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Least-Squares Support-Vector Machine   Codacy BadgeGenerate documentationBuild Status Linux CPU + GPUWindows CPU

Implementation of a parallel least-squares support-vector machine using multiple different backends. The currently available backends are:

Getting Started


General dependencies:

  • a C++17 capable compiler (e.g. gcc or clang)
  • CMake 3.18 or newer
  • cxxopts, fast_float and {fmt} (all three are automatically build during the CMake configuration if they couldn't be found using the respective find_package call)
  • GoogleTest if testing is enabled (automatically build during the CMake configuration if find_package(GTest) wasn't successful)
  • doxygen if documentation generation is enabled
  • OpenMP 4.0 or newer (optional) to speed-up file parsing

Additional dependencies for the OpenMP backend:

  • compiler with OpenMP support

Additional dependencies for the CUDA backend:

Additional dependencies for the OpenCL backend:

  • OpenCL runtime and header files

Additional dependencies for the SYCL backend:

  • the code must be compiled with a SYCL capable compiler; currently tested with DPC++ and hipSYCL

Additional dependencies if PLSSVM_ENABLE_TESTING and PLSSVM_GENERATE_TEST_FILE are both set to ON:


Building the library can be done using the normal CMake approach:

> git clone [email protected]:vancraar/Bachelor-Code.git SVM
> cd SVM/SVM
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake -DPLSSVM_TARGET_PLATFORMS="..." [optional_options] ..
> cmake --build .

Target Platform Selection

The required CMake option PLSSVM_TARGET_PLATFORMS is used to determine for which targets the backends should be compiled. Valid targets are:

  • cpu: compile for the CPU; no architectural specifications is allowed
  • nvidia: compile for NVIDIA GPUs; at least one architectural specification is necessary, e.g. nvidia:sm_86,sm_70
  • amd: compile for AMD GPUs; at least one architectural specification is necessary, e.g. amd:gfx906
  • intel: compile for Intel GPUs; no architectural specification is allowed

At least one of the above targets must be present.

To retrieve the architectural specification, given an NVIDIA or AMD GPU name, a simple Python3 script utility/ is provided (requiring Python3 argparse as dependency):

> python3 utility/ --help
usage: [-h] [--name NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  the full name of the GPU (e.g. GeForce RTX 3080)

Example invocations:

> python3 utility_scripts/ --name "GeForce RTX 3080"
> python3 utility_scripts/ --name "Radeon VII"

If no GPU name is provided, the script tries to automatically detect any NVIDIA or AMD GPU (requires the Python3 dependencies GPUtil and pyamdgpuinfo).

If the architectural information for the requested GPU could not be retrieved, one option would be to have a look at:

Optional CMake Options

The [optional_options] can be one or multiple of:

    • ON: check for the OpenMP backend and fail if not available
    • AUTO: check for the OpenMP backend but do not fail if not available
    • OFF: do not check for the OpenMP backend
    • ON: check for the CUDA backend and fail if not available
    • AUTO: check for the CUDA backend but do not fail if not available
    • OFF: do not check for the CUDA backend
    • ON: check for the OpenCL backend and fail if not available
    • AUTO: check for the OpenCL backend but do not fail if not available
    • OFF: do not check for the OpenCL backend
    • ON: check for the SYCL backend and fail if not available
    • AUTO: check for the SYCL backend but do not fail if not available
    • OFF: do not check for the SYCL backend

Attention: at least one backend must be enabled and available!

  • PLSSVM_ENABLE_ASSERTS=ON|OFF (default: OFF): enables custom assertions regardless whether the DEBUG macro is defined or not
  • PLSSVM_THREAD_BLOCK_SIZE (default: 16): set a specific thread block size used in the GPU kernels (for fine-tuning optimizations)
  • PLSSVM_INTERNAL_BLOCK_SIZE (default: 6: set a specific internal block size used in the GPU kernels (for fine-tuning optimizations)
  • PLSSVM_EXECUTABLES_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION (default: OFF): enables single precision calculations instead of double precision for the svm-train and svm-predict executables
  • PLSSVM_ENABLE_LTO=ON|OFF (default: ON): enable interprocedural optimization (IPO/LTO) if supported by the compiler
  • PLSSVM_ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION=ON|OFF (default: OFF): enable the doc target using doxygen
  • PLSSVM_ENABLE_TESTING=ON|OFF (default: ON): enable testing using GoogleTest and ctest
  • PLSSVM_GENERATE_TIMING_SCRIPT=ON|OFF (default: OFF): configure a timing script usable for performance measurement

If PLSSVM_ENABLE_TESTING is set to ON, the following options can also be set:

  • PLSSVM_GENERATE_TEST_FILE=ON|OFF (default: ON): automatically generate test files
    • PLSSVM_TEST_FILE_NUM_DATA_POINTS (default: 5000): the number of data points in the test file

If the SYCL backend is available and DPC++ is used, the option PLSSVM_SYCL_DPCPP_USE_LEVEL_ZERO can be used to select Level-Zero as the DPC++ backend instead of OpenCL. To use DPC++ as compiler simply set the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to the respective DPC++ clang path during CMake invocation.

