- #148 Update unexpected peer dep (Luis Nunez)
- #100 Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 7.1.0 (depfu[bot])
- #147 Support node.js version 18 (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- #146 Support node.js version 16 (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- #145 Fix typo on the front page of the documentation site (Nguyen Lam)
- #142 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 10.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #141 Upgrade prettier to version 2.5.0 (depfu[bot])
- #139 Upgrade eslint to version 8.1.0 (depfu[bot])
- #138 Upgrade eslint-plugin-promise to version 5.1.1 (depfu[bot])
- #133 Upgrade prettier to version 2.4.0 (depfu[bot])
- #126 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 9.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #124 Upgrade unexpected-messy to version 11.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #117 Upgrade form-data to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #116 Upgrade magicpen-prism to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #115 Upgrade eslint-config-prettier to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #113 Upgrade messy to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #114 Upgrade eslint-plugin-standard to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #111 Upgrade prettier to version 2.2.0 (depfu[bot])
- npm i --save-dev unexpected-stream@latest (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected the dev dep to ^13.0.0, allow 13 for the peer dep (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to ^11.1.0 (Andreas Lind)
- npm i --save-dev eslint-plugin-promise@latest (Andreas Lind)
- npm i --save-dev eslint-plugin-n eslint-config-standard@latest && npm uninstall eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-standard (Andreas Lind)
- +15 more
- Update unexpected-messy to ^10.0.0 (Andreas Lind)
- Update mocha to ^8.2.1, switch to .mocharc.json (Andreas Lind)
- Fix deploy-site invocation (Andreas Lind)
- Add CHANGELOG.md + offline-github-changelog integration (Andreas Lind)
- #109 Upgrade eslint-config-standard to version 16.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #107 Upgrade eslint-config-standard to version 15.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Drop node.js 8 support, add 14, lint with 14 (semver-major) (Andreas Lind)
- Accept unexpected ^12.0.0 as a peer dep (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to ^12.0.0 (Andreas Lind)
- #103 Add dependency on lodash (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- #101 Upgrade prettier to version 2.1.0 (depfu[bot])
- #99 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 8.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #93 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #92 Upgrade eslint to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #89 Upgrade sinon to version 9.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- prettier --write '**/*.{js,md}' (Andreas Lind)
- Update CI setup, only lint on node.js 12 (Andreas Lind)
- Also enable prettier for markdown files (Andreas Lind)
- Update prettier to version 2.0.2 (depfu[bot])
- #88 Separate runtime (Alex J Burke)
- #87 Upgrade mocha to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #86 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #85 Upgrade magicpen-prism to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #84 Upgrade eslint-plugin-node to version 11.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #82 Upgrade nyc to version 15.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #83 Upgrade sinon to version 8.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #81 Upgrade prettier to version 1.19.1 (Andreas Lind, depfu[bot])
- #80 Upgrade form-data to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #79 Upgrade eslint-plugin-node to version 10.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #78 Upgrade eslint-config-standard to version 14.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #75 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #76 Upgrade unexpected-messy to version 9.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Test on node 12 in CI. (Alex J Burke)
- Drop direct magicpen dependency (Andreas Lind)
- Bump magicpen dep and unexpected 11 peer dep to get the fixed theme behavior (Andreas Lind)
- Avoid typeless addAssertion, silencing Unexpected 11 deprecation warning (Andreas Lind)
- installPlugin => use in test (Andreas Lind)
- +6 more
- #73 Upgrade prettier to version 1.18.2 (depfu[bot])
- #72 Upgrade express to version 4.17.1 (depfu[bot])
- #71 Upgrade unexpected-stream to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #70 Upgrade express to version 4.17.0 (depfu[bot])
- #69 Upgrade is-stream to version 2.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #68 Upgrade nyc to version 14.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #67 Upgrade prettier to version 1.17.0 (depfu[bot])
- #66 Upgrade magicpen-prism to version 3.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #64 Upgrade magicpen to version 6.0.2 (depfu[bot])
- #62 Upgrade mocha to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #61 Upgrade prettier to version 1.16.0 (depfu[bot])
- #60 Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #59 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Fix lint and remove no longer needed setImmediate polyfill (Andreas Lind)
- Drop node.js 6 and 9 support (semver-major) (Andreas Lind)
- Update eslint-plugin-import to ^2.17.3 (Andreas Lind)
- Update eslint to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Use a ^ version range for the express dev dep (Andreas Lind)
- +11 more
- #46 Upgrade express to version 4.16.4 (depfu[bot])
- Override subjectOutput on expect, not this (no longer works in 11.0.0) (Andreas Lind)
