All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.1 (2023-04-25)
- disable possibility of vault creation with chain name or an url (b619cbe)
- handle insufficient balance issue for every action (5e39fcd)
1.1.0 (2023-04-20)
- accounts composable (b370179)
- add colorful border with variable width to avatars (f1e170a)
- add multisig functionality to composables (157a2e6)
- add new error message in multisig vault create (1ca3379)
- add ui for multisig dashboard (8dcdaab)
- app connection composable (3ccb516)
- assign proper account to a transaction party (1f5ee54)
- calculate multisig creation transaction fee (a3cba3f)
- change text-input to textarea in vault create form (210471b)
- composition api in TransactionList (034b4c9)
- custom form select input (fad9e09)
- dashboard: add hover to network button (a8490aa)
- dialog box (8b42bac)
- display error if vault doesn't have sufficient funds (ee038cb)
- enable card closing on dashboard (2f5c41d)
- enable preview of freshly created multisig account and tx proposal (df412a0)
- expandable details item (a00668a)
- fetch active multisig transactions (c3679ab)
- form select default styling (8466da9)
- implement multisig transaction list with pending widget (22a4792)
- impove transactions labels (4888bc7)
- improve design of multisig details page (a30412a)
- move the currencies logic from store to a composable (d1f48ad)
- multisig details ui changes (5071dac)
- multisig: ability to remove signer when creating the vault (2a85cd2)
- multisig: add warning if amount in proposal exceeds vault balance (4cad71b)
- multisig: auto select first signer as payer (1be7ee2)
- multisig: create multisig account (ce85b45)
- multisig: create multisig vault flow (95e16f7)
- multisig: create vault confirmation screen (73fef1f)
- multisig: create vault confirmation screen (e5e4d14)
- multisig: go to multisig vault details after creating it (7680ae9)
- multisig: proposal details screen (36b6e16)
- multisig: propose tx logic (e46af6a)
- multisig: propose tx ui (46586bc)
- multisig: transfer receive modal (e70ff2c)
- multisig: use chosen account to pay for vault creation (4a7ca1a)
- multisig: vault create first signer as account select (16afb03)
- multisig: vault create progress text update (21123ea)
- multisig: vault only one signer required (deb2bac)
- name-item: add BtnHelp if no pointer set (0a0027c)
- notFoundPage change button color (f9d38c1)
- notFoundPage change button color (c0fe250)
- notification page empty message (fecc953)
- paying for mutisig tx types handler (b508802)
- prevent creating vault with account that has no balance (fd4282b)
- redirect to 404 when transaction is not found (4f41be9)
- refactor accountDetails filter and navigation (cfd8f11)
- refactor multisig navigation (b0e2962)
- refactor network components to composition api (ec0c930)
- replace AddressShortening component with AddressTruncated (275df03)
- separate add multisig vault from add account card (0a83f34)
- show latest multisig proposal status (4ab3bc7)
- show related multisig coin details (b5dccbc)
- support GAMetaTx transactions (45e25b1)
- transaction item and latest transaction (58db736)
- update CommentNew page (ea70257)
- update styling of token list item (a7318da)
- use consensus label component instead of function (a8b1153)
- account details tokens margins (36fcd67)
- add missing multisig account address (1de3d83)
- add new comment correctly (6917572)
- add payload to a fee calculation (6b4db00)
- aens button sizes on ios (beb97c5)
- amount input number transformer (3174df2)
- apply correct border color for verified url (1e0f64b)
- avoid multiple composable polling when switching views (9a24d93)
- back button logic (7ae784c)
- be able to claim tips (b6e3a0f)
- calculate animation speed (cd9d6f4)
- calculate max amount on transferData change (0d20ecd)
- calculate name claim fee correctly (efae9fe)
- calculate totalAmount correctly (09febf5)
- calculate transaction direction correctly (b81aeff)
- change drySdk network on network change (dfa7d88)
- changes in Truncate component animation (e5d24e1)
- confirm local tx (60a2b93)
- confirm-transaction-sign: show token amount correctly (2248bfe)
- correctly determine DEX transactions (aab4af6)
- design discrepancies on account details (9714879)
- do not lose precision during sending (4812c2c)
- error handler (f8c1ea6)
- fetch all endpoint pages correctly (5979d89)
- fetch multisig proposal for syncing vault (e409720)
- firefox & safari input validation (b8840cc)
- fix initial amount calculation in maxAmount.ts (4064b0d)
- fix multisig address in transfer review (5610bd4)
- fixing clientWitdh issue (62365ed)
- fixing textarea auto height (b8bc2e9)
- fixing truncate text animation (de27fe9)
- fungible-tokens: handle no tokens correctly (ef8fb7f)
- handle nonce error gracefully in multisig accounts (1c8cc6d)
- handle pending transactions correctly (88eae9f)
- handle unsupported tx types correctly in the popups (abb1657)
- handle wrapper transactions correctly (ff1a3a9)
- icon styles issues (58efec5)
- improve default vault selection time (115b313)
- index: add Platforms only in web (5a30ff1)
- invites: validate amount input (780b5cf)
- latest transaction correctly showing the order (316adcd)
- latest transaction showing correctly direction (4388b8b)
- list item hover effect on mobile (8c7b716)
- load aeternity data correctly (05bc302)
- load transactions on scroll (49f0ef6)
- long names on send and receive modals (2990a56)
- middleware watcher in names vuex module (a00e040)
- missing revoke button on proposal details (50b91ba)
- mobile safe area (f5d0fa6)
- multisig assets list (4fd552f)
- multisig proposal consensus icons alignment (c49c208)
- multisig transaction details fee label (4d73141)
- multisig-details: show correct consensus info (b98d3af)
- multisig-proposal: change address to gaAccountId (4eb2dd8)
- multisig: apply correct pending transaction logic (fa502f1)
- multisig: be able to send a transaction (1a0b40c)
- multisig: handle not enough ae to propose (78b29d3)
- multisig: m of n signers selection (40885ea)
- multisig: propose transaction wording fixes (5c84a7f)
- multisig: show correct copied text (b64571a)
- multisig: show label for all user accounts in the vault details page (0e1e2d3)
- multisig: show only transactions related to account (80a3bc2)
- multisig: validate proposal correctly (dafd62f)
- names: be able to autoExtend names (6694f07)
- open modals with a preset token correctly (466c841)
- open transfer send on query change & fix token select from link (7cb53b0)
- proper typing for ae token balance (d432ff9)
- provide a required app prop to a confirmRawSign (96e51d2)
- provide missing store argument to the useSdk composable (657bcbc)
- remove additional 3 dots in transaction label (982d34f)
- remove excessive spacing in header (a819c67)
- remove names for account wrapper views (61042c1)
- remove syncing multisig vault from another network (49da939)
- remove terms navigation bug (1a1b61c)
- removed problem with multiple Transition children (4b12733)
- resolve problem with filter in assets select (1bae1b0)
- restore correct multisig accounts and active multisig id on network change (c8dec64)
- retip: allow only ae (28ac878)
- route: set scroll position to 0 for every page (f498e30)
- scrollbars visibility in firefox (1b44c2a)
- select assets list should be scrollable on safari (1e8c565)
- send-modal: show correct error on token 0 balance (1167e2c)
- set a proper url for a connected aepp (2823f36)
- set correct fallback route (7a70546)
- set correct labels for a spend transactions (7829969)
- set default name only if it points to current account (c1fb03a)
- show asset selector correctly on firefox (547a003)
- show correct amount for incomplete transactions (04b7715)
- show correct label for vault creation transaction (1128c10)
- show correct labels for spend transactions (e157ee6)
- show correct spend amount in SpendSuccess modal (b58c34a)
- show correct subtitle for multisig send and receive buttons (b6167e1)
