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Launcher modification (for Windows)

  1. Install Apktool and Python.

  2. Go to the folder with your Launcher.apk, press Shift + right click and open PowerShell from the context menu.

  3. In PowerShell paste this command: apktool d Launcher.apk and press enter. Wait till Apktool finishes the job.

  4. Now you should see the folder Launcher containing disassembled launcher app. Go to the directory Launcher\smali\com\fyt\car and open MusicService.smali with text editor (i.e. Notepad++).

  5. Compare the code to the following examples. If it looks like on this screenshot then you can proceed to the next step. If it looks like that then it means that the code in your launcher is obfuscated and there's little we can do. Simply choose another launcher.

  6. Download and unpack launcher_cooker.rar. Copy and paste MusicService.smali to the unpacked launcher_cooker folder (it should be in the same folder with additional_method.smali and

  7. Open PowerShell in that folder the same way as in the step 2. and run the command py .\

  8. In the newly created output folder you will find the modified MusicService.smali, use it to replace the original file in the directory Launcher\smali\com\fyt\car.

  9. Repeat step 2. and 3. but this time use the command apktool b Launcher which will assembly the app back to the .apk file.

  10. Go to the directory Launcher\dist where you'll find modified Launcher.apk.

  11. Now sign your Launcher.apk with proper keystore. That might be tricky for users that don't have installed Android SDK.

    Here is the exemple of Android SDK directory C:\Users\<your_user-name>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\34.0.0. First steps will happen there.

    1. If you have installed android SDK then your Environment is probably already created, so just copy and paste apksigner.jar from \AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\<build_number>\lib to AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\<build_number> and proceed to the step 12.

    2. If it's your first time with Android then you can either install Android Studio and do previous step or just set smaller packege available to download here without downloading Android Studio.

    3. If you chose to download smaller package then create such directory C:\Users\<your_user-name>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\<build_number> and unpack it's contents there so it looks like on this screenshot. Copy-paste apksigner.jar as in subpoint 1.

    4. Create or edit environment variable PATH for user and for system using this dir %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\build-tools\<build_number> axactly as on this screenshot.

    5. If the substeps above don't work then you'll have to google it and solve proper Android SDK installation by yourself.

      !!! Remember to replace <your_user-name> and <build_number> with proper content (see the example screenshots) !!!

  12. Copy and paste Launcher.apk from step 10. to the launcher_signer folder (it should be in the same folder with platform.jks).

  13. Open PowerShell in that folder the same way as in the step 2. and try to run the command:

    apksigner sign --ks <your_directory>\launcher_signer\platform.jks Launcher.apk

    If it doesn't work try this command:

    C:\Users\<your_user-name>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\<build_number>\apksigner sign --ks <your_directory>\launcher_signer\platform.jks launcher.apk

    PowerShell will ask you for the pasword, type android (it won't show up in the terminal) and press Enter. Here is the exemplary screenshot.

    !!! Remember to replace <your_user-name>, <build_number> and <your_directory> with proper content (see the example screenshots) !!!

  14. Now you should find in the launcher_signer folder launcher.apk.idsig which you can remove and signed Launcher.apk (it has the same name as before signing).

  15. Install signed Launcher.apk on your device and have fun with working status bar titles from stock player.