFC we're going to focus on
+Kubernetes specific aspects.
+Securing in Kubernetes environment plays a major role, and the more we do to
+ensure our code and deployment recommendations are safe - the better. Big
+deployments often have dedicated security teams that will be doing what we do
+on their own - just to double-check, but the majority of our people out there
+don't have enough resources to dedicate enough attention to the security
+aspects. This is why implementing security measures in our integration is
+#### Vector Code Audit
+There have to be automated security audit of the Vector codebase, to ensure
+we don't have easily detectable issues. Things like automated CVE checks and
+static analyzers fall into this category.
+We're already doing a good job in this aspect.
+#### Vector Docker Images Audit
+There has to be an automated security audit of the Vector docker images that we
+We should consider using tools like this:
+- [trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy)
+- [clair](https://github.com/quay/clair)
+- [anchore-engine](https://github.com/anchore/anchore-engine)
+... and similar.
+#### Deployment Hardening
+We should harden the Vector deployment by default. This means that our suggested
+YAML files should be hardened, and Helm Chart should be configurable, but also
+hardened by default.
+- We should properly configure
+ [PodSecurityContext][k8s_api_pod_security_context]
+ ([docs][k8s_docs_security_context]):
+ - properly configure [`sysctls`][k8s_api_sysctl];
+ - `fsGroup` - should be unset.
+- We should properly configure [SecurityContext][k8s_api_security_context]
+ ([docs][k8s_docs_security_context]):
+ - enable `readOnlyRootFilesystem` since we don't need to write to files at
+ rootfs;
+ - enable `runAsNonRoot` if possible - we shouldn't need root access to conduct
+ most of our operations, but this has to be validated in practice; the aim
+ is to enable it if possible;
+ - disable `allowPrivilegeEscalation` since we shouldn't need extra any special
+ privileges in the first place, and definitely we don't need escalation;
+ - properly configure [`seLinuxOptions`][k8s_api_se_linux_options];
+ - properly configure [`capabilities`][k8s_api_capabilities] - see
+ [`man 7 capabilities`][man_7_capabilities] for more info;
+ - disable `privileged` - we shouldn't don't need privileged access, and it's
+ me a major security issue if we do.
+- We should properly use [`ServiceAccount`][k8s_api_service_account],
+ [`Role`][k8s_api_role], [`RoleBinding`][k8s_api_role_binding],
+ [`ClusterRole`][k8s_api_cluster_role] and
+ [`ClusterRoleBinding`][k8s_api_cluster_role_binding] ([docs][k8s_docs_rbac]).
+ The service accounts at Kubernetes by default have no permissions, except for
+ the service accounts at the `kube-system` namespace. We'll be using a
+ dedicated `vector` namespace, so it's our responsibility to request the
+ required permissions.
+ The exact set of permissions to request at default deployment configuration
+ depends on the implementation we'll land and the Vector settings of the
+ default deployment configuration.
+ The goal is to eliminate any non-required permissions - we don't have to keep
+ anything extra there for demonstration purposes.
+ We also have to document all possible required permissions, so that users are
+ aware of the possible configuration options. At Helm Charts we should allow
+ configuring arbitrary permissions via values (while providing sane defaults).
+ We can optionally support non-[RBAC][k8s_docs_rbac] clusters in the Helm
+ Chart.
+ In the real world, the non-RBAC clusters should be very rare, since RBAC has
+ been recommended for a very long time, and it's the default for the fresh
+ `kubeadm` installations. It's probably not a major concern.
+#### Securing secrets
+Vector sometimes needs access to secrets, like AWS API access tokens and so on.
+That data has to be adequately protected.
+We should recommend users to use [`Secret`][k8s_api_secret]
+([docs][k8s_docs_secret]) instead of [`ConfigMap`][k8s_api_config_map] if they
+have secret data embedded in their Vector `.toml` config files.
+We should also consider integrating with tools like [Vault] and [redoctober].
+#### Recommend users additional steps to secure the cluster
+- Suggest using [Falco].
+- Suggest setting up proper RBAC rules for cluster operators and users;
+ [`audit2rbac`](https://github.com/liggitt/audit2rbac) is a useful tool to
+ help with this.
+- Suggest using [Pod Security Policies][k8s_docs_pod_security_policiy]
+ ([API][k8s_api_pod_security_policy]).
+- Suggest using [NetworkPolicy][k8s_api_network_policy].
+- Suggest runnig [kube-bench].
+- Suggest reading the
+ [Kubernetes security documentation][k8s_docs_securing_a_cluster].
+#### Automatic container rebuilds
+The ability to rebuild containers with a CVE fix automatically quickly is a very
+important part of a successful vulnerability mitigation strategy.
