diff --git a/distribs/README b/distribs/README
index 4c7555b..5d37494 100644
--- a/distribs/README
+++ b/distribs/README
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Yorick distributions
Here are templates for producing yorick distributions for various open
source software systems.
-../debian/ - Debian GNU/Linux
+README.Debian - Instructions for Debian GNU/Linux (and derivatives)
yorick.spec - RedHat (or Fedora) RPM
Version, Release must be updated from ../VERSION
diff --git a/distribs/README.Debian b/distribs/README.Debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c7292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distribs/README.Debian
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ Building Yorick for Debian
+ ==========================
+The Debian files for building Yorick are not kept in the tarball anymore.
+To build a new package, two options:
+ - get the Debian source package with
+ apt-get source yorick
+ and copy the debian subdirectory from yorick- to the
+ yorick source tree you want to build;
+ - get everything using git. As of writing, this should work:
+ sudo aptitude install pbuilder git-buildpackage
+ git clone git://github.com/paumard/yorick.git
+ cd yorick
+ git checkout -b debian origin/debian
+ debian/rules orig-tbz
+ sudo /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends
+ git-buildpackage --git-upstream-branch=master --git-debian-branch=debian
+An updated version of this file may be available at:
+ https://github.com/dhmunro/yorick/blob/master/distribs/README.Debian
+ Thibaut Paumard, 2011-09-13
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/distribs/debian/README.Debian.packages b/distribs/debian/README.Debian.packages
deleted file mode 100644
index aeb0af4..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/README.Debian.packages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-Debian treatment for Yorick add-on packages
-1 What are Yorick add-on packages?
-2 How to install add-on packages under Debian?
- 2.1 Using pkg_mngr.i
- 2.2 Compiling from source
- 2.3 Adjusting your paths
-3 Technical details
- 3.1 What does Debian do with add-on packages?
- 3.2 Why?
- 3.3 How?
-4 Bugs
- 4.1 ERROR (*main*) autoload variable must be nil initially
-1) What are Yorick add-on packages?
-The Yorick core package is intentionally simple. It has very few external
-dependencies and contains only the functionalities needed in most setups.
-Add-on packages exist for a variety of more specific problems, ranging from
-fairly general purpose file format support (e.g. jpeg support in the yorick-z
-package) to very specialized software (e.g. modelling of the adaptive optics
-systems used in modern telescopes in the yorick-yao package).
-Some of these add-ons are purely interpreted libraries, others contain
-compiled code (and are then called plug-ins).
-There are basically three ways of installing add-ons:
- - some are available as Debian packages installable through e.g. apt-get
- (there names always start in yorick-);
- - more can be downloaded and installed using Yorick's own package manager
- pkg_mngr.i (as of writing, the only Debian platform supported is i386, ppc
- coming soon);
- - even more can be downloaded from the Internet as source code that you have
- to compile and install yourself.
-We will describe the last two methods below, as the first is straightforward.
-2) How to install add-on packages under Debian?
- 2.1 using pkg_mngr.i
- --------------------
-This method currently works only for GNU/Linux on i386 as well as MacOS on PPC
-and MS Windows on i386.
-To install packages using the pkg_mngr, simply install the Debian package
-`curl' and issue the following at the Yorick prompt:
-//install system-wide under /usr/local/lib/yorick:
-// you must be root or in the `staff' group
- #include "pkg_mngr.i"; // you then get a message that a special Debian
- // configuration has been loaded
- pkg_sync; // synchronize the package list with the repository
- pkg_list; // lists available packages
- pkg_install,"pkg_name"; // replace pkg_name by the actual name
-//install at the user level or at another location:
- #include "pkg_mngr.i"; // you then get a message that a special Debian
- // configuration has been loaded
- pkg_setup; // reconfigure the pkg_mngr: you would normally
- // accept all defaults except for `PKG_Y_HOME'.
- // Follow the instructions on screen.
- pkg_sync; // synchronize the package list with the repository
- pkg_list; // lists available packages
- pkg_install,"pkg_name"; // replace pkg_name by the actual name
- 2.2 Compiling from source
- -------------------------
-First make sure you installed the yorick-dev package.
-Packages usually come with instructions on how to install them, which for
-simpler packages boils down to:
- yorick -batch make.i # sometimes a more complicated configure step
- make
- make install
-Under Debian, you can specify the variables DEST_Y_SITE and DEST_Y_HOME (and
-DEST_Y_BINDIR if you are building an executable) in this last `make install'
-step to install at a custom place. For instance:
-# system-wide, recommended place (/usr/local/lib/yorick):
- make DEST_Y_SITE=/usr/local/lib/yorick \
- DEST_Y_HOME=/usr/local/lib/yorick \
- install
-# per-user, canonical place (~/.yorick):
- make DEST_Y_SITE=~/.yorick \
- DEST_Y_HOME=~/.yorick \
- install
-See /usr/lib/yorick/Makepkg for details.
- 2.3 adjusting your paths
- ------------------------
-You must make sure Yorick is able to find the files you install. The Debian
-default configuration includes a full package tree in /usr/local/lib/yorick,
-so if you install packages there, you have nothing special to do (see
-On the other hand, if you install in another place (say, ~/.yorick), you must
-add the following lines in a startup file (e.g. ~/.yorick/custom.i or any .i
-file in ~/.yorick/i-start):
- require, "pathfun.i";
- add_y_home,"~/.yorick/";
-pkg_setup will offer to do it for you.
-3) Technical details
- 3.1 What does Debian do with add-on packages?
- ---------------------------------------------
-It is recommended not to mix packages installed through these various means
-in the same directory. The following is advisable:
- - packages installed using Debian's apt-get are installed in the main Yorick
- tree (/usr/lib/yorick/);
- - packages installed system-wide using Yorick's pkg_mngr or compiled manually
- are installed in a local tree (/usr/local/lib/yorick/);
- - additionally, users can install packages in their home directory.
- 3.2 Why?
- --------
-Apt is not aware of packages installed through the pkg_mngr. On the other hand,
-the pkg_mngr is aware of packages installed through apt, but not that they have
-been installed through apt. So you could easily install a package with apt and
-remove it with the pkg_mngr, leaving your system in an inconsistent
-Another useful example: in the future, it is possible (and, actually, likely)
-that the main Yorick package for Debian will change significantly, e.g. that
-the main directory will be relocated. Debian packages for add-ons will be
-updated accordingly, but packages installed using the pkg_mngr will be left
-behind. Even worse, if the main directory is split rather than relocated, then
-packages installed using the pkg_mngr will end-up half installed.
-In a word, separating the apt space and the pkg_mngr/local space will save the
-sysadmins from almost certain future hassle.
- 3.3 How?
- --------
-First of all, the local tree must be taken into account into the various paths
-of Yorick. This is achieved through the file /etc/yorick/20usrlocal.i .
-The second part is to get pkg_mngr to install files under
-/usr/local/lib/yorick/. The Debian package provides a file
-/etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i which performs the basic configuration of the
-pkg_mngr. This file also reads /usr/local/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i if
-it exists. /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i is pointed to by a link in
-Y_HOME/packages, that pkg_mngr.i reads when it is first loaded, unless the
-variable PKG_SETUP is set.
-There are copies of these two files in /usr/share/doc/yorick/examples/ .
-4) Bugs
- 4.1) ERROR (*main*) autoload variable must be nil initially
- -----------------------------------------------------------
-This error is due to the autoload() function and happens when the same package
-is installed twice, for instance both system-wide and per-user.
-More precisely, upon Yorick startup, if a package is installed twice in your
-path, you will get an error such as:
- ERROR (*main*) autoload variable must be nil initially
- WARNING detailed line number information unavailable
- now at pc= 1 (of 17), failed at pc= 11
- LINE: 1 FILE: ~/.yorick/i-start/mypkg-auto.i
- To enter debug mode, type now (then dbexit to get out)
-Check all your i-start directories (/usr/lib/yorick/i-start/,
-/usr/local/lib/yorick/i-start/, ~/.yorick/i-start/) for files with the same
-name (in this case, "mypkg-auto.i"). If you find several of them, ask yourself
-whether you need both copies of the package (presumably called "mypkg" in this
-example). If not, simply deinstall one of the instances of the package.
-If yes, then you can have the error disappear by doing the following:
- - write down all the .i files that are referred to by calls such as
- autoload, "file.i", var1, var2....;
- in this file "mypkg-auto.i";
- - for each one of them, write a line like
- autoload, "file.i";
- without variable specification once near the top of the file
- ~/.yorick/i-start/mypkg-auto.i .
-This issue is being thought in depth by upstream.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:44:19 +0100
diff --git a/distribs/debian/README.debian b/distribs/debian/README.debian
deleted file mode 100644
index 381cd98..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/README.debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-Yorick for Debian
-This is the `Yorick' interpreted language by David H. Munro, prepackaged for
-Debian GNU/Linux.
-This package was put together by Thibaut Paumard
-from the sourceforge CVS sources. The changes are regularly committed back to the
-1) Website
-2) Configuration
-3) Add-ons
-4) Relocation
-5) Suppressed material
-1) Website:
-The homepage is full-featured with an active forum, bug-tracker etc.
- http://yorick.sourceforge.net
-2) Configuration:
- * System-wide:
-Any .i script found in /etc/yorick/ will be sourced by Yorick on start-up (in
-alphabetic order). Use this for system-wide configuration.
- * User-wide:
-Each user can have one user directory, one of ~/.yorick, ~/yorick and
-~/Yorick. If you have several of them and want to know which one Yorick is
-using , look at the Y_USER variable. Any .i script found in Y_USER/i-start/
-will be sourced by Yorick on start-up (in alphabetic order). This can be used
-for user-wide configuration.
-Additionally, Yorick will look for custom.i in the path. This can be used for
-"task-wide" customizations by putting a custom.i in the directory from which
-you start Yorick for a given task.
-3) Add-ons:
-There are useful interpreted libraries as well as compiled plug-ins available
-around the net (see e.g. http://www.maumae.net), some of which I am packaging
-for Debian.
-By default, the Debian package of Yorick is configured in such way that its
-package manager (pkg_mngr.i) will install packages under
-/usr/local/lib/yorick. See README.Debian.packages for details. Users can take
-inspiration from this file to install packages in their home directories.
-4) Relocation:
-This build of Yorick is relocatable. This means that you can keep a functional
-copy of this version e.g. before upgrading by simply copying the entire
-/usr/lib/yorick directory anywhere. If you do that:
- - make sure you dereference symbolic links (-L option to cp);
- - you may want want to remove i-start/zzdebian.i, which makes an
- `include_all,"/etc/yorick";';
- - you may also want to have a look at packages/pkg_setup.i
- and check whether it does something useful for you (you probably want to
- delete it).
- - the yorick binary is in bin/; you may set up a symbolic link, must you
- cannot change the layout of the directory tree or move the real executable
- out.
-5) Suppressed material
-Due to some copyright incompatibilities, a few files have been removed from
-the upstream source. Most of them do not get used in the standard Linux build
-anyway and are therefore useless for the Debian package (see copyright file
-for details).
-The exception is idlsave.i, that can be used to read "save" files from the
-commercial software Interactive Data Language (IDL) from Research System
-Inc. (RSI). It is legal for an IDL user to use and distribute this file, but
-it might be problematic for Debian to ship it.
-If you need to exchange data between IDL and Yorick, I suggest you look at a
-standard file format: FITS is supported out-of-the-box by Yorick, HDF5 thanks
-to the yorick-hdf5 plug-in. If you really need idlsave.i, grab it from the CVS
-web interface, as of writing:
- http://yorick.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/yorick/yorick/i/idlsave.i
-and put it anywhere in your path (e.g. /usr/local/lib/yorick/i/ for
-system-wide install, ~/.yorick/ for user-wide install).
-Thibaut Paumard ,
-Mon, 22 May 2006 10:10:49 +0200
diff --git a/distribs/debian/README.source b/distribs/debian/README.source
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a50fe..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/README.source
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-This package uses quilt to manage all modifications to the upstream
-source. Changes are stored in the source package as diffs in
-debian/patches and applied during the build.
-See /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source for usage.
-To retrieve the original tarball, the "rules" file provides three
-targets depending on how the last upstream was packaged: get-cvs-date,
-get-cvs-tag, or get-tgz. They always get the last version in the
-changelog. To package a new upstream from CVS, first create a new
-version in the changelog in which the string "+cvsYYYMMDD" appears
-(for instance +cvs20091231), then run "debian/rules get-cvs-date".
-For the sake of reproducibility, its better to use the date of
-yesterday in case other commits are made today.
- -- Thibaut Paumard , Thu, 26 Nov 2009 15:34:54 +0100
diff --git a/distribs/debian/changelog b/distribs/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index 50cc42c..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg+cvs20091202-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream from CVS:
- - initial support for interpreting code stored in a string array
- (see include())
- - new set_gpath() function for setting the path for .gs and .gp files
- * Use 3.0 (quilt) format
- * Reformat debian/copyright in the DEP-3 spirit
- -- Thibaut Paumard Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:44:19 +0100
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg-7) unstable; urgency=low
- * Adapt doc build system to texi2html 1.82 thanks to Lucas Nussbaum
- (Closes: #552966).
- * Checked against policy 3.8.3.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Sun, 15 Nov 2009 15:32:31 +0100
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=low
- * Bug fix: "yorick-dev: make debug generates 'undefined reference
- to main' error", thanks to Alan W. Irwin (Closes: #490597).
- -- Thibaut Paumard Tue, 15 Jul 2008 15:04:56 +0200
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg-5) unstable; urgency=low
- * Add triggers support to yorick-doc:
- * add triggers control file;
- * rename --auto option of update-yorickdoc to --auto-now;
- * add new --auto option which makes update-yorickdoc a no-op on
- systems where dpkg-trigger exists and else falls back to the same
- as --auto-now;
- * change dh_installyorick to not modify maintainer scripts by default,
- use -m option to force it.
