- Fixed - Queries that were causing blank search pages.
- Fixed - Conditionals that were causing blank archive pages.
- Fixed - Optimize tax queries being added to the main query.
- Major update to the plugin.
- Fixed - Queries use the taxonomy table for better performance.
- Added - DB updater to migrate product meta data to the new taxonomies.
- Fixed - price class .discontinued
- Removed - span.discontinued into the price
- Added span.discontinued into the price
- Added CSS Style
- Add the DP_CSV_Import_Export class to include this plugins fields in the WooCommerce import / export feature.
- Fixed .pot file to include missing strings.
- Replace price with discontinued text in shop loop to be constant with single product page behavior.
- Add discontiued-notice class.
- Add spacing in data panel tab.
- Fix missing gettext text domains.
- Hide from product category pages when hidden from shop.
- Replace depreciated action hook.
- Fix alternative product search.
- Add settings page.
- Initial release, looking forward to adding more features soon.