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Install Ulfius

Distribution packages

Packaging status

Ulfius is available in multiple distributions as official package. Check out your distribution documentation to install the package automatically.

$ # Example for Debian testing, install ulfius library with development files and uwsc
$ sudo apt install libulfius-dev uwsc
$ # Example for Debian testing, install uwsc only
$ sudo apt install uwsc

Pre-compiled packages

You can install Ulfius with a pre-compiled package available in the release pages. jansson, libmicrohttpd, gnutls, libcurl-gnutls and zlib development files packages are required to install Ulfius. The packages files ulfius-dev-full_* contain the libraries orcania, yder and ulfius.

For example, to install Ulfius with the ulfius-dev-full_2.7.0_Debian_stretch_x86_64.tar.gz package downloaded on the releases page, you must execute the following commands:

$ sudo apt install -y libmicrohttpd-dev libjansson-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgnutls28-dev libgcrypt20-dev libsystemd-dev
$ wget
$ tar xf ulfius-dev-full_2.7.0_debian_buster_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo dpkg -i liborcania-dev_2.1.1_Debian_stretch_x86_64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libyder-dev_1.4.12_Debian_stretch_x86_64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libulfius-dev_2.7.0_Debian_stretch_x86_64.deb

If there's no package available for your distribution, you can recompile it manually using CMake or Makefile.

Manual install


Ulfius requires the following dependencies.

  • libmicrohttpd (required), minimum 0.9.53 if you require Websockets support
  • libjansson (optional), minimum 2.4, required for json support
  • libgnutls, libgcrypt (optional), required for Websockets and https support
  • libcurl (optional), required to send http/smtp requests
  • libsystemd (optional), required for Yder to log messages in journald
  • zlib (optional), required for Websockets support

Note: the build stacks require a compiler (gcc or clang), make, cmake (if using CMake build), and pkg-config.

For example, to install all the external dependencies on Debian Stretch, run as root:

# apt install -y libmicrohttpd-dev libjansson-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgnutls28-dev libgcrypt20-dev zlib1g-dev

Good ol' Makefile

Download Orcania, Yder and Ulfius source code from GitHub, compile and install Orcania, then Yder, then compile and install Ulfius:

$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd orcania/
$ make && sudo make install
$ cd ../yder/
$ make && sudo make install
$ cd ../ulfius/
$ make && sudo make install

Disable Ulfius dependencies

To disable libcurl functions, append the option CURLFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius:

$ make CURLFLAG=1

If libcurl functions are disabled, libcurl4-gnutls-dev is no longer mandatory for install.

To disable libjansson functions, append the option JANSSONFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius and Orcania:


If libjansson functions are disabled, libjansson-dev is no longer mandatory for install.

To disable GNU TLS extensions (HTTPS client certificate support) and avoid installing libgnutls, append the option GNUTLSFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius:


If GNU TLS extensions are disabled, libgnutls-dev is no longer mandatory for install. However, this will also disable websocket support, since it depends on libgnutls.

To disable websocket implementation, append the option WEBSOCKETFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius:


To disable Yder library (you will no longer have log messages available!), append the option YDERFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius:

$ make YDERFLAG=1

To disable uwsc build, append the option UWSCFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius:

$ make UWSCFLAG=1

To disable two or more libraries, append options, example:


Install Ulfius as a static archive

Install Ulfius as a static archive, libulfius.a, use the make commands make static*:

$ cd src
$ make static && sudo make static-install # or make DESTDIR=/tmp static-install if you want to install in `/tmp/lib`

Enable embedded systems flags

To build Ulfius on FreeRTOS, append the option FREERTOSFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius:


To build Ulfius with the LWIP library, append the option LWIPFLAG=1 to the make command when you build Ulfius:

$ make LWIPFLAG=1

Those two options are exclusive, you can't use them both at the same time.

Installation directory

By default, the shared libraries and the header files will be installed in the /usr/local location. To change this setting, you can modify the DESTDIR value in the src/Makefile, lib/orcania/src/Makefile and lib/yder/src/Makefile files.

$ make DESTDIR=/tmp install # to install ulfius in /tmp/lib for example

You can install Ulfius without root permission if your user has write access to $(DESTDIR). A ldconfig command is executed at the end of the install, it will probably fail if you don't have root permission, but this is harmless. If you choose to install Ulfius in another directory, you must set your environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH properly.

Install uwsc

uwsc is a small command-line tool to connect to websocket services. To install uwsc only, you can use the Makefile in the uwsc/ directory:

$ cd ulfius/uwsc
$ make && sudo make install

This will compile and install uwsc in /usr/local/bin, to install it in another directory, you can change the value of DESTDIR.

CMake - Multi architecture

You can build Ulfius library using CMake, example:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make && sudo make install

The available options for CMake are:

  • -DWITH_JANSSON=[on|off] (default on): Build with Jansson dependency
  • -DWITH_CURL=[on|off] (default on): Build with libcurl dependency
  • -DWITH_GNUTLS=[on|off] (default on): Build with GNU TLS extensions (HTTPS client certificate support), requires GnuTLS library.
  • -DWITH_WEBSOCKET=[on|off] (default on): Build with websocket functions, not available for Windows, requires libmicrohttpd 0.9.53 minimum.
  • -DWITH_JOURNALD=[on|off] (default on): Build with journald (SystemD) support for logging
  • -DWITH_YDER=[on|off] (default on): Build with Yder library for logging messages
  • -DBUILD_UWSC=[on|off] (default on): Build uwsc
  • -DBUILD_STATIC=[on|off] (default off): Build the static archive in addition to the shared library
  • -DBUILD_ULFIUS_TESTING=[on|off] (default off): Build unit tests
  • -DBUILD_ULFIUS_DOCUMENTATION=[on|off] (default off): Build the documentation, doxygen is required
  • -DINSTALL_HEADER=[on|off] (default on): Install header file ulfius.h
  • -DBUILD_RPM=[on|off] (default off): Build RPM package when running make package
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release] (default Release): Compile with debugging symbols or not