+We should prepare in advance and rollout the infrastructure and automation to
+make it possible to rebuild the containers for _all_ (not just the latest or
+nightly!) the supported Vector versions.
+## Prior Art
+1. [Filebeat k8s integration]
+1. [Fluentbit k8s integration]
+1. [Fluentd k8s integration]
+1. [LogDNA k8s integration]
+1. [Honeycomb integration]
+1. [Bonzai logging operator] - This is approach is likely outside of the scope
+ of Vector's initial Kubernetes integration because it focuses more on
+ deployment strategies and topologies. There are likely some very useful
+ and interesting tactics in their approach though.
+1. [Influx Helm charts]
+1. [Awesome Operators List] - an "awesome list" of operators.
+## Sales Pitch
+See [motivation](#motivation).
+## Drawbacks
+1. Increases the surface area that our team must manage.
+## Alternatives
+1. Not do this integration and rely solely on external community-driven
+ integrations.
+## Outstanding Questions
+### From Ben
+1. ~~What is the best to avoid Vector from ingesting it's own logs? I'm assuming
+ that my [`kubectl` tutorial][anchor_tutorial_kubectl] handles this with
+ namespaces?
+ We'd just need to configure Vector to exclude this namespace?~~
+ See the [Origin filtering][anchor_origin_filtering] section.
+1. ~~From what I understand, Vector requires the Kubernetes `watch` verb in order
+ to receive updates to k8s cluster changes. This is required for the
+ `kubernetes_pod_metadata` transform. Yet, Fluentbit [requires the `get`,
+ `list`, and `watch` verbs][fluentbit_role]. Why don't we require the same?~~
+ Right, this is a requirement since we're using k8s API. The exact set of
+ permissions is to be determined at YAML files design stage - after we
+ complete the implementation. It's really trivial to determine from a set of
+ API calls used.
+ See the [Deployment Hardening](#deployment-hardening) section.
+1. What are some of the details that set Vector's Kubernetes integration apart?
+ This is for marketing purposes and also helps us "raise the bar".
+### From Mike
+1. What significantly different k8s cluster "flavors" are there? Which ones do
+ we want to test against? Some clusters use `docker`, some use `CRI-O`,
+ [etc][container_runtimes]. Some even use [gVisor] or [Firecracker]. There
+ might be differences in how different container runtimes handle logs.
+1. How do we want to approach Helm Chart Repository management.
+1. How do we implement liveness, readiness and startup probes?
+ Readiness probe is a tricky one. See [Container probes](#container-probes).
+1. Can we populate file at `terminationMessagePath` with some meaningful
+ information when we exit or crash?
+1. Can we allow passing arbitrary fields from the `Pod` object to the event?
+ Currently we only to pass `pod_id`, pod `annotations` and pod `labels`.
+## Plan Of Attack
+- Setup a proper testing suite for k8s.
+ - Local testing via `make test-integration-kubernetes`.
+ - Ability to "bring your own cluster". See [issue#2170].
+ - Add `make test-integration-kubernetes` to the `ci.yaml` workflow.
+ - Ensure these tests are stable. See [issue#2193], [issue#2216],
+ and [issue#1635].
+ - Ensure we are testing all supported minor versions. See
+ [issue#2223].
+ - Run `make test-integration-kubernetes` against AWS' EKS platform in
+ Vector's Github actions.
+- Finalize the `kubernetes` source.
+ - Audit the code and ensure the base is high-quality and correct.
+ - Merge in the `kubernetes_pod_matadata` transform.
+ - Implement origin filtering.
+ - Merge split logs [pr#2134].
+ - Use the `log_schema.kubernetes_key` setting for context fields.
+ See [issue#1867].
+- Add `kubernetes` source reference documentation.
+- Prepare Heml Chart.
+- Prepare YAML deployment config.
+- Prepare Heml Chart Repository.
+- Integrate kubernetes configuration snapshotting into the release process.
+- Add Kubernetes setup/integration guide.
+- Release `0.10.0` and announce.
+- Prepare additional guides and blog posts.
+ - Vector deployment for Kubernetes Cluster Operators.
+ - Vector deployment as a sidecar.
+- Revisit this RFC - see what we can focus on next.
+- Start the RFC of the Vector performance properies bulletin.
+ To include things like:
+ - Establish continius data gathering of performance characteristics of
+ the bare Vector event pipeline (i.e. raw speed) and the impact of adding
+ each of it's components - sources, transforms, sinks - and their
+ combinations.
+ - Prepare the format (and, if possible, automate the release of) Vector
+ performance bulletin.