- * Add a draft policy document in yorick-dev.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Sun, 18 May 2008 23:14:45 +0200
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=low
- * Bug fix: "update-yorickdoc crashes when parsing UTF-8 files", thanks
- to Aaron M. Ucko, Dave Munro and Arnaud Sevin (Closes: #463746). The
- fix consist in patching the strtok function, which now behaves well on
- UTF-8 strings.
- * Move menu entry to Applications/Science/Data Analysis.
- * Move doc-base entry to Science/Data Analysis.
- * Update-yorickdoc:
- + Add --quiet/--verbose options and short options (-a, -p, -v, -q).
- + Ignore $HOME/.yorick-doc for the root user, else problems happen
- when using sudo.
- + update-yorickdoc now creates $TO directory if needed and gives usage
- notice if called with unkown arguments (e.g. --help).
- * Remove obsolete linda overrides and yorick-almost-everything files
- from source package.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:57:16 +0100
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Convert from dpatch to quilt.
- * Re-introduce -dSAFER in EPSGS_CMD. Fixes wrong bounding boxes when
- using the eps et al. functions. (Closes: #468336).
- * Strip main.o in yorick-dev.
- * Add longtitle to Debian menu item.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Thu, 28 Feb 2008 16:38:53 +0100
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
- * debian/copyright: fixed typo in download information:
- y_2_1_04 -> y_2_1_05
- * debian/control: add XS-DM-Upload-Allowed field
- * fix a regression: pkginst.i now installs correctly again the infofile
- specified on the command-line.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Thu, 10 Jan 2008 13:43:45 +0100
-yorick (2.1.05+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * update to cvs.
- * add linda and lintian overrides.
- * add data, python and glade directories.
- * add watch file
- * aknowledging Ubuntu fix to debian/helpers/pkginst.i
- (closes: #459137, #459138, #459142, #459143, #459144, #459145).
- * new yorick-doc package.
- * move most txt and pdf documentation there.
- * add html documentation.
- * add update-yorickdoc command.
- * large development of pkginst.i from yorick-dev:
- * add dh_installyorick link to this file, which now behaves
- like a debhelper script.
- * add lines in maintainer scripts to call update-yorickdoc.
- * add code in yorick-data.postrm to purge /etc/yorick if
- necessary (closes: #454387).
- -- Thibaut Paumard Mon, 7 Jan 2008 15:43:38 +0100
-yorick (2.1.04+dfsg-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
- [ Thibaut Paumard ]
- * debian/helpers/pkginst.i: fix bashism which leads packages which
- build-depend on yorick-dev to FTBFS.
- [ Luca Falavigna ]
- * debian/control: update Maintainer script as per spec
- -- Luca Falavigna Thu, 06 Dec 2007 19:59:25 +0100
-yorick (2.1.04+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * new upstream release.
- * added link from /usr/lib/yorick/LICENSE to
- /usr/share/doc/yorick/copyright. Closes: #399191
- * minor doc corrections. Closes: #399192
- * improved emacs integration.
- If .i files have no association yet, they get
- associated to yorick-mode. Closes: #399193
- * modified dependencies for binNMU-safeness. Closes: #435966
- * menu entry updated to new hierarchy, yorick is now found in
- Applications/Science/Mathematics.
- * installation scripts updated to use debconf for prompting.
- * if /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i exists, it is moved to
- /etc/yorick/packages/. The link normal link is now part of the
- package.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:33:53 +0200
-yorick (2.1.01cvs20060706-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * new maintainer. Closes: #357679
- * acknowledged NMU. Closes: #346861
- * upgrade to cvs ("2.1.02"), many new features, see ONEWS for changes
- Closes: #333074, #367895
- * fixed doc. Closes: #250903, #306726
- * package revamped:
- * now builds a "relocatable" tree with Y_SITE=Y_HOME=/usr/lib/yorick
- (see README.Debian); request from DH Munro (upstream author and
- former maintainer);
- * split package into yorick, yorick-data and yorick-dev;
- * yorick is now accessible through the Debian menu;
- * system-wide configuration can now be done in /etc/yorick/,
- user-wide in ~/.yorick/i-start/;
- * now always installs the emacs helpers (yorick.el and yorick-auto.el);
- * idlsave.i removed due to copyright issues.
- * repackaged with debhelper (Closes: #372975)
- -- Thibaut Paumard Thu, 06 Jul 2006 13:28:54 +0200
-yorick (1.5.14-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
- * Non-maintainer upload.
- * Split xlibs-dev build-dep (Closes: #346861).
- -- Luk Claes Mon, 9 Jan 2006 19:46:59 +0100
-yorick (1.5.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * fixed info manual long ago (Closes: #75177)
- * upgrade to 1.5.14, see NEWS for changes
- -- David H. Munro Wed, 8 Oct 2002 16:38:57 -0800
-yorick (1.5.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * upgrade to 1.5.12, see NEWS for changes
- -- David H. Munro Thu, 21 Nov 2002 16:38:57 -0800
-yorick (1.5.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * added -geometry switch to gist (Closes: #150115)
- * fixed gist font orientation (Closes: #150110)
- * reworded gist "partly illegible" warning (Closes: #150093)
- * (the warning is not bogus, a file with cell arrays really
- * would be partly illegible)
- * numerous other more serious bug fixes, see NEWS
- -- David H. Munro Mon, 1 Jul 2002 15:12:04 -0800
-yorick (1.5.08-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * 1.5.08 replaces infant mortality 1.5.07, see NEWS
- -- David H. Munro Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:47:40 -0800
-yorick (1.5.07-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * renumber version to accomodate binary file change in upstream source
- * numerous bug fixes, see NEWS file
- -- David H. Munro Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:15:46 -0800
-yorick (1.5-06) unstable; urgency=low
- * private release, never uploaded
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:12:26 -0800
-yorick (1.5-05) unstable; urgency=low
- * private release, never uploaded
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:11:44 -0800
-yorick (1.5-04) unstable; urgency=low
- * repair debian problems (Closes: #116588)
- -- David H. Munro Mon, 22 Oct 2001 15:11:07 -0700
-yorick (1.5-03) unstable; urgency=low
- * fixes many bugs in 1.5-02, see NEWS file
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:11:07 -0700
-yorick (1.5-02) frozen unstable; urgency=low
- * repairs debian/control (Closes: #105154)
- -- David H. Munro Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:11:07 -0700
-yorick (1.5-01) unstable; urgency=low
- * version 1.5.01 upstream release
- -- David H. Munro Sat, 5 May 2001 12:45:38 -0700
-yorick (1.4-15) unstable; urgency=low
- * resync 1.4-14.2 with upstream sources
- -- David H. Munro Wed, 2 May 2001 14:27:45 -0700
-yorick (1.4-14.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * NMU
- * Package is orphaned: maintainer set to the Debian QA Group,
- which acknowledges the previous NMU. (Closes: #91102, #91103, #91726,
- #91727, #91728)
- * Maintainer stated in the entry for yorick 1.4-13 that he had
- dealt with bugs 30857, 37405, 37587 and 39814, therefore I'm assuming
- he forgot to close them. (Closes: #30857, #37405, #37587, #39814)
- -- Carlos Laviola Sat, 21 Apr 2001 00:41:26 -0300
-yorick (1.4-14.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * NMU
- * Yorick/doc/yorick.tex: Typo is fixed (Closes: #75177)
- * debian/rules: replaced every reference of /usr/{doc,man} with the proper
- paths, which are /usr/share/{doc,man} now.
- (Closes: #91102, #91103, #91726, #91727, #91728)
- * Upped Standards-Version to 3.5.2.
- -- Carlos Laviola Mon, 16 Apr 2001 21:41:45 -0300
-yorick (1.4-14) frozen unstable; urgency=low
- * fix unsigned char parsing problems, other minor fixes
- -- David H. Munro Mon, 17 Apr 2000 14:00:10 -0700
-yorick (1.4-13) unstable; urgency=low
- * deal with bugs 30857 37405 37587 39814
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:06:19 -0700
-yorick (1.4-12) stable unstable; urgency=low
- * attempt to cope with slink and potato problems
- -- David H. Munro Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:30:17 -0700
-yorick (1.4-11) frozen unstable; urgency=low
- * fixed bogus xdevel virtual package dependency
- -- David H. Munro Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:48:48 -0800
-yorick (1.4-10) frozen unstable; urgency=low
- * many bug fixes, see NEWS file
- -- David H. Munro Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:39:08 -0800
-yorick (1.4-9) unstable; urgency=low
- * fixes bugs with rotated text and other graphics
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 10 Apr 1998 08:21:56 -0700
-yorick (1.4-8) unstable; urgency=low
- * added copyright for yorick-dev, upstream bug fixes
- -- David H. Munro Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:21:04 -0800
-yorick (1.4-7) unstable; urgency=low
- * fix double-align problem for x2 speedup of fft, matrix ops
- -- David H. Munro Wed, 4 Feb 1998 17:19:27 -0800
-yorick (1.4-6) unstable; urgency=low
- * rebuilt with libc6 and xlib6g for hamm
- -- David H. Munro Thu, 15 Jan 1998 18:20:14 -0800
-yorick (1.4-5) unstable; urgency=low
- * upstream bug fixes thru 7/Nov/97 patch
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 7 Nov 1997 17:12:23 -0800
-yorick (1.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
- * many small bug fixes and improvements
- -- David H. Munro Tue, 7 Oct 1997 10:48:08 -0700
-yorick (1.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fixed package description to conform with debian-policy.
- -- David H. Munro Tue, 29 Apr 1997 09:23:08 -0700
-yorick (1.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
- * fixed Gist/ps.ps, Yorick/ascio.c, yorick-dev and g77 dependencies
- -- David H. Munro Thu, 10 Apr 1997 11:49:39 -0700
-yorick (1.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New 1.4 version
- -- David H. Munro Tue, 18 Mar 1997 17:56:14 -0800
-yorick (1.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
- * install through patch-4 on ftp-icf.llnl.gov:/pub/Yorick
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 17 Jan 1997 14:11:51 -0800
-yorick (1.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Upgraded to debstd technology, included yorick-1.3-patch-1.
- -- David H. Munro Fri, 3 Jan 1997 15:14:46 -0800
-yorick (1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Initial Release.
- -- David H. Munro Thu, 2 Jan 1997 12:38:08 -0800
diff --git a/distribs/debian/check.i b/distribs/debian/check.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 10555f5..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/check.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: check.i,v 1.1 2009-12-02 16:01:03 paumard Exp $
- * This file runs a full set of tests on the Macintosh version
- * of yorick, although it should be also useful for any other version.
- */
-/* Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This file is part of yorick (http://yorick.sourceforge.net).
- * Read the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
- */
-/* run all tests in testp.i */
-skip_testb= 0;
-skip_test1= 0;
-skip_test2= 0;
-skip_test3= 0;
-/* use the same pass count for all tests */
-npass= 20;
-/* run the parser test */
-#include "testp.i"
-/* Run the tests of the math library routines */
-#include "testm.i"
-/* Run the linpack benchmark */
-#include "testlp.i"
-testlp, 200;
-write, "";
diff --git a/distribs/debian/compat b/distribs/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed6ff8..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/control b/distribs/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 9022352..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-Source: yorick
-Section: math
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Thibaut Paumard
-Build-Depends: libx11-dev, texinfo, debhelper (>= 5.0.0), quilt (>= 0.40), imagemagick, po-debconf, texi2html (>= 1.82)
-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
-Homepage: http://yorick.sourceforge.net
-Package: yorick
-Architecture: any
-Depends: yorick-data (= ${source:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, debconf
-Replaces: yorick-data (<< 2.1.04+dfsg-1)
-Recommends: rlwrap
-Suggests: yorick-gl, yorick-doc, yorick-dev, yorick-yutils, yorick-yeti, yorick-hdf5, yorick-soy, yorick-z, yorick-imutil, yorick-curses, yorick-yeti-fftw, yorick-yeti-regex, yorick-yeti-tiff, emacsen, curl
-Description: interpreted language and scientific graphics
- Yorick is an interpreted programming language for:
- * scientific simulations or calculations
- * postprocessing or steering large simulation codes
- * interactive scientific graphics
- * reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers
- .
- The language features a compact syntax for many common array
- operations, so it processes large arrays of numbers very quickly and
- efficiently. Superficially, yorick code resembles C code, but yorick
- variables are never explicitly declared and have a dynamic scoping
- similar to many Lisp dialects. The yorick language is designed to be
- typed interactively at a keyboard, as well as stored in files for
- later use.
- .
- This package includes an emacs-based development environment, which
- you can launch by typing M-x yorick in emacs.
-Package: yorick-data
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: yorick (>= ${source:Version})
-Description: interpreted library for the Yorick language
- Yorick is an interpreted programming language for:
- * scientific simulations or calculations
- * postprocessing or steering large simulation codes
- * interactive scientific graphics
- * reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers
- .
- The yorick-data package contains all the architecture-independent data, which
- is mostly the standard interpreted library.
-Package: yorick-dev
-Architecture: any
-Depends: yorick (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: development files for the Yorick interpreted language
- Yorick is an interpreted programming language for:
- * scientific simulations or calculations
- * postprocessing or steering large simulation codes
- * interactive scientific graphics
- * reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers
- .
- The yorick-dev package contains the files needed to compile (or package)
- plug-ins or custom `yorick' executables.
-Package: yorick-doc
-Section: doc
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: yorick (>= 2.1.04+dfsg+cvs20071130)
-Description: documentation for the Yorick interpreted language
- Yorick is an interpreted programming language for:
- * scientific simulations or calculations
- * postprocessing or steering large simulation codes
- * interactive scientific graphics
- * reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers
- .
