A basic example demonstrating the new interfaces and concepts of triton distributed. In the hello world example, you can deploy a set of simple workers to load balance requests from a local work queue.
The example demonstrates:
- How to incorporate an existing Triton Core Model into a triton distributed worker.
- How to incorporate a standalone python class into a triton distributed worker.
- How deploy a set of workers
- How to send requests to the triton distributed deployment
- Requests over the Request Plane and Data movement over the Data Plane.
The hello world example is designed to be deployed in a containerized environment and to work with and without GPU support.
To get started build the "STANDARD" triton distributed development environment.
Note: "STANDARD" is the default framework
./container/run.sh -it -- python3 -m hello_world.deploy --initialize-request-plane
Starting Workers
17:17:09 deployment.py:115[triton_distributed.worker.deployment] INFO:
Starting Worker:
WorkerConfig(request_plane=<class 'triton_distributed.icp.nats_request_plane.NatsRequestPlane'>,
data_plane=<function UcpDataPlane at 0x7f477eb5d580>,
request_plane_args=([], {}),
data_plane_args=([], {}),
implementation=<class 'triton_distributed.worker.triton_core_operator.TritonCoreOperator'>,
parameters={'config': {'instance_group': [{'count': 1,
'kind': 'KIND_CPU'}],
'parameters': {'delay': {'string_value': '0'},
'input_copies': {'string_value': '1'}}}},
<SpawnProcess name='encoder.0' parent=1 initial>
17:17:09 deployment.py:115[triton_distributed.worker.deployment] INFO:
Starting Worker:
WorkerConfig(request_plane=<class 'triton_distributed.icp.nats_request_plane.NatsRequestPlane'>,
data_plane=<function UcpDataPlane at 0x7f477eb5d580>,
request_plane_args=([], {}),
data_plane_args=([], {}),
implementation=<class 'triton_distributed.worker.triton_core_operator.TritonCoreOperator'>,
parameters={'config': {'instance_group': [{'count': 1,
'kind': 'KIND_CPU'}],
'parameters': {'delay': {'string_value': '0'},
'input_copies': {'string_value': '1'}}}},
<SpawnProcess name='decoder.0' parent=1 initial>
17:17:09 deployment.py:115[triton_distributed.worker.deployment] INFO:
Starting Worker:
WorkerConfig(request_plane=<class 'triton_distributed.icp.nats_request_plane.NatsRequestPlane'>,
data_plane=<function UcpDataPlane at 0x7f477eb5d580>,
request_plane_args=([], {}),
data_plane_args=([], {}),
<SpawnProcess name='encoder_decoder.0' parent=1 initial>
Workers started ... press Ctrl-C to Exit
From a separate terminal run the sample client.
./container/run.sh -it -- python3 -m hello_world.client
Client: 0 Received Response: 42 From: 39491f06-d4f7-11ef-be96-047bcba9020e Error: None: 43%|███████▋ | 43/100 [00:04<00:05, 9.83request/s]
Throughput: 9.10294484748811 Total Time: 10.985455989837646
Clients Stopped Exit Code 0
The hello world example is designed to demonstrate and allow experimenting with different mixtures of compute and memory loads and different numbers of workers for different parts of the hello world workflow.
The hello world workflow is a simple two stage pipeline with an encoding stage and a decoding stage plus an encoder-decoder stage to orchestrate the overall workflow.
client <-> encoder_decoder <-> encoder
-----<-> decoder
The encoder follows the simple procedure:
- copy the input x times (x is configurable via parameter)
- invert the input
- delay * size of output
The decoder follows the simple procedure:
- remove the extra copies
- invert the input
- delay * size of output
The encoder-decoder operator controls the overall workflow.
It first sends a request for an encoder. Once it receives the response it sends the output from the encoder as an input to the decoder. Note in this step memory is transferred directly between the encoder and decoder workers - and does not pass through the encoder-decoder.
Operators are responsible for actually doing work and responding to requests. Operators are supported in two main flavors and are hosted by a common Worker class.
The triton core operator makes a triton model (following the standard model repo and backend structure of the tritonserver) available on the request plane. Both the encoder and decoder are implemented as triton python backend models.
The encoder-decoder operator is a python class that implements the Operator interface. Internally it makes remote requests to other workers. Generally an operator can make use of other operators for its work but isn't required to.
Workers host one or more operators and pull requests from the request plane and forward them to a local operator.
The current triton distributed framework leverages a distributed work queue for its request plane implementation. The request plane ensures that requests for operators are forwarded and serviced by a single worker.
The triton distributed framework leverages point to point data transfers using the UCX library to provide optimized primitives for device to device transfers.
Data sent over the data plane is only pulled by the worker that needs to perform work on it. Requests themselves contain data descriptors and can be referenced and shared with other workers.
Note: there is also a provision for sending data in the request contents when the message size is small enough that UCX transfer is not needed.
Any process which communicates with one or more of the request or data planes is considered a "component". While this example only uses "Workers" future examples will also include api servers, routers, and other types of components.
The final piece is a deployment. A deployment is a set of components deployed across a cluster. Components may be added and removed from deployments.
The example is a rapidly evolving prototype and shouldn't be used in production. Limited testing has been done and it is meant to help flesh out the triton distributed concepts, architecture, and interfaces.
No multi-node testing / support has been done
No performance tuning / measurement has been done