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Listen and Move: Improving GANs Coherency in Agnostic Sound-to-Video Generation

Project Page | Abstract Paper | Full Paper

This repository contains the code for training a particular type of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for transforming audio (actually a sequence of spectrograms) into a video sequence. In particular, compared to a vanilla GAN, it makes use of:

  1. A more versatile triple sound routing for motion encoding, content representation, and conditional normalization layers.
  2. A residual multi-scale DilatedRNN for an extended audio analysis and listening range.
  3. A multi-orientation causal video prediction layer built upon a novel Directional ConvGRU.

This repository also contains a wide range of GAN configurations, losses, and validation metrics.


Rafael Redondo, "Listen and Move: Improving GANs Coherency in Agnostic Sound-to-Video Generation" In ICCV 2023 workshop: AV4D Visual Learning of Sounds in Spaces.

Main Content

  • A folder containing training videos and deploy audio files.
  • Audio converter, takes an audio file (filename or raw audio) and generates a bunch of spectrograms according to a given hop size.
  • Contains a dataloader which takes a video file as input and generates frame pairs of video and spectrogram or audio features according to requested fps (makes use of The dataloader dispatches training batches of short video sequences and associated spectrograms or audio features (e.g. 4, 8, 16,...).
  • Neural models. See architectures.
  • Implements a ConvGRU Cell with bidirectional kernels.
  • Main setup and training iterations.
  • This class computes several loss types: wgan-gp, wgan, hinge, non-saturating, least-squares, total variation, and BCELogistics.
  • and Code for calculating the Frechet Inception Distance (FID) and Frechet Video Distance (FVD) of the generated frames.
  • Writes configuration and training losses on a log file and TensorBoard.
  • File to deploy videos on the fly during training and off-line provided a list of validation audio files.
  • Plots MSE (mean, std) over long synthetic videos vs reals, e.g. 512-1024 frames, to assess performance on sequence length.

How to train

Use for training a model in a particular video by using the following arguments. Consult the paper for further details.

General arguments

--gpus: Specifies which GPUs to use. Default is '0'.
--train_source: Path to the training video source file (or URMP+split+instrument).
--trial_name: Name of the trial for logging and checkpointing purposes.
--resume: Path to the deploy folder to resume training. Default is an empty string.

Video settings

--seq_len: Length of the video sequence in frames. Default is 32.
--fps: Frame rate of the video. Default is 20.

Sound representation

--chunk_len: Duration of audio chunks in seconds. Must be greater than or equal to 0.16. Default is 0.085.
--feat_type: Type of sound feature descriptors to use. Options are 'mel', 'lms', or 'mfcc'. Default is 'lms'.
--mel_bands: Number of Mel bands. Typically 64 or 128. Default is 64.

Conditioning configurations

--e_motion: Size of the motion random vector that feeds the RNN. Default is 2.
--z_content: Size of the noise content that feeds the generator. Default is 0.
--sound_route: Specifies how sound features are routed. Options are 'rnn', 'gen' (generator), or 'rnngen' (both). Default is 'gen'.
--motion_layers: Number of motion encoder layers. Default is 1.
--motion_type: Type of recurrent motion encoding. Options are 'basic' or 'feedback'. Default is 'basic'.

Image and video synthesis

--image_size: Size of the video frame. Default is 256.
--crop: Video frame cropping coordinates at loading. Default is None.
--g_type: Type of generator. Options are '2d' (residual) or '3d'. Default is '2d'.
--g_arch: Architecture of the generator. Options are 'basic', 'skip', or 'residual'. Default is 'residual'.
--d_arch: Architecture of the discriminators. Options are 'basic', 'skip', or 'residual'. Default is 'skip'.
--vid_pred: Type of video prediction. Options are None (empty), 'basic', or 'dir' (directional). Default is empty.
--double_finest: If given, doubles the channel capacity of the finest (outer) G and D layers.
--cond_gen: If given, activates the generator's conditional instance normalization.


--total_iter: Total number of iterations to train. Default is 50000.
--loss_type: Type of cost function. Options are 'wgan-gp' (Wasserstein-GP), 'wgan', 'hinge', 'ns' (non-saturating), 'ls' (least-squares), 'bce' (BCELogistics). Default is 'wgan-gp'.
--lr_g: Learning rate for the generator. Default is 1e-4.
--lr_d: Learning rate for the discriminator. Default is 4e-4.
--lambda_L1: Weight factor for L1 loss term. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 0.
--lambda_pl: Weight factor for perceptual loss. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 10.

Training automation

The script automates the training process. It iterates over a predefined set of assets, names, and crops, and invokes the training function with the appropriate parameters.