- show proper transaction direction for transaction owner (a21d708)
- show total multisig amount correctly (54bc99a)
- show transactions only for current account (63122ad)
- spend-success: use correct prop type (75b52c5)
- stop transactions polling onUmnounted (e0505ca)
- styling of number select (990e306)
- swap route lines thickness (dedefcb)
- text shrink utility helper (a5904d3)
- token list margins (e5ad67e)
- transaction labels not loading properly (d8efac1)
- transaction sorting (dc75103)
- transaction-details: do not show empty tag (9f97f63)
- transaction-details: show error uncropped (ade2476)
- transaction-details: show transaction tokens correctly (1c4df84)
- transaction-displaying: show an actual avatars of participants (f90d246)
- transaction-item: add missing icon (3e2700e)
- transaction-item: show labels correctly (45b1d3f)
- transaction-tag-list: be able to show custom tag (5d47156)
- transactions: apply correct filter logic for pending transactions (64b69c5)
- transfer send payload info modal translation (50114ef)
- transfer-receive: set correct button styles (7faa15e)
- transfer-review: show fiat value (633312a)
- transfer-send: disable next button on error (f476889)
- transfer-send: handle uknown url status correctly (26b9a9b)
- transfer-send: limit asset select to ae only (054af8c)
- truncate long names in vault creation review (ac72800)
- unnecessary fetching of latest transactions (76c8246)
- update latest transactions on token balance change (a3b23a3)
- update multisig proposal modal (bd6340b)
- update warning color (adb8f08)
- url parser in permission manager (b338b04)
- use correct value for a minTipAmount validation (baa642b)
- use different prop for a custom title (02ca507)
- welcome screen paddings (e6264d3)
- wrong coin details route name (f58e536)
- avoid overloading external services with requests (aa852fa)
- fix and enable withdraw test (1ae9243)
- other: enable pending transaction tests (0186821)
- other: test the existing routes (4e8d4ea)
- add types to categorizeContractCallTxObject util function (4854c12)
- adjust label logic (ea4b394)
- buttons and table rows color unification (e36da9c)
- common way of calculating readable fee from a value (f8a281b)
- convert components using balances to Composition API (278c6cf)
- convert name auction components to Composition API and TypeScript (05fd6f9)
- exclude DEX transactions from Out (654a362)
- implement method to sign from non active account (18cd8bf)
- input field message property interface (612e91f)
- middleware: remove unnecessary workarounds (e7e5bcc)
- move formatNumber store getter to utils (9bbf1d2)
- move getTxTipUrl store getter to utils (f55bb07)
- move getTxType function from the store to the utils (ba83b7f)
- move isTxAex9 store getter to utils (987fbfb)
- move the middleware initiation logic from the store to a composable (9689b07)
- multisig: add polling height and verify polling results (8159287)
- multisig: adjust account filtering logic (eb6f399)
- multisig: avoid dependency on obsolete http compiler (f7b25ca)
- multisig: disable create multisig button till pay for transaction is ready (884643b)
- multisig: set expiration of proposal to a day (2c795e9)
- multisig: sign vault creation without switching active account (d783345)
- multisig: sort by date if other conditions are similar (8effbc2)
- multisig: support multiple vault creation (1723640)
- multisig: use signers length and remove duplicate method" (9a72d39)
- name-item: adjust wording (6415e5a)
- name-item: focus on set pointer input (c6400bc)
- name-item: set correct expand, collapse logic (9afee20)
- refactor: tx function types (8f8ac6d)
- release: 1.0.2 (54531fa)
- remove approx sign from formatted amount (d27c198)
- remove duplicated font face mono 16 (4a69023)
- replace popups mixin with composition api and add types for transaction resolvers (fdc4e60)
- replace RxJS with Vue Composables (d99efe7)
- show transactions sent to yourself as spent (4e2622a)
- unify pending transaction amount structure (046c00f)
- use composition api in avatar component (53cae4d)
- use default interface for composables (ffb9a4c)
- use one component to sign messages (9e31f95)
- use the correct name structure (1658350)
- use topHeader composable data in multisigTransactions to fetch the top block height (3f62d8f)
- use TypeScript in the Filters component (0bc3888)
- do not update token blance if AE is chosen (f863336)
- fungible-tokens: speed up tokens loading on middleware initialization (59ee80b)
- improve tip withdrawn transaction fetching (7f49a7b)
- keep the latest transactions state when navigating (4eeaed3)
- latest-transactions: fetch only latest tip withdrawn transactions (e73097a)
- multisig: dry-run additional info only on demand (f9e5c18)
- multisig: filter out multisigs with unsupported version (937cae0)
- multisig: load immutable data only once (ac03adf)
- multisig: remove unnecessary dry-run (8844e5f)
- multisig: remove unnecessary dry-runs needed to fetch transaction (97ee217)
- poll multisig accounts only if necessary (284ff51)
1.0.2 (2022-12-22)
- add ability to send transactions with a payload (200a906)
- change back button logic (eaf420c)
- improve token transactions & details navigation (acc3075)
- improved filter tokens by contract-id (9ce64fe)
- notification infinite scroll (e655662)
- redesign notifications page & move notifications to composable (05e4ea2)
- remodeled not found page (fec08d1)
- show active network on header (7699eb4)
- account card avatar overflow (0ba0318)
- account-import: be able to generate account from valid mnemonic (272cfcb)
- adjust welcome screen styles (16c2fca)
- allow localhost in url check (dcfd1d9)
- back button logic (8eecf4c)
- btn-icon: use correct hover color and opacity (47c6081)
- coins & tokens router path (a9c6d5f)
- composition api transactionToken and vuex (b3d00c5)
- dapp permissions check #1726 (6b53e74)
- fix the overflowing name on send/receive popups (3fd92a9)
- fungible-tokens: load correct token balances info (57716c7)
- header route meta (9f4a95e)
- header: use existing computed (36d4334)
- helper: vue composition-api usage (86d1141)
- index: add Platforms only in web (2c9f3c2)
- inline button arrangement (6f3a86e)
- missing dex related transaction details (4cd8e4d)
- only format address (233f56e)
- open ios notifications in new tab (01bd2bb)
- permission auto sign message #1158 (7712a32)
- prevent names from overflowing on transaction details (b2a4f24)
- refactor TransactionList.vue (b61b18b)
- remove transactionTokensMixin.js (c40c15c)
- reopen ae coin details (6eaf0c1)
- routes: apply correct header logic for Auction pages (df6f1fc)
- route: set scroll position to 0 for every page (9e03ef0)
- scrollable screens (746021d)
- show all info on claim tip transaction details (6174ba4)
- show correct info for pending token send transaction (79ab508)
- show long tip urls correctly (d54f100)
- transaction-details: show loading state while loading a transaction (f5f9a08)
- transaction-item: show labels token send transactions (4f6dc52)
- transactions: show none AE transactions correctly (b48d69d)
- transfer-receive: set correct button styles (b9fe262)
- use a valid type for a tipUrl prop (629084d)
- use correct close icon (e028f61)
- use modal-like footer in verify seed phrase form (cd26602)
- apply different styling of conditions in TransactionItem (4b70938)
- modal: remove unused selector (f82b308)
- add tests for isTxAex9 getter (a32c848)
- align test names (3a4f117)
- fix e2e tests (a39f3b9)
- fix transaction-details spec (b85407d)
- fix ts-jest warnings (c37a462)
- fix unit tests (3539d8c)
- import-account: test seed phrases more than 12 words (1a7c7ef)
- introduce error cases (32a8d52)
- support typescript and composition-api (d224269)
- add BrowserStack tooling to (84aa4e2)
- add types for selected utilities (5f61e08)
- disallow unused variables (92cd2a1)
- migrate router to type script (8dd0a02)
- refactor: deeplink api & max amount mixins (3741910)
