Make sure you have the Serverless Framework installed and you're using Node.js v4.0+.
npm install serverless -g
Install project dependencies via npm:
npm install
Run the following command to hydrate the required python libraries
pip install -t ./packages -r requirements.txt
Setup your environment appropriately by either running the command suitable with your OS or setting up your aws config file with the credentials in the result.
In the serverless.yml file, ensure the stage
and region
under provider
are set like so
name: aws
runtime: python3.6
# the following are used for local deployment
stage: dev
region: ap-northeast-1
Run the following command in your Terminal window
serverless deploy
Run the following command to show the endpoint urls:
serverless info
Once you are done with testing, run the following command to REMOVE the service:
serverless remove
Setup virtual environment:
$ python -m venv ./venv
Activate the env by running the following command:
source venv/bin/activate # linux/macos
# or
source ./venv/Script/activate # windows bash
Install the followings:
pip install nose
pip install python-lambda-local
To test a specific function:
python-lambda-local -l ./ -f handler -t 5 handlers/ handlers/event.json
To run unit tests
nosetests -v
To exit from the virtual env, run the following command