- The Yorick package ships with little documentation: a manpage, the
- Yorick Manual in info format, and its own "help" command. This
- package adds the Yorick Manual and Quick Reference in PDF and HTML
- format and a utility (update-yorickdoc) to build HTML documentation
- for the set of functions (from Yorick and add-on packages) installed
- on this machine. By default, these pages are built and updated
- automatically whenever necessary.
- .
- Once this package is installed, simply point your preferred web
- browser to file:///usr/share/doc/yorick-doc/README.html .
diff --git a/distribs/debian/copyright b/distribs/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index ca1f087..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-Format-Specification: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?op=file
-Name: Yorick
-Maintainer: David H. Munro
-Source: http://yorick.sourceforge.net/
-Copyright: 1989, 1993-1995, 2005-2009, The Regents of the University of California.
-License: BSD
- BSD License
- .
- Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California.
- Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- Written by David H. Munro .
- UCRL-CODE-155996
- All rights reserved.
- .
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- met:
- .
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer below.
- .
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer (as noted below)
- in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- distribution.
- .
- * Neither the name of the UC/LLNL nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- Additional BSD Notice
- .
- 1. This notice is required to be provided under our contract with the
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This work was produced at the
- University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under
- Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48 with the DOE.
- .
- 2. Neither the United States Government nor the University of
- California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or
- implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
- completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or
- process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
- privately-owned rights.
- .
- 3. Also, reference herein to any specific commercial products,
- process, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or
- otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
- recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the
- University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed
- herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
- Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for
- advertising or product endorsement purposes.
-Files: regexp/yregexp.c
-Copyright: 1986, University of Toronto
-License: other
- Written by Henry Spencer. Not derived from licensed software.
- .
- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
- purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
- subject to the following restrictions:
- .
- 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of
- this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
- from defects in it.
- .
- 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
- by explicit claim or by omission.
- 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
- be misrepresented as being the original software.
- .
- Beware that some of this code is subtly aware of the way operator
- precedence is structured in regular expressions. Serious changes in
- regular-expression syntax might require a total rethink.
-Files: emacs/yorick.el
-Copyright: 2000, David H. Munro
-License: GPL-2+
- yorick.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- .
- yorick.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- .
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- MA 02110-1301, USA.
- .
- On Debian systems the full text of the GNU General Public
- License can be found in the `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'
- file.
-Files: i/fits.i
-Copyright: 2000-2008, Éric Thiébaut
-License: GPL-2+
-Files: doc/refs.tex
-Copyright: 1987, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 1995, Regents of the University of California
-License: GPL-1+
- Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of
- this card provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
- are preserved on all copies.
- .
- On Debian systems, the GPL (v. 2) can be found in
- /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2
-Files: debian/*, distribs/debian/*
-Copyright: 2006-2009 Thibaut Paumard
-License: GPL-2+
-Removed-Files: opengl
-Rationale: Uses GLX code
- The content of the upstream `opengl' directory may not be DFSG-free as it
- uses GLX. It is not used and is removed from the Debian source tree. For
- OpenGL support, look at yorick-gl in non-free.
-Removed-Files: play/hacks/hack103.c
-Rationale: Not DFSG
- play/hacks/hack103.c of the upstream sources derivates from work Copyright (c)
- 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. under the Apple Public Source License Version
- 2.0. It is not included in the Debian sources as it is not used in the Linux
- port of Yorick and would prevent Yorick from being DFSG-free.
-Removed-Files: i/idlsave.i
-Rationale: Not DFSG
- i/idlsave.i in the upstream source derivates from work by Craig Markwardt. It
- is not included in the Debian package due to copyright issues. For the time
- being, extract it from the upstream source if needed.
diff --git a/distribs/debian/dirs b/distribs/debian/dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index cc15f08..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/docs b/distribs/debian/docs
deleted file mode 100644
index f9230ec..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick-doc b/distribs/debian/etc/yorick-doc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c5ec6f..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick-doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: yorick-doc,v 1.2 2008-03-14 12:42:54 paumard Exp $
-# This file configures the behavior of the update-yorickdoc command
-# from the yorick-doc package.
-# It is sourced by update-yorickdoc, which is a standard shell script.
-# Should automatic updates ever happen?
-# Yorick add-ons call update-yorickdoc with the --auto flag whenever they
-# are installed or uninstalled. This is a no-op if the following is set to 0.
-# Default directory for update-yorickdoc files (*.packinfo,
-# *.keywords, and *.aliases). Also adjust the location of the template
-# file if you change that. Note that this option only controls
-# where update-yorickdoc looks for these files, Debian packages will always
-# drop their files in the default location.
-# The following variables are defaults for the command line options.
-# FROM: a semicolon-separated list of directories to scan for yorick
-# include files.
-# TO: the top-level folder of the documentation tree.
-# XREF_DIR: the subdirectory of $TO where to put the files we will
-# construct. Warning: the content of this directory wll be first
-# erased, don't use a directory which contains something you value.
-# Default:
-# A user would typically use:
-# By default, yorick-doc only says briefly what it's doing. Set QUIET
-# to 0 to get verbose (debugging) information.
diff --git a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/20usrlocal.i b/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/20usrlocal.i
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0bcec..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/20usrlocal.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- /etc/yorick/20usrlocal.i
- The purpose of this file is to add a local yorick tree under /usr/local for
- add-on packages installed using the pkg_mngr and locally maintained
- packages. Interpreted and compiled library paths (.i and .so files) are
- taken into account. If you additionally require to adjust the Gist palette
- and style file path (.gp and .gs files), please set the GISTPATH environment
- variable prior to starting yorick.
- */
-require, "pathfun.i";
diff --git a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/README b/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c0de0bd..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Yorick Configuration Directory
-Any .i file in this directory will be sourced upon Yorick startup using
-include_all by /usr/lib/yorick/i-start/zzdebian.i (this include_all is not
-Contains currently 20usrlocal.i : adds a local hierarchy under /usr/local
-for all paths:
- /usr/local/lib/yorick/{i,contrib,i0} are added to the include path (.i files);
- /usr/local/lib/yorick/lib is added to the library path (.so files).
-Although /usr/local/lib/yorick/g is added to the GISTPATH variable, the
-directory is still not searched for .gs and .gp files. This is a known bug
-being worked on. For the time being, use the GISTPATH environment variable to
-set the path prior to calling Yorick.
-Subdirectories can contain configurations for specific tasks. Currently,
-/etc/yorick/packages contains a specific pkg_setup.i that configures
-pkg_mngr.i to install non-debianized packages under the /usr/local tree.
-/etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i will be taken into account only if the local
-system administrator has not removed the link
-/usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i pointing to it.
diff --git a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i b/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f3653e..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
- linked to by /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
- Debian configuration for the Yorick package manager, pkg_mngr.i
- See /usr/share/doc/yorick/README.Debian.packages
- Author: Thibaut Paumard
- The preferred way to customize the configuration is through pkg_setup
- (within Yorick). The customized configuration will be saved in
- /usr/local/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i , which is read from here.
- */
-PKG_OS = "linux-x86";
-PKG_FETCH_CMD = "curl -s";
-PKG_SERVER = "http://www.maumae.net/yorick/packages/";
-PKG_GUNTAR_CMD = "tar zxf";
-PKG_TMP_DIR = localtree+"packages/tmp/";
-PKG_VAR_STATE = localtree+"packages/";
-PKG_Y_HOME = localtree;
-PKG_Y_SITE = localtree;
-PKG_OTHER_INSTALLED = Y_SITE+"packages/installed/";
-// read packages/pkg_setup.i if it exists
-if (open(PKG_SETUP,"r",1)) {
- require,PKG_SETUP;
- sync_done=1;
-} else {
- sync_done=0;
- " \n"+
- " System-wide configuration for the pkg_mngr loaded.\n"+
- " \n"+
- " Local Y_HOME tree: %s\n"+
- " Local Y_SITE tree: %s\n"+
- " \n"+
- " See /usr/share/doc/yorick/README.Debian.packages.gz for details.\n"+
-f=popen("test -w "+localtree+" ; echo $?",0);
-if (line=="0" & !sync_done)
- write,format="%s\n","Please run pkg_sync.\nIf your architecture is not i386, please run pkg_setup before.\n";
diff --git a/distribs/debian/examples b/distribs/debian/examples
deleted file mode 100644
index ef34513..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/examples
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/helpers/README b/distribs/debian/helpers/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 15e6d27..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/helpers/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- Yorick Documentation
-The files in this Y_SITE/doc directory are:
- yorick.tex TeXinfo source for the Yorick manual
- refs.tex TeX source for a short reference card
- (these two files are precompiled in PDF and HTML formats in the
- yorick-doc package)
- Alphabetized DOCUMENT comments for Yorick functions in gzipped
- text format (the same information is found in cross-referenced
- HTML format in the yorick-doc package):
- std.doc standard Yorick functions.
- graph.doc Yorick graphics functions.
- math.doc matrix and FFT functions.
- drat.doc sample Drat transport equation solver. This is probably
- of interest only as an example of how to write a
- complete Yorick application.
- hex.doc a 3D transport equation solver.
- library.doc an index of the include files shipped with this Yorick
- package.
- FILE_FORMATS pointers to descriptions of all the binary file formats
- recognized or produced by Yorick
diff --git a/distribs/debian/helpers/dh_installyorick.1 b/distribs/debian/helpers/dh_installyorick.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fd3a73..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/helpers/dh_installyorick.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-.\" $Id: dh_installyorick.1,v 1.4 2009-12-02 16:01:03 paumard Exp $
-.TH DH_INSTALLYORICK 1 "2008\-05\-15" "" "Debhelper"
-dh_installyorick \- install Yorick add\-on packages
-.IX Header "SYNOPSIS"
-\&\fBdh_installyorick\fR [\fIdebhelper\ options\fR] [\fB\-m\fR] [\fB\-\-no\-make\-install\fR]
-dh_installyorick is a debhelper program that installs the files of
-your Yorick add\-on at the right place when building a Debian
-package. For a simple plug\-in package, this is mostly done by calling
-"make DESTDIR=debian/ install" and then moving
-arch\-independent files to usr/share. Note that there is no
-Y_SITE/contrib directory in the Debian packages, its content is merged
-into YSITE/i.
-Calling "make ... install" can be disabled by using the
-"\-\-no\-make\-install" flag. This is useful in particular for interpreted
-add\-on packages, which do not ship with a standard Yorick Makefile.
-If the "\-m" flag is used (but not the "\-n" one), dh_installyorick
-will also add lines to your package's postinst and postrm scripts to
-call "update\-yorickdoc \-\-auto" if the yorick\-doc package is
-installed. It is necessary to call dh_installdeb after
-dh_installyorick for this to work. It is usually not necessary with a
-recent dpkg supporting triggers, so this possibility is kept mostly
-for easing backports and should be deprecated soon.
-dh_installyorick will look for a file named
-debian/.ynstall for additional files to install
-(see \fBYNSTALL FILE\fR below). The prefix "." can be
-omitted for the main binary package being built (usally the first one
-listed in debian/control).
-For the time being, Y_SITE=Y_HOME=/usr/lib/yorick. Requests to install
-a file under Y_SITE results in its installation under
-/usr/share/yorick. dh_installyorick handles the creation of the
-necessary symbolic links from Y_HOME to /usr/share/yorick.
-Files that are installed in a directory ending in "/bin" or "/sbin",
-as well as files that are pointed at by symbolic link in such a
-directory, are installed with execution permission for everyone.
-.IX Header "OPTIONS"
-.IP "\fB\-m\fR\fR" 4
-.IX Item "\-m"
-Modify postinst/postrm scripts to add a call to
-update\-yorickdoc. This is needed only if the target dpkg does not
-support triggers. If both "\-m" and "\-n" are specified, the scripts
-are not modified.
-.IP "\fB\-\-no\-make\-install\fR\fR" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-no\-make\-install"
-Do not call "make DESTDIR=debian/ install".
-.IP "\fB\-\-infofile=\fR\fR" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-infofile="
-An additional pkg_mngr .info file to install.
-Additionally, dh_installyorick abides by the following standard
-debhelper options: \-a/\-\-arch, \-i/\-\-indep, \-\-mainpackage, \-n,
-\-\-no\-act, \-N/\-\-no\-package, \-p/\-\-package, \-P/\-\-tmpdir,
-\-s/\-\-same\-arch, and \-v/\-\-verbose.
-Blank lines are ignored, several blank character are counted as one,
-and line starting with "#" (possibly following one or more blanks) are
-ignored. Each non\-comment, non\-blank line should be of the form:
-\&\fIfile\fR [\fIdirectory\fR [\fIlink\fR]]
-Where \fIfile\fR is the file to install, \fIdirectory\fR the directory
-it should be installed in, and \fIlink\fR an optional symbolic link
-pointing on the installed file.
-.IP "\fIfile\fR" 4
-.IX Item "file"
-the relative path from the top directory of the package source to the
-file. If \fIlink\fR is not specified, \fIfile\fR can contain shell
-globs and actually denote sevral files. If \fIdirectory\fR is not
-specified, it is guessed from the extension of \fIfile\fR: .i files
-are installed in Y_SITE/i, .gs and .gp in Y_SITE/g, .info in
-Y_SITE/packages/installed, .packinfo, .aliases and .keywords in
-/usr/share/yorick\-doc, and .so in Y_HOME/lib.
-.IP "\fIdirectory\fR" 4
-.IX Item "directory"
-the full path (without leading "/") into which the file should be
-installed. If the file is to be installed inside Yorick's Y_SITE or
-Y_HOME directory (which will almost alway be the case), it is possible
-(and advisable) to not specify the full path, but to write "Y_SITE/"
-or "Y_HOME" followed by the relative path from there. It is also
-possible to omit this "Y_SITE/" or "Y_HOME/" prefix if \fIdirectory\fR
-starts whith one of: Y_SITE/i, Y_SITE/i0, Y_SITE/i\-start, Y_SITE/g,
-Y_SITE/packages, Y_HOME/bin or Y_HOME/lib.