- remove duplicated sdk vuex states (ee024dc)
- remove fake modal transition from account details (1a8e8e5)
- remove unused imports (4cfd833)
- restructure routes (fd9c2f0)
- update button color variants (3797e53)
1.0.1 (2022-11-15)
- add network forms (e7028cd)
- add send process indication (c6ebb4f)
- add/edit permission ui updates (4bb0867)
- added superhero logo to qr code generator (ae29bac)
- apply opacity to not selected accounts (c8226d4)
- closable dashboard cards (b18b0b8)
- deeplink connection popup ui updates (2f562fe)
- remove unused confirm-tip.vue (2eb9410)
- seed phrase ui updates (77d6fe9)
- settings: change network list UI (a3be56b)
- sticky account detail search bar & filters (ff5f4e9)
- text blocks unification (cce7db2)
- token-details: add collapsible scroll view with filters (b928c6d)
- use disabled amount input for invites (af5836b)
- adjust footer gradient position (74a88d8)
- adjust transaction details styles (03ee572)
- app and modal rounded corners (ee7f51c)
- app page and modal bottom inset (f5f0bcd)
- apply sticky rule for filters (f960b35)
- background: change network/account correctly (6dc23bd)
- bell icon and notification badge (982cfd7)
- buy link fix (78679a3)
- buy link fix (427b955)
- camera on extensions (2971227)
- connected and sign modals margins (93b6b55)
- copy text: ability to click when disabled (bdec040)
- copy text: ability to click when disabled (9ce6a44)
- disable formatting in tx overview for non-hash labels (507587c)
- firefox: prevent number input from allowing letters (082ed4b)
- fix permissions back button (55672e7)
- fix Transaction successfully submitted, link to explorer and fix token (42dd46c)
- get ae coin from scanned qr code (fca6ebd)
- hide close dashboard cards buttons (0ca6a96)
- hover under search (d593db0)
- inital active account card auto update (b248ef2)
- limit number input to number only (7833faa)
- modal footer fix (7b5f3d0)
- move buttons from edge of the screen (9c8dd0b)
- move loader layer above the account details tabs (e2340c2)
- name allowed characters length (627f2ac)
- no registered name message button alignment (850a646)
- platforms: missing import (68c4966)
- prevent error when name set to default and not connected (54b3c20)
- qr code reader (b1d3d5b)
- qr code sh logo size (99d03ff)
- recieve: dot validation on input (42e0964)
- remove account import button top margin (f9d6298)
- remove app bottom empty space (408f717)
- remove unnecessary page scrolling (92c7c6c)
- repair utils (ca74d4e)
- resize qr code logo and remove flickering (3ad0b1f)
- seed phrase screen ui (7e0a4c4)
- send modal address placeholder text (6abb581)
- show none AE related transactions correctly (f82ca12)
- top bar style (0b2dd51)
- transaction list scroll load more (25802dc)
- transaction should remain filters shown if filter is changed (f25c6bd)
- transaction-overiew: show a proper name for transactions to sent to a name (062f42c)
- transactions: fetch next transactions page correctly (f435b3e)
- transactions: show pending tip transaction correctly (52700e7)
- transfer-receive: handle none AE tokens correctly (38e59e9)
- viewport on android (7d0c715)
- viewport on mobile browsers (1d71307)
- when wallet running on ext cannot use composition api watch (87ea0f8)
- add typescript and vue composition api (5bf236e)
- buttons new ui by default (cd6eb1b)
- environment variables as imports (79750b2)
- inputs new ui by default (af33bd8)
- move vue components to popup dir (4ac1098)
- name tip/retip pending transaction fields consistent (c1a28c2)
- node connection statuses as constants (619fa43)
- notifications: statuses as constants and tabs styling (19e9908)
- popup utility functions unification (4f25c75)
- remove aepp components library (6cf0da6)
- replace copy mixin with composable (e5dc80d)
- replace mixin balance list with composable (dcc6f34)
- tabs: unify the tabs appearance (76c0463)
- update css color variable names (9922eb5)
- visual and performance tweaks (b1184f3)
- vue3 compatible passing content to slots (8ca0c7e)
1.0.0 (2022-09-10)
- about screen ui updates (3b435dc)
- account add modal (7ccbbba)
- account card swipe and arrow switching (e081fff)
- account details as page and page transitions (329c261)
- account details names (9940687)
- account details popup, transaction list, tokens list (2a69311)
- account: implement accounts card (2636253)
- accounts: discover subaccounts on seed phrase recovery (cabca3e)
- add account card (2a13a95)
- add bullets to account switcher (0fc370a)
- add total amount of fiat for all accounts (439914f)
- change link (d575399)
- change qr code popup style (2da49aa)
- claim tips ui screen (e85dc05)
- currency settings screen (c73ef3c)
- disable diamond button on home page & add disabled state for send button (530956b)
- errors log setting ui updates (2cb6e02)
- implement recipient helpers (7868c85)
- invite screen ui updates (7fccc0c)
- language setting ui updates (44a2ab3)
- make send and receive cards dense (58a740e)
- modal: appear from bottom modal variant (b550f63)
- more main screen, new app ui background (671137a)
- notifications setting ui updates (b4cb12d)
- page transitions tweaks (5a0fdd4)
- permission setting ui updates (f76dfd0)
- receive-tokens: implement asset selector popup (cba90d3)
- redesign index page (82108b3)
- redirect user after seed phrase confirmation (7716900)
- remove ability to copy address from acc card (c67608d)
- remove excess buttons from AccountCard and from TokenList (e4ffed2)
- reset wallet screen ui updates (4e61b5f)
- seed phrase screens (2b36b96)
- seed phrase setting ui updates (d9eb41d)
- setting screen ui updates (55f20e9)
- submit textarea on enter click (8bfba6e)
- token list item ui updates (9b66bf1)
- transfer receive modal (3bcdf8a)
- transfer review screens (ee72b2f)
- transfer send modal (fc64022)
- transfer-send-form: add current account info (91ae8a7)
- transfer-send: add Max button (895ce39)
- update add account card with new color (cf992f8)
- updated app icon (4aa41c4)
- wallet dashboard (ac45000)
- account details & dashboard links (46f99ca)
- account info active idx, switcher arrows (5f580e2)
- account-switcher: show all existing accounts (249c85f)
- add margin before terms on mobile (ccdd2ff)
- app icon & splash (c296772)
- build: remove circleci build (8f5b024)
- calculate fee properly (7416014)
- change back button logic for auctions page (014fea5)
- claim tips active account index (acd7a5b)
- claim: use new error message format for the input field (75ef92c)
- dashboard claim name link (bba188c)
- dashboard receive & send buttons links (032c9fa)
- deeplinks: handle transfer deeplink correctly (bcba88e)
- display proper amount of tokens in account card (92de082)
- fix asset selector styles (bd73c86)
- fix top padding on onboard screen (ea52056)
- include safe-area for fullscreen modals (ca3c744)
- index: make terms an internal link (0c5364b)
- modal: align footer buttons correctly (015257f)
- more screen width (2bcc377)
- move buttons up on mobile (6d8fdea)
- name-item: be able to set pointer (a4ed73d)
- node-connection-status: align status correctly (c77e989)
- permissions-details: display error correctly (e90f028)
- preselect token in send modal (fc7deb6)
- prevent asset selector from freezing on open (43e0915)
- qr camera should stop preview on stop, bg colors (74e26ee)
- qr scanner (c572471)
- qr-code-reader: do not cover scanning modal (fb33523)
- recipient: make help page full screen (d4344cc)
- retip: fit long url in the screen (3e17fcf)
- seed-phrase-verify-settings: show correct wording (0e15400)
- share: remove line breaks (aa703d5)
- status bar background color (9f69ffa)
- tokens-list: ability to open receive modal (8dfbcb4)
- transactions: show only current account transactions (e11ffc7)
- transfer-receive: align account names (f062ae5)
- transfer-receive: correct share link, make it backwards compatible (26a5268)
- transfer-receive: do not require optional field (6c384e6)
- adjust tests (1470b64)
- account-info: fix warning (ccf0b95)