- npm run {travis => ci} (Andreas Lind)
- Use mocha --require instead of the deprecated --compilers (Andreas Lind)
- Travis: Build with the latest node (Andreas Lind)
- Update eslint to ^5.12.0 (Andreas Lind)
- Peer dependencies: Declare compatibility with Unexpected 11.0.0-3+ (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-markdown to version 2.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Use Buffer.from instead of new Buffer, silencing node's deprecation warning (Andreas Lind)
- tests: Avoid express deprecation warnings (Andreas Lind)
- #54 Upgrade eslint to version 5.11.1 (depfu[bot])
- #53 Upgrade eslint to version 5.11.0 (depfu[bot])
- #52 Upgrade eslint to version 5.10.0 (depfu[bot])
- #51 Upgrade eslint to version 5.9.0 (depfu[bot])
- #50 Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #49 Upgrade eslint to version 5.8.0 (depfu[bot])
- #48 Upgrade sinon to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #47 Upgrade eslint to version 5.7.0 (depfu[bot])
- #45 Feature/v11 compatiblity (Alex J Burke)
- #44 Upgrade eslint to version 5.6.1 (depfu[bot])
- #43 Upgrade eslint to version 5.6.0 (depfu[bot])
- #42 Upgrade eslint to version 5.5.0 (depfu[bot])
- #41 Upgrade eslint to version 5.4.0 (depfu[bot])
- #40 Upgrade eslint to version 5.3.0 (depfu[bot])
- #39 Upgrade eslint to version 5.2.0 (depfu[bot])
- #38 Upgrade eslint to version 5.1.0 (depfu[bot])
- #37 Upgrade eslint to version 5.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #36 Upgrade unexpected-messy to version 8.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #35 Upgrade unexpected-stream to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Update unexpected to ^11.0.0-3 (Andreas Lind)
- Use modern syntax to add "when delayed a little bit" assertion. (Alex J Burke)
- Check all errors with expect.it(). (Alex J Burke)
- #33 Upgrade sinon to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Drop node.js 4 support (semver-major) (Andreas Lind)
- Add .npmrc (Andreas Lind)
- Update eslint-config-onelint to ^4.0.0 (Andreas Lind)
- Upgrade eslint to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #27 Upgrade express to version 4.16.3 (Andreas Lind, depfu[bot])
- #22 Upgrade bufferedstream to version 3.1.1 (Andreas Lind, depfu[bot])
- #23 Upgrade form-data to version 2.3.2 (Andreas Lind, depfu[bot])
- #32 Upgrade sinon to version 5.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #31 Upgrade sinon to version 4.5.0 (Andreas Lind, depfu[bot])
- #30 Upgrade mocha to version 5.1.0 (depfu[bot])
- #29 Upgrade magicpen to version 5.12.0 (depfu[bot])
- #28 Upgrade istanbul to version 0.4.5 (depfu[bot])
- #24 Upgrade coveralls to version 3.0.0 (Andreas Lind, depfu[bot])
- Travis: Build with node.js 8, 9, and 10, drop 5 and 7 (Andreas Lind)
- eslint --fix . (Andreas Lind)
- Add slashes to .eslintignore (Andreas Lind)
- Upgrade eslint to version 4.19.1 (depfu[bot])
- More ^ deps (Andreas Lind)
- +7 more
- #16 Added documentation section about form posts (Peter Müller)
- #15 Implement #14: x-www-form-urlencoded form posts via request.form (Peter Müller)
- Update magicpen-prism to 2.3.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Travis: Stop testing with 0.10 and 0.12, but do test with 7. (Andreas Lind)
- Added missing mock-fs dependency. (Andreas Lind)
- Add ability to upload files in formData by supplying a file system readStream (Peter Müller)
- #12 Fix for Unexpected 10.26 (Alex J Burke)
- Don't poke around in messy.Message.headers.valuesByName. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-documentation-site-generator to ^4.2.3. (Andreas Lind)
- #10 add eslint and use the onelint shared configuration (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- Wait for the response to become uncorked before proceeding to look at what was written. (Andreas Lind)
- Update dev deps. (Andreas Lind)
- Travis config: Build with node.js 6. (Andreas Lind)
- add editor config (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- Fix expected output. (Andreas Lind)
- #8 Strictly validate the response properties. (Alex J Burke)
- Update unexpected-messy to ^6.0.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Travis: Enable node.js 4 and 5. (Andreas Lind)
- Rewrote a test so it does not fail due to HTTP responses being generated differently with newer node.js versions. (Andreas Lind)
- Fix tests and make sure that the HttpResponse instance always has a raw body, even when it's empty. (Andreas Lind)
- Fix indentation. (Andreas Lind)
- +5 more
- to yield exchange: Alias as 'to yield exchange satisfying'. (Andreas Lind)
- installPlugin => use (Andreas Lind)
- Removed redundant line of code (Joel Mukuthu)
- Fix: do not update the statusCode if an error is passed to next after headers have already been flushed (Joel Mukuthu)
- Tests: Fix expected output with recently released unexpected-messy. (Andreas Lind)
- Update mocha to 2.3.3. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 10 + plugins. (Andreas Lind)
- Import unexpected-stream first again (anticipating spike/v10-duck-typing). (Andreas Lind)
- Switch to Unexpected v10's addAssertion syntax [ci skip]. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-stream and unexpected. (Andreas Lind)
- +1 more
- Work around timing issue with old-style streams in nodejs older than v0.11.5 (Maarten Winter)
- Update unexpected to 9.9.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed jshint (Andreas Lind)
- Make the req object behave more like a streams2 readable stream. (Andreas Lind)
- formData: {...}: Don't mangle buffer values. (Andreas Lind)
- Un-skipping leading slash test that now works as of a recent messy upgrade. (Andreas Lind)
- Include the version property in the plugin spec. (Andreas Lind)