  ./ <number_of_gpus> <train_source> <trial_name> <sound_route> <motion_layers> <motion_type> <image_size> <video_prediction> <crop> <total_iter>


  ./ 1 ./assets/myvideo.mp4 myname rnn 1 basic 128 "" 650,400,1250,1000 50000

How to deploy

Use to deploy a trained model with different audio files by using the following arguments. Consult the paper for further details.

--gpus: Specifies which GPUs to use. Default is '0'.
--checkpoint: Path to the generators checkpoint file. Default is None.
--seq_len: Length of the video sequence in frames. Default is 32.
--fps: Frame rate of the video. Default is 20.
--chunk_len: Duration of audio chunks in seconds. Must be greater than or equal to 0.16. Default is 0.085.
--feat_type: Type of sound feature descriptors to use. Options are 'mel' (mel spectrogram) or 'mfcc'. Default is 'mel'.
--mel_bands: Number of Mel bands. Typically 64 or 128. Default is 64.
--e_motion: Size of the motion random vector that feeds the RNN. Default is 2.
--z_content: Size of the noise content that feeds the generator. Default is 0.
--sound_route: Specifies how sound features are routed. Options are 'rnn', 'gen' (generator), or 'rnngen' (both). Default is 'gen'.
--motion_layers: Number of motion encoder layers. Default is 1.
--motion_type: Type of recurrent motion encoding. Options are 'basic' or 'feedback'. Default is 'basic'.
--image_size: Size of the video frame. Default is 256.
--g_type: Type of generator. Options are '2d' (residual) or '3d'. Default is '2d'.
--g_arch: Architecture of the generator. Options are 'basic', 'skip', or 'residual'. Default is 'residual'.
--vid_pred: Type of video prediction. Options are None (empty), 'basic', or 'dir' (directional). Default is empty.
--double_finest: If given, doubles the channel capacity of the finest (outer) G and D layers.
--cond_gen: If given, activates the generator's conditional instance normalization.

Example of how to deploy a trained model:

python \
    --gpus 0 \
    --checkpoint 20221115162523-experiment128/checkpoints/0040000_Gn.model \
    --vp_channels 8 \
    --motion_layers 3 \
    --sound_route rnngen \
    --seq_len 32 \
    --e_motion 2 \
    --z_content 0 \
    --fps 10 \
    --chunk_len 0.150 \
    --mel_bands 64 \
    --feat_type lms \
    --image_size 256 \
    --g_arch residual

How to validate

Run the script scripts/ on custom audio files or scripts/ on sounds from the FSD50K dataset to evaluate the quality of generated video sequences using various metrics: FVD, FID, MSE, PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS. The performance of different model checkpoints can be compared and visualized. See scripts/ and scripts/ for some examples.

--train_source: Path to the training source, which can be a video file or a URMP+split+instrument.
--checkpoints: List of paths to checkpoints. Default is None.
--labels: List of checkpoint names. Default is None.
--image_size: Size of the video frame. Default is 256.
--crop: Video frame cropping coordinates at loading. Default is None.
--max_seq_len: Maximum sequence length to evaluate. Default is 1024.
--fps: Frame rate of the video. Default is 20.
--chunk_len: Duration of audio chunks in seconds. Must be greater than or equal to 0.16. Default is 0.085.
--feat_type: Type of sound feature descriptors to use. Options are 'mel', 'lms', or 'mfcc'. Default is 'lms'.
--mel_bands: Number of Mel bands. Typically 64 or 128. Default is 64.
--e_motion: Size of the motion random vector that feeds the RNN. Default is 2.
--z_content: Size of the noise content that feeds the generator. Default is 0.
--sound_route: Specifies how sound features are routed. Options are 'rnn', 'gen' (generator), or 'rnngen' (both). Default is 'gen'.
--motion_layers: Number of motion encoder layers. Default is 1.
--motion_type: Type of recurrent motion encoding. Options are 'basic' or 'accumulative'. Default is 'basic'.
--g_type: Type of generator. Options are '2d' (residual) or '3d'. Default is '2d'.
--g_arch: Architecture of the generator. Options are 'basic', 'skip', or 'residual'. Default is 'residual'.
--vid_pred: Type of video prediction. Options are None (empty), 'basic', or 'dir' (directional). Default is empty.
--double_finest: If given, doubles the channel capacity of the finest (outer) G and D layers.
--cond_gen: If given, activates the generator's conditional instance normalization.
--save_plot: Metric to be plotted. Options are 'none', 'mse', 'psnr', or 'ssim'. Default is an empty string.


  title={Listen and Move: Improving GANs Coherency in Agnostic Sound-to-Video Generation},
  author={R. Redondo},
  booktitle={AV4D: Visual Learning of Sounds in Spaces. ICCV Workshop, Oct. 2023.},

Copyright (c) 2023 Rafael Redondo, Eurecat.