-.IP "\fIlink\fR" 4
-.IX Item link
-the full path to a symbolic link that should point to the installed
-file. The same shortcuts apply as for \fIdirectory\fR.
-.IX Header "EXAMPLES"
-The four following lines in debian/ynstall would be equivalent:
-somefile.i /usr/share/yorick/i
-somefile.i Y_SITE/i
-somefile.i i
-Likewise, the following are equivalent:
-somefile.i /usr/share/yorick/i0
-somefile.i Y_SITE/i0
-somefile.i i0
-Example with a symlink. Here, somefile.i is a script that is both useful
-#included from within Yorick or from the command line. Its first line
-reads "#!/usr/bin/yorick \-batch".
-somefile.i i usr/bin/command_name
-.IX Header "SEE ALSO"
-This program is a part of yorick\-dev but is made to work with
-debhelper. Note that only compatibilty level 5 has been implemented
-and tested. This script is not idempotent, dh_clean \-k should be
-executed between any two runs.
-.IX Header "AUTHORS"
-Thibaut Paumard
diff --git a/distribs/debian/helpers/instdirs.i b/distribs/debian/helpers/instdirs.i
deleted file mode 100644
index fadf2de..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/helpers/instdirs.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/yorick -batch
- $Id: instdirs.i,v 1.2 2007-12-11 12:56:54 paumard Exp $
- To be used in Debian packages for Yorick add-ons
- yorick -batch debian/instdirs.i [$DESTDIR]
- Will output the directories for architecture dependent and independent
- files.
-if (batch()) b=1; else b=0;
-#include "htmldoc.i"
-if (is_void(argv)) argv=get_argv();
-if (numberof(ind)>=2) {
- DESTDIR=argv(ind(2));
- MAINPACKAGE=package=basename(DESTDIR);
- packages=[package];
- DEBIAN=dirname(DESTDIR)+"/";
-if (is_void(DEBIAN)) DEBIAN="debian/";
-if (numberof(ind)>=3) INFILE= argv(ind(3));
-if (numberof(ind)) options=argv(ind);
-options=grow(get_env("DH_OPTIONS"), options);
-if (is_void(packages)) {
- file=hdoc_read_file("debian/control");
- ind=where(strgrep("^Package: ",file)(2,)!=-1);
- packages=strpart(file(ind),strlen("Package: ")+1:0);
- ind=where(strgrep("^Architecture: ",file)(2,)!=-1);
- archs=strpart(file(ind),strlen("Architecture: ")+1:0);
- MAINPACKAGE=packages(1);
-if (anyof(strgrep("^-p",options)(2,)!=-1)) packages=[];
-if (anyof(strgrep("^--package=",options)(2,)!=-1)) packages=[];
-if (anyof(options=="-i" | options=="--indep"))
- packages=packages (where(archs=="all"));
-if (anyof(options=="-a" | options=="--arch"))
- packages=packages (where(archs!="all"));
-if (anyof(options=="-s" | options=="--same-arch")) {
- f=popen("dpkg-architecture",0);
- line=rdline(f,12);
- close,f;
- arch=pathsplit(line(where(strmatch(line,"DEB_BUILD_ARCH"))),delim="=")(2);
- packages=packages(where(strmatch(archs,arch) | strmatch(archs,"any")));
-for (i=1;i<=numberof(options);i++) {
- option=options(i);
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("--tmpdir="))=="--tmpdir=") {
- DESTDIR=strpart(option,strlen("--tmpdir=")+1:0);
- continue;
- }
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("-P"))=="-P") {
- DESTDIR=strpart(option,strlen("-P")+1:0);
- continue;
- }
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("--infofile="))=="--infofile=") {
- INFILE=strpart(option,strlen("--infofile=")+1:0);
- continue;
- }
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("--mainpackage="))=="--mainpackage=") {
- MAINPACKAGE=strpart(option,strlen("--mainpackage=")+1:0);
- continue;
- }
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("--package="))=="--package=") {
- grow,packages,strpart(option,strlen("--package=")+1:0);
- continue;
- }
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("-p"))=="-p") {
- grow,packages,strpart(option,strlen("-p")+1:0);
- continue;
- }
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("--no-package="))=="--no-package=") {
- packages=packages(where(packages!=strpart(option,strlen("--no-package=")+1:0)));
- continue;
- }
- if (strpart(option,1:strlen("-N"))=="-N") {
- packages=packages(where(packages!=strpart(option,strlen("-N")+1:0)));
- continue;
- }
- if (option=="-q" | option=="--quiet") {
- quiet=1;
- continue;
- }
-if (numberof(packages)==1) package=packages(1); else package=MAINPACKAGE;
-if (is_void(DESTDIR)) {
- DESTDIR="debian/"+package;
-if (Y_SITE==Y_HOME) INDEPDIR=DESTDIR+streplace(Y_HOME,strfind("usr/lib/",Y_HOME),"usr/share/"); else INDEPDIR=DESTDIR+Y_SITE;
-if (!quiet) {
- write,format="%s\n",DEPDIR;
- write,format="%s\n",INDEPDIR;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/helpers/pkginst.i b/distribs/debian/helpers/pkginst.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9c1b6..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/helpers/pkginst.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/yorick -batch
- $Id: pkginst.i,v 1.7 2009-12-02 16:01:03 paumard Exp $
- To be used in Debian packages for Yorick plug-ins
- It is considered obsolete to call this script as documented below.
- Call dh_installyorick instead, and refer to man dh_installyorick.
- yorick -batch debian/pkginst.i $DESTDIR [pkg.info]
- For now, will install under DESTDIR/Y_HOME, then move the
- architecture-independent directories at the right place under
- DESTDIR/usr/share and create the right symlinks in DESTDIR/Y_HOME.
- Anything installed in contrib will be moved to i.
- If the name of a .info file is provided on the command line, it will be
- installed in the relevant directory.
-quiet=1; // avoid printing out install directories
-#include "debian/instdirs.i"
-if (anyof(options=="-v" | options=="--verbose") | get_env("DH_VERBOSE")=="1")
-if (anyof(options=="--no-act") | get_env("DH_NO_ACT")=="1") NO_ACT=1;
-func make_link(target, link) {
- starget=pathsplit(target,delim="/");
- slink=pathsplit(link,delim="/");
- shortest=min(numberof(starget),numberof(slink));
- fdif=(starget(1:shortest)==slink(1:shortest))(mnx);
- target=pathform(starget(fdif:0),delim="/");
- if (pathform(starget(1:fdif-1),delim="/")+"/"==DESTDIR) {
- target="/"+target;
- } else {
- for (i=1;i<=numberof(slink)-fdif;i++) target="../"+target;
- }
- mkdirpv,dirname(link);
- syscall,"ln -s "+target+" "+link;
-func syscall(command) {
- if (VERBOSE) write, format="\t%s\n",command;
- if (!NO_ACT) {
- status=long;
- fh=popen(command+" >/dev/null && echo 0",0);
- status=rdline(fh);
- close,fh;
- if (status != "0") error,"\""+command+"\" failed";
- }
-func mkdirpv (dir) {
- if (VERBOSE) write, format="\tmkdir -p %s\n", dir;
- if (!NO_ACT) mkdirp, dir;
-func write_snipet (package, stage) {
- fname=DEBIAN+package+"."+stage+".debhelper";
- if (VERBOSE) write, format="\tupdating %s\n", fname;
- if(!NO_ACT) {
- f=open(fname,"a");
- if (stage=="postinst") action="configure";
- else if (stage=="postrm") action="remove";
- write, f, format="%s\n",
- ["# Automatically added by dh_installyorick",
- "if [ \"$1\" = \""+action+"\" ] && "+
- "[ -x \"`which update-yorickdoc 2>/dev/null`\" ]; then",
- " update-yorickdoc --auto",
- "fi",
- "# End automatically added section"];
- close, f;
- }
-// single package special case:
-// start with "make DESTDIR=debian/package/ install"
- "python","glade","data"];
-if (noneof(options=="--no-make-install") & numberof(packages)==1) {
- syscall,"make DESTDIR="+DESTDIR+" install";
- for (d=1;d<=numberof(DIRS);d++) {
- from=DEPDIR+DIRS(d);
- if (lsdir(DEPDIR+DIRS(d))!=0) {
- mkdirpv, INDEPDIR;
- syscall,"mv "+from+" "+to;
- }
- }
- if (lsdir(DEPDIR+"contrib")!=0) {
- mkdirpv,INDEPDIR+"i";
- syscall,"mv "+DEPDIR+"contrib/* "+INDEPDIR+"i/";
- syscall,"rmdir "+DEPDIR+"contrib";
- }
- temp=DEPDIR;
- while (is_void(lsdir(temp)) & temp!=DESTDIR+"/") {
- if (VERBOSE) write, format="\trmdir%s\n";
- if (!NO_ACT) remove,temp;
- temp=dirname(temp);
- }
- if (INFILE) {
- dest=INDEPDIR+"packages/installed";
- mkdirpv,dest;
- syscall,"cp "+INFILE+" "+dest;
- }
-// General case: for each packages,
-// 1) install various types of files listed in debian/package.*
-// 2) add snipets to postinst.debhelper etc...
-dy_site=numberof(sy_site); // depth of Y_SITE
-for (packn=1;packn<=numberof(packages);packn++) {
- package=packages(packn);
- if (package==MAINPACKAGE) ISMAIN=1; else ISMAIN=0;
- if (!ISMAIN & numberof(packages)>=2) {
- DESTDIR+streplace(Y_HOME,strfind("usr/lib/",Y_HOME),"usr/share/");
- }
- ext="ynstall";
- if (ISMAIN & anyof(debian_files==ext)) file=DEBIAN+ext;
- else file=DEBIAN+package+"."+ext;
- if (open(file,"r",1)) {
- line=hdoc_read_file(file);
- for (j=1;j<=numberof(line);j++) {
- words=strpart(line(j),strword(line(j),,3));
- file=words(1);
- if (!file) continue;
- if (strpart(file,[0,1])=="#") continue;
- is_exec=0;
- if (words(2)) {
- // we've got a destination.
- dest=words(2);
- sdest=pathsplit(dest,delim="/");
- if (numberof(sdest)>=dy_site && sdest(1:dy_site)==sy_site){
- sdest=grow(["Y_SITE"],sdest(dy_site+1:));
- dest=pathform(sdest,delim="/");
- }
- if (anyof(sdest(1)==DIRS)) dest=INDEPDIR+dest;
- else if (anyof(sdest(1)==["lib","bin"])) dest=DEPDIR+dest;
- else {
- if (sdest(1)=="Y_HOME") dest=DEPDIR+pathform(sdest(2:),delim="/");
- else if (sdest(1)=="Y_SITE") {
- dest=pathform(sdest(2:),delim="/");
- make_link,INDEPDIR+dest+"/"+basename(file),
- DEPDIR+dest+"/"+basename(file);
- dest=INDEPDIR+dest;
- mkdirpv,dest;
- } else dest=DESTDIR+"/"+dest;
- }
- } else {
- // guess destination
- ext=pathsplit(file,delim=".")(0);
- if (ext=="i") dest=INDEPDIR+"i"; // so i0 and i-sart must be specified
- else if (anyof(ext==["gs","gp"])) dest=INDEPDIR+"g";
- else if (ext=="info") dest=INDEPDIR+"packages/installed";
- else if (ext=="py") dest=INDEPDIR+"python";
- else if (ext=="glade") dest=INDEPDIR+"glade";
- else if (ext=="so") dest=DEPDIR+"lib";
- else if (anyof(ext==["packinfo","keywords","aliases"]))
- dest=DESTDIR+"/usr/share/yorick-doc";
- }
- mkdirpv,dest;
- syscall,"cp "+file+" "+dest;
- if (words(3)) {
- // we've got a link.
- link=pathsplit(words(3),delim="/");
- if (link(1)=="Y_HOME") link=DEPDIR+pathform(link(2:),delim="/");
- else if (link(1)=="Y_SITE") link=INDEPDIR+pathform(link(2:),delim="/");
- else if (anyof(link(1)==DIRS)) link=INDEPDIR+words(3);
- else if (anyof(link(1)==["lib","bin"])) link=DEPDIR+words(3);
- else link=DESTDIR+"/"+words(3);
- make_link,dest+"/"+basename(file),link;
- if (anyof(basename(dirname(link))==["bin","sbin"])) is_exec=1;
- }
- if (anyof(basename(dest)==["bin","sbin","python"])) is_exec=1;
- if (is_exec) syscall,"chmod a+x "+dest+"/"+basename(file);
- }
- }
- // add maintainer script snipets
- if (noneof(options=="-n") & anyof(options=="-m")) {
- write_snipet, package, "postinst";
- write_snipet, package, "postrm";
- }
diff --git a/distribs/debian/helpers/update-yorickdoc b/distribs/debian/helpers/update-yorickdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 32fc9c5..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/helpers/update-yorickdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: update-yorickdoc,v 1.5 2009-12-02 16:01:03 paumard Exp $
-set -e
-# First set "builtin" defaults, see conffile for details:
-USERFILE=${HOME}/.`basename ${CONFFILE}`
-# source CONFFILE to possibly override these defaults:
-if [ -r $CONFFILE ]; then
-if [ `id -u` -gt 0 -a -r $USERFILE ]; then
-usage() {
- echo Usage: `basename $0` '[--auto|-a] [--purge|-p] [--verbose|-v|--quiet|-q] \'
- echo ' [--src-dir=] [--from=] [--to=] [--template=] [--xref-dir=] [--conf=]'
-# parse command-line
-for opt; do
- case $opt in
- --auto|-a)
- if [ $ENABLE_AUTO -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "ENABLE_AUTO set to zero in $CONFFILE or equivalent"
- echo "Not updating Yorick documentation"
- exit 0
- fi
- if type dpkg-trigger >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- --auto-now|-A)
- if [ $ENABLE_AUTO -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "ENABLE_AUTO set to zero in $CONFFILE or equivalent"
- echo "Not updating Yorick documentation"
- exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- --purge|-p)
- ;;
- --verbose|-v)
- ;;
- --quiet|-q)
- ;;
- --src-dir=*)
- SRC_DIR=${opt#--*=}
- ;;
- --from=*)
- FROM=${opt#--*=}
- ;;
- --to=*)
- TO=${opt#--*=}
- ;;
- --template=*)
- TEMPLATE=${opt#--*=}
- ;;
- --xref-dir=*)
- XREF_DIR=${opt#--*=}
- ;;
- --conf=*)
- CUSTOMRC=${opt#--*=}
- if [ -r $CUSTOMRC ]; then
- else
- echo "Warning: $CUSTOMRC not found"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo Unknown parameter $opt
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-if [ $QUIET -eq 1 ]; then
- QUIET=--quiet
-# Do the actual work
-echo Updating Yorick documentation in ${TO}/${XREF_DIR}
-if [ -e ${TO}/${XREF_DIR} ]; then
- rm -Rf ${TO}/${XREF_DIR}
-if [ $PURGE -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "${TO}/${XREF_DIR} deleted."
