title | category | type | source |
Off-chain Messages |
messages |
reference |
Most request and responses are performed privately off-chain between the different parties to a flow.
Most off-chain messages consist of signed JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) as defined in RFC 7519.
We currently only support signatures using the secp256k1 ECDSA curve, which is also used by both Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The JOSE header indicates the signing algorithm used in the JWT. This MUST contain the following:
{"typ": "JWT", "alg": "ES256K"}
The JWT spec calls these claims, but we use the term "claims" for identity-specific data. So in this document we will call these standard JWT "claims" "attributes" instead.
Name | Description | Required |
iss |
The DID of the signing identity | yes |
sub |
The DID of the subject of the JWT | no |
aud |
The DID or URL of the audience of the JWT. Our libraries or app will not accept any JWT that has someone else as the audience | no |
iat |
The time of issuance | yes |
exp |
Expiration time of JWT | no |
Non Standard attributes:
Name | Description | Required |
callback |
Callback URL for returning the response to a request | no |
type |
Type of Message | no |
vc |
Array of Verified Claims JWTs or IPFS hash of JSON encoded equivalent about the iss of this message. See Issuer Claims and Verified Claims |
no |
boxPub |
32 byte base64 encoded Curve25519 public key |
no |
The following attributes can also be appended to the signed request as URL encoded query parameters outside of the signed payload.
Name | Description | Required |
redirect_url |
The URL that control is returned to once a request is complete (mobile). Base url/domain must match callback in JWT. | no |
callback_type |
Valid values post or redirect . Determines if callback should be sent as a HTTP POST or open the link (redirect ). If unspecified, the mobile app will attempt to pick the correct one |
no |
These options allow you to tell the client how you want to receive the response. If a redirect_url is provided, the client will post the response to the callback in the JWT and then call the given redirect_url to return control to the original callee. You can also add any contextual data in the redirect_url query params or as a url fragment (i.e. you may want to map requests to responses). If a redirect_url is provided and a callback_type redirect is provided the response will be passed as url fragment with the redirect_url. If no redirect_url is provided, it will use the callback in JWT and will use the callback_type if provided or the client will attempt to choose the correct type.
Each uPort compatible JWT must be signed using an secp256k1 curve. The public key is resolved for the iss
using the uPort PKI.
Some message transports are not secure and require messages to be encrypted. See our encryption specs for more detail.
Many apps that run 100% in the browser do not have a secure way of signing a request. Therefore we provide unsigned versions of certain requests.
There are certain standardized parameters that are provided using HTTP query params in the request. Some of these are based on parameters in the OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749 Spec:
Name | Description | Required |
client_id |
The DID of the requesting identity | no |
callback_url |
The URL that receives the response | no |
callback_type |
Valid values post or redirect . Determines if callback should be sent as a HTTP POST or open the link (redirect ). If unspecified the mobile app will attempt to pick the correct one |
no |
label |
Plain text name of client to be displayed to user | no |
There are several standard message types that the uPort mobile app knows how to handle or create:
- Selective Disclosure Request for asking private data from a user
- Selective Disclosure Response signed by the app as a response to a Selective Disclosure Request
- Verified Claim - signed claim by one party about another party
- Verified Claim Request - Request a signed claim by one party about another party
- Ethereum Transaction Request for requesting a user to sign a transaction
- Private Chain Provisioning Message for provisioning an identity on a private Ethereum chain