- add url status validation (cf5f916)
- bigger qr code (89a2939)
- change receive modal share messages (3907073)
- combine error and warning prop in input field component (3a0b589)
- dashboard: remove unnecessary Plate wrapper (7ed769b)
- extract aeternity constant (5997253)
- fungible-tokens: remove selectedToken entity (1126c25)
- header: change back button logic (58e3735)
- header: hide home button when back button is shown (6279f27)
- name: implement new design for buttons (20abbc2)
- refactor: clean new-ui temporary variable (7a8735e)
- remove /accounts route (84a4b08)
- remove hideTabBar variable (dad8e66)
- remove onboarding screens (4d72636)
- settings: update report bug link (55a68b3)
- style: fix missing design elements in welcome screen (9fb8c5b)
- tips: remove learn more link (4687463)
- transfer-receive: simplify logic (98fc0f2)
0.9.11 (2022-08-12)
- add bullets to account switcher (12a2d60)
- address shortening component (55edeea)
- adjust transaction confirmation modals to be DEX compatible (835e258)
- adjust transaction details screen to new UI to be DEX compatible (f39e1cd)
- show all tokens user had activity with (15aef34)
- store pending transactions for each node (1b11998)
- token details (bb4335e)
- tooltip component (e448f1e)
- transaction details swap rates (406adc2)
- transaction details swap route (28b1111)
- transaction-list: ablity to filter pending transactions (f7c624e)
- update transaction list (6b8b90b)
- auction-bid: disable bid button if no amount (cf6036a)
- calculate fee for the token spend properly (35a9a55)
- claiming from url (30fd918)
- deeplink-api: complete opening a callback url correctly (0aceed3)
- display currency list over filters (b0aebd1)
- do not reload not connected tabs (1dcd699)
- do not show spend-success modal multiple time for a one transaction (61ad864)
- fungible-tokens: avoid showing incomplete DEX transactions (2c17df0)
- invite: claiming from invite link (882fc1b)
- ledger: propely sign transactions with ledger (9f36fbc)
- ledger: use not deprecated transport (b71e9c7)
- load all auctions at once (e329213)
- load currencies after a time interval (ab15d0d)
- modal: show modals over Header component (77b7e64)
- mutations: avoid potential problems with missing fields (c462025)
- mutations: remove pending transctions on network/account change (e63aaf4)
- name-list: fetch owned names every 10 seconds (c7327ea)
- name-list: show the loader when the transactions are loading (062a813)
- names: handle correctly preferred name response (31c5874)
- names: setting a pointer (65f671f)
- persist-state: sync state between stores properly (6c21387)
- sdk: enable signing with a permissions module (886f763)
- show all transactions in proper order (f11a700)
- show proper information for the tip pending transaction (3feec13)
- show proper information for tranfer_payload transactions (3085df1)
- sign-transaction: do not allow to sign on a different network (3b2acd4)
- spend-success: show the proper spend transaction symbol (36d9aca)
- tabs: do not show svgs through other elements (ee8a4fc)
- token-details: add a proper link to a simplex (e8f9bad)
- token-list: set a proper simplex url (6c8f686)
- tokens: do not read properties of null (8fb40f1)
- transaction-list: do not consider every contract with tip/retip function as tipping (ebcceba)
- transaction-list: support PayingForTx type (5979400)
- transaction-token-info-resolvers: avoid reading properties of undefined (fe0a425)
- transaction-token-info-resolver: show correct tokens for swapTokensForExactTokens function (fc9ad95)
- transactions: mutate nested transactions fields reactivly (386d782)
- transactions: remove fiat from amount for tokens other than ae (efea108)
- transactions: show labels for fungible tokens pending transactions (29e5c54)
- swap-route: adjust scss (3c24f9a)
- ignore tests failing because of 3d party problems (25ac082)
- improve unit testing coverage (2544996)
- input-amount: avoid deprecated methods overwriting (52b0371)
- snapshot: fix issue with accessing of imported function (68d96eb)
- do not fetch all backend transactions on each call (bc7462a)
- do not have a separate request for each fungible token transaction (3a0fdde)
- do not load additional name entry (b991b4c)
- do not make duplicate requests on initialization (f2810c0)
- do not poll account info on each AccountInfo instance (57f3e5f)
- fungible-tokens: do not commit each token balance separately (3df9809)
- fungible-tokens: do not run through not uniq token balances (6002cfb)
- fungible-tokens: remove pointless mutation (6707be8)
- fungible-tokens: remove pointless unionBy (fff8ec2)
- name-item: do not fetch owned names in each component instance (8f48352)
- names: fetch names in parallel (7f5e3ea)
- transactions: do not load incomplete transaction every time entering details page (4bed8f8)
- wallet: improve handling await events (f29efc8)
- add dex contracts for testnet and mainnet (540db78)
- add transactionTokenInfoResolvers (a39d1e9)
- adjust NameItem component (cca7ee1)
- align every contract id notations (4e85a28)
- App: drop useless code (40d96ec)
- constants: add dex related transaction types constant (2a1f0b7)
- do not poll currencies if not logged in (f97a76c)
- do not show fiat value for the liquidity transactions (05811a6)
- extract background sdk into plugin (b9bb7a5)
- ledger: remove unused ledger bridge (c1ce862)
- name-item: remove unused prop (541bde6)
- release: 0.9.10 (c481816)
- remove unused variables (38213a9)
- show also retip transactions when filtered by tips (4124442)
- show pending transaction until middleware returns it (438cb26)
- transaction-details: exclude unfinished components from production (34f6565)
- transaction-info-resolver: adjust to provide more info (d925cfb)
- transactions: add labels for a tip/retip transactions (04c59f1)
- transactions: change the page title (be133ae)
- wallet: use sdkPlugin instead of initializing new one (80c3f6f)
0.9.10 (2022-07-22)
- address shortening component (55edeea)
- show all tokens user had activity with (15aef34)
- store pending transactions for each node (1b11998)
- tooltip component (e448f1e)
- transaction details swap rates (406adc2)
- transaction details swap route (28b1111)
- transaction-list: ablity to filter pending transactions (f7c624e)
- calculate fee for the token spend properly (35a9a55)
- claiming from url (30fd918)
- display currency list over filters (b0aebd1)
- do not reload not connected tabs (1dcd699)
- do not show spend-success modal multiple time for a one transaction (61ad864)
- ledger: propely sign transactions with ledger (9f36fbc)
- ledger: use not deprecated transport (b71e9c7)
- load all auctions at once (e329213)
- load currencies after a time interval (ab15d0d)
- modal: show modals over Header component (77b7e64)
- mutations: avoid potential problems with missing fields (c462025)
- mutations: remove pending transctions on network/account change (e63aaf4)
- name-list: fetch owned names every 10 seconds (c7327ea)
- name-list: show the loader when the transactions are loading (062a813)
- names: handle correctly preferred name response (31c5874)
- persist-state: sync state between stores properly (6c21387)
- sdk: enable signing with a permissions module (886f763)
- show all transactions in proper order (f11a700)
- show proper information for the tip pending transaction (3feec13)
- show proper information for tranfer_payload transactions (4532e69)
- spend-success: show the proper spend transaction symbol (36d9aca)
- tabs: do not show svgs through other elements (ba07ffc)
- token-details: add a proper link to a simplex (e8f9bad)
- token-list: set a proper simplex url (6c8f686)
- tokens: do not read properties of null (8fb40f1)
- improve unit testing coverage (2544996)
- input-amount: avoid deprecated methods overwriting (52b0371)
- snapshot: fix issue with accessing of imported function (68d96eb)
- add dex contracts for testnet and mainnet (540db78)
- add transactionTokenInfoResolvers (a39d1e9)