- exit 0
-if [ -x "`which yorick`" ]; then
- mkdir -p $TO
- PACKINFO=`mktemp`
- KEYWORDS=`mktemp`
- ALIASES=`mktemp`
- cat ${SRC_DIR}/*.packinfo >> $PACKINFO
- cat ${SRC_DIR}/*.keywords | sort | uniq >> $KEYWORDS
- cat ${SRC_DIR}/*.aliases >> $ALIASES
- yorick -batch htmldoc.i --template=$TEMPLATE --packinfo=$PACKINFO \
- --keywords=$KEYWORDS --aliases=$ALIASES --from=$FROM --to=$TO \
- --xref-dir=$XREF_DIR $QUIET
- echo "Yorick not found; ${TO}/${XREF_DIR} deleted."
-exit 0
diff --git a/distribs/debian/helpers/update-yorickdoc.1 b/distribs/debian/helpers/update-yorickdoc.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 345c80d..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/helpers/update-yorickdoc.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-.\" $Id: update-yorickdoc.1,v 1.5 2009-12-02 16:01:03 paumard Exp $
-.TH UPDATE\-YORICKDOC 1 "2008\-05\-18" "" "Yorick"
-update\-yorickdoc \- Build HTML documentation for Yorick
-.IX Header "SYNOPSIS"
-\&\fBupdate\-yorickdoc\fR [\fB\-\-conf=\fRfile] [\fB\-\-auto\fR] [\fB\-\-auto\-now\fR] [\fB\-\-from=\fRdirectory] [\fB\-\-to=\fRdirectory] [\fB\-\-xref\-dir=\fRdirectory] [\fB\-\-src\-dir=\fRdirectory] [\fB\-\-template=\fRfile]
-update\-yorickdoc is a wrapper around htmldoc.i, a Yorick script that
-extracts DOCUMENT comments from Yorick source files and turns them
-into a set of HTML files. update\-yorickdoc merges files from a
-"source directory" (default: /usr/share/yorick\-doc, command\-line
-option: \-\-src\-dir), deletes the target directory (default:
-/usr/share/doc/yorick\-doc/html_xref), and, if Yorick is installed,
-calls "yorick \-batch htmldoc.i" to compile HTML documentation for all
-currently installed functions (either from the main Yorick package or
-from add\-on packages).
-update\-yorickdoc is meant to be called automatically whenever a
-Yorick package is installed or removed. It is possible to prevent
-automatic updates by setting "ENABLE_AUTO" to 0 in /etc/yorick\-doc. It
-is also possible to use update\-yorickdoc manually to create
-documentation from custom directories (e.g. a user's own ~/Yorick/
-directory) or to a custom place, for instance.
-update\-yorickdoc has a set of default parameters to function
-with. These parameters are overwritten in chronological order by the
-content /etc/yorick\-doc, $HOME/.yorick\-doc, and the command line.
-A few files are required for this script to function. Default files
-are provided in the default source directory, and add\-on packages
-should provide additional information in the same place. See
-\fBFILES\fR below as well as
-.IX Header "OPTIONS"
-.IP "\fB\-\-auto\fR | \fB\-a" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-auto"
-This flag is being deprecated by the advent of triggers in dpkg. On
-systems where dpkg supports triggers, \-a turns update\-yorickdoc into
-a no-op. On older systems, it behaves like \-A below.
-.IP "\fB\-\-auto\-now\fR | \fB\-A" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-auto\-now"
-This flag is meant to be used only in the postinst script of the
-yorick-doc package, which is turn is supposed to be triggered each
-time a yorick add-on package is installed, upgraded, or removed. It is
-possible to turn update\-yorickdoc into a no\-op when this flag is set
-by setting ENABLE_AUTO to 0 in /etc/yorick\-doc.
-.IP "\fB\-\-conf=\fRfile" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-conf=file"
-Read configuration from this file. This file is parsed as the option
-is found on the command line, overwriting the options coming before.
-.IP "\fB\-\-from=\fRdirectory1:directory2..." 4
-.IX Item "\-\-from=directory1:directory2..."
-Colon\-separated list of directories to scan for Yorick files. Default:
-.IP "\fB\-\-purge\fR | \fB\-p" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-purge"
-Only delete /usr/share/doc/yorick\-doc/html_xref (or the directory set
-using \-\-to and \-\-xref\-dir, or the equivalent variables in
-/etc/yorick\-doc), do not rebuild the documentation afterwards.
-.IP "\fB\-\-quiet\fR | \fB\-q" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-quiet"
-Be quiet, only telling shortly what update\-yorickdoc does. This is
-the built-in default but may have been overriden in a configuration
-.IP "\fB\-\-src\-dir=\fRdirectory" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-src\-dir=directory"
-Directory containing .packinfo, .keywords and .aliases files when
-building the documentation. Each of these three types of files will be
-concatenated in lexicographical order and fed to htmldoc.i using the
-\-\-packinfo, \-\-keywords, and \-\-aliases options (see
-htmldoc.i). Default: /usr/share/yorick\-doc.
-.IP "\fB\-\-template=\fRfile" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-template=file"
-Template file for htmldoc.i. The correct format is detailed
-htmldoc.i. Default: /usr/share/yorick\-doc/template.html.
-.IP "\fB\-\-to=\fRdirectory" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-to=directory"
-Top\-level directory of the Yorick HTML hierarchy to update. This is
-one level above the directory that will be deleted and/or
-(re)built. Defaults to /usr/share/doc/yorick\-doc.
-.IP "\fB\-\-verbose\fR | \fB\-v" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-verbose"
-Be verbose, outputting lots of debugging information. The built-in
-default is to be quiet, just telling shortly what update\-yorickdoc
-.IP "\fB\-\-xref\-dir=\fRword" 4
-.IX Item "\-\-xref\-dir=word"
-The sub\-directory of the "TO" directory in which to compile the
-documentation. Certain hyperlinks in the documentation will use this
-value. This should not be set to a directory whose content you value,
-since this directory will be first erased. Default: html_xref.
-.IX Header "FILES"
-.IP "\fB/etc/yorick\-doc\fR" 4
-.IX Item "/etc/yorick\-doc"
-System\-wide configuration for update\-yorickdoc. This is the right
-place to set ENABLE_AUTO=0 in case you don't want Yorick's
-documentation each time a package of the Yorick suite is installed,
-upgraded, or removed. Another interesting option is FROM, in which you
-can add for instance /usr/local/yorick/i if you maintain a secondary
-Yorick tree at your site. See the file itself for more details.
-.IP "\fB$HOME/.yorick\-doc\fR" 4
-.IX Item "$HOME/.yorick\-doc"
-User\-level equivalent to the above. It is ignored for the root user.
-.IP "\fB/usr/share/yorick\-doc/*.packinfo\fR"
-.IX Item "/usr/share/yorick\-doc/*.packinfo"
-Source for the package index in the documentation.
-.IP "\fB/usr/share/yorick\-doc/*.keywords\fR"
-.IX Item "/usr/share/yorick\-doc/*.keywords"
-Lists of keywords for the index page of the documentation.
-.IP "\fB/usr/share/yorick\-doc/*.aliases\fR"
-.IX Item "/usr/share/yorick\-doc/*.aliases"
-See htmldoc.i.
-.IP "\fB/usr/share/yorick\-doc/template.html\fR"
-.IX Item "/usr/share/yorick\-doc/template.html"
-Template file for htmldoc.i.
-.IP "\fB/usr/share/yorick/i/htmldoc.i\fR"
-.IX Item "/usr/share/yorick/i/htmldoc.i"
-the Yorick script which does most of the actual work.
-.IX Header "SEE ALSO"
-.IX Header "AUTHORS"
-Thibaut Paumard
diff --git a/distribs/debian/info b/distribs/debian/info
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f514b..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/install b/distribs/debian/install
deleted file mode 100644
index 23299c3..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-build/lib usr
diff --git a/distribs/debian/links b/distribs/debian/links
deleted file mode 100644
index bab746b..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-usr/lib/yorick/bin/yorick usr/bin/yorick
-usr/lib/yorick/bin/gist usr/bin/gist
-usr/share/doc/yorick-data/doc usr/share/doc/yorick/doc
-usr/share/doc/yorick-data/doc usr/lib/yorick/doc
-usr/share/yorick/g usr/lib/yorick/g
-usr/share/yorick/i usr/lib/yorick/i
-usr/share/yorick/i0 usr/lib/yorick/i0
-usr/share/yorick/i-start usr/lib/yorick/i-start
-usr/share/yorick/packages usr/lib/yorick/packages
diff --git a/distribs/debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick b/distribs/debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aac62c..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-yorick: menu-command-not-in-package /usr/share/menu/yorick:4 rlwrap
-# The actual menu command uses rlwrap only is it is installed,
-# and works also if it isn't.
-# Besides, rlwrap is "recommended" by yorick.
-yorick: menu-icon-missing yorick32x32.xpm
-yorick: menu-icon-missing yorick16x16.xpm
-# The icons are in yorick-data, on which yorick "depends".
diff --git a/distribs/debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick-data b/distribs/debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick-data
deleted file mode 100644
index cb6e7aa..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick-data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-yorick-data: package-contains-empty-directory usr/share/yorick/packages/installed/
-yorick-data: package-contains-empty-directory usr/share/yorick/python/
-yorick-data: package-contains-empty-directory usr/share/yorick/glade/
-yorick-data: package-contains-empty-directory usr/share/yorick/data/
-# Those directories are used by some add-on packages. They are linked
-# to from /usr/lib/yorick. It is necessary to create the links in the
-# yorick package. yorick-data creates the directories to avoid
-# dangling links.
diff --git a/distribs/debian/manpages b/distribs/debian/manpages
deleted file mode 100644
index f633444..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/manpages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/menu b/distribs/debian/menu
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e45623..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-?package(yorick):needs="text" section="Apps/Math"\
- title="yorick" command="rlwrap yorick 2> /dev/null || yorick"\
- icon16x16="yorick16x16.xpm" icon32x32="yorick32x32.xpm"
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/00list b/distribs/debian/patches/00list
deleted file mode 100644
index 69357db..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/00list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/01_info_section.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/01_info_section.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cbf4aa..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/01_info_section.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-## Change section in yorick.info from Miscellaneous to Math.
-## This is certainly distrib-specific.
-diff -urN orig/doc/yorick.tex tp/doc/yorick.tex
---- orig/doc/yorick.tex 2006-05-05 13:51:17.168930800 +0200
-+++ tp/doc/yorick.tex 2006-05-05 13:52:39.001490360 +0200
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- @comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
- @setfilename yorick.info
- @settitle Yorick
--@dircategory Miscellaneous
-+@dircategory Math
- @direntry
- * Yorick: (yorick). Yorick interpreted language.
- @end direntry
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/01_info_section.dpatch b/distribs/debian/patches/01_info_section.dpatch
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ece9f9..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/01_info_section.dpatch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 01_info_section.dpatch by Thibaut Paumard
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: Change section in yorick.info from Miscellaneous to Math. This is
-## DP: certainly distrib-specific.
-diff -urN orig/doc/yorick.tex tp/doc/yorick.tex
---- orig/doc/yorick.tex 2006-05-05 13:51:17.168930800 +0200
-+++ tp/doc/yorick.tex 2006-05-05 13:52:39.001490360 +0200
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- @comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
- @setfilename yorick.info
- @settitle Yorick
--@dircategory Miscellaneous
-+@dircategory Math
- @direntry
- * Yorick: (yorick). Yorick interpreted language.
- @end direntry
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/02_yorick-auto_el.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/02_yorick-auto_el.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 3410921..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/02_yorick-auto_el.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-## Enables yorick-mode even if yorick is not yet loaded
-diff -urN orig/emacs/yorick-auto.el debian/emacs/yorick-auto.el
---- orig/emacs/yorick-auto.el 2007-08-20 09:13:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ debian/emacs/yorick-auto.el 2007-08-20 09:15:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- (autoload 'yorick "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
- (autoload 'ysh "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
- (autoload 'yssh "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
-+(autoload 'yorick-mode "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
- (autoload 'yutil-setup "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" nil)
- (if (assoc "\\.i$" auto-mode-alist)
- ;; this presumes user doesn't want .i files to be in C mode (default)
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/03_template_html.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/03_template_html.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 16c0c96..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/03_template_html.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-## Customize HTML documentation
-diff -urN orig/doc/html/template.html tp/doc/html/template.html
---- orig/doc/html/template.html 2007-11-27 23:17:16.000000000 +0100
-+++ tp/doc/html/template.html 2007-11-27 23:41:45.000000000 +0100
-@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
- %onlydoc:index%
- %onlydoc:manual%
- %onlydoc:manual%
-@@ -68,9 +67,9 @@
- - The terminal window where you type
- interactive commands is not part of yorick. Neither is the text
--editor you use to compose yorick programs. The
--installation instructions include
--recommendations for terminal emulators and text editors.