+[anchor_collecting_kubernetes_events]: #exposing-kubernetes-event-s-k8s-api-event-as-vector-events
+[anchor_file_locations]: #file-locations
+[anchor_helm_vs_raw_yaml_files]: #helm-vs-raw-yaml-files
+[anchor_kubernetes_audit_logs]: #kubernetes-audit-logs
+[anchor_minimal_supported_kubernetes_version]: #minimal-supported-kubernetes-version
+[anchor_origin_filtering]: #origin-filtering
+[anchor_other_data_gathering]: #anchor-other-data-gathering
+[anchor_resource_limits]: #resource-limits
+[anchor_strategy_on_yaml_file_grouping]: #strategy-on-yaml-file-grouping
+[anchor_tutorial_kubectl]: #deploy-using-kubectl
+[awesome operators list]: https://github.com/operator-framework/awesome-operators
+[bonzai logging operator]: https://github.com/banzaicloud/logging-operator
+[chartmuseum]: https://chartmuseum.com/
+[cncf_software_conformance]: https://www.cncf.io/certification/software-conformance/
+[configmap_updates]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap/#mounted-configmaps-are-updated-automatically
+[container_runtimes]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/container-runtimes/
+[cri_log_format]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/ee2abbf9dbfa4523b414f99a04ddc97bd38c74b2/contributors/design-proposals/node/kubelet-cri-logging.md
+[downward api]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information/#store-pod-fields
+[falco]: https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco
+[filebeat k8s integration]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/master/running-on-kubernetes.html
+[firecracker]: https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker
+[fluentbit k8s integration]: https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/installation/kubernetes
+[fluentbit_daemonset]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluent/fluent-bit-kubernetes-logging/master/output/elasticsearch/fluent-bit-ds.yaml
+[fluentbit_installation]: https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/installation/kubernetes#installation
+[fluentbit_role]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluent/fluent-bit-kubernetes-logging/master/fluent-bit-role.yaml
+[fluentd k8s integration]: https://docs.fluentd.org/v/0.12/articles/kubernetes-fluentd
+[fluentd_daemonset]: https://github.com/fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset/blob/master/fluentd-daemonset-papertrail.yaml
+[guide_example]: https://vector.dev/guides/integrate/sources/syslog/aws_kinesis_firehose/
+[gvisor]: https://github.com/google/gvisor
+[helm_install]: https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/kubernetes/
+[helm_push]: https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push
+[honeycomb integration]: https://docs.honeycomb.io/getting-data-in/integrations/kubernetes/
+[influx helm charts]: https://github.com/influxdata/helm-charts
+[issue#1293]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/1293
+[issue#1635]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/1635
+[issue#1816]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/1867
+[issue#1867]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/1867
+[issue#2170]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2170
+[issue#2171]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2171
+[issue#2193]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2193
+[issue#2216]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2216
+[issue#2218]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2218
+[issue#2223]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2223
+[issue#2224]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2224
+[issue#2225]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/issues/2225
+[json file logging driver]: https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/json-file/
+[jsonlines]: http://jsonlines.org/
+[k8s_api_capabilities]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#capabilities-v1-core
+[k8s_api_cluster_role_binding]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#clusterrolebinding-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-io
+[k8s_api_cluster_role]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#clusterrole-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-io
+[k8s_api_config_map_volume_source]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#configmapvolumesource-v1-core
+[k8s_api_config_map]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#configmap-v1-core
+[k8s_api_container]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#container-v1-core
+[k8s_api_daemon_set_update_strategy]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#daemonsetupdatestrategy-v1-apps
+[k8s_api_daemon_set]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#daemonset-v1-apps
+[k8s_api_deployment]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#deployment-v1-apps
+[k8s_api_event]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#event-v1-core
+[k8s_api_host_path_volume_source]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#hostpathvolumesource-v1-core
+[k8s_api_namespace_list]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#list-namespace-v1-core
+[k8s_api_namespace]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#namespace-v1-core
+[k8s_api_network_policy]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#networkpolicy-v1-networking-k8s-io
+[k8s_api_pod_list_all_namespaces]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#list-all-namespaces-pod-v1-core
+[k8s_api_pod_read]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#read-pod-v1-core
+[k8s_api_pod_security_context]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#podsecuritycontext-v1-core
+[k8s_api_pod_security_policy]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#podsecuritypolicy-v1beta1-policy
+[k8s_api_pod_spec]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#podspec-v1-core
+[k8s_api_pod]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#pod-v1-core
+[k8s_api_policy]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#policy-v1alpha1-auditregistration-k8s-io
+[k8s_api_priority_class]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#priorityclass-v1-scheduling-k8s-io
+[k8s_api_probe]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#probe-v1-core
+[k8s_api_resource_requirements]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#resourcerequirements-v1-core
+[k8s_api_role_binding]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#rolebinding-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-io
+[k8s_api_role]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#role-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-io