- align every contract id notations (4e85a28)
- App: drop useless code (40d96ec)
- constants: add dex related transaction types constant (2a1f0b7)
- do not poll currencies if not logged in (f97a76c)
- extract background sdk into plugin (b9bb7a5)
- ledger: remove unused ledger bridge (c1ce862)
- remove unused variables (38213a9)
- show also retip transactions when filtered by tips (4124442)
- show pending transaction until middleware returns it (438cb26)
- transaction-details: exclude unfinished components from production (34f6565)
- wallet: use sdkPlugin instead of initializing new one (80c3f6f)
- do not fetch all backend transactions on each call (bc7462a)
- do not have a separate request for each fungible token transaction (3a0fdde)
- do not load additional name entry (b991b4c)
- do not make duplicate requests on initialization (f2810c0)
- do not poll account info on each AccountInfo instance (57f3e5f)
- fungible-tokens: do not commit each token balance separately (3df9809)
- fungible-tokens: do not run through not uniq token balances (6002cfb)
- fungible-tokens: remove pointless mutation (742f949)
- fungible-tokens: remove pointless unionBy (d5c7abb)
- name-item: do not fetch owned names in each component instance (8f48352)
- names: fetch names in parallel (7f5e3ea)
- wallet: improve handling await events (f29efc8)
0.9.9 (2022-06-10)
- open simplex in the new tab on every platform (5ed9c05)
0.9.8 (2022-05-29)
- enable simplex (2bc57dc)
- account-info: show default account name (797e226)
- claim: check name fee using new sdk (f45088d)
- deeplink-api: fix special symbols encoding in callback url (e076235)
- deeplink-api: open all callback urls in the same tab (a4ae911)
- fungible-tokens: handle errors on update tokens info (09b1d46)
- invite-item: copy the link to the clipboard (5d85482)
- names: get auctions list using new middleware (78b2fd7)
- names: load owned names from both nodes (260178e)
- transactions: add payerId for comparison in tx direction (f90a095)
- transactions: show tipped url only in transaction with function equal to 'tip' (438db45)
- unit-tests: use sdk modules instead of inside imports (39344e2)
- welcome screen message for mobile (1f99246)
- fix snapshots test (6e8f608)
- change
in ToS (70b1588) - extract links to constants.js (ebb9a73)
- remove unused/unnecessary config files (8b84e60)
- update dependencies (23669de)
- update fontsource/ibm-plex-sans (497949c)
- update package-lock to lockfileVersion 2 (108d4df)
- update SDK to 11.0.1 (bd25325)
- update uuid (2604f11)
0.9.7 (2022-03-22)
- call deny on denied address subscription (3dcc1db)
- send connection close message to the aepps (2149556)
0.9.6 (2021-12-13)
- receive transaction for signing through deeplink (f1a292a)
0.9.5 (2021-11-23)
- transaction-details: fetch transaction if not preloaded (bc65967)
- migrations: add changeTransactionStructure migration (af11f64)
- transaction-list: remove useless setTimeout (0e41081)
- transactions: use next page to load additional transactions (6a0392f)
0.9.4 (2021-11-10)
- android-build: build for higher target sdk version (991efb6)
- input-amount: use veeValidate in all amount inputs (fcf9ef7)
- status: add offline status (daadb77)
- tip-calim: add additional info (147d901)
- tip-send: add additional info (4f8a79b)
- transfer-send: fill address if qr consist of it (2378a8f)
- account-card: adjust card minifying (01e45ef)
- account-info: reflect the preffered name change from other deivce (917df92)
- account-info: remove wrong button background-color (c13c50d)
- account-switcher: align single card in the middle (a914271)
- intro: adjust checkbox size (78709bb)
- retip: use valid name of error property (bb1d416)
- set empty amount in InpitAmount (2e3b197)
- tab-bar: avoid env not getting add (42a03c5)
- transaction-list: do not send request after component being destroyed (f63f41d)
- transaction-list: show transactions to a name (c263e04)
- transaction-overview: show properly if recipient is the name (fc39320)
- truncate: adjust scrolling on str change (13ec1e0)
- fungible-tokens: avoid additional fungible tokens requests (fcd6f71)
- icons: compress iframe onboarding icons (007fe50)
- input-amount: extend test and use VeeValidate (44be6ba)
- withdraw: remove duplicate part of test (3ebf3a2)
- add a proper mustache style (6b94ec6)
- clean up global styles (ecc791a)
- intro: adjust css (01c028e)
- security-settings: adjust css (8a1ae1b)
- account-switcher: align card-wrapper centered (1c18a05)
- actions: drop workaround for the duplicate transactions from mdw (d9324d3)
- bump version in tests (b34d3c1)
- intro: use esixting varibale (954945f)
- invite: remove non-existent prop (47971e9)
- name-row: remove unused styles (edaa9f1)
- remove Tour component (6a82a31)
- remove unused Badge component (d6664c1)
- remove unused SignAccountIdenticons component (3ab4984)
- sass: removed unused node-sass package (00eebd4)
- transaction-list: show no transaction message centered (8a1fd5f)
- utilize line-height property in rebranded pages (55ca3af)
0.9.3 (2021-10-18)
- accounts: add ledger module (a2f98d3)
- aex9: don't display fiat value for aex9 tokens (11bb4d3)
- buy: add buy button and page (f11881e)
- claim: show name price before submit (f337767)
- index: add message on disabled JavaScript (a8c3702)
- index: add message on exceptions while bundle initialising (daa8f70)
- ledger: add ledger compatibility with extension (22147a4)
- receive: add share functionality to receive screen (2490006)
- router: open simplex in separate tab for extension and mobile (6634fca)
- send: add share string parsing (03be916)
- share-qr: add pseudo element on copy (fd91f66)
- transfer-send: rebrand send workflow (4f0715a)
- accounts: use uniq key (9ede492)
- account: use decode instead of removed assertedType (24f961e)
- allow builds in non git environments (cddf6fe)
- check-box: start value has mixed support, using flex-start instead (4de09fd)
- copy-plugin: copy web folder in dist (187ad9e)
- transaction-details: prevent non external redirection (845d782)
- zeit: linting errors (4c39430)
- readme: update README file (bfebb7f)
- lint: resolve lint issues automatically (bf0ae50)
- lint: resolve lint issues manually (a362af6)
- modal: set different border color (99e7f6a)
- account: remove duplicate part of test (aa2bd9e)
- add example unit test (4d4d029)
- import-account: convert test from e2e to unit (6d74918)
- input-amount: convert test from e2e to unit (41272ef)
- jest-config: add several packages to transpile (fb1e91b)
- jest-config: map inlined components (0bb6fde)
- terms-of-service: convert test from e2e to unit (859018e)
- update test due to work with web version (183d56a)
- use snapshots to test static pages (7d8ed17)
- account-info: do not assign value to a variable twice (7612c5d)
- accounts: extract hdWallet module (68bed5c)
- accounts: move account plugin to module (4ddd3c1)
- accounts: move account related to the accounts (df562aa)
- accounts: rename state and mutations (9695e68)
- build using @vue/cli (70718ad)
- buy: add unfinished flag to buy functionality (29c689a)
- copy: extract similar copy functionality to mixin (abe6abe)
- input-field: set autocomplete off (08707f9)
- popup: remove unused firefox html (69ab99c)
- remove unused mapped states (d76a0da)
- run npm audit fix (e214f7e)
- run npm update (8245153)
- sdk: update sdk to 9.0.1 (8ae8cb1)
- template-renderer: extract similar root node creation (a19091b)
- zeit: do not show error logs on production (27e7bac)
- zeit: makes contract pass through from QR code (9ae2552)
- zeit: removes chain listener and tx cache (fad2bf4)
0.9.2 (2021-09-28)
- input: add warnings to input field (5086efc)
- send: rebrand address input in send screen (1116153)
- validation: add vee-validate as plugin (c913ea4)
- vee-validate: add account validation rules (b5722d9)
- vee-validate: inject warning support to vee-validate (a41a688)
- permissions: fix permissions input styling (b450cb5)
- send: add proper color to valid svg (9f75935)