-+editor you use to compose yorick programs. The two recommended ways
-+of starting yorick are either through rlwrap (rlwrap yorick) or within
-+the emacs editor (emacs -f yorick).
- - Quickly read the first three chapters of the
- user manual. The first chapter,
- in particular, is a yorick tutorial.
-@@ -80,22 +79,22 @@
- familiar with it.
- - Choose one or more of the demonstration programs and work through it.
--- demo1.i
-+- demo1.i
- - a 1D hydro code written in yorick interpreted code
--- demo2.i
-+- demo2.i
- - solving the equations for the motion of a drumhead
--- demo3.i
-+- demo3.i
- - computing the motion of a chaotic pendulum
--- demo4.i
-+- demo4.i
- - plotting the flow past a Jakowski airfoil
--- demo5.i
-+- demo5.i
- - make crude 3D plots (yorick computes the projections)
- - Yorick has a help command and a library command.
- Learn to use them, and learn to use your text editor to open and read
--the yorick interpreted code in the Y_SITE/i
--and Y_SITE/i0 directories. Often, the program
-+the yorick interpreted code in the Y_SITE/i
-+and Y_SITE/i0 directories. Often, the program
- you want to write will be similar to something in those directories.
- - The
- yorick homepage has much more information about yorick, including
-@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@
Printable Manual
- A printable version of the manual is
- %content%
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/04_help_text.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/04_help_text.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b93903..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/04_help_text.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-## Change text of the "help" command to take the yorick-doc package
-## into account.
-## Debian-specific.
-diff -urN orig/i0/std.i tp/i0/std.i
---- orig/i0/std.i 2007-12-11 08:56:59.000000000 +0100
-+++ tp/i0/std.i 2007-12-11 08:59:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -53,8 +53,9 @@
- You can find out a great deal more about Yorick by browsing
- through these directories. Begin with the site directory,
- and pay careful attention to the subdirectories doc/ (which
-- contains documentation relating to Yorick), and i/ and
-- contrib/ (which contain many examples of Yorick programs).
-+ contains documentation relating to Yorick if the yorick-doc
-+ package is installed) and i/ (which contain many examples of
-+ Yorick programs).
- Look for files called README (or something similar) in any
- of these directories -- they are intended to assist browsers.
- The site directory itself contains std.i and graph.i, which
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/05_packinfo_txt.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/05_packinfo_txt.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2eb14..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/05_packinfo_txt.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-## Adapt packages index.
-## Debian-specific.
---- orig/doc/html/packinfo.txt 2007-12-05 09:19:48.000000000 +0100
-+++ tp/doc/html/packinfo.txt 2007-12-05 09:21:09.000000000 +0100
-@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@
- :newsection
- Compiled (plugin) Yorick Packages
--read and write png or jpeg grephics files, write mpeg-1 movie files,
-- and interface to zlib (gzip) compression library
- :drat
- a 2D transport equation solver for (r,z) meshes
-@@ -246,3 +242,6 @@
- :sysafe
- Replacement for system function (but not $ syntax)
-+Add-on packages
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/06_refs_index.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/06_refs_index.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index d733c54..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/06_refs_index.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-## change link to PDF version of refcard.
-## Debian-specific.
---- yorick-2.1.04+dfsg+cvs20071118.orig/doc/refs-html/index.html 2007-11-21 17:08:56.000000000 +0100
-+++ yorick-2.1.04+dfsg+cvs20071118/doc/refs-html/index.html 2007-11-21 17:12:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- Yorick Quick Reference Cards
- A set of quick reference cards for yorick fits onto three double
--sided US letter sheets. To print them, use refs.pdf.
-+sided US letter sheets. To print them, use refs.pdf.gz.
- The original constraint to fit onto six sheets makes the
- organization of this Quick Reference somewhat illogical; in
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/eps_boundingbox.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/eps_boundingbox.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e7edb2e..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/eps_boundingbox.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# The bounding box of files created with the eps commands is too small.
-# This simple patch seems to fix the issue. It's probably bug in gs.
-# See bug #468336.
---- a/i0/graph.i
-+++ b/i0/graph.i
-@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
- close, f;
- return name+".eps";
- }
--if (is_void(EPSGS_CMD)) EPSGS_CMD= "gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH";
-+if (is_void(EPSGS_CMD)) EPSGS_CMD= "gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH";
- func pdf(name)
- /* DOCUMENT pdf, name
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/help_text b/distribs/debian/patches/help_text
deleted file mode 100644
index d90c29f..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/help_text
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Author: Thibaut Paumard
-Description: Customize "help" command text for Debian
- Change text of the "help" command to take the yorick-doc package
- into account.
-Forwarded: not-needed
-diff -urN orig/i0/std.i tp/i0/std.i
---- orig/i0/std.i 2007-12-11 08:56:59.000000000 +0100
-+++ tp/i0/std.i 2007-12-11 08:59:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -53,8 +53,9 @@
- You can find out a great deal more about Yorick by browsing
- through these directories. Begin with the site directory,
- and pay careful attention to the subdirectories doc/ (which
-- contains documentation relating to Yorick), and i/ and
-- contrib/ (which contain many examples of Yorick programs).
-+ contains documentation relating to Yorick if the yorick-doc
-+ package is installed) and i/ (which contain many examples of
-+ Yorick programs).
- Look for files called README (or something similar) in any
- of these directories -- they are intended to assist browsers.
- The site directory itself contains std.i and graph.i, which
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/info_section b/distribs/debian/patches/info_section
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dd6c1d..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/info_section
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Author: Thibaut Paumard
-Description: Change section in yorick.info from Miscellaneous to Math
-Forwarded: not-needed
-diff -urN orig/doc/yorick.tex tp/doc/yorick.tex
---- orig/doc/yorick.tex 2006-05-05 13:51:17.168930800 +0200
-+++ tp/doc/yorick.tex 2006-05-05 13:52:39.001490360 +0200
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- @comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
- @setfilename yorick.info
- @settitle Yorick
--@dircategory Miscellaneous
-+@dircategory Math
- @direntry
- * Yorick: (yorick). Yorick interpreted language.
- @end direntry
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/packinfo_txt b/distribs/debian/patches/packinfo_txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ecf47c..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/packinfo_txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Author: Thibaut Paumard
-Description: Adapt packages index
-Forwarded: not-needed
---- orig/doc/html/packinfo.txt 2007-12-05 09:19:48.000000000 +0100
-+++ tp/doc/html/packinfo.txt 2007-12-05 09:21:09.000000000 +0100
-@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@
- :newsection
- Compiled (plugin) Yorick Packages
--read and write png or jpeg grephics files, write mpeg-1 movie files,
-- and interface to zlib (gzip) compression library
- :drat
- a 2D transport equation solver for (r,z) meshes
-@@ -246,3 +242,6 @@
- :sysafe
- Replacement for system function (but not $ syntax)
-+Add-on packages
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/refs_index b/distribs/debian/patches/refs_index
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b12f62..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/refs_index
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Author: Thibaut Paumard
-Description: Change link to PDF version of refcard.
-Forwarded: not-needed
---- yorick-2.1.04+dfsg+cvs20071118.orig/doc/refs-html/index.html 2007-11-21 17:08:56.000000000 +0100
-+++ yorick-2.1.04+dfsg+cvs20071118/doc/refs-html/index.html 2007-11-21 17:12:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- Yorick Quick Reference Cards
- A set of quick reference cards for yorick fits onto three double
--sided US letter sheets. To print them, use refs.pdf.
-+sided US letter sheets. To print them, use refs.pdf.gz.
- The original constraint to fit onto six sheets makes the
- organization of this Quick Reference somewhat illogical; in
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/series b/distribs/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index 3079f30..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/template_html b/distribs/debian/patches/template_html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e6b002..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/template_html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Author: Thibaut Paumard
-Description: Customize HTML documentation
-Forwarded: not-needed
---- a/doc/html/template.html
-+++ b/doc/html/template.html
-@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
- %onlydoc:installwin%
- %onlydoc:index%
- %onlydoc:manual%
- %onlydoc:manual%
-@@ -77,9 +76,9 @@
- - The terminal window where you type
- interactive commands is not part of yorick. Neither is the text
--editor you use to compose yorick programs. The
--installation instructions include
--recommendations for terminal emulators and text editors.
-+editor you use to compose yorick programs. The two recommended ways
-+of starting yorick are either through rlwrap (rlwrap yorick) or within
-+the emacs editor (emacs -f yorick).
- - Quickly read the first three chapters of the
- user manual. The first chapter,
- in particular, is a yorick tutorial.
-@@ -89,22 +88,22 @@
- familiar with it.
- - Choose one or more of the demonstration programs and work through it.
--- demo1.i
-+- demo1.i
- - a 1D hydro code written in yorick interpreted code
--- demo2.i
-+- demo2.i
- - solving the equations for the motion of a drumhead
--- demo3.i
-+- demo3.i
- - computing the motion of a chaotic pendulum
--- demo4.i
-+- demo4.i
- - plotting the flow past a Jakowski airfoil
--- demo5.i
-+- demo5.i
- - make crude 3D plots (yorick computes the projections)
- - Yorick has a help command and a library command.
- Learn to use them, and learn to use your text editor to open and read
--the yorick interpreted code in the Y_SITE/i
--and Y_SITE/i0 directories. Often, the program
-+the yorick interpreted code in the Y_SITE/i
-+and Y_SITE/i0 directories. Often, the program
- you want to write will be similar to something in those directories.
- - The
- yorick homepage has much more information about yorick, including
-@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@
Printable Manual
- A printable version of the manual is
- %content%
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/texi2html80 b/distribs/debian/patches/texi2html80
deleted file mode 100644
index b2584ea..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/texi2html80
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-Author: Thibaut Paumard
-Description: Adapt doc build system to texi2html 1.82
-Forwarded: http://yorick.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=251
-Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/552966
-# Adapt doc build system to texi2html 1.82 thanks to Lucas Nussbaum
-# (Closes: #552966).
---- a/doc/html/Makefile
-+++ b/doc/html/Makefile
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- # http://www.nongnu.org/texi2html/
- YORICK = ../../yorick/yorick
- DESTDIR = /usr/local/share/doc/yorick
--TEXI2HTML = texi2html -init_file html/texi2html.init
-+TEXI2HTML = texi2html -init_file html/texi2html.init -output yorick
- #select mac or win version of ../README.html
- BUILDDIR=compiled-doc/
---- a/doc/html/texi2html.tpl
-+++ b/doc/html/texi2html.tpl
-@@ -107,18 +107,17 @@
- sub my_print_navigation($$$)
- {
-- my $fh = shift;
-+# my $fh = shift;
- my $buttons = shift;
- my $vertical = shift;
- my $spacing = 1;
-- print $fh '\n";
-+ my $result = '\n";
-- print $fh "" unless $vertical;
-+ $result .= "
" unless $vertical;
- for my $button (@$buttons)
- {
-- print $fh qq{
\n} if $vertical;
-- print $fh qq{};
-+ $result .= qq{ |
\n} if $vertical;
-+ $result .= qq{};
- if (ref($button) eq 'CODE')
- {
-@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@
- }
- elsif (ref($button) eq 'SCALAR')
- {
-- print $fh "$$button" if defined($$button);
-+ $result .= "$$button" if defined($$button);
- }
- elsif (ref($button) eq 'ARRAY')
- {
-@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@
- my $btn_hr = $Texi2HTML::HREF{$button_href};
- if ($btn_hr)
- {
-- print $fh "" .
-+ $result .= "" .
- &$anchor('',
- my_strip_href($btn_hr),
- $$text
-@@ -147,13 +146,13 @@
- }
- else
- {
-- print $fh $$text;
-+ $result .= $$text;
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ($button eq ' ')
- { # handle space button
-- print $fh
-+ $result .=
- $ICONS && $ACTIVE_ICONS{' '} ?
- &$button_icon_img($button, $ACTIVE_ICONS{' '}) :
-@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@
- 'title="' . ucfirst($BUTTONS_GOTO{$button}) . '"' : '';
- if ($ICONS && $ACTIVE_ICONS{$button})
- { # use icon
-- print $fh '' .
-+ $result .= '' .
- &$anchor('',
- my_strip_href($btn_hr),
- &$button_icon_img($button,
-@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@
- }
- else
- { # use text
-- print $fh
-+ $result .=
- '[' .
- &$anchor('',
- my_strip_href($btn_hr),
-@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@
- }
- else
- { # button is passive
-- print $fh
-+ $result .=
- $ICONS && $PASSIVE_ICONS{$button} ?
