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241 lines (187 loc) · 5.37 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (187 loc) · 5.37 KB


This is a css utility framework based on sass and inspired by Bootstrap and TailwindCSS. It allows you to create utility classes easily by using sass mixins.


  • One unified config
  • State classes
  • Group state classes
  • Dark mode
  • Multi property classes


  • Include example config
  • Refactoring
  • More comments


npm install windbreakercss


yarn add windbreakercss

In your main scss file include the mixin:

@import '~windbreakercss/main';


Create your utility config and pass it to the mixin windbreakercss-utility and it will genreate all the classes.

$separator: '\\:';

$config: (
    prefix: 'text-',
    dark-mode: true,
    group: hover active,
    property: color,
    states: hover focus active,
    values: (
        'white': #fff,
        'black': #000,
        'gray': #666

@include windbreakercss-utility($config, $separator);

Example of the css that will be generated:

.text-white {
    color: #fff;

You can wrap the mixin in a media query and add a query key if you would like to add responsive utilities, see example below:

$separator: '\\:';

$breakpoints: (
    sm: 576px,
    md: 768px,
    lg: 992px,
    xl: 1200px,
    2xl: 1600px

$config: (
    prefix: 'text-',
    dark-mode: true,
    group: hover active,
    property: color,
    states: hover focus active,
    values: (
        'white': #fff,
        'black': #000,
        'gray': #666

@include windbreakercss-utility($config, $separator);
@each $bp, $size in $breakpoints {
    @media screen and (min-width: $size) {
        @include windbreakercss-utility($config, $separator, $bp);

Example of the css that will be generated:

.text-white {
    color: #fff;

@media screen and (min-width: 576px) {
    .text-white\:sm {
        color: #fff;

To make things easier we've added another way to setup your configuration and create classes. Create a configuration variable with the separator, breakpoints and utilities then pass this to the windbreakercss mixin. See example below:

$config: (

    // Options

    separator: '\\:',

    // Responsive

    breakpoints: (
        sm: 576px,
        md: 768px,
        lg: 992px,
        xl: 1200px,
        2xl: 1600px

    // Utilities

    utilities: (

        // Color

        color: (
            prefix: 'text-',
            dark-mode: true,
            property: color,
            states: hover focus active,
            responsive: true,
            values: (
                'white': #fff,
                'gray': #666,
                'black': #000



@include windbreakercss($config);

NOTE: We've added the property responsive to the utility above which is necessary to generate the responsive classes.

Multi Property Utilities

If you have more than one property you would like to create a utility from then you can pass a map to the values instead. In the example below we've added border-color and color to the utility values.

$config: (
    prefix: 'text-',
    dark-mode: true,
    group: hover active,
    states: hover focus active,
    values: (
        'white': (
            color: #fff,
            border-color: #fff
        'black': (
            color: #000,
            border-color: #000
        'gray': (
            color: #666,
            border-color: #666


Option Description Value Example
prefix What the class names should begin with String text-
dark-mode Enable dark mode classes true or false true
group Enable group state classes Sass List group: hover focus
states Enable state classes Sass List states: hover focus
property The CSS property which you would like to generate the classes for String text-align
responsive Enable responsive classes. This will only work when using the windbreakercss mixin. true or false N/A
values The values to generate the classes from Map See examples above


When you enable all the options this is the css which is generated. Make note of how the classes are named when enabling group, dark and responsive options.

.dark .active\:text-white\:dark:active,
.dark .focus\:text-white\:dark:focus,
.dark .group:active .group\:active\:text-white\:dark,
.dark .group:hover .group\:hover\:text-white\:dark,
.dark .hover\:text-white\:dark:hover,
.dark .text-white\:dark,
.group:active .group\:active\:text-white,
.group:hover .group\:hover\:text-white,
.text-white {
    color: #fff


As you can see a lot of classes are generated so it's best to purge all the classes that aren't used in your website or app by using something like PurgeCSS.


As you can see from some of the examples above we've added quotes around the color names, this is due to sass converting them to hex colors during processing.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature/hotfix branch: git checkout -b feature/my-super-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Added some feature"
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/my-super-feature
  5. Submit a pull request