All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
Bumped kotlin, coroutines, junit5, mockk, assertj, gradle, detekt, git-publish, reckon, asciidoctor, foojay-resolver-convention, binary-compatibitility-validator, sonarqube, checkout action, gradle action
Adusted to new way of configuring the git publish plugin
Resolved deprecations with gradle actions
Note: The publication of this release to Maven Centeral failed.
Bumped kotlin, coroutines, junit5, kotest, mockk, assertj-core, detekt, gradle, gradle-nexus.publish-plugin, sonarqube-plugin, actions/checkout digest, gradle/wrapper-validation-action
resoled some warnins and deprecations
Bumped dependency kotlin, couroutines, gradle, dokka, junit5, kotest, mockk, assertj, detekt, reckon, asciidoctor-plugin, git-publish-plugin, versions-plugin, sonarqube-plugin, binary-compatibility-validator
detekt-hint build action
Bumped dependency gradle-wrapper, kotest, mockk, versions gradle plugin, checkout github action
Fail on gradle deprecation warnings
Java 11 compatibility (now requiring java platform 17 as minimum)
#132 Remove deprecated RIS fields number and typeOfWork
Bumped dependencies kotlin, coroutines, kotlinx-coroutines-rx2 junit5, kotest, mockk, kluent, dokka, detekt, reckon, versions gradle plugin, git-publish plugin, binary compatibility-validator, sonarqube gradle plugin,
detekt hints
Path to guide build directory
Add Stream API to KRisIO (thanks to @pawelpasterz)
Skip list collection where applicable (thanks to @pawelpasterz)
Bumped kotlin, dokka, nexus-graddle-plugin
#138 Properly handle newlines when importing
Bumped dependencies kotlin, kotest, kluent, detekt, mockk, junit5, assertj-core, reckon, gradle wrapper, sonarqube gradle plugin, versions gradle plugin, nexus publish gradle plugin
move reckon configuration from build.gradle.kts into settings.gradle.kts
#129 RisRecord.number, RisRecord.typeOfWork (in favor of RisRecord.miscellaneous1 and RisRecord.miscellaneous3)
#129 Allow importing M1 as String
#89 use kotest as testing/specification library
use renovate instead of dependabot for dependency management
Bumped dokka, kluent
re-introduced sonar analysis
Bumped gradle-wrapper, kotlin, coroutines, git-publish, detekt, junit-jupiter, spek, mockk, assertj, reckon, checkout, cache, setup-java
Publish to maven-central
removed kordamp gradle plugins
Bumped gradle-wrapper, kotlin, coroutines, mockk, rxjava, junit, kordamp-gradle-plugins, kluent, assertj
Bumped gradle-wrapper, kotlin, coroutines, mockk, rxjava, junit, kordamp-gradle-plugins
Bumped kotlin, gradle-wrapper, kotlin, kluent, spek, assertj, kordamp-gradle-plugins, couroutines, mockk spek
#45 Activated explicit api mode
Bumped gradle, rxjava2, kluent, assertj, coroutines, kordamp-gradle-plugins
Improved some kotlinDoc (RisTag)
Bumped gradle, kotlin, kordamp-gradle-plugins, gradle-wrapper, coroutines, junit, spekframework, assertj, mockk
#45 Compile to Java 11
GitHub action for publication
Dokka guide, Readme
#42 Fix sonar setup, bumpt gradle-wrapper, spek, kordamp-gradle-plugins
#31 Added and include link from README to dokka guide
Bumped junit-jupiter
Bumped kotlin, coroutines, rxjava, kordamp-gradle-plugins, junit-jupiter, gradle-wrapper
leverage kordamp-gradle-plugins to push static code analysis and coverage to sonarcloud
#27 Enabling bintray plugin with kordamp breaks IntelliJ project configuration
Bumped kotlin, coroutines, spekframework, rxjava, gradle-wrapper
Improved guide
First version of KRis (initially forked from JRis)
Migrated from Java to Kotlin
Migrated from maven to gradle, using kordamp-gradle-plugins
#4 Define API convenient both for code using JRis written in Kotlin and Java
#9 Implement API
#18 Upgrade kordamp-gradle-plugins to 0.31.0
#24 Migrate Repo into KRis
#26 Guide: Fix Javadoc and Source links in Section 5
use reckon for version management
GitHub action to publish guide
Bumped kotlin, gradle-wrapper, kordamp-gradle-plugins, coroutines, rxjava, reckon, git-publish plugin, spekframework, detekt, kluent, assertj
GitHub actions: validate gradle-wrapper