- &$button_icon_img($button,
- $PASSIVE_ICONS{$button},
-@@ -199,11 +198,12 @@
- "[" . $NAVIGATION_TEXT{$button} . "]";
- }
-- print $fh " | \n";
-- print $fh "
\n" if $vertical;
-+ $result .= "\n";
-+ $result .= "\n" if $vertical;
- }
-- print $fh "" unless $vertical;
-- print $fh "
-+ $result .= "" unless $vertical;
-+ $result .= "
-+ return $result;
- }
- 1; # This must be the last non-comment line
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/yorick-auto_el b/distribs/debian/patches/yorick-auto_el
deleted file mode 100644
index ff66eb8..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/yorick-auto_el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Author: Thibaut Paumard
-Description: Enables yorick-mode even if yorick is not yet loaded
-Forwarded: yes (by e-mail, 20091202
-diff -urN a/emacs/yorick-auto.el b/emacs/yorick-auto.el
---- a/emacs/yorick-auto.el 2007-08-20 09:13:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ b/emacs/yorick-auto.el 2007-08-20 09:15:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- (autoload 'yorick "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
- (autoload 'ysh "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
- (autoload 'yssh "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
-+(autoload 'yorick-mode "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" t)
- (autoload 'yutil-setup "yorick" "see yorick.el in site-lisp dir" nil)
- (if (assoc "\\.i$" auto-mode-alist)
- ;; this presumes user doesn't want .i files to be in C mode (default)
diff --git a/distribs/debian/patches/ys_strword_utf8.diff b/distribs/debian/patches/ys_strword_utf8.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index d39a9a2..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/patches/ys_strword_utf8.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Sent to upstream. Closes: 463746
-# Adds some support for UTF strings in strtok/strword
-diff -urN yorick-2.1/yorick/ystr.c yorick-2.1-tp/yorick/ystr.c
---- yorick-2.1/yorick/ystr.c 2005-11-13 22:01:56.000000000 +0100
-+++ yorick-2.1-tp/yorick/ystr.c 2008-03-13 16:16:17.000000000 +0100
-@@ -611,7 +611,8 @@
- void
- ys_strword(int argc, int tok)
- {
-- char **delim=&ys_default, **s, *str;
-+ char **delim=&ys_default, **s;
-+ unsigned char *str, dmax=127;
- long ndelim=1, ncount=1, *o, npairs, idel;
- int iarg, final, trailing, supress;
- long nstr, i, off, iout, *out, o0=0;
-@@ -668,11 +669,13 @@
- while (d[0]) {
- if (d[0]=='-' && dprev && d[1]) { /* range of characters */
- while (++dprev <= (unsigned char)d[1]) is_delim[dprev] = v;
-+ if (dprev>128) dmax=255;
- d += 2;
- dprev = 0;
- } else { /* single character or first character of range */
- dprev = *d++;
- is_delim[dprev] = v;
-+ if (dprev>127) dmax=255;
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -694,11 +697,11 @@
- if (str[off]) {
- if (!final || !trailing) {
- is_delim[0] = 1;
-- while (!is_delim[(unsigned int)str[off]]) off++;
-+ while (str[off]>dmax || !is_delim[str[off]]) off++;
- } else {
- /* ncount==0 special case, trim trailing delimeter */
- while (str[off]) off++;
-- while (off && is_delim[(unsigned int)str[off-1]]) off--;
-+ while (off && (str[off-1]<=dmax && is_delim[str[off-1]])) off--;
- }
- out[iout-1] = off; /* end of previous word (this delimiter) */
- if (str[off]) off++;
-@@ -713,7 +716,7 @@
- * (strtok has slightly different semantics for trailing part) */
- if (str && (!tok || !final)) {
- is_delim[0] = 0;
-- while (is_delim[(unsigned int)str[off]]) off++;
-+ while (str[off]<=dmax && is_delim[str[off]]) off++;
- }
- out[iout] = off;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/postinst b/distribs/debian/postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 18a4e55..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
- if [ -e /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i ]; then
- if [ ! -e /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup_may_use_Y_HOME ]; then
- cat < " '{ print $2 }'` = "/etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i" ]; then
- rm -f /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
- rm -f /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup_may_use_Y_HOME || true
- fi
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/distribs/debian/rules b/distribs/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index 559d318..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# -*- makefile -*-
-# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
-# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
-# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
-# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
-# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
-# Modified to make a template file for a multi-binary package with separated
-# build-arch and build-indep targets by Bill Allombert 2001
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-# start by saving the path to debian/rules (useful in get-orig-source)
-PATH_TO_DEBIAN := $(shell dirname $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
-# This has to be exported to make some magic below work.
-export DH_OPTIONS
-CFLAGS = -Wall -g
-ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
- CFLAGS += -O0
- CFLAGS += -O2
- dh_testdir
-ifeq (,$(filter nocheck, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
- relocate/bin/yorick -batch debian/check.i
-configure: configure-stamp
- dh_testdir
- make Y_HOME=relocate ysite
- chmod a+x debian/helpers/*.i
- touch configure-stamp
-build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: configure-stamp
- dh_testdir
- $(MAKE) install
- -rm relocate/LICENSE
- $(MAKE) -C doc yorick.info
- mkdir -p build/share
- mkdir -p build/lib/yorick
- cp -a relocate build/share/yorick
- mv build/share/yorick/doc build
- cp debian/helpers/README build/doc
- mkdir -p build/share/yorick/packages/installed
- mv build/share/yorick/bin build/lib/yorick/
- mv build/share/yorick/lib build/lib/yorick/
- mkdir -p build/yorick-dev/share/yorick/
- mkdir -p build/yorick-dev/lib/yorick/lib/
- mv build/share/yorick/Make* build/yorick-dev/share/yorick/
- mv build/share/yorick/include build/yorick-dev/share/yorick/
- cd build/lib/yorick/lib; \
- mv codger install.grp install.sh libdep.sh libyor.a main.o \
- $(CURDIR)/build/yorick-dev/lib/yorick/lib
- cp emacs/yorick-auto.el build/50yorick-auto.el
- convert icons/yicon32.png build/yorick32x32.xpm
- convert icons/yicon16.png build/yorick16x16.xpm
- $(MAKE) -C doc/html BUILDDIR=$(BUILDDIR) manual refcard $(BUILDDIR)doc/README.html $(BUILDDIR)doc/images/triangle3.jpg $(BUILDDIR)doc/skull.css
- cp doc/html/packinfo.txt build/00yorick.packinfo
- cp doc/html/keywords.txt build/00yorick.keywords
- cp doc/html/aliases.txt build/00yorick.aliases
- touch build-stamp
-clean: configure-stamp
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- -rm -Rf build-stamp configure-stamp build relocate
- $(MAKE) distclean
- $(MAKE) Y_HOME=. ysite
- $(MAKE) -C doc/html clean
- dh_clean
-# Must not depend on anything. This is to be called by
-# binary-arch/binary-indep
-# in another 'make' thread.
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_clean -k
- dh_installdirs
- dh_install
- dh_installchangelogs
- dh_installdocs
- dh_installexamples
- dh_installmenu
- dh_installinfo
- dh_installdebconf
- dh_installman
- dh_link
- dh_strip
- dh_usrlocal
- dh_compress
- dh_fixperms
- dh_installdeb
- dh_shlibdeps
- dh_gencontrol
- dh_md5sums
- dh_builddeb
-# Build architecture independant packages using the common target.
-#binary-indep: build-indep install-indep
-binary-indep: build-stamp
- $(MAKE) -f debian/rules DH_OPTIONS=-i binary-common
-# Build architecture dependant packages using the common target.
-binary-arch: build-stamp check
- $(MAKE) -f debian/rules DH_OPTIONS=-a binary-common
-###### Getting the original source:
-Y_VERS:=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l$(PATH_TO_DEBIAN)/changelog | grep Version | sed 's/Version: //' | sed 's/+.*//')
-CVSTAG:=y_$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l$(PATH_TO_DEBIAN)/changelog | grep Version | sed 's/Version: //' | sed 's/+.*//' | tr . _)
-CVSDATE:=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l$(PATH_TO_DEBIAN)/changelog | grep Version | sed 's/.*cvs//' | sed 's/-.*//' | awk '{ printf "%08.0f", $$1+1 }')
-CVSVERSDATE:=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l$(PATH_TO_DEBIAN)/changelog | grep Version | sed 's/.*cvs//' | sed 's/-.*//')
-# Non-DFSG-free files (see copyright):
-PRUNEFILES:=play/hacks/hack103.c i/idlsave.i opengl
-# Use this rule to get the original sources if the current version contains
-# "+cvsyyyymmdd". Breaks when sourceforge change their CVS access.
-# WARNING: Side effect: this will use and remove the
-# directory "orig-sources" and overwrite yorick-(version).orig/
-# and yorick_(version).orig.tar.gz.
- -rm -Rf ../orig-sources
- mkdir ../orig-sources
- cvs -d$(CVSROOT) login
- cd ../orig-sources ; cvs -z3 -d$(CVSROOT) export -D $(CVSDATE) yorick
- -rm -Rf ../yorick-$(CVSVERS)
- mv ../orig-sources/yorick ../yorick-$(CVSVERS)
- rm -Rf ../orig-sources
- cd ../yorick-$(CVSVERS); rm -Rf $(PRUNEFILES)
- cd ..; tar cf yorick_$(CVSVERS).tar yorick-$(CVSVERS)
- gzip -9 ../yorick_$(CVSVERS).tar
-# check copyright to see whether was from cvs or from tgz.
- -rm -Rf ../orig-sources
- mkdir ../orig-sources
- cvs -d$(CVSROOT) login
- cd ../orig-sources ; cvs -z3 -d$(CVSROOT) export -r $(CVSTAG) yorick
- -rm -Rf ../yorick-$(CVSVERS)
- mv ../orig-sources/yorick ../yorick-$(Y_VERS)+dfsg
- rm -Rf ../orig-sources
- cd ../yorick-$(Y_VERS)+dfsg; rm -Rf $(PRUNEFILES)
- cd ..; tar cf yorick_$(Y_VERS)+dfsg.orig.tar yorick-$(Y_VERS)+dfsg
- gzip -9 ../yorick_$(Y_VERS)+dfsg.orig.tar
- cd ..; wget $(ORIG_URL)$(ORIG_TGZ)
- cd ..; tar xvzf $(ORIG_TGZ)
- mv ../yorick-2.1 ../yorick-$(CVSVERS)
- cd ../yorick-$(CVSVERS); rm -Rf $(PRUNEFILES)
- cd ..; tar cf yorick_$(CVSVERS).tar yorick-$(CVSVERS)
- gzip -9 ../yorick_$(CVSVERS).tar
-get-orig-source get-orig-sources:
- echo "For a stable release try get-tgz or get-cvs-tag"
- echo "for a +cvs release try get-cvs-date"
-binary: binary-arch binary-indep
-.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary configure
diff --git a/distribs/debian/source/format b/distribs/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 163aaf8..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/distribs/debian/watch b/distribs/debian/watch
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ec017..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/watch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-opts=dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg$// \
- http://sf.net/yorick/yorick-([^-]*)\.tgz
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.dirs b/distribs/debian/yorick-data.dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de73c2..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.docs b/distribs/debian/yorick-data.docs
deleted file mode 100644
index 762fd7a..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.install b/distribs/debian/yorick-data.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c2359..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-build/share usr
-debian/zzdebian.i usr/share/yorick/i-start
-emacs/yorick.el usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
-build/yorick*.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
-debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick-data usr/share/lintian/overrides
-doc/html/htmldoc.i usr/share/yorick/i
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.postrm b/distribs/debian/yorick-data.postrm
deleted file mode 100644
index c41cedf..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-data.postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case $1 in
- remove)
- if [ -e /usr/share/yorick ]; then
- rm -Rf /usr/share/yorick
- fi
- ;;
- purge)
- # remove dangling conffiles from previous version
- # if Yorick is purged but they are still around
- if [ -e /etc/yorick ] && \
- [ "`dpkg-query -s yorick|grep Status`" = "Status: purge ok not-installed" ]; then
- rm -Rf /etc/yorick
- fi
- if [ -e /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50yorick-auto.el ]; then
- rm -f /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50yorick-auto.el
- fi
- ;;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.docs b/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.docs
deleted file mode 100644
index f354dfa..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.install b/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 430c12c..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-build/yorick-dev/* usr
-debian/helpers/instdirs.i usr/share/yorick/i/debian
-debian/helpers/pkginst.i usr/share/yorick/i/debian
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.links b/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.links
deleted file mode 100644
index 84a0345..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-usr/share/yorick/include usr/lib/yorick/include
-usr/share/yorick/Make.cfg usr/lib/yorick/Make.cfg
-usr/share/yorick/Makedll usr/lib/yorick/Makedll
-usr/share/yorick/Makeexe usr/lib/yorick/Makeexe
-usr/share/yorick/Makepkg usr/lib/yorick/Makepkg
-usr/share/yorick/i/debian/pkginst.i usr/bin/dh_installyorick
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.manpages b/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.manpages
deleted file mode 100644
index 455ad8b..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-dev.manpages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.doc-base b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.doc-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d557d6..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.doc-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Document: yorick-doc
-Title: Yorick Documentation
-Author: David Munro
-Abstract: Yorick documentation consists of the Yorick Manual, quick reference
- cards, and the indexed and cross-referenced documentation for all
- Yorick and add-on functions installed on this system.