- Revert "Turns out that actually didn't work in npm 2 :(" (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 9.5.0. (Andreas Lind)
- package.json: Fixed author's name. (Andreas Lind)
- package.json: Use a valid SPDX licence expression. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 4.7.0 and list it under both dependencies and peerDependencies. (Andreas Lind)
- Display failing metadata assertions alongside the HTTP exchange. (Andreas Lind)
- Make stack test immune to where in the stack the important frame is, hopefully fixing the test suite in node.js 0.12. (Andreas Lind)
- Whoops, fixed superfluous semicolon. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 4.6.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 9.4.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Make sure the response headers get picked up when Express doesn't match any route. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected, unexpected-messy, and messy. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 6.6.1. (Andreas Lind)
- package.json: Canonicalize. (Andreas Lind)
- Add skipped test for forcing a leading slash in the request url. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 9.0.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 4.2.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-stream to 1.2.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 8.5.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 8 (not yet released) along with some related modules. (Andreas Lind)
- Change an error mode to 'bubble' to fix a test for v8. (Andreas Lind)
- Test: Added missing return (pointed out by Unexpected 8). (Andreas Lind)
- Update mocha to 2.2.5. (Andreas Lind)
- Clean up the code that handles request bodies a bit, and allow specifying unchunkedBody or rawBody as an alternative to body. (Andreas Lind)
- Whoops, remember to provide the context as the completion value. (Andreas Lind)
- Removed unused stack capture. (Andreas Lind)
- #6 Document extended assertions (Alex J Burke)
- Update unexpected-messy to 3.0.4. (Andreas Lind)
- More promise-related refactorings. (Andreas Lind)
- Simplify the error reporting code by adopting promises a bit more. (Andreas Lind)
- Remove no longer relevant housekeeping. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed missing singlequote in code example. (Andreas Lind)
- +5 more
- Update unexpected-messy to 3.0.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Added missing unexpected-promise dependency. (Andreas Lind)
- jshint. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 7.0.0. (Andreas Lind)
- .travis.yml: Build on node.js 0.12 as well. (Andreas Lind)
- Stop half-implementing backpressure in the mocked out res object. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed indentation. (Andreas Lind)
- Allow matching the raw body of the response (via rawBody:...). (Andreas Lind)
- jshint (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy etc. and parse the raw HTTP response. (Andreas Lind)
- jshint (Andreas Lind)
- stub out res.connection.cork and uncork (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- Update messy to 4.4.0 and unexpected-messy to 2.15.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Make unexpected-messy a peer dependency again, but still require and installPlugin it. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 6.3.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Updated test due to a different serialization in the new unexpected-messy where the output is wrapped in a block. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 6.3.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 2.13.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 6.0.7. (Andreas Lind)
- Added reference to github repository from site (Sune Simonsen)
- Filter the metadataPropertyNames out of expectedResponseProperties after having separated them into expectedMetadata, add two tests for errorPassedToNext behaviour (Maarten Winter)
- update unexpected-messy to 2.7.2 (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- do not mangle stack traces from errors in the tested middleware (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- update unexpected to 5.6.2 (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- Update unexpected-messy and messy and make some necessary adjustments. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 5.4.2. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 2.6.0 and messy to 4.0.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Removed unused var. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 3.2.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Expose messy. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 5.3.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Bundle unexpected-messy again to reduce dependency hell. (Andreas Lind)
- Reintroduce setting req properties by putting additional properties on the request object. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 5.0.0-beta31. (Andreas Lind)
- Update mocha to 2.0.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 2.3.0 and messy to 3.1.3. (Andreas Lind)
- Upgraded to the latest unexpected - that made the test suite 4 times faster :-) (Sune Simonsen)
- Fix inspection of requests with multipart bodies. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 2.2.4. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 3.0.1 and unexpected-messy to 2.2.3. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed jshint errors - not anything serious (Sune Simonsen)
- add support for res.locals in the response object. (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- throw an error if unknown properties are put on the request or response objects. (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- Update messy to 1.4.0 and unexpected-messy to 1.5.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Updated diff example in README. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 1.3.1 and unexpected-messy to 1.3.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Forgot 4 lines which also needed res.status (Maarten Winter)