+[k8s_api_se_linux_options]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#selinuxoptions-v1-core
+[k8s_api_secret]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#secret-v1-core
+[k8s_api_security_context]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#securitycontext-v1-core
+[k8s_api_service_account]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#serviceaccount-v1-core
+[k8s_api_sysctl]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.18/#sysctl-v1-core
+[k8s_docs_admission_controllers]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers
+[k8s_docs_audit]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/audit/
+[k8s_docs_crds]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/
+[k8s_docs_daemon_set]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/
+[k8s_docs_namespaces]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/
+[k8s_docs_node]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/architecture/nodes/
+[k8s_docs_operator]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/
+[k8s_docs_persistent_volumes]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes
+[k8s_docs_pod_lifecycle_container_probes]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#container-probes
+[k8s_docs_pod_security_policiy]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/
+[k8s_docs_pod]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod/
+[k8s_docs_priority_class]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#priorityclass
+[k8s_docs_rbac]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/
+[k8s_docs_rolling_update]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/manage-daemon/update-daemon-set/
+[k8s_docs_secret]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/
+[k8s_docs_securing_a_cluster]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/securing-a-cluster/
+[k8s_docs_security_context]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context
+[k8s_log_path_location_docs]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/logging/#logging-at-the-node-level
+[k8s_src_build_container_logs_directory]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/31305966789525fca49ec26c289e565467d1f1c4/pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/helpers.go#L173
+[k8s_src_parse_funcs]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/e74ad388541b15ae7332abf2e586e2637b55d7a7/pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/logs/logs.go#L116
+[k8s_src_read_logs]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/e74ad388541b15ae7332abf2e586e2637b55d7a7/pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/logs/logs.go#L277
+[k8s_src_var_log_pods]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/58596b2bf5eb0d84128fa04d0395ddd148d96e51/pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_manager.go#L60
+[kube-bench]: https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench
+[kubectl_rollout_restart]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#-em-restart-em-
+[kubernetes version and version skew support policy]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/release/version-skew-policy/
+[kubernetes_version_comment]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/pull/2188#discussion_r403120481
+[kustomize]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize
+[logdna k8s integration]: https://docs.logdna.com/docs/kubernetes
+[logdna_daemonset]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/logdna/logdna-agent/master/logdna-agent-ds.yaml
+[man_7_capabilities]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/capabilities.7.html
+[metrics-server]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server
+[netdata]: https://github.com/netdata/netdata
+[pr#2134]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/pull/2134
+[pr#2188]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/pull/2188
+[prometheus_kubernetes_sd_config]: https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#kubernetes_sd_config
+[redoctober]: https://github.com/cloudflare/redoctober
+[sidecar_container]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/a8262db2ce38b2ec7941bdb6810a8d81c5141447/keps/sig-apps/sidecarcontainers.md
+[terraform]: https://www.terraform.io/
+[the chart repository guide]: https://helm.sh/docs/topics/chart_repository/
+[vault]: https://www.vaultproject.io/
+[vector_daemonset]: 2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/vector-daemonset.yaml
+[why_so_much_configurations]: https://github.com/timberio/vector/pull/2134/files#r401634895
+[windows_in_kubernetes]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/windows/intro-windows-in-kubernetes/
diff --git a/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/deployment-topology.pu b/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/deployment-topology.pu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d51ef254188c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/deployment-topology.pu
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+sprite $vector ./vector.svg
+skinparam ComponentFontColor MediumBlue
+cloud "Kubernetens\nCluster" as cluster {
+ node "Worker\nNode" as node1 {
+ component "<$vector>" as node1_vector
+ component "<$pod>" as node1_pod1
+ component "<$pod>" as node1_pod2
+ component "<$pod>" as node1_pod3
+ node1_vector <-up- node1_pod1
+ node1_vector <-up- node1_pod2
+ node1_vector <-up- node1_pod3
+ }
+ node "Worker\nNode" as node2 {
+ component "<$vector>" as node2_vector
+ component "<$pod>" as node2_pod1
+ component "<$pod>" as node2_pod2
+ component "<$pod>" as node2_pod3
+ node2_vector <-up- node2_pod1
+ node2_vector <-up- node2_pod2
+ node2_vector <-up- node2_pod3
+ }
+cloud {
+ component "Sink" as sink
+ node1_vector -down-> sink
+ node2_vector -down-> sink
diff --git a/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/deployment-topology.svg b/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/deployment-topology.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0e90bcb9b925c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/deployment-topology.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2646 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/vector.svg b/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/vector.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..15876de70b22c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rfcs/2020-04-04-2221-kubernetes-integration/vector.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Custom Preset
+ Created with Sketch.
\ No newline at end of file