Hammerspoon is a great automation tool for macOS, it'll help you replace all the utilities that fill your bar. And it will add features you didn't even know you wanted / needed. Ready ? Yeah ? So, let's dive in !
- Visit this page
- Download the following spoons and click on them for installation:
- WifiNotifier - Receive notifications every time your wifi network changes.
- Shade - Creates a semitransparent overlay to reduce screen brightness.
- MountedVolumes - Displays a list of mounted volumes and a pie chart for each indicating free space on the desktop
- HoldToQuit - Instead of pressing ⌘ + Q, hold ⌘ + Q to close applications.
- ClipboardTool - Keep a history of the clipboard for text entries and manage the entries with a context menu
- DeepLTranslate - Show a popup window with the translation of the currently selected text
- MenuHammer - A Spacemacs inspired menu system for macOS built for Hammerspoon.
- MicMute) - To mute/unmute your microphone.
ctrl + ⌥ + cmd → Is referred to as hyper
ctrl + ⌥ + cmd + d
hyper + d
(click the triangle below "►" to expand the list of shortcuts)
All the shortcuts
alt + space
hyper + 1
organize hyper + 2
hyper + w
hyper + d
hyper + x
hyper + c
hyper + v
hyper + b
hyper + n
hyper + ,
hyper + ,
hyper + s
Resize to use the left half of the screen hyper + ←
Resize to use the right half of the screen hyper + →
Resize to use the left top quarter of the screen hyper + ← + ↑
Resize to use the right top quarter of the screen hyper + → + ↑
Resize to use the full width of the screen hyper + ← + →
Resize to use the full height of the screen hyper + ↑ + ↓
It is basically a mix from my trials and errors and several examples i found either in the official documentation, or here and here.
I tried it to make it a bit easier to configure and set up than the examples i found online.
If you have improvements idea, or face a bug, feel free to open an issue / pull request.