- send: restore error for tokens to name sending (0da891f)
- input: unify input components names (b25e1d6)
- recent-transactions: do not hide line on transaction list overlap (9b3be97)
- stale: remove stale bot support (ff5d105)
- transfer-send: replace textarea with validatable input (800babf)
0.9.1 (2021-09-16)
- paste: disable paste functionality (ccb78d8)
0.9.0 (2021-09-14)
- account-card: rebrand account card (8431ebc)
- account-card: smooth card height transition (7fa503f)
- auction-card: show auctions help modal (06bdb41)
- balance-info: change the approx sing (2414f65)
- confirm: add ability to render locales as a template (f9fa962)
- cordova: add cordova-clipboard to dependencies (8e2c22c)
- mobile: lock orientation to portrait (1c9e974)
- name-item: add NameItem component (45d0f12)
- names: add AuctionHistory component (5fc424c)
- names: update auction page to new designs (370dda7)
- names: update AuctionBid to new designs (153f157)
- qr-reader: open settings when camera not allowerd on mobile (4702265)
- redirect from /tip to /tips (00a4901)
- routes: add tip redirection (0a637a8)
- show chain name of other users (74f5d63)
- truncate: allow truncate to be fixed (53e8d35)
- truncate: animate text scrolling (e0e2456)
- update Loader to new designs (a48215b)
- zeit: add new contract address & decimal support (dca9480)
- account-info: use explorerUrl from activeNetwork (988eabf)
- actions: add the rest of tokens transactions if no transactions fetched (d1a15ca)
- actions: change backend tip cache url (818a10a)
- auction: avoid using z-index (82b41b9)
- constants: use v2 schema for nameClaimTx in calculateMinFee (e379178)
- deeplinks: build redirect route correctly (50f01a2)
- invites: temporary fix for validation of node fields (5ea4993)
- ios: reset webview color after qr scan (6fb5f4a)
- migrations: add missing new names field (cc8dfbb)
- mobile-share: allow tip url to be passed in TipsSend (27d84a9)
- modal: set empty span on attribute msg undefined (197fc11)
- name-item: call setAutoExtend action with proper params (afd452a)
- name-item: set Pending svg size (e0e8960)
- onboarding: fix onboarding welcome typo (a140736)
- overview: avoid wrapping for chain names (d82df49)
- pending-txs: filter pending transactions by active account (8fb690d)
- retip: set svg size (489e133)
- status: set bottom to 0 if tab bar is hidden (4ce43d3)
- swagger: temporary fix for wrong scheme in genSwaggerClient (129d4c3)
- transaction-list: set transactions and page to initial value on accountChange (56021c2)
- tx-details: handle overflowing tip url (a515ca4)
- tx-list: prevent infinite fetch of next page (178a8d8)
- tx-list: remove extra space from bottom (fbad5be)
- tx-list: show msg when no items found (d3c71b4)
- checkbox: update checkbox color (5c9ad4a)
- readme: correct grammar and spelling (97380f4)
- and
- account-info: simplify edit mode (c09715b)
- account: remove unused mapped state (ee4fd4c)
- app-links: add app links for all platforms to constants (1169bdf)
- auctions: update AuctionList page (5216f23)
- claim: update Claim page (dbe5af8)
- connect AuctionOverview to store (dd47ceb)
- constants: avoid extra redirect to explorer (1653e93)
- constants: update contract address (ed50fa7)
- cordova: add missing clipboard plugin config (4ddd92d)
- css: unify z-index (ed7766b)
- dropdown: remove unused markup (10f848f)
- extract AuctionOverview from AuctionCard (df2ce97)
- extract HelpButton component (cca3329)
- ios-link: change ios link from testflight to app store (693bbc0)
- main: hide tabbar on childern views (1553a88)
- main: remove back button of main tabs (636f55d)
- modals: drop localization with dynamic keys (d76bc46)
- modals: render help locales as templates (c185c0d)
- names: drop redundant subject from getter (3480300)
- names: update naming system pages structure (a166ae3)
- network: set default values for custom networks (da4cf82)
- networks: use ActionsMenu instead of ae-dropdown (8a88920)
- node-status: align node status bar in collapsed iframe view (4e0f4c0)
- notification: remove unused class (a68045d)
- phishing: remove broken phishing check (94e7c15)
- rename AuctionOverview component to AuctionCard (593ee68)
- rename help-circle icon to question-circle-border (8705e5f)
- rename tx-history icon to history (22d2767)
- rewrite Dropdown using ActionsMenu component (8043373)
- run npm audit fix (0e42149)
- run npm update (a5f48d1)
- sdk: update sdk to 8.2.1 (1e0db31)
- tabbar: hide tabbar in collapsed iframe view (ead9b19)
- update RecentTransactions component and inline into Account (0ed9ea7)
- usage ([c7c8b02](
0.8.2 (2021-07-14)
- unfinished: enable unfinished features (37b7bd7)
- tx-list: show loader only when fetching (00f6f24)
- unfinished: hide unfinished features (c4b7536)
0.8.1 (2021-07-09)
- wallet: don't set accounts immediately (d0e5c52)
0.8.0 (2021-07-09)
- acc: update available tokens and balances every 10 seconds (0eb890a)
- account-switcher: show switching to the aepp (4370f39)
- balances: add balances screen new ux (31e95bf)
- fonts: add sans 14 bold (f725f46)
- ft: updates balances after successful mine (8e35da9)
- fungible-tokens: load tokens on network change (f0a8e3d)
- fungible-tokens: make fungible tokens work with several accounts (679a9a2)
- modal: add critical icon (269d9f1)
- more: add More page (8d544e7)
- names: make names work with several accounts (856ba37)
- payments-send: drop trailing zeros from amount (df221a4)
- token-amount: update fiat formatting rules (61ec06f)
- token-details: add token details new ux (d4e8859)
- token-list: don't display zero balances (db4e02b)
- txlist: adds realtime incoming tx for bitcoin token (ab99c78)
- txlist: removes cached tx after fetching them from mdw (d2f89e8)
- zeit: add zeit token support (dec3d08)
- add AccountItem component (aa9d323)
- add AuctionOverview component (89c81eb)
- add NamePointersHelp modal (5e75f67)
- rebrand ConfirmRawSign modal (83ba9b3)
- rebrand Modal (1db7813)
- rebrand QrCodeScanner modal (688c0d1)
- rebrand tip url status (2a0644e)
- unfinished: enable unfinished features (1b08c9e)
- account: disallow account switching before sdk initialize (08cc72c)
- account-switcher: disable horizontal scrolling (59c358a)
- actions: add missing transaction type to transcation history (0bdd836)
- app: disallow horizontall scrolling (32abbd5)
- auction-list: load auctions properly (aeae5f8)
- background: fix state reducer (39e6307)
- claim: fix not enough balance modal (fad4120)
- default: fix modals with no msg (9d73178)
- dropdown: fix dropdown align (4a9c656)
- dropdown-width: make dropdown list width constant (4cebfd9)
- fonts: fix id overflowing (a3beb23)
- fungible-tokens: set correct selected Token (fc1bac2)
- fungible-tokens: use mdw endpoint instead of backend (5c94e37)
- helper: fix isAccountNotFoundError (1607a2e)
- helper: fix isNotFoundError (f10b77d)
- modal: expand container to fit long copy (cdc9c7c)
- observables: use new balance storage structure (88350cf)
- platforms: change ios link from testflight to store (a8debf9)
- qr-code: inline transparent style to show preview in cordova (6b7fdf9)
- token-amount: show fiat only for AE (88d74cd)
- token-details: fix header padding (cc5139f)
- tx: move view more link to tx list component (e0271b0)
- tx-list: center spinner and messsage (9b85be3)
- tx-list: don't show spinner on refetch interval (d3e9f1a)
- persist-state: use mutation to sync state (ff18073)
- account-info: align address center (49b0034)
- dropdown: make dropdown wider and always on top (00a1ad8)
- icons: update icons for tab navigation (31a5fe8)
- search-bar: make background darker (fb36175)
- token-list: change no tokens msg style (4b2ef54)
- actions: set middleware to null on network switch (5443e1a)
- avatar: change mid size to new designs (d76b980)
- avatar: make address optional (aaeeea1)
- chain-listener: add test contract to variables (548d434)
- chain-listener: reinit listener on middleware change (420ad06)
- constants: update to mainnet contracts (ef1a0f3)