Running the tests

To run the tests after building the library (with PLSSVM_ENABLE_TESTING set to ON) use:

> ctest

Generating test coverage results

To enable the generation of test coverage reports using locv the library must be compiled using the custom Coverage CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. Additionally, it's advisable to use smaller test files to shorten the ctest step.

> cmake --build . -- coverage

The resulting html coverage report is located in the coverage folder in the build directory.

Creating the documentation

If doxygen is installed and PLSSVM_ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION is set to ON the documentation can be build using

> make doc

The documentation of the current state of the main branch can be found here.


The library supports the install target:

> cmake --build . -- install


Generating data

The repository comes with a Python3 script (in the data/ directory) to simply generate arbitrarily large data sets.

In order to use all functionality, the following Python3 modules must be installed: argparse, numpy, pandas, sklearn, arff, matplotlib and mpl_toolkits

> python3 --help
usage: [-h] --output OUTPUT --format FORMAT [--problem PROBLEM] --samples SAMPLES [--test_samples TEST_SAMPLES] --features FEATURES [--plot]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT       the output file to write the samples to (without extension)
  --format FORMAT       the file format; either arff or libsvm
  --problem PROBLEM     the problem to solve; one of: blobs, blobs_merged, planes, planes_merged, ball
  --samples SAMPLES     the number of training samples to generate
  --test_samples TEST_SAMPLES
                        the number of test samples to generate; default: 0
  --features FEATURES   the number of features per data point
  --plot                plot training samples; only possible if 0 < samples <= 2000 and 1 < features <= 3

An example invocation generating a data set consisting of blobs with 1000 data points with 200 features each could look like:

> python3 --ouput data_file --format libsvm --problem blobs --samples 1000 --features 200


> ./svm-train --help
LS-SVM with multiple (GPU-)backends
  ./svm-train [OPTION...] training_set_file [model_file]

  -t, --kernel_type arg         set type of kernel function.
                                         0 -- linear: u'*v
                                         1 -- polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree
                                         2 -- radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2) (default: 0)
  -d, --degree arg              set degree in kernel function (default: 3)
  -g, --gamma arg               set gamma in kernel function (default: 1 / num_features)
  -r, --coef0 arg               set coef0 in kernel function (default: 0)
  -c, --cost arg                set the parameter C (default: 1)
  -e, --epsilon arg             set the tolerance of termination criterion (default: 0.001)
  -b, --backend arg             choose the backend: openmp|cuda|opencl|sycl (default: openmp)
  -p, --target_platform arg     choose the target platform: automatic|cpu|gpu_nvidia|gpu_amd|gpu_intel (default: automatic)
  -q, --quiet                   quiet mode (no outputs)
  -h, --help                    print this helper message
      --input training_set_file

      --model model_file

An example invocation using the CUDA backend could look like:

> ./svm-train --backend cuda --input /path/to/data_file

Another example targeting NVIDIA GPUs using the SYCL backend looks like:

> ./svm-train --backend sycl --target_platform gpu_nvidia --input /path/to/data_file

The --target_platform=automatic flags works for the different backends as follows:

  • OpenMP: always selects a CPU
  • CUDA: always selects an NVIDIA GPU (if no NVIDIA GPU is available, throws an exception)
  • OpenCL: tries to find available devices in the following order: NVIDIA GPUs 🠦 AMD GPUs 🠦 Intel GPUs 🠦 CPU
  • SYCL: tries to find available devices in the following order: NVIDIA GPUs 🠦 AMD GPUs 🠦 Intel GPUs 🠦 CPU


> ./svm-predict --help
LS-SVM with multiple (GPU-)backends
  ./svm-predict [OPTION...] test_file model_file [output_file]

  -b, --backend arg          choose the backend: openmp|cuda|opencl|sycl (default: openmp)
  -p, --target_platform arg  choose the target platform: automatic|cpu|gpu_nvidia|gpu_amd|gpu_intel (default: automatic)
  -q, --quiet                quiet mode (no outputs)
  -h, --help                 print this helper message
      --test test_file
      --model model_file
      --output output_file

An example invocation could look like:

> ./svm-predict --backend cuda --test /path/to/test_file --model /path/to/model_file

Another example targeting NVIDIA GPUs using the SYCL backend looks like:

> ./svm-predict --backend sycl --target_platform gpu_nvidia --test /path/to/test_file --model /path/to/model_file

The --target_platform=automatic flags works like in the training (./svm-train) case.

Example code for usage as library

A simple C++ program (main.cpp) using this library could look like:

#include "plssvm/core.hpp"

#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main(i) {
    try {
        // parse SVM parameter from command line
        plssvm::parameter<double> params;
        params.backend = plssvm::backend_type::cuda;


        // create C-SVM (based on selected backend)
        auto svm = plssvm::make_csvm(params);

        // learn

        // get accuracy
        std::cout << "accuracy: " << svm->accuracy() << std::endl;

        // predict
        std::vector<double> point = { ... };
        std::cout << "label: " << svm->predict(point) << std::endl;

        // write model file to disk
    } catch (const plssvm::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << e.what_with_loc() << std::endl;
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;

With a corresponding minimal CMake file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)


find_package(plssvm CONFIG REQUIRED)

add_executable(prog main.cpp)

target_compile_features(prog PUBLIC cxx_std_17)
target_link_libraries(prog PUBLIC plssvm::svm-all)


The PLSSVM library is distributed under the MIT license.