-Section: Science/Data Analysis
-Format: HTML
-Index: /usr/share/doc/yorick-doc/README.html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/yorick-doc/README.html /usr/share/doc/yorick-doc/*/* /usr/share/doc/yorick-doc/*.css
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.docs b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.docs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a270e2..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.install b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.install
deleted file mode 100644
index f55f315..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-debian/helpers/update-yorickdoc usr/bin
-debian/etc/yorick-doc etc
-doc/html/template.html usr/share/yorick-doc
-doc/html/texi2html.tpl usr/share/yorick-doc
-build/00yorick.* usr/share/yorick-doc
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.links b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.links
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fcf289..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-usr/share/doc/yorick-doc usr/share/yorick/doc
-usr/share/doc/yorick-doc usr/lib/yorick/doc
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.manpages b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.manpages
deleted file mode 100644
index 549d777..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.manpages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.postinst b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 6007d47..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case $1 in
- configure|reconfigure)
- if [ -e "/usr/share/yorick/i" ]; then
- update-yorickdoc --auto-now
- fi
- ;;
- triggered)
- update-yorickdoc --auto-now
- ;;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.postrm b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.postrm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e63e2c..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case $1 in
- remove)
- if [ -x "`which update-yorickdoc 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
- update-yorickdoc --auto
- fi
- ;;
- purge)
- if [ -e "/usr/share/doc/yorick-doc" ]; then
- rm -Rf /usr/share/doc/yorick-doc
- fi
- ;;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.prerm b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.prerm
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c83bc..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.prerm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case $1 in
- remove)
- update-yorickdoc --auto --purge
- ;;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.triggers b/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.triggers
deleted file mode 100644
index 2af20d5..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-doc.triggers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-interest /usr/share/yorick-doc
-interest /usr/share/yorick/i
-interest /usr/share/yorick/i0
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick-policy b/distribs/debian/yorick-policy
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ca9fc8..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick-policy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-Yorick for Debian Packaging Policy
-This document drafts the best practices/policy for Yorick and add-on
-packages. Concensus on has been easy to reach since there is so far
-mostly one person involved, although at times I have to argue fiercely
-with myself and have been edging on the verge of self-inflicted
-In fact, I am just aiming at documenting hereby how I do things.
-Other relevant documents
-/usr/share/doc/yorick/README.Debian*, man dh_installyorick, man
-update-yorickdoc, Yorick source README.
-File layout
-After discussions with David Munro (primary upstream author of
-Yorick), I have made the Debian packages relocatable and install it under
-Y_SITE=Y_HOME=/usr/lib/yorick. There are mainly two reasons for it:
- - David plans on deprecating the Y_SITE/Y_HOME dichotomy and on
- supporting only relocatable builds at some point;
- - this makes is reasonably easy for a sysadmin to save a working
- version of Yorick to somewhere under /usr/local for instance,
- before a major, potentially incompatible upgrade (or even after,
- since they are supposed to back-up their systems!). Installing
- under something like /usr/lib/yorick/2.1 for instance looked like
- an unnecessary burden to me.
-However, the Debian policy, following the FHS, specifies that
-arch-indep files should be installed under /usr/share. This is the
-case of many files in Yorick and its add-ons: the interpreted
-libraries (.i files), the GIST (graphic) files (.gp and .gs), python
-scripts and glade files for packages which peruse a fancy GUI... So
-indeed those files are installed under /usr/share/yorick and linked to
-from /usr/lib/yorick.
-The yorick-dev package provides the command dh_installyorick, which
-any yorick add-on should use. It handles installation of files under
-various subdirectories of /usr/lib/yorick and /usr/share/yorick, so
-add-on package maintainers don't need to deal with the nasty details
-(and should not, as they may change). However, here they are:
- /usr/share/yorick
- all arch-indep files for yorick and add-ons.
- /usr/share/yorick/data
- misc data files for add-ons (no example in mind, this is a
- provision should a maintainer need it).
- /usr/share/yorick/include
- C include files
- /usr/share/yorick/python
- Python scripts, usually for software coded in Yorick with a GUI
- coded in Python+glade.
- /usr/share/yorick/i
- Yorick interpreted functions (.i files)
- /usr/share/yorick/i/debian
- Debian-specific .i files, used in dh_installyorick for instance.
- /usr/share/yorick/i-start
- Initialization .i files for packages, mostly used for autoload
- statements.
- /usr/share/yorick/g
- Gist fils (.gs and .gp)
- /usr/share/yorick/i0
- Yorick bindings for compiled code (e.g. .i files containing a
- plug_in statement).
- /usr/share/yorick/packages
- Files for pkg_mngr.i
- /usr/share/yorick/packages/installed
- .info files (see below) for packages installed under Y_SITE/Y_HOME.
- /usr/share/yorick/glade
- Glade files defining GUIs for Yorick software.
- /usr/lib/yorick/
- Yorick. This is Y_SITE and Y_HOME as perceived from within
- yorick. All the files and directories directly under
- /usr/share/yorick/ are linked to from here. Some files under
- /usr/share/doc/ are also linked to from here.
- /usr/lib/yorick/bin/
- Binaries and executable scripts that need to be here (e.g. yorick
- itself and gist), or that should not be in the path. It is fine to
- put any executable file here, with or without a link from
- e.g. /usr/bin. Currently, stand-alone programs coded in Yorick are
- directly put in /usr/bin, but it could be nice to put them here
- with a link in /usr/bin.
- /usr/lib/yorick/lib/
- .so files, mostly compiled plug-ins. Also object files and
- libraries (.o, .so and .a files) as well as support executables
- (codger, shell scripts) used for compiling plug-ins and custom
- yorick executables.
- /usr/share/yorick-doc/
- Files used by update-yorickdoc for building the HTML
- documentation. Each add-on package should put at least a .packinfo
- file here, and may add .keywords and .aliases files as needed.
- /etc/yorick/
- Customization files. Some programs which use Yorick have their own
- file directly under /etc/, but if possible, this should be
- avoided. However, only packages with a strong dependency on Yorick
- should put anything under /etc/yorick, since this directory will
- be forcibly deleted when purging the yorick package. yorick-doc,
- for instance, must survive a yorick purge, and therefore has its
- own /etc/yorick-doc.
-Mandatory files
-Each add-on package should provide:
- - one or several autoload file(s) named after the package (keep
- upstream name if it exists already;
- - a .info file, so that pkg_mngr knows what add-ons are installed in
- Y_SITE; this makes it easier for users to use pkg_mngr to install
- additional add-ons in their home directories;
- - one or several .packinfo file(s) for update-yorickdoc, possibly
- accompanied by .keywords and .aliases files.
-dh_installyorick should be used to manage installation of these files
-where they belong, refer to its manpage for more details.
-Maintainer scripts
-During Lenny development, the add-on packages used to call
-"update-yorickdoc -a" in their postinst and postrm
-scripts. Regeneration of HTML pages is now automatically triggered
-whenever the content of any of these directories changes during
-package unpack:
- /usr/share/yorick-doc
- /usr/share/yorick/i
- /usr/share/yorick/i0
-Therefore, the "update-yorickdoc -a" call is not necessary anymore,
-and should be removed as soon as convenient. Since these lines are
-normally added by dh_installyorick, a simple rebuild is sufficient.
-However, if a package modifies any of these directories during
-postinst or postrm, it should trigger the regeneration by calling
-explicitely dpkg-trigger on this directory.
- -- Thibaut Paumard Fri, 18 May 2008 08:06:43 +0200
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.README.Debian b/distribs/debian/yorick.README.Debian
deleted file mode 100644
index daae360..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.README.Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Yorick for Debian
-This is the `Yorick' interpreted language by David H. Munro, prepackaged for
-Debian GNU/Linux.
-This package was put together by Thibaut Paumard
-from the sourceforge CVS sources. The changes are regularly committed back to
-the CVS.
-1) Documentation
-2) Configuration
-3) Add-ons
-4) Relocation
-5) Suppressed material
-6) Additional documentation
-1) Documentation
-The homepage is full-featured with an active forum, bug-tracker etc.
- http://yorick.sourceforge.net
-Install the yorick-doc package for off-line documentation. It contains
-the Yorick Manual and Quick-Reference Cards in HTML and PDF formats,
-as well as HTML documentation for all the Yorick functions installed
-on your system. By default, this documentation is updated each time
-you install, update, or remove Yorick or a Yorick add-on package. See
-the `update-yorickdoc'command in the yorick-doc package if this is not
-what you want, or if this does not work for some reason.
-2) Configuration:
- * System-wide:
-Any .i script found in /etc/yorick/ will be sourced by Yorick on start-up (in
-alphabetic order). Use this for system-wide configuration.
- * Per-user:
-Each user can have one user directory, one of ~/.yorick, ~/yorick and
-~/Yorick. If you have several of them and want to know which one Yorick is
-using , look at the Y_USER variable. Any .i script found in Y_USER/i-start/
-will be sourced by Yorick on start-up (in alphabetic order). This can be used
-for user-level configuration.
-Additionally, Yorick will look for custom.i in the path. This can be used for
-"task-level" customizations by putting a custom.i in the directory from which
-you start Yorick for a given task.
-3) Add-ons:
-There are useful interpreted libraries as well as compiled plug-ins available
-around the net (see e.g. http://www.maumae.net), some of which are packaged
-for Debian.
-By default, the Debian package of Yorick is configured in such way that its
-package manager (pkg_mngr.i) will install packages under
-/usr/local/lib/yorick. See README.Debian.packages for details. Users can take
-inspiration from this file to install packages in their home directories.
-4) Relocation:
-This build of Yorick is relocatable. This means that you can keep a functional
-copy of this version e.g. before upgrading by simply copying the entire
-/usr/lib/yorick directory anywhere. If you do that:
- - make sure you dereference symbolic links (-L option to cp);
- - you may want to remove i-start/zzdebian.i, which makes an
- `include_all,"/etc/yorick";';
- - you may also want to have a look at packages/pkg_setup.i
- and check whether it does something useful for you (you probably want to
- delete it).
- - the yorick binary is in bin/; you may set up a symbolic link, but you
- cannot change the layout of the directory tree or move the real executable
- out.
-5) Suppressed material
-Due to some copyright incompatibilities, a few files have been removed from
-the upstream source. Most of them do not get used in the standard Linux build
-anyway and are therefore useless for the Debian package (see copyright file
-for details).
-The exception is idlsave.i, that can be used to read "save" files from the
-commercial software Interactive Data Language (IDL) from Research System
-Inc. (RSI). It is legal for an IDL user to use and distribute this file, but
-it might be problematic for Debian to ship it.
-If you need to exchange data between IDL and Yorick, I suggest you look at a
-standard file format: FITS is supported out-of-the-box by Yorick, HDF5 thanks
-to the yorick-hdf5 plug-in. If you really need idlsave.i, grab it from the CVS
-web interface, as of writing:
- http://yorick.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/yorick/yorick/i/idlsave.i
-and put it anywhere in your path (e.g. /usr/local/lib/yorick/i/ for
-system-wide install, ~/.yorick/ for per-user install).
-Thibaut Paumard ,
-Sat, 29 Dec 2007 15:31:24 +0100
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.desktop b/distribs/debian/yorick.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 92ff317..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=rlwrap yorick || yorick
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.dirs b/distribs/debian/yorick.dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index bd64a0d..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.docs b/distribs/debian/yorick.docs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f97b59..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.examples b/distribs/debian/yorick.examples
deleted file mode 100644
index ef34513..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.examples
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.info b/distribs/debian/yorick.info
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f514b..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.install b/distribs/debian/yorick.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 4163ed9..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-build/lib usr
-debian/etc/yorick etc
-build/50yorick-auto.el etc/emacs/site-start.d
-debian/lintian-overrides.d/yorick usr/share/lintian/overrides
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.links b/distribs/debian/yorick.links
deleted file mode 100644
index 52ccced..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-usr/lib/yorick/bin/yorick usr/bin/yorick
-usr/lib/yorick/bin/gist usr/bin/gist
-usr/share/yorick/g usr/lib/yorick/g
-usr/share/yorick/i usr/lib/yorick/i
-usr/share/yorick/i0 usr/lib/yorick/i0
-usr/share/yorick/packages usr/lib/yorick/packages
-usr/share/yorick/i-start usr/lib/yorick/i-start
-usr/share/yorick/python usr/lib/yorick/python
-usr/share/yorick/glade usr/lib/yorick/glade
-usr/share/yorick/data usr/lib/yorick/data
-usr/share/doc/yorick/copyright usr/lib/yorick/LICENSE
-etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i usr/share/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.manpages b/distribs/debian/yorick.manpages
deleted file mode 100644
index f633444..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.manpages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.menu b/distribs/debian/yorick.menu
deleted file mode 100644
index b17289f..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-?package(yorick):needs="text" section="Applications/Science/Data Analysis"\
- title="Yorick" command="rlwrap yorick 2> /dev/null || yorick"\
- icon16x16="yorick16x16.xpm" icon32x32="yorick32x32.xpm"\
- longtitle="Shell for numerical computations and scientific graphics"
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.postinst b/distribs/debian/yorick.postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c2554..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-yorickdoc 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
- update-yorickdoc --auto
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.postrm b/distribs/debian/yorick.postrm
deleted file mode 100644
index e242d19..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case $1 in
- purge)
- if [ -e /etc/yorick ]; then
- rm -Rf /etc/yorick
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/lib/yorick ]; then
- rm -Rf /usr/lib/yorick
- fi
- ;;
- remove)
- if [ -x "`which update-yorickdoc 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
- update-yorickdoc --auto
- fi
- ;;
- abort-upgrade)
- [ -e /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i ] ||
- ln -s /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i \\
- /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
- ;;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/yorick.preinst b/distribs/debian/yorick.preinst
deleted file mode 100644
index cbb4371..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/yorick.preinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$1" in
- install|upgrade)
- # older (unofficial) versions of yorick 2.x shipped with the package
- # manager but no debian-friendly setup. Users that have used pkg_mngr
- # with this configuration have automatically created a pkg_setup.i file
- # we'd like them to get rid of. All this mess can certainly disappear
- # at lenny+1.
- if [ -e /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i ] &&
- [ ! -h /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i ]; then
- [ -e /etc/yorick/packages ] || mkdir -p /etc/yorick/packages
- if [ -e /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i ]; then
- mv /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i \
- /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i.dpkg-bak
- fi
- mv /usr/lib/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i \
- /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup.i
- rm -f /etc/yorick/packages/pkg_setup_may_use_Y_HOME || true
- fi
- ;;
diff --git a/distribs/debian/zzdebian.i b/distribs/debian/zzdebian.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 59c2b5c..0000000
--- a/distribs/debian/zzdebian.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- Any changes to this file will be lost during upgrades.
- Please put all local configuration in /etc/yorick .
- */