- e2e: add tests for confirm raw sign popup (8003c45)
- fungible-tokens: cover all fetchJson with catch (875be71)
- icons: unify arrow icons (7dbd5ba)
- invite: disable invite links for tokens (25d494c)
- invite: show error message (67ee22d)
- logger: don't show error modal by default on production (bd53886)
- migrations: add addNewFields migration (86fa6eb)
- migrations: rename migration (138700a)
- names: adjust account default names (7b571bb)
- networks-test: disable fast switching networks (831b0df)
- observables: set all account balances to local storage (9487d5a)
- pending-token-tx: show pending token tx immediately (c216978)
- plate: add plate splitting (593eb2b)
- tab-bar: update TabBar component (31a99d6)
- token-amount: add prop to not show symbol (98479d8)
- token-amount: drop alt text prop (9653ddc)
- tokens: remove unfinished from tokens (aec13d3)
- transaction-list: add filters for fungible tokens (481a194)
- transaction-list: move spinner and styles from recent to tx list (3251e14)
- transactions: extract transaction list into component (42551b6)
- txlist: merges both implementations (6fc6e3c)
- unfinished: hide unfinished features (5c3c935)
- compose Confirm with Default modal (3e5c7c1)
- drop text from toRelativeTime filter (75cd65c)
- extract StatusIcon component (c8a6255)
- rename Payments page to Transfer (ed71de6)
- wording: extract home variable (05c6eae)
- remove MenuCarousel component (f2d1734)
0.7.2 (2021-06-11)
- show node status in full screen modals (4cd4f90)
- confirm-tx: show name fee token amount (1776fff)
- truncate: simplify truncate behaviour (5ae05d3)
- use iris compatible contracts (dc08775)
- global: use ButtonPlain component (47304bf)
- receive: remove exchange url (2cf8b68)
- tokens: move tokens path and sidebar entry to unfinished (e8e2786)
0.7.1 (2021-05-31)
- rebrand Connect popup (8138d27)
- rebrand MessageSign popup (e683ebc)
- payments-send: add warning when sending to same address (a9fb93a)
- amount-input: adjust error condition (ace955d)
- comment-new: redirect to /account on successful comment send (25efe0e)
- comment-new: reload info on query change (dc76a39)
- details: block buttons and don't watch before sdk init (4b65ed8)
- header: disallow title text wrapping (8c5292c)
- invite: fix handleNotEnoughFoundsError parameters (d275f95)
- invite: set missing invite icon size (33c6593)
- pending: fix duplicate pending transactions (4e0a688)
- recent-txs: align empty and loading states (2e30e65)
- retip: request tip from backend instead of contract (296b23a)
- retip: set proper pending transaction property (8c84775)
- routes: enable props for PaymentsSend (911233f)
- routes: fix retip page wrong title (e9d7881)
- small-modal: fix mark as read unavailable for clicking (4ad38d8)
- tx-pointers: fix name pointers field error in confirm tx modal (bbfcf33)
- warnings: fix github actions warnings (6d55381)
- resolve no-alert warnings (d1250cc)
- resolve no-console warnings (f2428f5)
- resolve no-lone-template warning (2561be4)
- resolve no-template-shadow warnings (83fd054)
- resolve no-v-html warnings (251a995)
- resolve order-in-component warnings (04b80d8)
- tests: fix network test after new node added (aaf25b1)
- icons: optimize iframe icons (a0810b7)
- unfinished: hide unfinished features (3797c91)
- update sdk to 8.1.0 (0121390)
- account-info: change width of name with unfinished features off (7a0663d)
- account-info: revert width change (f37e0aa)
- env: enable unfinished features (11aa297)
- icons: rearrange icons and delete duplicates (ac9ebe8)
- networks: remove unnecessary v-html (8d32d7d)
- payments: revert old solution to redirection after success payment (a9412b7)
- payments-send: disable sending tokens to a name (2fb7c87)
- wallet: move loading tokens data to unfinished (3c25d27)
- flickity buttons hover and pressed style (eb6bce6)
- remove unused global css (4c830d3)
- permissions: change placeholder to more clear version (a126ea3)
- props: set required defaults for props (8950fe9)
- tests: disable mining-related tests (0b784b6)
- token-list-item: remove unused name prop (541e54c)
- tour: remove useless v-for (5fd8477)
- update SDK to 8.0.0 (52234b5)
0.7.0 (2021-04-29)
- tabs: add Tabs component and split payments and tips screens (ab3cdce)
- rebrand ConfirmTransactionSign modal (3d8ae06)
- amount-send: rebrand AmountSend component into Amount (751155d)
- claim: add claim tips menu entry (4c71b9d)
- icons: update rebranded icons (3d8f2f7)
- add Accounts page (f80fbdf)
- add CopyAddress component (6f27310)
- add links to an account in the middleware explorer (20ecf8b)
- add TransactionOverview component (48d7dc6)
- show balance for each account (4e5762e)
- simple account list (6580328)
- simple account switcher (a339f0c)
- account-info: fix alignment on copy and name claim (ee10ee9)
- app: match header background color (b2824b2)
- background: add missing getters (588edba)
- confirm-modals: don't stretch to whole page on desktop (1d69f7d)
- copy-address: ensure copied text is expanded (5c5ab8f)
- getters: add correct name fee to tx amount (5204402)
- height: use viewport height only for ios cordova (f7f70e2)
- icons: replace icons with transparency versions (df67290)
- invite: show correct token (ff527ad)
- invite-claim: update handleNotEnoughFoundsError (ea3aae6)
- ios: add safe area to confirm modals (6eb93dc)
- ios: set body bg visible on overscroll (784b4d3)
- manu-carousel: make draggable in all mobile browsers (f2ff6bb)
- mobile/extension: use padding-bottom if bottom elements visible (b855eae)
- names: switch from deprecated profile endpoint (8a78cfb)
- notifications: use first name in the list if chainNames presented (5ee89af)
- qr-code-reader: do not interact with header styles explicitly (d1fff50)
- recent-txs: slice transactions list to limit (58e5ffa)
- retip: add missing account getter (fd9ae31)
- status: position NodeConnectionStatus properly (aaa0a52)
- styles: add proper styles for custom name input (3ea3285)
- tabs: fix Header routing and tests (38c06e0)
- tests: remove header check in last intro screen (7166e1c)
- transactions: change recent transactions on switching accounts (14ddeaa)
- tx-details: keep header on top (817bb01)
- web-iframe-popups: make iframe popups notRebranded (e472666)
- rebranded welcome screen image in iframe (273a5b4)
- use should to assert node content (96df928)
- account: force click covered dropdown (09edf7a)
- amount-input: use function in should to have retry mechanism (6b2be15)
- networks: double get transaction-list timeout (e468e9a)
- transaction-details: make the test independent from pending (5b77498)
- transactions: simplify test and remove unnecessary part (9574bc9)
- fix linter errors automatically (1d9a323)
- colors: drop old colors and replace it with rebranded ones (469bda7)
- fonts: use missed rebranded fonts (31d94e8)
- qr-code-reader: use defined handleUnknownError (d645dca)
- box button (b3ec0bc)
- build a single extension for Firefox and Chrome (fa52e2c)
- change testnet backend url (878cb8d)
- disable extra webpack stats to clean up build log (3128018)
- extract tx fee getter (c678ca6)
- get account type from instance (6c4c323)
- remove global css for sign modals (5ae909f)
- rename updateLatestTransactions mutation to setTransactions (fb815b7)
- split TransactionOverview component (618f232)
- try electron (5fa2ca2)
- update scss-related packages to fix env inside border (1decc7f)
- update vue packages (3349d6e)
- accounts: use Plate component (b9d1903)
- build: fix build by using ChromeExtensionReloader properly (7848665)
- button: update secondary style and drop dark (95ba341)
- eslint: fix errors automatically (75c519a)
- eslint: fix errors manually (b03bde3)
- eslint: vue recommended rule set and drop conflicting prettier (50acaee)
- scss: "use" instead of "import" (4d9f253)
- scss: start to "use" instead of "import" (f42a353)
- tx: return empty tx list if getTxByAccount returns error (9b53094)
- webpack: remove unnecessary firefox-specific stuff (477bc52)