- Update unexpected and unexpected-messy so that everything wants [email protected]. (Andreas Lind)
- Fix deprecated messages in express 4 (Maarten Winter)
- Update unexpected-messy to 1.2.0. (Andreas Lind)
- package.json: Removed equal signs from dependencies. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed failing test, updated unexpected-messy to 1.1.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 1.2.2. (Andreas Lind)
- [ci skip] failing test for unmatched route (Sune Simonsen)
- Upgraded to latest unexpected (Sune Simonsen)
- Treat an error with a statusCode property passed to next the same as an HTTP response with that as the status code. (Maarten Winter)
- Update messy to 1.2.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Whoops, fixed the unexpected version in devDependencies. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 1.0.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Add 'to yield exchange' as an alias for 'to middleware that processes' (for forwards compabitibility with the messy branch/v1.0.0). (Andreas Lind)
- Resume form-data request streams. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- README: Only show build status on master. (Andreas Lind)
- Have req emit 'end' even though no request body is specified. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Added all the RFC822/HTTP + extensions headers I could find that need to be special cased when formatting. (Andreas Lind)
- Added a couple more special cases for formatHeaderName. (Andreas Lind)
- Don't convert Buffer to string if non-UTF-8 compatible. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Also upgrade the response body to string/object when it is not being matched against. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Added tests. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Whoops, forgot to add mocha as a devDependency. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Gear up on Travis, Istanbul, jshint, Coveralls, and README badges. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- +1 more
- Test: Fixed matching of error message with a newer Unexpected. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Update unexpected to 4.0.5. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Support specifying the method as part of the url. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Call 'done' in a setImmediate so that exceptions (assertion failures) aren't swallowed. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Provide a context to the 'done' callback so that it can inspect the state of the req, res, next, and responseProperties objects. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Test that the rewritten url is added to expectedResponseProperties before asserting. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Helper assertion in test (Andreas Lind)
- Update README.md (Andreas Lind)
- Allow mocking out the remote address (ip). (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Added more request body tests. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Don't fail when a non-existing body is expected to be an empty string or Buffer instance. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Set errorMode to nested so more context is available when an expectation isn't met. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Better support for matching Error instances. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- DTRT when the middleware calls next with a number (status code). (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- README: Use more shorthands and made the code snippets actually work (d'oh). (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- +4 more
- Handle errors passed to next either explicitly or by a try...catch in Express. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Make a string mean {url: ...} when figuring out the request properties. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- More README (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Make sure that the req.protocol getter defined by Express returns 'https' when https:true is specified in the request properties. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Support request bodies provided as strings or buffers, and fixed the way JSON is handled. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Don't represent an absent body as an empty string. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Provide a default Transfer-Encoding header for all requests provided as streams, not just FormData ones. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Default to GET when no method is specified. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- FIX: Make sure assertions are also run when 'next' is called (Maarten Winter)
- Add 'strictAsync' response property (Maarten Winter)
- Move running the assertions into its own function (Maarten Winter)
- Fix reference error for nextCalled assertion code (Maarten Winter)
- Allow specifying properties of the response as request.res (use case: res.locals). (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Add support for request bodies including specific support for the form-data module. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- README: Fixed typo. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Add support for request bodies. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- Treat a numerical value as a shorthand for an expected status code. (Andreas Lind Petersen)
- +8 more