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Cortex C# Examples

These examples show how to call the Cortex APIs from C# which describe at Cortex Document

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.


  • You might have Visual Studio with C# supported (msvc14 or higher recommended).
  • The Cortex have to be running on your machine such as service. You can get the Cortex from ( In addition, the Cortex also is installed when EmotivPRO is installed.
  • Get a client id and a client secret from You must connect to your Emotiv account on and create a Cortex app. If you don't have a EmotivID, you can register here.

How to compile

  1. Open CortexExamples.sln by Visual Studio IDE
  2. Use Nuget Package Manager to install Newtonsoft.Json, SuperSocket.ClientEngine.Core, WebSocket4Net for CortexAccess project
  3. Put your login information and your client id and clien secret to source. More detail please see below.
  4. You can compile and run the examples directly from the IDE.

Code structure

This section describe structure overview, core classes and examples. The C# Cortex examples contain 2 parts. Firtly, CortexAcess project is core and reponsible for processing all requests and responses such as a midle layer between user and cortex. Secondly, examples, each examples as a project which reference to CortexAccess project.

Stucture overview

The class diagram describe here Class Diagram

  • CortexClient: Reponsible for sending requests to Cortex and receiving responses, warning, data from Cortex.
  • Process: Process request / reponse messages and route to corresponding controller for handling.
    • AccessController: Reponsible for login, authen and refresh token.
    • HeadsetController: Reponsible for headset query, check headset connection.
    • SessionController: Reponsible for session creation, update, data recording and inject marker.
    • TrainingController: Reponsible for profile creation, update, load, save and training.
  • Examples: Each example is a project have main class. Create a new Instance of Process and make examples.


1. EEGLogger

  • This example opens a session with the first Emotiv headset it can find, and save eeg data to EEGLogger.csv file until Enter key pressed.
  • To run this example, you need put your Emotiv ID and license in Program.cs.
  • The basic workflow: Login -> Authen, Query Headset -> Create Session -> Subcribe EEG data

2. MotionLogger

  • This example opens a session with the first Emotiv headset it can find, and save motion data to MotionLogger.csv file until Enter key pressed.
  • To run this example, you need put your Emotiv ID in Program.cs. Do not need license to retrieve motion data.
  • The basic workflow: Login -> Authen, Query Headset -> Create Session -> Subcribe Motion data

3. MentalCommandTraining

  • This example opens a session with the first Emotiv headset it can find, load existed profile/ create a new profile then ask you to train mental command actions. Currently, there are neutral, push and pull actions. Finally, save profiles and show the training result.
  • To run this example, you need put your Emotiv ID in Program.cs. Do not need license to retrieve motion data.
  • The basic workflow: Login -> Authen, Query Headset, Query Detection -> Create Session -> Subcribe sys data -> Load profile -> Start training actions -> Accept/Reject training result -> Save profile -> Subcribe com data.

4. FacialExpressionTraining

  • This example opens a session with the first Emotiv headset it can find, load existed profile/ create a new profile then ask you to train facial expression actions. Currently, there are neutral, smile actions. Finally, save profiles and show the training result.
  • To run this example, you need put your Emotiv ID in Program.cs. Do not need license to retrieve motion data.
  • The basic workflow: Login -> Authen, Query Headset, Query Detection -> Create Session -> Subcribe sys data -> Load profile -> Start training actions -> Accept/Reject training result -> Save profile -> Subcribe fac data.

4. RecordData

  • This example opens a session with the first Emotiv headset it can find, start record and inject markers then stop record.
  • To run this example, you need put your Emotiv ID and license in Program.cs.
  • The basic workflow: Login -> Authen, Query Headset -> Create Session -> Start Record -> Inject marker (receive A, B, C key for markers) -> Stop Record.


  • You need put a valid license to get EEG data, Performance metrics data

  • Currently, the examples use Sleep() for waiting reponses from Cortex. But not elegant, you can implement more events for responsive handling.

  • Sometimes, you might get a error. Please re-run the example again. If the issue have not been resolved, Please contact us.

  • You also can develop some similar examples, kind of FacialExpressionTraining, subcribe other streams such as: fac, dev, pow

  • TODO: Error handling for each case, basic UI for examples.


  5. C# Coding Standards for .NET - Lance Hunt