0.6.1 (2021-04-15)
- commitlint: run commitlint from master (6d8f8ff)
- height: use viewport height only for ios cordova (350a8ab)
- mobile/extension: use padding-bottom if bottom elements visible (d585315)
- notifications: use first name in the list if chainNames presented (4bad5e7)
- retip: add missing account getter (84b8801)
- status: position NodeConnectionStatus properly (5eb84f9)
- tests: remove header check in last intro screen (35f07ac)
- web-iframe-popups: make iframe popups notRebranded (ecc4acb)
- tx: return empty tx list if getTxByAccount returns error (2b22dc2)
0.6.0 (2021-04-08)
- transaction-list: rebrand TransactionList (91a94dd)
- add TabBar menu (829644e)
- mixins: introduce basic mixins (8063d32)
- web-wallet-alignment: align desktop and mobile web version (093e93b)
- add CopyButton component (2ecc529)
- add TransactionDetails page (7d6bdcc)
- allow user to report a bug if they are not logged (4623ebb)
- include stale bot (8a9f57b)
- header: implement home button (becb20c)
- enable adaptive icons in Android 8 and above (5f7b0c4)
- home menu buttons carousel by new design (2b28c49)
- rebrand Header component (26a54d3)
- rebrand RecentTransactions component (6384750)
- rebrand TransactionItem component (7f3036b)
- update Index page designs (15a48dd)
- update Platform component designs (00e741f)
- update SidebarMenu designs (f0f3883)
- app: make desktop border outside as per designs (77a3fd6)
- box-btn: adjust hover and active bg colors (f0abd59)
- check-aens-name: drop unused .text aens suffix (4984780)
- ci: don't fetch develop if running tests on develop (8e87cd4)
- claim-links: use account getter instead of nonexistent account state (3eb8881)
- commitlint: revert run commitlint from first valid commit (29e44a2)
- details: disable setPointer button if name is pending (76ddee1)
- details: leave details page if nameEntry become unvailable (078b1ab)
- e2e: more accurate popup opening (4a7fab3)
- firefox-redirect: exclude redirect.js from popup.html (4a9b88d)
- global: scroll to top on route change (2dcceca)
- icons: change Checkbox checked state (229abec)
- icons: make icons proper size (2acbcb7)
- import-account: show loader before expensive sync calculation (1c06dd8)
- menu: link to payments page (bea7205)
- menu: link to tokens page (c2c50ea)
- names: remove obsolete removed state in names (12f172f)
- networks: make editing of networks reactive (1b99f26)
- not-found: redirection to initial page if logged it (39b7c00)
- plate: show only bottom border as per designs (1a322e2)
- popup-header: hide header in popups (6302f2e)
- recent-txs: remove duplicated margin (83fdc90)
- side-menu: align item text and icon (008845d)
- sign-tx: disable not working amount editor (b631580)
- style: make menu button according to designs (7baeb8c)
- styles: adjust line-height of typography fonts (3b7c760)
- styles: align Header items according to designs (7b2f3f6)
- styles: change background colors (ae0f970)
- styles: change styles for an a (0f1b03f)
- tab-bar: add main min-height to extension (abe8767)
- enable PrivacyPolicy if not authorised (available from about page) (9ae0a09)
- styles: align CheckBox items properly (f9946d9)
- set formatted mnemonic phrase (3a95cae)
- tx-details: handle fetched pending transactions (e99754e)
- adjust TruncateMid component (fa9a5fd)
- remove unused global styles (9898017)
- rewrite tests depending on old SidebarMenu (b621f77)
- set spinner color as per new design (cb57c04)
- use TruncateMid only for custom titles (8f78218)
- button: restyle button according to new designs (0cc65ca)
- font: add sans 12 medium (6a4cb5a)
- font: replace Roboto with IBM Plex Sans (ec15523)
- global: replace html background-color (097d968)
- header: set bg color as per new designs (4131277)
- variables: add new colors (66d39fa)
- fix: use back button in top-up (76c35f4)
- handle clipboard copy success more accurately (1e6f3c1)
- container-width: rename container-width to extension-width (12896a5)
- global-input: remove unused global input styles (7a954c6)
- icons: remove unused icon (2520d56)
- import-account: remove unnecessary loading screen (77a2277)
- input: rebrand Input component (ea511a0)
- menu-carousel: use flickity buttons and make responsive alignment (1ffdf22)
- plate: extract common styles to Plate component (7dcc6f5)
- plate: remove negative margin (de8e4c8)
- scrollbar: hide scrollbar completely (874592c)
- search-bar: refactor TokensPreview input into SearchBar (cae51d1)
- background rpc sdk (28cdf10)
- disable vue-i18n/no-raw-text rule (c4f8573)
- e2e tests for TransactionDetails page (d68d8f1)
- extract explorer url getter (b9dd53f)
- extract InfoBox component (645a323)
- extract LinkButton component (3c248e3)
- extract Plate component (958d066)
- extract transaction getters (0a5d109)
- keep only state in component data objects (c567b5b)
- rebrand logo in About page (c4f3de3)
- remove extra IS_EXTENSION_BACKGROUND check (8f36e51)
- remove openUrl (37a9b71)
- remove unnecessary cordova-plugin-inappbrowser (1cee0ea)
- background-utils: subscribe to network from store (a134a11)
- invites: show generated-invites section if invites exist (d8e7610)
- locales: update urlToClaim text (c111751)
- popup: get rid of popup class (3c37f03)
- popup-wallet: subscribe to current network (4ce4c27)
- receive: remove home button in favor of the back arrow (73d85e2)
- settings: redirect back to settings after backup seed (9ada9dd)
- terms-of-service: refactor i18n titles data binding (ab89171)
- tx-item: use RouterLink component (4925bec)
- webpack: simplify path (482ea23)
- drop account state field (9196670)
- extract getPopupProps call (a757a92)
- fix typo in checkAensName function name (6c284f9)
- make account getter depending only on mnemonic (7459384)
- make width and height more clean (89c112b)
- prefer 'mounted' hook instead of 'created' (3d7d118)
- remove unnecessary generateWallet method (4598fd3)
- remove unnecessary getAccount method (6c23bba)
- remove unnecessary getKeyPair method (f06f4fd)
- remove unnecessary isLoggedIn method (f6aa1c8)
- remove unnecessary mainLoading (4219fa3)
- remove unused AEX2_METHODS (0359e48)
- remove unused helpers functions (e36fb8b)
- rename InfoBox component to DetailsItem (fae8377)
- rename misspelled type face (d28b686)
- router beforeEach hook (7828e28)
- use getter instead of isLoggedIn state field (cdc3fb9)
- background: use getters instead of getActiveAccount (a7cd621)
- background: use getters instead of getState (3a5b9a7)
- remove unused aes file (daca8c7)
- remove WalletController (a5dc06e)
- event-bus: use store plugin instead (2ae38b8)
- header: remove redundant disabled prop on logo link (b82196f)
- import-account: simplify code (90d67f1)
- message-sign: remove unused name property (9590e7d)
- account store plugin (b08433b)
- option to load svg with no optimization (b1184de)
- remove unused AskAccounts popup (09130ee)
- rename publicKey to address (548dbbc)
- ft: loadTokenBalances only for the current account (363a71e)
- notifications: getAllNotifications only for the current account (09fd7f3)
- use a single popup to confirm transaction signing (eb089bc)
- use account instead of activeAccountName getter (f57cad9)
- sass: replace deprecated node-sass with sass (af97284)
- sign-account-identicons: validate transaction fields (aaac083)
- styles: adjust Platform styles (77b3e81)
- styles: update hover,active states of CheckBox (7df36f1)
- styles: use color variables (14721fe)
0.5.6 (2021-02-23)
- fetch pending transactions (a9a786c)
- improve truncating of a long strings (25eb9e8)
- aens: remove minimum aens name length limit (be85b57)
- ios: don't import BrowserQRCodeReader on mobile (6f7b772)
- hide date if transaction is pending (b906b20)
- show pending transactions properly (694450f)
- helper: return undefined if no response field (58b84ab)
0.5.2 (2021-02-08)
- lint: setup pre-commit hook (686ee0c)
0.5.1 (2021-01-22)
- changelog: build using standard-version (505412b)
- set success message as a div (9b19b15)