A diagram showing the DNS and routing flow for your setup using Mermaid.
flowchart LR
subgraph Internet
Browser["User's Browser"]
subgraph "Domain Registration"
Versio["Versio<br/>(Domain Registrar)"]
subgraph "DNS Management"
Cloudflare["Cloudflare<br/>(DNS & Proxy)"]
subgraph "Web Hosting"
Valyent["Valyent<br/>(Web Application Host)"]
%% DNS Setup Flow
Versio -->|"Delegates DNS via<br/>Nameservers"| Cloudflare
%% Request Flow
Browser -->|"1 Requests<br/>prompt-management.<br/>vanheemstrasystems.com"| Cloudflare
Cloudflare -->|"2 Routes request to<br/>Valyent application"| Valyent
Valyent -->|"3 Returns web<br/>application content"| Cloudflare
Cloudflare -->|"4 Delivers content<br/>with added security<br/>and optimization"| Browser
%% Styling
classDef provider fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef service fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class Versio,Cloudflare,Valyent provider
class Browser service
Let me explain the key components and flow:
Domain Registration (Versio):
- Maintains the domain registration for vanheemstrasystems.com
- Delegates DNS authority to Cloudflare via nameserver settings
DNS & Proxy (Cloudflare):
- Manages DNS records including the prompt-management subdomain
- Provides security, caching, and optimization
- Routes traffic to Valyent
- Acts as the "broker" in your setup
Web Host (Valyent):
- Hosts the actual web application
- Receives traffic via Cloudflare's proxy
Request Flow:
- User requests prompt-management.vanheemstrasystems.com
- Request goes through Cloudflare's global network
- Cloudflare forwards to Valyent
- Response returns through Cloudflare to user
This setup gives you:
- Centralized DNS management
- Easy host changes if needed
- Added security and performance from Cloudflare
- Clean separation of concerns between registration, DNS, and hosting