All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Include common labels on ClusterRole resource (#144) (01773ba)
- Fix comment on autoscaling option (#145) (9d1c3c2)
- Fix example and CI for Vector templating (#126) (e28ba32)
- Clarify usage of secrets.generic and env (#129) (1396dd4)
- Update charts to Vector 0.19.0 (#131) (26f9779)
- Fix the conditions for enable/disable SA on the HAProxy (#122) (83cf509)
- Upgrade Vector to 0.18.1. (#124) (20f1f0e)
- Switch metric list order in HPA. (#117) (0a214bb)
- Typo podPriorityClassName & StatefulSet (#116) (31d7eb4)
- Include option to add additionalLabels to PodMonitor (#111) (0a71e9e)
- Upgrade Vector to 0.18.0 (#114) (27b9e98)
- Handle helm-docs processing of vector template example (#107) (34cb0eb)
- Provide default value for only minAvailable in PDB (#98) (6fcb9de)
- Fix type for podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable (#104) (190c2b4)
- Toggle both service and headless service with service.enabled (#101) (a8b7daf)
- Document how to use Vector's template syntax in customConfig (#91) (cf67558)
- Add support for user defined initContainers for Vector Pods (#79) (44a2e5e)
- Update secrets.generic to take unencoded values (#84) (5f66c18)
- BREAKING: Update secrets.generic to take unencoded values (#84)
- Ensure good feature parity for HAProxy (#85) (0cb3798)
- Update charts to Vector 0.17.2 (#89) (de3cf26)
- Allow HPA to be used with statefulsets (#92) (73ae867)
- Clarify suggested usage (#76) (0555fb0)
- Fix ordering of
function in port helpers (#80) (bc8401f)
- Add optional PodDisruptionBudget resource for Vector (#57) (ea65bd0)
- Support injecting multiple ConfigMaps (#58) (337d7d2)
- BREAKING: Renamed
- BREAKING: Renamed
- Allow option PSP to be created for Agent role (#67) (a2c535b)
- Allow for manually setting ports for container and services (#68) (5901de8)
- Create checksum annotations for existingConfig and extraConfigs (#69) (26a1bd5)
- Consolidate existing/extraConfig options (#71) (17c94b8)
- BREAKING: Renamed existingConfig to existingConfigMaps, renamed haproxy.existingConfig to haproxy.existingConfigMaps removed extraConfigs
- Add parameter to include additional labels on all resources (#73) (6d1426b)
- Add extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts parameters (#74) (895354f)
- Create ports for api from customConfig (#51) (b82c6b6)